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Polish Doctor Burzynski finds a cure for incurable cancer

pawel1976  1 | -  
11 Oct 2011 /  #1
Burzynski, the Movie is the story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history.

His victorious battles with the United States government were centered around Dr. Burzynski's gene-targeted cancer medicines he discovered in the 1970's called Antineoplastons, which have currently completed Phase II FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009 and could begin the final phase of FDA testing in 2011-barring the ability to raise the required $300 million to fund the final phase of FDA clinical trials.

theforceiswithinyou.twilightlegend.com/t4963-dr-burzynski-finds-a -cure-for-cancer
polmed  1 | 216  
11 Oct 2011 /  #2
He is just a hero .

My opinion is that pharmaceutical industry is a modern times mafia , but I didn`t realise that the US government takes part in such a scheme to convict a doctor and scientist who wants to help cancer patients .
hythorn  3 | 580  
11 Oct 2011 /  #3
What an outstandingly decent human being

just goes to show that Big Pharma and their lobbyists are pure evil.

Herceptin cost the Polish government about 20,000 dollars a month for treating each cancer patient
if I remember correctly.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
6 Dec 2011 /  #4
Merged: Burzynski: Cancer is Serious Business

A story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history.
Wedle  15 | 490  
6 Dec 2011 /  #5
Peenyboy, I heard about this guy a few years ago, he is a real trooper. Big pharma is big pharma...
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
6 Dec 2011 /  #6
An innovative doctor who only tried to do his job and heal sick people. As you said anytime one does something that will lighten big pharma's pockets, they get assaulted.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
15 Dec 2011 /  #7
He (or rather his menacing PR operation) has been in the news a lot lately - one to avoid 'movie' or not. If it was any good, every hospital in the world would be clamouring to offer the treatment.

skeptico.blogs.com/skeptico/2011/11/the-burzynski-clinicanother-b ullying-quack.html
freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2011/11/28/burzynski-clinic-the-d omain-of-scoundrels-and-quacks/
and rather disturbingly
Gruffi_Gummi  - | 106  
15 Dec 2011 /  #8
Various cancer survivors are presented in the film who chose these medicines instead of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation

I assume graves of the people who didn't survive are not presented, to balance the message?
The efficacy of a treatment is not measured by PR stunts. It is established by clinical trials. Antineoplastons have failed such trials, as far as I know.
18 Feb 2014 /  #9
The people that didnt survive were not given correct dosages, watch the film, they did it to purposely discredit this amazing man
jon357  72 | 23528  
18 Feb 2014 /  #10
You mean it was all a conspiracy by doctors to prevent the advancement of medical science? Amazing how they did it without all those other doctors, nurses and other clinicians noticing.

Come off it.
20 Feb 2014 /  #11
He (or rather his menacing PR operation) has been in the news a lot lately - one to avoid 'movie' or not.

...maybe you should actually watch the video - (or watch it again) and whatever brain cells you do have will tell you why every hospital CANNOT get access to this treatment...
jon357  72 | 23528  
22 Feb 2014 /  #12
Probably because it isn't 'a cure for in curable cancer' at all.
McDouche  6 | 282  
22 Feb 2014 /  #13
5 Star Thread.
4 Jul 2014 /  #14
Here is the whole story. Highly recommended to watch - it may affect all of us now or in the future:
Roger5  1 | 1432  
4 Jul 2014 /  #15
Don't forget to watch the BBC Panorama documentary for balance. Quack.
4 Jul 2014 /  #16
the BBC Panorama documentary

To sum up: a man was defrauded by the government (and it was proven multiple times in a court of law). And you try to make your point by promoting propaganda created by government media. Thanks, but no thanks. We, the people, are not that stupid.
Looker  - | 1129  
5 Jul 2014 /  #17
Definitely. Thanks for the video - it's "must watch" document. My mind boggles at this all - what kind of world are we living in??
Roger5  1 | 1432  
5 Jul 2014 /  #18
A world in which charlatans make fortunes from the gullible; where false hope is turned into hard cash; where snake oil salesmen bamboozle the hopeless and get rich on other people's misery.
jon357  72 | 23528  
19 Nov 2015 /  #19
He goes before the disciplinary board in Texas today.
19 Nov 2015 /  #20
Pharmeceutical industry is in the business of selling medicine, not healing people. It has a number of implications:
- they don't like curing diseases which have cheap medicine. In particular, they don't give a damn about herbal medicine, garlic etc.
- they don't like curing diseases which affect primarily poor people (Malaria)
- they have no incentive to replace more expensive medicine with cheaper medicine
- they'd rather sell people insuline than permanently cure them

They also funded Hitler. No, really.

I'm no expert on China, but I heard ancient Chinese medicine practicioners get paid as long as the patient is... healthy.

If you want more examples of American industry trashing good innovations, read about the history of Miracle Fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum). It's a small berry that makes sour food taste sweet, with no known negative effects.
19 Nov 2015 /  #21
Why do I find nothing about this doctors cures ?
Because his industry is selling medicine for profit ?
InPolska  9 | 1796  
20 Nov 2015 /  #22
Completely stutpid post from OP as if there were ONE type of cancer!!!!!!! To talk only re thyroid cancer (without bragging I am almost an "expert" as I did have one (unfortunately very common in Poland and in area especially since Chernobyl), 100% curable and cured as in the very first step) and I can tell you that there are SEVERAL types of cancer just for the thyroid gland and within each type thereof, there are several categories. What goes for thyroid gland goes for all parts of the body.

I'm sure that doctors would like to have to deal with only ONE type of cancer and so would patients. This kind of article is pure bs and creates confusion and false hope among patients and their families. Should there be one (?) cure for "incurable" cancers, everybody would know about it.

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