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Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools

BrutalButcher  - | 387  
27 Nov 2009 /  #211
anatical nonsense that you are. If you want to praise Zionists and shout Allahu Akbar, go and do it in the ME and not in a thread about Catholicism which you seem to know diddly squat about.

Everybody is using insults here. It's a forum. Get over it.

And why should I be an expert in Catholicism?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
27 Nov 2009 /  #212
You don't have to be an expert as I see none here. Still, it's about Catholicism. What is your connection to Poland? What can you contribute to this thread?
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
27 Nov 2009 /  #213

My connection to Poland=My Friends.

Seanus  15 | 19668  
27 Nov 2009 /  #214
My wife, her family and my job. I'm not a Zionist shouting Allahu Akbar either. Don't you know that they always shout that before performing a criminal act? It tells a story, don't you think?
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
27 Nov 2009 /  #215
Zionists or muSLIMES?

Zionists don't scream anything. It's the muslims who do and I find it hilarious. I also find it interesting how the media has told the people that allahu akbar means "God is great". IT actually means "Allah is greater"..greater than YWH and the Christian God.

you can speak Polish?
cheehaw  2 | 263  
27 Nov 2009 /  #216
Real jews? bad jews? You dislike both of them. You claim Jews are trying to destroy Christian Europe...for how many centuries have you, extremist Christians, said the same thing?
Was it us that started with secularism and the multi-cultural thing? Nope. I am sure you vote for left-wing parties that let mosques be built and so on.

Well, someone is doing it. I know for a fact the Jewish groups in the USA do push harder than anyone to secularize the schools. And they team up with the homosexuals a lot of the time to get this stuff out there. Fringe groups really, with noisy voices and lots of money, that's all.

I am sure you vote for left-wing parties that let mosques be built and so on.

no, actually I don't. but the leadership options we have had the past few elections.. more.. are hardly anything to praise either.

Seriously, and I'm sure you agree, there are good people and bad people in any 'group'. Unfortunately the whole world at this point seems to be running under some sort of very corrupt something or other and what we end up seeing a lot of is the worst of human behavior all over the place as a result.

My views really are quite moderate.. maybe now and then i post some of the more extreme views, but only because that is what people are saying.. I don't necessarily always agree with 100% of everything. rarely. But since those views are more commonplace than ever I do pay attention.. You really need to take a listen to the stuff that is on tv in the USA these days. Pretty extreme a lot of it, all sides, secular, jewish, christian, muslim.. all sides. people arguing. We actually cut off the cable television several months ago because it was so obnoxious and then the 'entertainment' shows even worse with all the vulgar stereotypes blatent sex and cursing etc. So obnoxious. you have the tv on.. and your kids are sitting there.. and even the commercials.. viagra viagra.. . yeah, Christians hate this stuff, and saying so is not extreme.

and it is really weird that jewish women are trying to make wearing burka-like clothing the newest great thing. I hate to have to point that out to you. What's next? Women are chattle? Some of the extreme jewish traditions.. and the extrem muslim traditions.. yes, obviously,

just LOOK.. they are the same exact thing from different sides of the street!

Jews have committed genocide on other people btw.. have you not read the Tanakh? Of course the history of Bolshevism/Soviet Russia is also hotly debated.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
27 Nov 2009 /  #217
Yes, he is God. Maybe not directly the father.. but so close..

He is the Son, always in the bosom of the Father, and together they send the Holy Spirit to complete the circle....And he is very personal...He is not a God one must search for in mysterious places, but rather one who chose to live life, here as a man, to share our experiences and our concerns, and to show us the way through His love and self sacrifice...While I respect good Jews and Muslims, they can't seem to grasp Him...The Muslims are a little better as they at least acknowledge and respect Him and His mother, Mary...Unfortunately, the Jews have historically cursed Him, and called Him a bastard...These words condemn themselves, if they practice this...In this way, they reject the Word, or the order of creation...It is a state of rebellion that leads only to sorrow in the end.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
27 Nov 2009 /  #218
and it is really weird that jewish women are trying to make wearing burka-like clothing the newest great thing. I hate to have to point that out to you. What's next? Women are chattle? Some of the extreme jewish traditions.. and the extrem muslim traditions.. yes, obviously,

Just because some Jewish women, you criticize all Jewish women?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
27 Nov 2009 /  #219
Most Poles say my Polish is pretty fluent. I don't have any axes to grind with specific Muslims but saying God is great before committing a crime is plain wrong.

People can ignore symbols. I don't suppose most young Poles would really pay much attention to crosses scattered through the building. They are like other youth, focussed on their hormones and after-school stuff.
cheehaw  2 | 263  
27 Nov 2009 /  #220
Just because some Jewish women, you criticize all Jewish women?

Just because some Christians you criticize all Christians? Or Poles? Or Palestinians?
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
27 Nov 2009 /  #221
I have never said anything against Poland or Poles whatsoever.

Nor have I criticized all Christians. I just dislike those who dislike Jews ignoring the fact that Jesus,as well as all the prophets of your religion, was a JEW.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
27 Nov 2009 /  #222
Don't worry, those Romans were pretty brutal to us Scots too :( It was the Jews that asked for him to be put on the cross, BBut.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
27 Nov 2009 /  #223
Yeah, but the first Christians were also Jews, remember?

Moreover, a my ex gf told me that the death of Jesus was prophezied in the old testament. Christians forget that, don't you? I mean, hadn't he died, you would have no hero to worship.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
27 Nov 2009 /  #224
He was still a symbol of Jewish martyrdom. Just remind yourself what CHRISTian means. I had some of that Keo wine that Jesus was alleged to have drunk. Hmm...
cheehaw  2 | 263  
28 Nov 2009 /  #225
Nor have I criticized all Christians. I just dislike those who dislike Jews ignoring the fact that Jesus,as well as all the prophets of your religion, was a JEW.

Yeah you should hear what Jesus had to say about some jews too. Those who say they are jews but are not...

anyway.. seanus

it occurred to me earlier.. there is one critical distinction I must make between denominations ( and also i am leaving out certain denoms that really are not christian like mormons, they are masons)

I had forgotten, it was of the big reasons I never returned to the catholic church, aside from being told that baptists are a cult by a priest.. but i bought their Vatican II catechism book, at a Catholic church around the corner where I lived then.. and I think its passage 80, maybe page 80, somewhere like that in there..

in which it says.. Catholics, Jews, and Muslims worship the same God.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
28 Nov 2009 /  #226
Those who say they are jews but are not..

Like Jesus?
southern  73 | 7059  
28 Nov 2009 /  #227
but the first Christians were also Jews,

No,they were Palestinians.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
28 Nov 2009 /  #228
No,they were Palestinians

Yeah, because Arabs lived in Israel before the 7th century.

Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
28 Nov 2009 /  #229
No,they were Palestinians.

Yeah, because Arabs lived in Israel before the 7th century.


I must agree with BBut on this one. The Jews were not Philistines. The Ancient Greek word for "Land of the Philistines" was Palestine.

Like BBut said, Arabs moved into the area in the 7th Century. The British reused the word Palestine after the fall of the Ottomans. Then the Arabs were known as Palestinians.

BBut knows the History of this area well, you must read widely to argue with him.
southern  73 | 7059  
28 Nov 2009 /  #230
You have no idea.the folks in these regions were islamized.Arabs did not come out of nowhere.There were the Aramaioi,the Philistines,Greeks,Assyrians,whole lot of folks who later became islamized.

Who were the Evangelists?Lukas,St. John and Matthaios were greek.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 Nov 2009 /  #231
Cheehaw, there is just too much obfuscation and that harms the process. I remember watching a Catholic Vs Protestant debate and they were basically saying the same thing but they kept searching for differences. Reaching compromise by saying that we all follow the same God is absurd! Now, there is substantive overlap between Islam and Christianity in parts but attempting to bridge the gap is just to acknowledge that there is some truth. Making gigantic leaps of faith is not the right way!
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
28 Nov 2009 /  #232
You have no idea.the folks in these regions were islamized.Arabs did not come out of nowhere.There were the Aramaioi,the Philistines,Greeks,Assyrians,whole lot of folks who later became islamized.
Who were the Evangelists?Lukas,St. John and Matthaios were greek.

The Arabs were islamized too. They used to live in Arabia before the 7th century ,when Islam set out to conquer other lands.
While Lukas was a Greek ( a true one, a smart one, not like you) St John was a Jew (the beloved apostle, he is called) same as Mathew was a jew. Writing the Greek spelling of his name won't give you anymore credibility and won't deny the fact that the first Followers of Jesus were JEWS.
southern  73 | 7059  
28 Nov 2009 /  #233
Then why their evangelia were written in greek?Maybe because their authors were greek?
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
28 Nov 2009 /  #234

Boy you are dumb. Why did Maimonides, a Spanish sephardi Jew, wrote his stuff in Arabic and why did the Greek guys translate Greek philosophy and science texts into Arabic in the times of the Al-andalus? Because if they had written in their original language, no one would have had access to that knowledge. Same thing with the gospels. They were written in Greek so they could be shown to Europe. Remember Greece and Armenia (country influenced by Greece) were the first countries to start with the whole Christian thing.
southern  73 | 7059  
28 Nov 2009 /  #235
Why did Maimonides, a Spanish sephardi Jew, wrote his stuff in Arabic

Because he coudn't speak jewish and nobody spoke jewish at that time.It was a dead language.

and why did the Greek guys translate Greek philosophy and science texts into Arabic in the times of the Al-andalus?

We never did this sh1t.The Arabs translated the manuscripts they stole.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
28 Nov 2009 /  #236
Because he coudn't speak jewish and nobody spoke jewish at that time.It was a dead language.
and why did the Greek guys translate Greek philosophy and science texts into Arabic in the times of the Al-andalus?

We never did this sh1t.The Arabs translated the manuscripts they stole.

Boy are you stupid. There is no language called "Jewish"...and Maimonidas, same as all Sephardis, was able to speak Ladino, a mix of Spanish and Hebrew. A very cool language, if you ask me.

HEbrew has never been a dead language LOL.

And the Arabs didn't translate the manuscripts because few of them learned other languages other than Arabic.
southern  73 | 7059  
28 Nov 2009 /  #237
Hebrew died in 3rd century.You brought it back in the '50s.
Maybe Syrians translated them who could speak greek.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
28 Nov 2009 /  #238
Hebrew died in 3rd century.You brought it back in the '50s.

How could it die when Jewish communities were speaking it?

It's like saying Judaism died or so.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 Nov 2009 /  #239
It was when the Romans crushed Jerusalem and the Jews all fled. They left the city. Their temple was ruined by the Romans, their treasures stolen. That's why I have no problem with Israel. Shouldn't this place be preserved as a symbol of Jewish culture? The Jewish culture has a right to revival in the area.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 Nov 2009 /  #240
Well, they came back and restored their cherished temples, PP. Do Iraqis have the right to revival too, PP?

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