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Children licking cream off a Polish priest's legs "inappropriate" says NGO

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Sep 2012 /  #61
Just thought I'd link to some more pictures in case people haven't seen them - please, don't try and defend this. Ugh.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
21 Sep 2012 /  #62
It is interesting to note that the Lublin province seems to have been lately a scene of excesses engaging religion. On one hand, the Lublin area is the backwoods of Janusz Palikot, head of the first ever Polish openly anti-church political party, Ruch Palikota; while on the other hand it shows the Roman Catholic priest, head of an educational establishment, being in the centre of some disgusting activities during the school initiation.
OP Harry  
21 Sep 2012 /  #63
Do you perhaps get the feeling that one caused the other?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Sep 2012 /  #64
It's worth pointing out that while Ruch Palikota are assumed to be a young, urban party - they actually managed to win seats from almost every single constituency, including some very rural areas.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 Sep 2012 /  #65
Don't get so exited, last time i checked, the stinking freak show have 4% of support. Your opinion on Ruch Paligłupa shows perfectly how little you understand.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Sep 2012 /  #66
I'm sorry, but wasn't it you that claimed first to be a supporter of Kaczynski, then followed it up by claiming to be a Korwin-Mikke supporter? Yes, the same Korwin-Mikke who attacked disabled people.

And *you* are calling others "freak show"?

Sorry, but the only freak show here is you and your band of politically desperate types who will never, ever gain power in this country.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
21 Sep 2012 /  #67
Poland is very very innocent in many ways

Good point, how many times do we cringe at things in old movies from America or Britain,and sometimes not that old either,where people do or say things that make us gasp in horror now. I know it was a war and all that,but,these days,can you imagine evacuating Londons children to live with un vetted strangers in the countryside,putting little boys and girls on isolated farms with who knew who?

I said what I said about wider issues and I dont retract that but just because it looks dodgy does not always mean there were any dodgy intentions,just extreme naivity maybe.
f stop  24 | 2493  
21 Sep 2012 /  #68
That you can make such a comment is, frankly, worrying. I do hope you don't have any responsibilities of any type with children.

All right, all right, I didn't pour over the pictures, I just saw that they were not little children.

My son, even at 10, would have had enough sense not to engage in somebody else's insanity like this, even if it was a priest.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Sep 2012 /  #69
My son, even at 10, would have had enough sense not to engage in somebody else's insanity like this, even if it was a priest.

Even if he was subjected to immense peer pressure and encouraged to do it by people in a position of authority?

It's easy to say "oh, what kind of stupid children would do this?" - but teenagers are incredibly stupid at times.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
21 Sep 2012 /  #70
Delphiandomine,good point teens can be naive as well and 13 is still a child.In the U.S. Children are taught that this type of behavior is wrong.I'm not saying that this is acceptable in Poland,but obviously these children were not taught that way and it seems neither were the adults in this case. How long has this tradition been going on for?
Marcus911  3 | 102  
21 Sep 2012 /  #71
Licking Ice Cream of a priests knees, Sucking an infants penis after circumcision, Mutilating children's genitals, are all sick acts carried out by different religions. It show's that religion is pretty much F%cked up doesn't it?
Wroclaw Boy  
21 Sep 2012 /  #72
It show's that religion is pretty much F%cked up doesn't it?

Religion is totally fcuked up. Its a fairy tale IMO.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
21 Sep 2012 /  #73
Marcus911,I'd never heard about this in religious circumcision,that is disgusting.Is this still practiced in Judaism?
Zibi  - | 335  
21 Sep 2012 /  #74
It is interesting to note that the Lublin province seems to have been lately a scene of excesses engaging religion.

You should be more attentive when reading. It was taking place NOT in Lublin, but in Lubin.
Marcus911  3 | 102  
21 Sep 2012 /  #75
Marcus911,I'd never heard this about in religious circumcision,that is disgusting.Is this still practiced in Judaism?

Yes, i'm afraid so.. disgusted to the stomach. naturalnews.com/035192_circumcision_herpes_Jewish_ritual.html
p3undone  7 | 1098  
21 Sep 2012 /  #76
Marcus911,it definitely needs to be stopped.I was surprised to read that that was in the U.S.
Marcus911  3 | 102  
21 Sep 2012 /  #77
Doesn't only happen there i'm afraid, it happens in many places in the world.

Jewish law allows parents who have had three sons die from circumcision to leave the fourth son intact.. Feck, that's big of em.

There was a story recently about a child contracting herpes in the UK by the same means. I'll try to find it and post it here.

WROCLAW BOY: Religion is totally fcuked up. Its a fairy tale IMO.

You said it Buddy :-?
teflcat  5 | 1024  
21 Sep 2012 /  #78
i will not write about all you sick perverts that can think only about one thing

Still feel like defending this, goofy?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
21 Sep 2012 /  #79
Don't get so exited, last time i checked, the stinking freak show have 4% of support.

Surely you are talking about the pervert Paetz, who is now again presiding in all his episcopal glory - after he raped his seminarians -, or that moron priest who immolated himself on a cemetery (coward as his was) after abusing children in his parish?

These cases the Polish Church could not cover up.
jon357  72 | 22980  
21 Sep 2012 /  #80
Marcus911,I'd never heard about this in religious circumcision,that is disgusting.Is this still practiced in Judaism?

It's actually extremely rare and has been so for centuries. Denizens of the internet sometimes like to trot it out though, for reasons of their own.It was originally done for hygiene reasons but fell out of favour when people realised that it wasn't such a hygenic idea.


A different kettle of fish, but very much in the backwoods.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
21 Sep 2012 /  #81
The whole thing amuses me. As if those students (btw, I looked briefly and they all look like grown women), wanted to eat like dogs. ;)

no they are quite definitely children.
and if that "amuses" you....well.........whatever.
Piorun  - | 655  
21 Sep 2012 /  #82
In the U.S. Children are taught that this type of behavior is wrong.

Despite that fact they still participate in hazing and other initiation rituals once they reach college level or even in adulthood, so I guess that either you’re not doing a good job at educating them LOL, or the need to belonging is stronger than a little humiliation they might experience while being an initiate and perceive the ritual as innocent horseplay regardless of what any outsider may or may not think of it. Keep in mind that most of it is innocent in nature though not always perceived like that by the outsiders.

How long has this tradition been going on for?

For as long as mankind has been around and started to form distinct groups that set them apart from other groups, we all like to be a part of something special. Whatever the organization, the nationality, the religion or anything else you can think of, the ritual of becoming a full pledge member of and being associated with that organization is and will always be with us in whatever shape or form.

It's actually extremely rare and has been so for centuries.

Not in orthodox community. Even the NY city tried to pass a law against it for health reasons and for decades now but each time unsuccessful in their endeavor as obviously some influential element is stopping this effort. Despite numerous case studies present by the health department in support of such a law there’s a large enough element blocking it despite your claim to the contrary. As for people trying to paint it as something that it obviously is not how is it any different then what this thread itself is trying to achieve?

Denizens of the internet sometimes like to trot it out though, for reasons of their own.

This thread being is a perfect example of such trolling.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
21 Sep 2012 /  #83
This thread being is a perfect example of such trolling.

the abuses of the RC church are well known in other countries, but talking about them in relation to POland is 'trolling'......
p3undone  7 | 1098  
21 Sep 2012 /  #84
Piorun,I am only talking about this instance,how you can compare that to hazing lol,is beyond me.I think in most places this would be considered unacceptable and obviously in Poland as well or it wouldn't have been deemed inappropriate.
Wroclaw Boy  
21 Sep 2012 /  #85
For as long as mankind has been around and started to form distinct groups that set them apart from other groups, we all like to be a part of something special.

But the shite they get away with in the name of religion is staggering and frankly out dated in such a so called #modern# society.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Sep 2012 /  #86
and perceive the ritual as innocent horseplay

Innocent horseplay?

I don't call children being degraded by a responsible adult as "innocent horseplay".

the abuses of the RC church are well known in other countries, but talking about them in relation to POland is 'trolling'......

It's the usual PiS voting stuff - instead of admitting there's a problem, attack the person and try and silence the debate.
jon357  72 | 22980  
21 Sep 2012 /  #87
13 year old girls licking cream off a grown man's legs cannot be called innocent. At best it's a serious error of judgement. At worst it's child abuse. The guy in question may well have been one of that percentage of men who wouldn't get a sexual thrill out of it, but without evidence to the contrary it is rather unlikely.

An as a priest he should certainly have known better.
Wroclaw Boy  
21 Sep 2012 /  #88
At best it's a serious error of judgement.

Power happy perhaps, as in look what i can make these children do......in the name of the lord obviously.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Sep 2012 /  #89
An as a priest he should certainly have known better.

I am absolutely amazed that he was stupid enough to give such ammunition to those that oppose Church interference in schooling.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
21 Sep 2012 /  #90
Jon357,I agree as well.

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