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Chernobyl nuclear power station accident - Sweden incidently saved Polish lives, will Russia take some away?

Ktos  15 | 432  
3 Mar 2016 /  #1
In 1986 there was an explosion at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the town of Pripyat in Ukraine.The radioactive waste has spread throughout Soviet Union and to the west of It including Poland and other countries in Its vicinity. The Plant was governed by the central powers in Soviet Union - Russia - and as such Russia is ultimately responsible for the disaster. However, accidents can happen but what many Polish can not understand is how could Russian and Ukrainian authorities try to conceal the accident, the bastards tried to hide the fact that radiation is raising in many countries to dangerous levels as a direct result of the said disaster. This is something Russia should be held accountable for, people had the right to know that they may been be effected by additional (other than natural everyday exposure) levels of radiation that could cause serious health complications. The knowledge of it reached the public only through Radio Free Europe (Poland) where on the third day Sweden alerted listeners to the raised radiation levels in the atmosphere.

There are many disputes as to how much has the accident effected and is going to further effect those exposed to radiation all those years ago, the reports vary with some claiming the radiation levels were much lower than first reported, while other media outlets project more deaths in the near future, most notably from cancer. In Poland, it is has been estimated that in two years the generation of those exposed to the radiation will began to suffer greatly the effects of the past exposure. Whether it's true or not, the fact remains that Soviet authorities tried to all the disaster related information from public knowledge, that's beyond disgusting.
3 Mar 2016 /  #2
Good worthwhile post you are not scaremongering.

Just look at the effect on the UK alone

Nearly 370 farms in Britain are still restricted in the way they use land and rear sheep because of radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear power station accident 23 years ago, the government has admitted. source the Guardian. 2009 i think

The UK have fessed up to the contamination levels other countries like Poland and Greece , well I'm not too sure.
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
3 Mar 2016 /  #3
The UK have fessed up to the contamination levels other countries like Poland and Greece , well I'm not too sure.

Do not be so sure it is related to Chernobyl, UK is using the nuclear accident as an excuse most likely to cover up for Its genetically modified crop harvest which is toxic.
3 Mar 2016 /  #4
"most likely to cover up for Its genetically modified crop harvest which is toxic" Oh I see they modified crops to be radioactive, I have a Geiger counter left over from work, I will check my cornflakes in future, thanks for the tip.
3 Mar 2016 /  #5
I have a Geiger counter left over from work

I'm off to Chernobyl (and Pripyat) for a week later this month, can I borrow that?
3 Mar 2016 /  #6
Harry you don't need a Geiger counter, just take out your mobile switch on the camera, if you see black dots and lines run.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Chernobyl nuclear power station accident - Sweden incidently saved Polish lives, will Russia take some away?Archived