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The chances for Warsaw to become capital of eventual Slavic confederation?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jul 2010 /  #121
M-G, sources vary and that's just reality. Some have the number of Serbs killed in 1992 at around 2800 (through genocide). As Crow said, we need to move on and remind ourselves what is written in Auschwitz concerning history not repeating itself.

Anyway, do Serbs really know that much about Poles, Crow. Do they really see ethnic kin as a factor as they don't with Croatia and didn't with Slovenia for quite some time?

Geez, what is the Pope doing here? He's acting weird on a boat :)
rock  - | 428  
11 Jul 2010 /  #122
As Crow said, we need to move

You may go on what Crow says Seanus.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
11 Jul 2010 /  #123
M-G, sources vary and that's just reality.
As Crow said, we need to move on and remind ourselves what is written in Auschwitz concerning history not repeating itself.

Who knows if Auschwitz happened...sources vary I've heard...
rock  - | 428  
11 Jul 2010 /  #124
Crow can not say the the truth even for a kebap cevapcici and you wait he is saying the truth for Bosnian war.

Are you stupid or playing the stupid ? ( nobody specifically targeted)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
11 Jul 2010 /  #125
M-G, sources vary and that's just reality. Some have the number of Serbs killed in 1992 at around 2800 (through genocide).

No Seanus, you won't go down that road. I won't let you. A simple search (I won't go in it too deep today) reveals:

According to a detailed 1995 report about the war made by the Central Intelligence Agency, 90% of the war crimes of the Bosnian War were committed by Serbs

Wiki on the Bosnian War

From the same link:

The most recent research places the number of killed people at around 100,000-110,000 and 1.8 million displaced (see Casualties).[7][8][9] The research from June 2007 has shown that most of the 97,207[10] documented casualties (civilians and soldiers) during Bosnian War were Bosniaks (66%), followed by Serbs (25%), Croats (8%) and a small number of others such as Albanians or Romani people.[11] Bosniaks also suffered massive civilian casualties (83%) compared to Serbs (10%) and Croats (5%), which was often followed by systematic rape especially in Eastern Bosnia by Bosnian Serb forces (estimates of the numbers raped range from 20,000 to 50,000 [12][13]). At least 30 percent of the Bosniak civilian victims were women and children[14].

And more...:

It's so easy to find, Seanus...But like said, I won't go in it too deep as I have too much to do before I leave at 4. But I won't have you say the Bosniaks committed genocide.

Edit: and we move on only then when Crow admits to all this.


M-G (haec hactenus)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
11 Jul 2010 /  #126
Edit: and we move on only then when Crow admits to all this.

Not necessarily...there will always be some nutters as the people move on nonetheless! :)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
11 Jul 2010 /  #127
I know :) But we want him on his knees :))


M-G (in a hurry now)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jul 2010 /  #128
M-G, some Bosniaks would appear to have done as many Serbs were placed in graves. Nasser Oric was acquitted and Serbs were exonerated too. I don't have much faith in the international court system when they assoilzie prima facie cases which are clear.

I meant move on in the sense of focus on sth else. The Serbian government has apologised which tells me that they believe it happened. Revenge against innocent people? That's just wrong and is NOT proper revenge.

Rock, when it comes to cevavcipi (or whatever they are called), I don't know who to believe. They sound like sth I had in Lithuania (cepelini or sth). For example, the Poles think cabbage is Polish but it was given to them by Celts who, in the 6th century AD, brought it from Asia.

M-G, the CIA, ROTFL. You rely on that crap??? The CIA and FBI are 2 of the most corrupt institutions out there. Anti Serbian too.

BB, some get stupid over Auschwitz. It is clear that the numbers were high but 6 million? That's likely BS too.
rock  - | 428  
11 Jul 2010 /  #129
Rock, when it comes to cevavcipi (or whatever they are called), I don't know who to believe. They sound like sth I had in Lithuania (cepelini or sth).

Yes, it is possible that Lithuanians brought cevapcici to Balkans as they ruled there 400 years. lol
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jul 2010 /  #130
Well, the derivation is from the Arabic word for kebab. The Lithuanian word was sufficiently different. It is a Balkan food, that's the compromise.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
11 Jul 2010 /  #131
Yes, it is possible that Lithuanians brought cevapcici to Balkans as they ruled there 400 years. lol

stop these nonsenses. Its nice that Poles tolerate Turks on this forum and you should reward them with your silence from time to time.

so called "skinless sausages" as you can found in Wikipedia about them are something usual in Europe since time immemorial. But, it is said that best example of "skinless sausages" was spread from Balkan all around Europe and Turks (who were on the level of wild horde when arrived on this continent) for sure didn`t invent them. Still, we can say that there is some parallelism between European/South Slavic "skinless sausages" with those that are usual in Arabic (so not Turkey but Arabic world!) world but, it doesn`t meant that those variations influenced each other.

Anyway, if we insist to investigate origin of European `cevepcici` we would have to admit that inventors were South Slavs and that Serbs played major role. Most of sources point in this direction and on medieval Serbian light cavalry (Racowie) warriors as responsible for spreading it all around Slavic world and Europe.

From Wikipedia about Ćevapèići



The word comes from the Serbian cev, meaning ``cylinder`` in English, with the South Slavic diminutive ending -èići (Croatian, Bosnian: ćevapèići/ćevapi; Serbian: Ћевапчићи/Ћевапи, ćevapèići/ćevapi; Macedonian: Ќебапи, kjebapi; Bulgarian: Кебабчета, kebabcheta Slovene: èevapèièi, Czech: èevapèièi, èevabèièi).

As we can see from Wikipedia, name of `cevapcici` naturally coming from the cylindrical (CEV- cylinder in Eng.) form of minced meat that is used. Diminutive ending -èići is also domestic- Serbian/South Slavic.

So, nothing Turkish here. We can only say /as some sources confirms/ that after Turkish conquest on Serbian lands on Balkan during middle ages, Turks learned about `cevapcici` and as we can see, due to love for the taste of the food started even to believe that they invented `cevapcici`.

Cevapcici as unique form of European "skinless sausages" are obvious South Slavic and Serbian invention.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jul 2010 /  #132
Given that Warsaw is often the laughing stock of many other places in Poland, I'd doubt it Crow. It is the centre of government and that's the only reason it would be. Places like Silesia don't take too well to Warsaw folk. I see it in class. One girl makes a point of saying she is from there and the Silesians have a little giggle to themselves. They are gorol, not hanys.
rock  - | 428  
11 Jul 2010 /  #133
Turks (who were on the level of wild horde when arrived on this continent)

A wild horde level can not be an Empire. If we are a wild horde who ruled you 400 years, how can we define you ? As domestic animals ?

So, nothing Turkish here.

What about 1800 Turkish words in your language. Can you get rid of them by ethmology tricks ? What are you trying to do to prove nothing Turkish there ? Do not use 1800 Turkish originated words in your daily life. Funny boy.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jul 2010 /  #134
Why not Kiev, Crow? Are the Ukrainians any less Slavic than the Poles? They sit right between Poland and Russia and could be sth of an intermediary party. Isn't it time they had some kind of clout, esp given that they are not in the EU or NATO. Otherwise, they may be marginalised and seen as an irrelevant player.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
11 Jul 2010 /  #135
Ukrainians are East Slavs.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jul 2010 /  #136
Yes, they are. Now what was the point?
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
11 Jul 2010 /  #137
Why not Kiev, Crow?

actually i contemplated about Kiev. Strategic position of Kiev is even batter then Warsaw`s.

Well, i don`t know. Kiev is good candidate but, probably that i personally (as many other Serbs) see Warsaw as suitable center of Slavija.

What about 1800 Turkish words in your language. Can you get rid of them by ethmology tricks ? What are you trying to do to prove nothing Turkish there ? Do not use 1800 Turkish originated words in your daily life.


There is quite enough Serbian words available and Serbs don`t need Turkish words. there are some turkish words which entered onto Serbian language during Turkish occupation but all those words existed (if were used) parallel with Serbian originals. Today, in freedom (if occupation by EU/NATO could be freedom), Serbs definitely don`t need Turkish words.

how can we define you ? As domestic animals ?

that`s exactly how Turks defined Serbs and Balkan Slavs in general.

Fortunately, Turks are expelled now. Even from Bosnia. He, he... even with NATO on your side, Turkey failed. [Turkey is completely incompetent and stupid state]

You heard what Serb Ratko said when liberated Srebrenica? He compared Turkish to the mujaheedine occupation and underlined his personal satisfaction with victory.

Funny boy.

just wait to see my whole body

/as i like to say/ :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jul 2010 /  #138
What makes Warsaw better than Kiev?
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
11 Jul 2010 /  #139
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Jul 2010 /  #140
You heard what Serb Ratko said when liberated Srebrenica? He compared Turkish to the mujaheedine occupation and underlined his personal satisfaction with victory.

NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
11 Jul 2010 /  #141
This will be controversial, but Wrocław is better positioned for the capitals/largest cities of neighbouring countries, for trade at least.

Some countries have several capital cities, each with different functions. I suppose it depends on how convenient for Moscow a "Slavic capital" would need to be.

But let's face it, can anyone really see Russia agreeing to this proposed capital being anywhere but Moscow? ;)
rock  - | 428  
11 Jul 2010 /  #142
Fortunately, Turks are expelled now. Even from Bosnia. He, he... even with NATO on your side, Turkey failed.

Dreams, dreams, dreams.

Our prime minister was in Bosnia today and will be in Belgrade tomorrow.
Watch your governments respect tomorrow.

just wait to see my whole body

Decide if you are a funny boy or a gay.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
11 Jul 2010 /  #143
But let's face it, can anyone really see Russia agreeing to this proposed capital being anywhere but Moscow? ;)

Russians would follow Serbs in this case, i am sure

What makes Warsaw better than Kiev?

just thinking... Kiev is more in geographical center of Slavija but if, Scotland, Welles and Ireland join in Slavic Confederation Warsaw is again in batter position. We just have to take in consideration all options. :)

Decide if you are a funny boy or a gay.

sorry man. I thought you`re woman

Watch your governments respect tomorrow.

sure. High representative of NATO coming to Belgrade.

ahhaha hahahah hhahaha hahhahahahahaha
Nathan  18 | 1349  
12 Jul 2010 /  #144
Russians would follow Serbs in this case, i am sure

Nuts followed by nuts? Is this a peanut party?
Crow, with all due respect, you can't suck two ***** all the time. Just pick one and stick to it.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
12 Jul 2010 /  #145

you seam to be frustrated this evening brate Nathane?

Crow, with all due respect,

of course
Seanus  15 | 19666  
12 Jul 2010 /  #146
Is this the Slavic Confederation of bickering? ;) ;)

It would blow with the wind and would fall apart if the wrong leaders were in place.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
12 Jul 2010 /  #147
Is this the Slavic Confederation of bickering? ;) ;)

ha ha

It would blow with the wind and would fall apart if the wrong leaders were in place.

if USA and EU can, why SC wouldn`t work?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
12 Jul 2010 /  #148
It would depend on the ability to compromise. Tusk would be the chosen leader then?
Nathan  18 | 1349  
12 Jul 2010 /  #149
if USA and EU can, why SC wouldn`t work?

Because USA is one nation country, which established its language and culture based on the majority of people at times when there was no notion of nationalism as such. EU exists because it was based on countries which were striving to improve their economical and political relations and power in the world decisions' making as one since alone they wouldn't be able to. These countries have centuries of reliable economics and business practices. Millions of Slavs are against Russia, not really a Slavic nation, to be within this imaginary union. Serbians are for it. Go ahead. Become a backward, third-world country, corrupted and mafia-run instead of following European direction. I know you care for Russia because of Kosovo, though often you have big mouth about Ukrainian lands. If you love your country - love it, but never use other country and its territory as an excuse for your suck-up. Have decency at least at that.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
12 Jul 2010 /  #150
It would depend on the ability to compromise.


Tusk would be the chosen leader then?

in kind of compromise?


BDW, you know that Slaveno-Celtic Serbian ethno song `Ajde Jano` that i already presented here?

This evening in the castle of Petrovaradin, Novi Sad, in Serbia (EXIT music festival) FAITH NO MORE played and sang (and danced!) their version of that song in Serbian language. It was amazing. Wonderful, wonderfull



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