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The chances for Warsaw to become capital of eventual Slavic confederation?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Sep 2009 /  #31
Look at what time means wrote above. There is your answer if you ensure instant death.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
20 Sep 2009 /  #32
people, i don`t know what to tell you

i am fascinate with your abbility to ruin every single thread with nonsensical disscusions
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Sep 2009 /  #33
No offence, Crow, but the thread is equally as nonsensical. A Slavic confederation, LOL. That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Russia/Poland, Serbia/Croatia, Poland/Ukraine, Slovakia/Czech. Some real animosity from history there, Crow.

The EU is Serbia's reality, well, Tadic seems to think so. The Slovenes have lifted the weight on the Croats, it seems like they are shaping events more decisively too.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
20 Sep 2009 /  #34
Russia/Poland, Serbia/Croatia, Poland/Ukraine, Slovakia/Czech. Some real animosity from history there, Crow.

its not our choice. Its not our choice. All of us are puppets. True freedom and independance is something else. At least half of animosities among Slavs coming from foreigners, invaders on our world

in EU, Slavs won`t found freedom. Those who created EU are sons of those slave hunters which hunted our ancestors. They created EU to protect their, not Slavic interests.

i want to understand EU only as a prelude for Slavija that is needed and ineevitable
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Sep 2009 /  #35
We are just puppets in the hands of the power brokers, I agree.

As Jim Morrison said, 'freedom exists in a school book'. It is being eroded/whittled away.

Yes, invaders cost you dearly. Still, don't you think Croatia would have declared its independence, even in the absence of Germany?

True, you shouldn't join the EU to alleviate their guilt. Still, Poland did and most Poles seem to have benefitted in some ways.

Slavija is inevitable? What does that mean in the real world exactly?
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
21 Sep 2009 /  #36
Yes, invaders cost you dearly. Still, don't you think Croatia would have declared its independence, even in the absence of Germany?

in the absence of Germany, Serbia would be twice as bigger then it is now and Croatia would be smaler, real ethnic Croatia- three regions: Zagreb, Krizevci and Varazdin.

With absence of Germany, Serbs would be nation of Catholic and Orthodox Serbs. Germany/Germanics insited to support croatization of Catholic Serbs.

With absence of Germanics, Serbs wouldn`t be weakened before Turkish invasion on Europe and Serbians would be able to prevent Turkish invasion on Slavic world and Western civilization.

Slavija is inevitable? What does that mean in the real world exactly?

Slavija is reality and EU is world of matrix, created by those who rule over Slavs
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Sep 2009 /  #37
How do you know this, Crow? Would I be right in saying that Serbia would have gone to war anyway over a Croatian declaration of independence? My understanding is that Karadzic was a man obsessed with territory, as was Mladic. I remember Mladic producing that map in Athens in 1993 and Milosevic was powerless to stop them. He sat there sheepishly with the then Montenegran leader. Germany merely precipitated/accelerated events against the will of NATO.
mephias  10 | 296  
21 Sep 2009 /  #38
i am fascinate with your abbility to ruin every single thread with nonsensical disscusions

What about your ability to start nonsense threads like this one.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
21 Sep 2009 /  #39
thread isn`t nonsensical. For me, Poland is core of Western world and Warsaw rightfuly can expect to become capital of eventualy formed Slavic Confederation

i am sorry that you see this thread as nonsense

How do you know this, Crow? Would I be right in saying that Serbia would have gone to war anyway over a Croatian declaration of independence? My understanding is that Karadzic was a man obsessed with territory, as was Mladic. I remember Mladic producing that map in Athens in 1993 and Milosevic was powerless to stop them. He sat there sheepishly with the then Montenegran leader.

Karadzic and Mladic (leaders of local Bosnian Serbs) were not obsessed with territory. They appeared on public scene after Bosnian Muslim leader published his extreme Islamic declaration and after Croatian leader underlined Croatian continuity with extreme WWII ustashe movement. Milosevic becomes popular in Serbia after Kosovo Albanians (with support of Albania) openly rebbeled against Serbian state and started process of separtion.

Extreme options of Bosnian Muslims, Croatia and Albania were and are supported by EU and NATO. It would stay written in history.

Germany merely precipitated/accelerated events against the will of NATO.

Germany polliticaly innitiated Civil War in former Yugoslavia. On terain, NATO and armed EU personal attacked Yugoslavia. Then, Yugoslav federal army collapsed, Serbia tried to resist and was demonized in media and finaly punished.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
21 Sep 2009 /  #40
What about your ability to start nonsense threads like this one.

Crow's idea of a pan-Slavic confederation led by Poland is absurd for the forseeble future. Yet, the idea is not such in the long run. We simply can't tell if that will happen or will not happen. We may speculate and so it is just what Crow does. If you call it nonsense, I shall remind you that once Russia didn't even exist as a state and when you had told someone in the Middle Ages she would have become a superpower, you might well have been accused of talking nonsense as well (burned alive or beheaded, too).
rock  - | 428  
21 Sep 2009 /  #41
Is there any sign that Slavic states will leave EU or EU will collapse ?
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
21 Sep 2009 /  #42
i won`t say that way. But, there is notable trend. Listen, its not secret...

seams that Slavs inside of EU subordinate on some level and seams that they expect Poland to do something in dirrection of further closer cooperation. Probably, Slavic inteligentsia and people becoming tired of constant foreign dictates. It is also connected with processes of globalization in the world. Slavs tend to try to survive as unique civilization.

Something would happen, for sure. What exactly, some Slavic union inside of EU or independant Slavic Confederation, i can`t say. When? i believe, in our lives
mephias  10 | 296  
21 Sep 2009 /  #43
Crow's idea of a pan-Slavic confederation led by Poland is absurd for the forseeble future.

My reaction is not only about this thread, I understand what you mean and I agree with you many things in the future is unforseeble.
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Sep 2009 /  #44
Warsaw rightfuly can expect to become capital of eventualy formed Slavic Confederation

i suggest Plock!

Still gets my vote. What have you against Plock, crow?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115  
24 Sep 2009 /  #45
For me, Poland is core of Western world and Warsaw rightfuly can expect to become capital of eventualy formed Slavic Confederation

This is one of the reasons I like Crow the most on this forum :)
He gives complements in a hidden way!

While Westernrns just say: Poland is USA's b!tch
and that it cannot be more of anything
ofc optimists say they may become a economic power... that's all from them!
I just have the sweetiest dreams after I read some of Crow's posts!
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Sep 2009 /  #46
I often see Serbs and Poles and there is great similarity to pass unnoticed.There is the same slavic type,one way or another,same fashion,appearance,Weltanschauung,lots of similar things.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
26 Sep 2009 /  #47
While Westernrns just say: Poland is USA's b!tch
and that it cannot be more of anything
ofc optimists say they may become a economic power... that's all from them!

problem is starting point of thinking

Slavs who are Westerners live in a world of matrix that was forcible imposed on their ancestors during era of slavery

in reality, only Slavs dirrectly inherit from original Danubian civilization that was foundator of Western world. Only Slavs speaks their ancient, original and native language. Latin, Greak, Franch, German, English, Spanish,... all are late linguistic formations,... all are created by the later influence of non-Western cultures and peoples.

Slavs. They are last European natives loyal to original Western heritage.

In a global vilage, Slavs have right to survive as unique civilization.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
26 Sep 2009 /  #48

Crow, my good man, pls tell me why you always completely ignore the fact that Poland is a member of the EU and that this very EU will never allow Poland nor any other Slavic state within her borders to form a confederation with non-EU members? Heck, even Serbia is considered to be a future member of the EU. And besides, you never gave me your opinion about a pssbl Serbian membership of the EU.

Another besides: so according to you, Europe is actually Slavic and all Western ppl are derived from them, so is their language? Do I understand that right?

M-G (will never happen - Slavic confederation)
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
26 Sep 2009 /  #49
I just have the sweetiest dreams after I read some of Crow's posts!

i have come from Grafima fair in Belgrade- Serbia, yesterday

among others there was a lot of Slovenians and Slovaks. They all expect to see closer Polish-Serbian cooperation. That`s what i can tell you in short
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
26 Sep 2009 /  #50
among others there was a lot of Slovenians and Slovaks. They all expect to see closer Polish-Serbian cooperation. That`s what i can tell you in short

And these ppl decide on the highest political levels?

M-G (wonders in what circles Crow moves)
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
26 Sep 2009 /  #51
Crow, my good man, pls tell me why you always completely ignore the fact that Poland is a member of the EU and that this very EU will never allow Poland nor any other Slavic state within her borders to form a confederation with non-EU members? Heck, even Serbia is considered to be a future member of the EU. And besides, you never gave me your opinion about a pssbl Serbian membership of the EU.

Polish and Serbian Slavs are under occupation. That`s not secret

also, its not secret that Serbians were first to resist to occupation. Its in our nature to be first to fight, to resist bravely to all kind of sh**

And these ppl decide on the highest political levels?

of course not

but, don`t underestimate talks in between important bussines consultations. Never underestimate bussines people
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Sep 2009 /  #52
Crow, what's so precious about Slavs? Why not have normal partnerships? If Poles argue with decisions from Warsaw, how do you imagine Belgrade to react? Or has Belgrade been weakened by the loss of Milosevic? Tadic doesn't get the press that Milosevic did ;) ;) ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
26 Sep 2009 /  #53
Crow, what's so precious about Slavs?

being Slavic is so interesting and beautiful

Why not have normal partnerships?

i`m all for it

If Poles argue with decisions from Warsaw, how do you imagine Belgrade to react?

how? democraticaly, of course

bdw, arguing is desirable

Or has Belgrade been weakened by the loss of Milosevic?

nothing can`t weaken Belgrade. Nobody can`t harm Singidunum

Belgrade would be always Belgrade, Serbs would be always Serbs. Serbs have their role
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
26 Sep 2009 /  #54
Thank you for your answer, Crow. But, tell me, what would your point of view be on Serbia joining the EU eventually? You know there have been talks about that already...


Milosevic made even the Serbs see that one can go too far and then they kick them out, because that's what Serbs do :) They couldn't kill him like they did with a couple of kings, but it's the moral equivalent.

M-G (curious)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Sep 2009 /  #55
And what if Warsaw started to become overly friendly with Croatia? Do you really think the Sejm has the same vision as Belgrade? What would be they key priorities of such a confederation? How would you stand up to Germany, the US and the UK?
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
26 Sep 2009 /  #56
But, tell me, what would your point of view be on Serbia joining the EU eventually? You know there have been talks about that already...

why do you insist? why you refuse to understand?

Serbia would probably become part of EU. Is it what you want me to tell you?

of course, it would be so. Portion of Serbian lands was also part of Austro-Hungaria,... all to the first opportunity. Whan opportunity occured, Serbian inteligentsia innitiated scenario for complete Slavic liberation from foreign rule.

what i want to tell you,... Serbs are under occupation, recently conquored by EU and NATO. So, there won`t be any joining of Serbia to EU or even to NATO. It won`t be joining no matter how our domestic or world politicians formulate and describe process of Serbian `joining` to EU. It would be simple anexion of Serbian lands in order to secure control over Serbians.

EU and NATO would give a try to prevent what happened to Austro-Hungaria. They don`t like Serbian ideas of Slavic feedom. They hate us, demonized us in media and devastated us in open attack. They sent mujaheedine on our children

But, they are aware of it. EU know it. Serbs would s*** them AT A FIRST OPPORTUNITY
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Sep 2009 /  #57
And what do you make of the recent move by the Slovenes to lift the blockade on the Croats? How would Serbia be affected if Croatia joined?

M-G, Crow is right about the Mujas and how they were assembled from various Arabic nations. The one-world government movement notion cannot be met with resistance from 'stubborn' (aka heroic) nations like Serbia.

Viva la resistance!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
26 Sep 2009 /  #58
It would be simple anexion of Serbian lands in order to secure control over Serbians.

I insist because I wanted your personal view on things. Well, you gave that. But how do you explain that your government is actually having talks with the EU about the issue of joining? I am sure you are aware of the efforts of the Serbian government to have Serbia get rid of the "rogue-state" image Serbia has at the moment. A sure-fire sign they want to is the handing over of Serbian war-criminals to the international court in the Hague in recent years. And, once incorporated in the EU, Serbia cannot scr*w them anymore, because that would mean they would cut their own fingers. Why would the be so rebellious when most of the Serbs know that it's better to be part of the family than to go back to the patchwork of (small) states that can't stand each other and wars occur all over again?

Serbia shouldn't be alone, she should be part of a bigger picture. After all, all the mischief Serbia has caused in the past, was only because the felt alone all the time.


Of course he is on that part. I know my history :) Yes, that's a good question as Croatia is scheduled to become part of the EU in 2012 as far as I know.

M-G (really wants what's best for Serbia)
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
26 Sep 2009 /  #59
And what if Warsaw started to become overly friendly with Croatia?

what i know, Poland never supported croatization of Catholic Serbs that occured during Austrian occupation of Dalmatia, Slavonia, Baranja, Dubrovnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Polish inteligentsia never supported Croatian violance over cultural heritage of Catholic and Orthodox Serbs. Poland never supported Croatian genocide over Serbs. Why would Poland do that?

Both- Catholic and Orthodox Serbian rulers were loyal partners to old Polish warlords and Kings. In vast numbers Serbs died for Poland, fighting against Teutons. In vast numbers Poles died to support Serbs and all Balkan Slavs in their resistance to Turks.

Fighting agaisnt ruling English, Franch and German schemes and fighting against Austro-Hungaria in WWI, Serbians aranged beggining of Polish liberation and creation of modern Poland. Free, independant and Slavic Poland wasn`t how France, England and Germany sow Polish future. They were for Poland by the so called Kanopisht pact- Poland of anti-Poland, non-Slavic Poland.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Sep 2009 /  #60
Would you vote for Warsaw ahead of Moscow, Crow? What factors would influence your decision? Remember, Poland is in NATO and Russia, of course, isn't.

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