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Polish Business Centre Club hammers another nail in Blair's coffin

jon357  72 | 23557  
31 Jan 2013 /  #31
There is not a whiff of difference between the 3 major parties.

Actually, there's a very satisfying difference, and enough similarity to ensure a healthy continuity. If people wanted smaller parties like Respect or the Greens etc, they'd vote for them. Your favourite party lost its deposit everywhere it stood during the last election, didn't it?

so don't try the big con.

What con is that? Did I imply for one minute that I'm in a country with one of the biggest oil reserves in the world for 'philanthropic reasons'? I save the philanthropic stuff for other places.

How are the anonymous letters coming on, by the way?
oxon  4 | 164  
31 Jan 2013 /  #32
This demonstrates just how much you are out of touch with reality. (mod edit) Just to reiterate, there is no difference whatsoever between the three major parties. All are in the game for capital as opposed to community just like you. You boast of Iraq having one of the largest oil reserves in the world and you want to get rich from it, don't you? OK jonny ...here's the plan. Convince yourself and believe fervently in your your pay masters that you are there for the locals benefit. Give them some trinkets and laugh at their jokes. Toss the local kids an orange and a big smile and learn a bit of the local lingo. Don't forget to tip the cafe staff a penny or two to give you that all round good feeling factor as you make your way back to the high security apartment complex complete with local security guard who salutes you. Ahhhhh ..life is so good ain't it Jonny?

Ever been to the real downtrodden areas to boast of your wealth and position jonny? Ever ventured out your comfort zone? Nah of course not. The Poles, Bulgarians, Romanians all settling here don't cause you much concern do they? You don't see many of them about in your upmarket, country village, except for when they are doing your cleaning.

You dare to accuse me of being a right wing fascist yet it's your jingoistic ideals which fuel matters here in the UK. You are a fraud and a treacherous one but I guess you have Greek /Italian parents or something.
jon357  72 | 23557  
31 Jan 2013 /  #33
there is no difference whatsoever between the three major parties.

Why not read the manifesto of each party. You'll see the differences.

You boast of Iraq having one of the largest oil reserves in the world

Actually, they boast of it.

Convince yourself and believe fervently in your your pay masters that you are there for the locals benefit.

I'm not. I'm here for work. Do you believe your job is for the benefit of others? Or would you, if you could actually hold down a job?

Give them some trinkets

I hire them for jobs that are well paid even by European standards. Forget trinkets and oranges. It's interesting though, to be involved in a reconstruction of a country that's been devastated by decades of a brutal dictator, giving people new skills and new chances.

life is so good

Indeedy doody.

Ever been to the real downtrodden areas to boast of your wealth and position

You sound like a communist now.

You dare to accuse me of being a right wing fascist

Not much of a dare, since you've openly praised the BNP often enough here.

So how is your campaign of impersonating public officials going? Are the police still involved?
OP Radders  3 | 47  
1 Feb 2013 /  #34
Just to reiterate, there is no difference whatsoever between the three major parties.

Tend to agree. Well, it's the same difference as between Coke, Pepsi and Virgin Cola; each party is now not more than a 'brand' all seeking to occupy the same political ground but all seeking minor USPs to build brand loyalty. From memberships of millions of voters in the 1950s, the three parties between them now have fewer than 450,000 members - less than 1% of the UK electorate of 45m. They've ceased to be membership organisations and become elite metropolitan clubs. This is now accepted across the political spectrum; Vernan Bogdanor and Simon Jenkins writing in the Guardian and Peter Oborne writing in the Telegraph all say the same. And it's not because the British don't join organisations any more - the National Trust has 3.7m members, and even the Womens' Institute has more members than the Conservative party.

Peter Oborne has described a 'political class' that have more in common with each other than with the electorate; they are loyal to party first, before country or constituency. Local candidates are parachuted in by central office - and these blow-ins have all the characteristics of apparatchiks receiving patronage from the nomenklatura in Soviet days. They are obedient only to their party.

More and more voters are refusing to play. 16m electors boycotted the last election. If 'None of the Above' was a choice on the ballot paper, it would receive the largest vote share in the country. The three parties are committed to a Central State with Whitehall pulling all the levers of power, allied to big business and the Federasts in Brussels. In the UK 95% of tax is collected centrally, and 100% of tax is determined centrally. Only Council Tax - 5% of all taxation - is collected locally at levels decided in Whitehall.

As Richard North has said, the reason we don't hang them all from the lamp posts is what exactly?
jon357  72 | 23557  
1 Feb 2013 /  #35
wonder why you wasted your life so much

Wasted? I've settled in a beautiful European capital called Warsaw, worked in twelve countries (and am free now every other month) and had a thoroughly good time doing it. Plus plenty of stuff not for posting on this forum. And content to meet my maker when He, She or It so decides. An interesting definition of wasted.

Oh, and closer to the thread topic and delivered thousands of leaflets encouraging people to vote for Mr Blair, as well as seen many good friends move to the UK since 2006. I still think the UK was right not to impose restrictions when Poland joined the EU.

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