delphiandomine 86 | 17823
21 Sep 2017 / #1
Another day, another story of Polish brutality towards foreigners.,bestialski-atak-we-wloszech-mlody-polak-jest-podejrzany-o-brutalny-gwalt-na-57-letniej-bezdomnej
What kind of animal inflicts this sort of violence on a defenceless homeless woman?
An absolute disgrace. One wonders when the Polish Government will call for the extradition of this criminal to face justice in Poland for his crimes, and one can only await the comments from members of the government that this Pole should be executed for the crime.
Clearly the pattern of murder and violence by Poles in the EU means that Europe is at threat.,bestialski-atak-we-wloszech-mlody-polak-jest-podejrzany-o-brutalny-gwalt-na-57-letniej-bezdomnej
He grabbed my hair, beat me and raped me. At one point I managed to escape, but he caught up with me, tied my hands and continued to rape me, says a 57-year-old woman.
What kind of animal inflicts this sort of violence on a defenceless homeless woman?
The perpetrator of a brutal sexual assault in a park in the center of Rome is a Polish male aged 20-25.
An absolute disgrace. One wonders when the Polish Government will call for the extradition of this criminal to face justice in Poland for his crimes, and one can only await the comments from members of the government that this Pole should be executed for the crime.
Clearly the pattern of murder and violence by Poles in the EU means that Europe is at threat.