Robert Biedroń tries to pass hismelf off as a modern mayor who rides a bicycle to work, but that PR ruse is now largely a thing of the past. Onet news portal has reported that in two years' timne Biedroń took part in 48 Polish and foreign delegaitosn including a trtip to las Vegas to attend a homo meetup that had nothing to do with Słupsk's municipal affairs. City officials complain that he is rarely on the job at his office. Since he came to power 4,000 residents have abandoned the crisis-srtciken town, and the mayor's crony-style appointments have come under fire, A TV report said. A theme park under construction inherited from his predecessor has remained unfinished, and a road-imrovement progrmame has stalled. Public dissatisfaction with his rule is growing and the sum total of his shortcomings have come to be known as "the Biedroń effect".Local journalists remark that Biedroń basks in praise but loses his cool and bristles with resentment when his mistakes are exposed.