Casual Observer
30 Jan 2018 / #61
No, but France had double that amount of concertgoers being culturally enriched
The murder rate in USA is about 8 times higher than Poland. Serious question, on the basis that Americans are more violent, should Poland ban immigration from the USA? Should it ban immigration of muslim Americans (passport holders), or black Americans, or any Americans?
After all, the murder rate in USA is much higher than in UK or Germany, despite the islamic immigration. So, on paper, Americans are more dangerous than islamic immigration.
Please discuss and justify your logic. I'm actually interested in your answer (for once)
Arabic being more commonly spoken than the native language,
Dude, as I intimated, there are many areas of UK and Germany where Polish is spoken more than the native language. Should this foreign language not be tolerated, or is just arabic that you don't like?
I hear Polish spoken on the streets in England every day I am there, and that is in a fairly rural area (not inner city). I also hear Hindi sometimes, Urdu and Chinese. How should I respond? Be offended at the Urdu but not the Polish? Or tell them all to "SPEAK FRICKIN ENGLISH IN THIS COUNTRY!"
What's your suggestion? Another serious question.