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Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening?

WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
5 Nov 2013 /  #1
The head of Gazeta Wyborcza was on the Tomasz Lis Live show. He was treated with a lot of respect. I wonder now if someone like, oh I don't know, Tomasz Sakiewicz of Gazeta Polska, or one of the Karnowski brothers [W Sieci] will be invited and treated with as much respect. Somehow I doubt it. Bit of a shame really. I didn't mind the interview here but it's a shame that folks more from the right side of politics get attacked much more. I expect it from Polsat and TVN but it's a shame to see it happening on TVP.
antheads  13 | 340  
5 Nov 2013 /  #2
Was not Tomasz Lis father a member of the SB? explains why he got the job.

TVN 08.30 - Morning TVN - led by Bartosz Weglarczyk - grandson of one of the greatest crimes of Stalin , personally torturing heroes of the AK.

18.00 TVP 2 - Panorama - led by Hanna Lis - daughter of communist scoundrels of the martial law period
19.30 TVP1 - News - leads Piotr Krasko - grandson of one of the leading communist censors , the son of the Minister for confessions PRL
20.00 TVN 24 - Dot the I - conducted by Monika Olejnik - daughter of the SB confident communist secret services name " Daisy "
TVN 21.30 - Kitchen revolution - led Magda Gessler - daughter of communist journalist and agent of SB
21.40 TVP 2 - Tomasz Lis live - the son of a high OFFICER Polish People's Army
22.00 TVN 24 - Glass Contact - led by Grzegorz Miecugow - the son of Stalin's well-known journalist with the signing in August at the " Appeal of Krakow "

22.30 TVN - Cuba Regional Show - son of the SB officer and communist prosecutor ów
jon357  72 | 23483  
5 Nov 2013 /  #3
It's part of Polish reality. People took part in the life of their country. That does not reflect on their children or grandchildren and people here do not care. However much that may rile some person half the world away with not much connection to Poland.
antheads  13 | 340  
5 Nov 2013 /  #4
Dude is apparatchik, acts such as SB, is an officer, promoted, shoots pretty high. Has children, which, thanks to his position can send to private schools abroad, they do a good job. In addition to his children once they have the appropriate connections, so is part of the team. Then comes the so-called. transformation, the old team gets along with the new team. Go to the "capitalism", but still give out still the old team holds all the cards. And now, thanks to the parents of these kids occupy positions of authority, sit on the boards of major companies, leading television programs, edits a newspaper, etc. This is nepotism, which aims to keep power in the hands of one clan.
jon357  72 | 23483  
5 Nov 2013 /  #5
This is nepotism, which aims to keep power in the hands of one clan.

No 'clan', just some people doing better in life than others and educating their kids as well as they can. Happens the world over regardless of how they vote.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Nov 2013 /  #6
The head of Gazeta Wyborcza was on the Tomasz Lis Live show. He was treated with a lot of respect.

As he should be. While people like you were enjoying freedom, Michnik was getting imprisoned - repeatedly.

. I wonder now if someone like, oh I don't know, Tomasz Sakiewicz of Gazeta Polska, or one of the Karnowski brothers [W Sieci] will be invited and treated with as much respect.

Why would they be treated with respect? Gazeta Polska is well known to be funded by a guy with connections to Nazism (and who is wanted) for a start.

No 'clan', just some people doing better in life than others and educating their kids as well as they can. Happens the world over regardless of how they vote.


But we mustn't forget that a certain leading Opposition politican in Poland has benefited hugely from his father's connection to Stalinism.

Perhaps antheads would, in the interests of fairness, care to analyse opposition figures and their parents?
sofijufka  2 | 187  
5 Nov 2013 /  #7
But we mustn't forget that a certain leading Opposition politican in Poland has benefited hugely from his father's connection to Stalinism.

how he has benefited?
smurf  38 | 1940  
5 Nov 2013 /  #8
You can't blame children for the sins of their parents.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Nov 2013 /  #9
But as long as the usual suspects do, we will keep on pointing out the Stalinist roots of Kaczynski Sr.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
5 Nov 2013 /  #10
The big difference is, most of these kids seem to have very good jobs now, a lot of those tend to be in the media, and while in those positions, they promote their own, very anti right, anti Church propaganda, much like Communist media.
jon357  72 | 23483  
5 Nov 2013 /  #11
The big difference is, most of these kids seem to have very good jobs now,

Would you deny an able person a good job?

anti right, anti Church

So only people who share your views should broadcast?

Nobody forces you to watch that ststion.
5 Nov 2013 /  #12
anti Church propaganda, much like Communist media.

Unlike certain communist collaborators themselves, such as Jerzy Robert Nowak, who since the fall of communism have discovered they are actually very religious Catholics and so spew their hate-filled bile out on Radio Maryja.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
5 Nov 2013 /  #13
they promote their own, very anti right, anti Church propaganda

Such as publicising paedophilia in the Polish RC? Which of course TV Trwam, Nasz Dziennik and W Sieci have never heard of.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
5 Nov 2013 /  #14
Funny because by the way it is publicized, one would think that only the Catholic Church has had pedophiles in it. Most other pedophilia goes unnoticed. I heard many teachers were convicted of it, yet there seem to be no jokes going about on how teachers are pedophiles.

Apparently in the USA, less than 1% of priests that were accused of pedophilia, were actually convicted as pedophiles. That is still too many, but I wouldn't be surprised if many of the priests that were accused, were convicted by the media before they were officially convicted.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
5 Nov 2013 /  #15
one would think that only the Catholic Church has had pedophiles in it.

obviously, it does not. But the problem has been always hidden in a shadow and it's now being taken care of, that's why it's all over the news. And good!

Most other pedophilia goes unnoticed.

not true.

were convicted by the media before they were officially convicted.

wrong is wrong. Stop justify the wrong behavior of priests. That makes it so wrong, it's sickening.
jon357  72 | 23483  
5 Nov 2013 /  #16
Funny because by the way it is publicized, one would think that only the Catholic Church

The organisation you mention is perhaps unique in that it claims to be absolutely good, always right and doing the work of an all-seeing, all-knowing invisible entity.

Teachers, as far as I know, do not claim to be acting on behalf of the divine.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
5 Nov 2013 /  #17
Catholic Church has had pedophiles in it.

and to add... it's an outrage and shame what some of the priests are saying:
5 Nov 2013 /  #18
Teachers, as far as I know, do not claim to be acting on behalf of the divine.

Well, apart from the ones who have their jobs because they are RC priests, including at least one who has that job despite being a convicted paedophile rapist.

One does wonder why Tomasz Sakiewicz hasn't ensured that Gazeta Polska covered that story in detail.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Nov 2013 /  #19
And Gazeta Polska pushes the line of a wanted Nazi, doesn't it? Or let's not forget the Lux Veritas foundation that attempts to push hard right-wing views, too? Or what about Republika TV and the links to PiS?

Why aren't you criticising them for being biased?

Funny because by the way it is publicized, one would think that only the Catholic Church has had pedophiles in it.

Teachers don't generally claim to be a moral authority, nor do school directors tend to cover up abuse.

One does wonder why Tomasz Sakiewicz hasn't ensured that Gazeta Polska covered that story in detail.

Perhaps WP would like to comment as to why Gazeta Polska ignores the news when it suits them.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
6 Nov 2013 /  #20
That is still too many, but I wouldn't be surprised if many of the priests that were accused, were convicted by the media before they were officially convicted.

Seems to me you would be the perfect spokesman for Hoser.
jon357  72 | 23483  
6 Nov 2013 /  #21
A guy who's lost all the credibility he had - not the best person to be in post during a period where Sunday attendance is hæmorrhaging. I wouldn't be surprised if the new Holy Father doesn't step in sooner or later.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
8 Nov 2013 /  #22
Perhaps WP would like to comment as to why Gazeta Polska ignores the news when it suits them

Again you act like it's not a 2 way street. To be quite frank, Gazeta Wyborcza and other media also ignore a lot of news that does not suit them. These media outlets all have their own agendas, and put up news that suits that agenda more. This is why the likes of Polsat, TVN, Gazeta Wyborcza etc. gave us a lot less information about the April 10th plane tragedy, and practically ignored [or even worse, mocked] the many well respected experts that have since proven the MAK report, and Polish official report [that has many similarities to the MAK report], to have some major flaws in it.
8 Nov 2013 /  #23
No, the reason that they have done what you say is that they are news organisations and thus report facts rather than fantasies.
jon357  72 | 23483  
8 Nov 2013 /  #24
This is why the likes of Polsat, TVN, Gazeta Wyborcza etc. gave us a lot less information about the April 10th plane tragedy,

Or perhaps just gave news, not tasteless speculation.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
8 Nov 2013 /  #25
Fantasies? Tasteless speculation? You guys either work for these media outlets or have bought in to their brainwash and propaganda. Yes, this is exactly what they want, they want people to think like you do. That's it's rubbish, fantasies, speculation. Or how about reporting the findings of some well respected professors from American Universities? Oh no they are just men that Macierewicz found on the street, who are pretending to be professors and experts.

Those are lies. To tarnish and mock such people is incredible. Only in Poland [and a few other 3rd world countries perhaps]. I can give you facts about many of them if you like. They have many achievements, have done much work, much of it published, rewarded etc. One guy has been funded by NASA, but he's just a blithering idiot right? Why is the media ignoring this issue? You can't just pick and choose.

Oh somebody seems to have found some evidence that the tree branch was not only far too weak to rip the wing off the plane, but also that the branch was actually ripped a few days before the plane crashed. Ah it must be a bunch of drivel by insane people, let's mock them. Yeah that's great journalism isn't it. Imagine if these people were in the police. If people want to talk about ignoring issues, start with these creeps. Imagine if these people worked in the police?

'Excuse me detective, I think we might have some evidence relating to the murder case a few years ago.'

'Ah whatever, you're insane, it's a bunch of rubbish, stop thinking about that case, we resolved it a long time ago.'
jon357  72 | 23483  
8 Nov 2013 /  #26

The guy who chained himself to the speaker's chair a while back.

some well respected professors from American Universities?

I'm not sure why you think a university being American is any recommendation, but great that these guys gave their time for free....

Unfortunately they wasted it and possibly their reputations too, not least because of some of Macierewicz and the Smolenskists crazier stunts.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
8 Nov 2013 /  #27
They gave their time and explanations about some of the major flaws in the 'already finished' reports, so why are these flaws not being reported by mainstream media? The only time mainstream media even mentions it [on TV] is basically when they find their own people to go on their shows and talk about how much these discoveries are a load of rubbish, and the people who are discovering them must be mentally unstable.
jon357  72 | 23483  
8 Nov 2013 /  #28
The only time mainstream media even mentions it [on TV] is basically when they find their own people to go on their shows and talk about how much these discoveries are a load of rubbish, and the people who are discovering them must be mentally unstable.

I wonder why that is.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
8 Nov 2013 /  #29
So do I. It's great journalism isn't it though? Don't tell the people what is happening, tell them what they are supposed to think about what is happening.
jon357  72 | 23483  
8 Nov 2013 /  #30
tell them what they are supposed to think about what is happening.


There's a pretty wide choice of media outlets with a very wide range of editorial views. Some are more popular than others. People will buy/watch/listen to whatever they prefer.

Surely you aren't just complaining that not all TV stations share your own views on issues like the Smolensk accident?

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