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Anty-Polish v column is located in White House

OP monia  3 | 212  
31 May 2012 /  #31
Do you think that a lot of Jews were murdered by Poles in WWII so you can call it extermination .
peterweg  37 | 2305  
31 May 2012 /  #32
Unlike the one-sided polish history lesson that you got taught we in the west we have a more broader approach to History.

Your name isn't Harry is it?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
31 May 2012 /  #34
Your name isn't Harry is it?

Either Harry or delph !
Trying to sneak back under different monikers !
TheBritishExpat is definitely one of them.
This gdyniaguy - don't know yet .
peterweg  37 | 2305  
31 May 2012 /  #35

Yes or No would be the correct answer..
BBman  - | 343  
1 Jun 2012 /  #36
Just some mistake by a speechwriter. Nobody thinks Poland operated death camps, so why make a meal out of it? There are more important things in the world to worry about.

It's a mistake that happens way too commonly. Probably more than a mistake.

The more often these camps are referred to as being Polish, the more likely it is that this will be known as truth among people. Kinda like that telephone game.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
1 Jun 2012 /  #37
It's a mistake that happens way too commonly. The more often these camps are referred to as being Polish, the more likely it is that this will be known as truth among people


Will Obama give an apology for his mistake? Tusk want one. Brońko wrote the White House urging Obama to give one. Will Barak comply?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
1 Jun 2012 /  #38
Rybnik, I admit I haven't really heard too much about this in the American press.People say that they're trying to rewrite history,

but with the 2 history channels among others;they devote a lot of time on WW2 over here.It's sad that he referred to the camps

the way he did ,but most Americans know about Nazi Germany and I don't think anyone over here is bound to forget about it any

time soon.

Oh,btw he should apologize;It would be the right thing to do.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
1 Jun 2012 /  #39
but most Americans know about Nazi Germany and I don't think anyone over here is bound to forget about it anytime soon.

p3 I appreciate what you're saying but I'm of a generation, that believes and fears the power in the adage, which has been repeatedly proven to be valid, that" a lie told often enough becomes the truth". It's enough for people to repeat the phrase "Polish death camps" enough times (after all it has to be true if the leader of the free world said it)for it to take hold. Repeated enough times, "Polish death camps", "Polish death camps", "Polish death camps",................before long, folks forget about the Nazi/German aspect of these death camps in Poland. It's right and just for the Polish leaders to demand an apology. I doubt they'll get it......I know this is off-topic but I strongly believe that the key to putting an end to this discrimination/disinformation is for Poland to end its family squabble with its Jewish citizens- make peace and bring them back. Many will dispute this but I maintain that Poland will never be whole until it reconciles itself with it Jewish counterparts.........
p3undone  7 | 1098  
1 Jun 2012 /  #40
Rybnik,my response will be in the petition thread.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
1 Jun 2012 /  #41
Yes or No would be the correct answer..

Maybe my name is Harry but i'm not the one your referring to. My answer was correct.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
1 Jun 2012 /  #42
Would you kindly point out which one is anti-Polish ? that on the left or that on the right?
OP monia  3 | 212  
1 Jun 2012 /  #43
Maybe my name is Harry but i'm not the one your referring to. My answer was correct.

You are so funny with your bias distorted opinion about Poland which is simillar to this which is displayed by a lot of Jews with their constant nonsense claims of Polish anti- semitism .

It it was such a big issue then why didn`t Jews leave Poland for greener pastures to seek for their promissed land instead of living in Poland for over 500 years .It happened, because facts are quite different . Poland is and has been the most pro Jewish state for the centuries, thats why it was a home for millions of Jews who settled here and found houses , prosperous life and conditions on Polish soil .

If Jews do not change their wicked attitude towards Poland, here in Poland some groups will answer with the same level of hatred .

Jews should remember also that they commited murders on Polish nation with not lesser scale than vice versa eg. hunting for AK soldiers after the war , joining security forces in large numbers, which were murdering Poles who opposed the Soviet regime. Have you heard about the so-called Judeo Commune in postwar Poland. If you study Polish -Jewish relations you have to take into account the harm to the Poles the Jews have been doing during 1945 - 1958.

This sad propaganda with these German death camps called Polish has been started by American Jews as a mean aimed to gain more benefits, this time from Poland as they have already received what they could from Germany . Gross is a part of this machine with this science fiction history of Jedwabne ( it was orchestrated by Germans who were ocupants on our soil and who bribed some criminals of Polish nationality to commit this mass murder ) .

Who claims different story I can call him a liar . Polish Institute of Crimes against Polish Nation is a valuable body to investigate such cases and they revealed facts that it was not an act of Polish mob , but an act of few common criminals who did that just for some promissed benefits , maybe just as an act to save their own lifes .

So Jews should rethink their policy otherwise it will go on like in Code of Hammurabi .
p3undone  7 | 1098  
1 Jun 2012 /  #44
Monia,I don't agree with what you said about Jews in America propagating this issue.It may be(which I had never given thought to until other

posters here pointed it out)that America doesn't want to offend Germany for reasons which I think are obvious if you look at it.I could be

4 eigner  2 | 816  
1 Jun 2012 /  #45
which is displayed by a lot of Jews with their constant nonsense claims of Polish anti- semitism .

c'mon girl, you can't deny that many Poles don't like Jews. It's a known fact even in Poland.

Half of our readers believe that anti-Semitism has long been common in our country and it is not socially stigmatized . On the other hand, 12 percent . considers that no anti-Semitism does not exist. The results of our probe with 15 hours .

In a recent " Newsweek " Tomasz Lis said that in Poland " anti-Semitism and hatred are still going strong ," and is not a marginal attitude . In support of their argument has calculated that the kiosks are still available anti-Semitic pisemka , forums entries appear on Pejsach , Szechterach and enemies of the nation , and in the stadiums outcry anti-Semitic slogans .

(I chose this link because it's probably more convincing that any English or American link)
OP monia  3 | 212  
1 Jun 2012 /  #46
(I chose this link because it's probably more convincing that any English or American link)

Maybe you have got good intentions but using Gazeta Wyborcza is not a good example , because it represents widely known phenomenon in Polish journalism of spreading anti - Polish propaganda , most of its staff is Jewish .
4 eigner  2 | 816  
1 Jun 2012 /  #47
Gazeta Wyborcza is not a good example

I accidentally picked that one out of many possibilities. Here's another one


The internet is full of it. I don't believe that whoever writes about it in Poland is a Jew.
OP monia  3 | 212  
1 Jun 2012 /  #48
A poll conducted in their own editorial office ;), simple rubish :), not worth of any assessment :).

To have fair opinion about the level of anti-semitism in Poland you should read a book of renowned Polish writer Maria Dąbrowska titled " Diaries "
nunczka  8 | 457  
1 Jun 2012 /  #49
News breaking in America in the last hour

4 eigner  2 | 816  
1 Jun 2012 /  #50
News breaking in America in the last hour

he really needs to go. Not only because of Walesa of course, he sucks in general.

A poll conducted in their own editorial office ;), simple rubish :), not worth of any assessment :).

To have fair opinion about the level of anti-semitism in Poland you should read a book ....

Pick your link:


besides, no need to read that or any other book, I was in Poland myself and I've met quite a few people who didn't like Jews. Listen, I'm not saying that all of you hate them but to say that no one or only a few you of you do, is an exaggeration and you know it.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
1 Jun 2012 /  #51
I was in Poland myself and I've met quite a few people who didn't like Jews.

Well, I have been wondering for few post what your point would be ?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
1 Jun 2012 /  #52
It should be easy for you to understand it if you scroll up and read what got it all started. Nothing serious ironside, I'm only stating that some of you guys (considerable amount), don't like or even hate Jews and we all know it's true.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
1 Jun 2012 /  #53
'm only stating that some of you guys (considerable amount), don't like or even hate Jews and we all know it's true.

I don't know about hate but it is not crime to dislike somebody is it?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jun 2012 /  #54
Why would someone hate people they don't even know? If you dislike someone due to personality traits, that's fine. Maybe you knew someone who happens to be Jewish who harrassed you or caused trouble for you. It's understandable why you don't like such a person. It's silly to hate some abstract "Jew" just because they are Jews. You don't even know these people. Some of them could be the most wonderful people but you wouldn't know because you already made up your mind. You dislike complete strangers.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
1 Jun 2012 /  #55
I don't know about hate but it is not crime to dislike somebody is it?

absolutely not, you can like or not anyone you want (as long as you don't hurt anyone).

I only replied to Monia because she basically denied anti-semitism in Poland.
She said: "their constant nonsense claims of Polish anti- semitism".
Appleby  1 | 25  
1 Jun 2012 /  #56
it is not crime to dislike somebody is it?

No, it is not. But it is rather simplistic to dislike a whole nation/religion/race.

If I would say (mind you, I don't - it's just an example) I don't like Poles cause they are lazy, thieves, murderers, rapists, are living on hand-outs, you would be all up in arms, wouldn't you? So how come that this doesn't go both ways? Or can't you see that it is exactly the same?
OP monia  3 | 212  
1 Jun 2012 /  #57
I'm only stating that some of you guys (considerable amount), don't like or even hate Jews

I have been living in Poland since I was born and I can assure you that Jewish problem or anti-semitism in Poland is a minor issue in my country and hardly ever contemplated by an average Pole.

I also know that in France or GB general public have the similar attitude towards Jews as Poles have .

How can you blame Polish nation for anti-Semitism if we are no different than any other nation.

People who claim otherwise must have some problems with polonophobia .

I haven `t heard about any Jew assaulted in our country. Sometimes you can hear some hooligans shouting slogans targeted on Jews or derogatory paintings on walls, but that `s all.

Does it mean that Poles are anti-Semites .

Don `t be ridiculous.

We really live in peace with ourselves having our own problems far serious than dwelling on the subject about racial hatred against Jews. It is a minor issue here in Poland that only few people of Jewish descent are hunting for .
Ironside  50 | 12928  
1 Jun 2012 /  #58
ou dislike complete strangers.

For your made in the USA mind, in place of Jews put Blacks or Mexican. Heck even Jews.
Plenty of people dislike those groups without knowing them.

I only replied to Monia because she basically denied anti-semitism in Poland.

What is anti-Semitism ? is suspicion of, hatred toward, or discrimination against Jews for reasons connected to their Jewish heritage. In a 2005 U.S. governmental report, antisemitism is defined as "hatred toward Jews—individually and as a group—that can be attributed to the Jewish religion and/or ethnicity."[1] A person who holds such views is called an "antisemite".

Basically it is nonsense ! Put any other group of people and coin anti-Americanism, anit-Mexicanism, anti-Arabism and so on !
The point is that definition suggest that anti-semitism is something bad sinister and on par with Nazism.
Hey in Poland some people are suspicious of Jews and Jewish interaction with Poles after 1989 (mostly American Jews) only make stronger that suspicious and dislike.

What strange and wrong with that ?

No, it is not. But it is rather simplistic to dislike a whole nation/religion/race.

Don't you think that there are plenty of people who are rather simple, not only in Poland but anywhere?

If I would say (mind you, I don't - it's just an example) I don't like Poles cause they are lazy, thieves, murderers, rapists, are living on hand-outs, you would be all up in arms, wouldn't you? So how come that this doesn't go both ways? Or can't you see that it is exactly the same?

OH but that exactly what some people have been saying on PF. Check archives! Mostly related to Poles in Britain and Ireland.
Should because of that UN declare that Britain is rife with anti-Polonism and racist hate ?
In any given society there certain amount of population which do not like or is wary of strangers - everywhere !
Why focus on Poland ?
OP monia  3 | 212  
1 Jun 2012 /  #59
If I would say (mind you, I don't - it's just an example) I don't like Poles cause they are lazy, thieves, murderers, rapists, are living on hand-outs, you would be all up in arms, wouldn't you? So how come that this doesn't go both ways? Or can't you see that it is exactly the same?

Have you ever heard that in Poland to be said about Jews on a daily basis . Why do you people dwell on this subject?. Try to find a way for reconciliation for these two nations rater than acusing us in such a polonophobic way.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
1 Jun 2012 /  #60
Hey in Poland some people are suspicious of Jews and Jewish interaction with Poles after 1989 (mostly American Jews) only make stronger that suspicious and dislike.
What strange and wrong with that ?

The idea of hating or disliking an entire nation is wrong. It would be wrong in any other case too (for example if one says that he hates Poles, Americans, English etc.)

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