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Anty-Polish v column is located in White House

monia  3 | 212  
30 May 2012 /  #1
It is no surprise for me that this eventually has happened . Obama did not react on the prepared text he was reading by changing unfortunate words . But the most shocking is the fact that the staff could write such text for him . It was not the first case of insulting Polish nation :

Ignorance, incompetence, and malice: First, Obama offends Catholics. Now he insults the Polish people.


One would have thought that President Obama might have used the time he would have spent in Poland paying his respects to the Polish fallen. For example he could have visited the recently erected Victims of Communism memorial in Washington, or at the very least have signed the condolence book at the Polish Embassy. But what did he choose to do instead? Play yet another round of golf.


This reflects that Obama is an enemy of Polsh nation . I remember during his visit in Poland how he showed his attitude by not greeting Polish veterans in a respective manner instead he was attending a meeting with Polish Jews by the monument of Warsaw Ghetto which was lasting for unreasonable duration of time ,during which he shaking hands like a clown with everybody who was standing in a line to greet him or by ignoring Polish president who was standing in front of the Presidential Palace while Obama passed the gates and drove to the hotel leaving all people with consternation ( he did that against the protocol which was prepared for that time of his visit ) .

We Poles expect from USA government to start a long lasting process of reairing its image of a country where history is distorted and Poles are offended by its President , the Jewish owned press ,television or Hollywood Jewish producers etc where big productions spread a false image of Poles .
peterweg  37 | 2305  
30 May 2012 /  #2
Yes, its the fault of the Jews that that Poland is seen as being anti-Jewish.

Not racists like you spouting the theories of Hitler, oh no.
OP monia  3 | 212  
30 May 2012 /  #3
Probably you are more ignorant about facts I am talking about than any other poster on PF
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
30 May 2012 /  #4
don't be daft.

Let's not forget also that the USA has a very large number of Polish people (most of whom are not Jewish anyway). They do have the vote, you know!

Barney  19 | 1729  
30 May 2012 /  #5
Just on a point of order a fifth column cannot be located outside the country.

Obama and co. made a mistake its not the end of the world.
OP monia  3 | 212  
30 May 2012 /  #6
Just on a point of order a fifth column cannot be located outside the country.

Who do you think I was refering to ? Not Poland of course You missed the whole point :(
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
30 May 2012 /  #7
Drudge has this as the top story. Most interesting are the opinions from the "comments" section.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
30 May 2012 /  #8
Let's not forget also that the USA has a very large number of Polish people (most of whom are not Jewish anyway). They do have the vote, you know!

I cant imagine every American with a Polish ancestor (approx 3% 10million and some are jewish!! ) voting against him. Get real. A lot of these people won't even care about Poland. It's like saying that if he said something wrong (a mistake or misinformed) about the UK then 40,000,000 british americans would vote to kick him out!

Poles outside of poland don't hold the balance of power to do anything...get over it! Your a small country in Europe...not very rich or powerful.
Barney  19 | 1729  
30 May 2012 /  #9
Who do you think I was refering to ?

Unfortunately you dont understand what a fifth column is supposed to be.

Any other suggestion contradicts your opening post.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
30 May 2012 /  #10
The U.S. President showed that he was ignorant on this matter, as well as badly briefed; his advisers should get a kicking. However, this does not show that the president is anti-Polish. Only someone with their head up thier arse would think so, e.g anti-semitic conspiracy theorists.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
30 May 2012 /  #11
President Obama doesn't appear anti Polish to me, either, but I do get the feeling this faux pas happened for a reason and that could be to raise the issue and further educate since Poland will be in the spotlight this June. I do think it might have been planned because the PR people behind public figures do know how to use the media to attract attention to issues and to get dialogues going. That is what they are trained to do, so they are not naive bumpkins who haven't got a clue how mass publication works.

I doubt there was any malice, intended, though. Just a way of pushing the issue into the spotlight again by making a "mistake."
jon357  72 | 23490  
30 May 2012 /  #12
Just some mistake by a speechwriter. Nobody thinks Poland operated death camps, so why make a meal out of it? There are more important things in the world to worry about.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
30 May 2012 /  #13
It is no surprise for me that this eventually has happened

To me this is surprising and disheartening. You would have thought that after all this time, after all the gaffes that preceeded this one, after all the retractions and apologies to the Polish people by other errant world leaders, columnists and pundits, that this error would finally stop being made. What will it take? Maybe if and when Poland is taken seriously, this slip of the tongue will cease. Until then Poland will continue to be treated like USA's maskotka.
OP monia  3 | 212  
30 May 2012 /  #14
Unfortunately you dont understand what a fifth column is supposed to be.

Answering to your post I should say that when I have heard about his faux pas I thought -"poor man he was framed" . That`s why I said that this fifth column is based in White House and it is directed against him not Poland .Remember that there will be presidential elections later this year and I am sure he has got opponents in his administration . So now , he can easily trace a person who put him on this mine and fire him and of course there is also time to apologize us .

Not racists like you spouting the theories of Hitler, oh no.

So, all your comments about my racists inclinations are very wrong . That just makes me laugh that someone could say things like that about me .

The next impression was that he ( Obama ) deserved such a humiliation by his previous acts where he showed how he treats Poland in general ( announcement about stopping antimissle project in Poland on 17 -th of September in 60-ieth anniversary of Soviet invasion on Poland in 1939 .

e.g anti-semitic conspiracy theorists.

Who says anything about anti-semitic conspiracy here ? Only a person who is ignorant about history . Tthis thread is not about Jewish subject however Jews have spread many times such false image of Poland through NYT using such phrases as Polish death camps . So I expect Jewish diaspora to unite forces to stop this affront forever.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
30 May 2012 /  #15
It is no surprise for me that this eventually has happened .

I agree. Like news anchors the President reads what his staff prepares for him. It's other people who post their own personal political views and resentment for other nations, the President was just simply ignorant enough to go along with it.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
31 May 2012 /  #16
no excuse. the buck stop with him. he should get more competent speech writers ;)
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
31 May 2012 /  #17
I honestly think that Obama has more to worry about then 'over-sensitive' Polish people. You all know what he meant when he said 'Polish camps' stop making an issue of it... the war was 70 years ago... get over it!!!!

In the great scheme of things if he annoys a few poles so what!
sofijufka  2 | 187  
31 May 2012 /  #18
Nobody thinks Poland operated death camps, so why make a meal out of it?

Really? Nobody thinks so? Just read some comments on the net...
peterweg  37 | 2305  
31 May 2012 /  #19
Nobody thinks Poland operated death camps, so why make a meal out of it? There are more important things in the world to worry about.

Not true. My friend who is highly educated and married to a American (who is, I think, the source of his bias) thinks Poland was responsible for the extermination of Jews. The fact that it happened in Poland makes Poles guilty by association.
OP monia  3 | 212  
31 May 2012 /  #20
In the great scheme of things if he annoys a few poles so what!

It is so arrogant to say that on a forum where majority of posters are Polish

Not few Poles and this is really very humiliating for him to say that
( someone wrote a speach , so you can`t just call it a blunder ) and not issuing a letter with explanation and apologies . I hope Polonia will remember that fact and all other issues while voting .

The fact that it happened in Poland makes Poles guilty by association.

What? Association ? Who claims that ? Have you ever read some facts about it ?

The Polish nation lost the largest portion of its pre-war population during World War II. Out of Poland's pre-war population of 34,849,000, about 6,000,000 - constituting 17% of its total - perished during the German occupation. There were 240,000 military deaths, 3,000,000 Polish-Jewish Holocaust victims, and 2,760,000 civilian deaths (see World War II casualties backed with real research and citations).


There were other factors to settle death camps in occupied Poland like the largest Jewish diaspora in Europe , the central location of Poland and remember Poles were victims not assassins.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
31 May 2012 /  #21
Wow. Really?! Very ignorant and inflammatory statement. Makes me sad to think there are still to this day people, who think this way. Poles need a media blitz to educate the ignorant (but we know that'll never happen. But it really needs to!)
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
31 May 2012 /  #22
Rybnik... you must be one hell of a blind Pole not to think that some of the Poles had nothing to do with the Extermination of the Jews.


Unlike the one-sided polish history lesson that you got taught we in the west we have a more broader approach to History.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
31 May 2012 /  #23
Rybnik... you must be one hell of a blind Pole not to think that some of the Poles had nothing to do with the Extermination of the Jews.

I think I understand what you mean. Then if I'm right about you, you would agree that the Filipinos are equally to blame for the Bataan Death March. Right?

peterweg  37 | 2305  
31 May 2012 /  #24
Poles need a media blitz to educate the ignorant (but we know that'll never happen.

I think it a very common attitude in the USA.
OP monia  3 | 212  
31 May 2012 /  #25
Unlike the one-sided polish history lesson that you got taught we in the west we have a more broader approach to History.

Yeah , the Jewish truth and all the truth contained in some histerical hipocritical books . Maybe he should have included USA Jews themselves as part of the holocaust machine who did not do anything to save the Jews from datch camps but now from a sense of self guilt they blame others for their idifference . How would you comment that ?
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
31 May 2012 /  #26
I think I understand what you mean. Then if I'm right about you, you would agree that the Filipinos are equally to blame for the Bataan Death March. Right?

Being equally to blame and being partialy to blame are two seperate matters. I have read hundreds of accounts of Poles driving jews from their homes, giving Jews up to the Germans and so on.. It's funny that Poles always think that they have done no wrong in history...ever!!!

Answer me the following question then..

Why have the 'Polish' Jews (Jews who once lived in Poland - im not making Obama's mistake ;) ) never returned to Poland?
(ok you can undestand communist times..but now with the Polish super economy why arn't they exploiting it?)

Hi Monia....

That's the Polish way....deflect criticism of Poles by questioning what other did! Of course Poles have never done anything wrong ever!!! (...it was somebody else!)
rybnik  18 | 1444  
31 May 2012 /  #27
Being equally to blame and being partialy to blame are two seperate matters. I have read hundreds of accounts of Poles driving jews from their homes, giving Jews up to the Germans and so on..

collaboration vs wholesale extermination How can you equate the two? Polish Death Camps = wholesale extermination. Surely, that's not what you're saying. Is it?
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
31 May 2012 /  #28
To the single Jew given up by an Pole and murdered in one of the death camps...to him there is probably nothing between the two of them. I'm not saying all Poles were implicit in the destruction of the Jews in Poland but some were and in some countries the very fact that you deny this is a criminal offence.

If an international newspaper were to ask the same question to the Polish PM and he denied it, it could be very messy for the Poles in the EU.
OP monia  3 | 212  
31 May 2012 /  #29
Could you just stop that histerical nonsense about Poles exterminating Jews . Few Jews were murdered so what ????, it also happened in France and GB so what????, common crime is not an exterminantion.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
31 May 2012 /  #30
Really Monia?

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