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Anti-Corruption Bureau investigates Warsaw city hall

jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2016 /  #31
Yes, however sadly an individual is only interested in moaning about


as usual. And attacking excellent people like

Soros, Biedroń or Michnik

And Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, although right-wing, is the best Mayor our city has had. Certainly not corrupt.

But hey, they passed him by (for reasons best not mentioned here) when it came to jobs etc.
2 Jul 2016 /  #32
Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, although right-wing, is the best Mayor our city has had.

Yes, Warsaw has improved vastly in the years that she's been in charge. It's far better now than when that ghastly brother of Chairman Kaczynski was mayor, that bigot brought nothing but shame on the city. Remember the year he tried to ban the pride parade? Thank God we no longer have that kind of worldwide condemnation brought on us by city hall.

Instead of wasting their time (and our money) on politically motivated witch-hunts against opponents of the Party, why can't the anti-corruption agency investigate dodgy property transactions in which formerly loyal servants of the other Party acquired formerly state-owned property at knockdown prices? That would be a far better use of our resources. Alternatively perhaps they could investigate the chain of events that saw a back-bench MP being allowed to commandeer a police helicopter for a personal flight the entire width of the country at no charge at all?
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2016 /  #33
Remember the year he tried to ban the pride parade?

And plenty more outrages, respectable businesses destroyed and above all, stopping brothels having a discreet sign in the window, thereby unleashing a flood of obscene leaflets tucked under windscreen wipers and left to blow along the pavements.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #34
he reckless killing of 96 people by the ego of one man

For once I agree with you. It was the sick ego and bloated ambiton of PM Tusk who did everything to stay in the limelight and undermine the president's Katyń commemoration plans that may have been behind the tragedy. His aide Arabski went on trial for neglectful and shodddy (deliberate, on orders from the PM?) preparation of the presidential flight. It is widely believed that Tusk conspired with Putin in the affair. When the Tupolev was crashing to the ground at Smolensk, Tusk and and Putin were busy bear-hugging one another near the Katyń memorial.

P.S. Funny you didn't add "Is this the thread for discussing 'Anti-Corruption Bureau investigates Warsaw city hall'?" when you introduced the Smolensk theme and the monument controversy, neither of which directly relate to city hall's alleged financial irregularites.
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2016 /  #35
Alternatively perhaps they could investigate the chain of events that saw a back-bench MP being allowed to commandeer a police helicopter for a personal flight the entire width of the country at no charge at all?

Indeed. Unfortunately we'll be hearing more and more Smolenskist conspiracy theories.

Did you know that JK wanted not one but two giant statues of his twin (probably golden ones) on Krakowskie Przedmiescie despite knowing that no more changes are allowed. Much of this current sniping at City Hall is about that.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
2 Jul 2016 /  #36
It is widely believed that Tusk conspired with Putin in the affair.

By _craaazeeee_ people.

Again, neither Putin nor PO had anything to gain from the crash. The party that had something to gain, is the party that did actually gain and is now running the country. Coincidence??? I think not!

Did you know that JK wanted not one but two giant statues of his twin (probably golden ones) on Krakowskie Przedmiescie despite knowing that no more changes are allowed.

Typical. Anything to divert suspicion..... (mafketis takes a sip of tea, takes a small bite of a cookie and looks around very, very innocently)
2 Jul 2016 /  #37
Did you know that JK wanted not one but two giant statues of his twin (probably golden ones) on Krakowskie Przedmiescie

Yes, I did know that. And the fact that our city hall is defending our city against Chairman Kaczynski is the reason that our city hall is being attacked an anti-corruption agency that is led by a convicted and self-confessed criminal.
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2016 /  #38
Spot on. Pure vindictiveness by the Ciemnogrod squad.

In one of the sites where they want to build a golden statue, there's actually an adjacent discreet monument to a great General and before the city decided that the whole of Krakowskie Przedmiescie was a completed work, there were proposals for a larger monument to him. The plans were rejected, however PiS very much believe in one rule for themselves and one rule for everyone else.

We can expect even more vindictive use of anti-corruption regulations over the next few months; in fact they've just raided a number of organisations that they haven't been able to attack by other means.
2 Jul 2016 /  #39
We can expect even more vindictive use of anti-corruption regulations over the next few months

We most certainly can. The fact that Chairman Kaczynski appointed a convicted and self-confessed criminal who is ultra loyal to the Party as the head of the anti-corruption agency shows how little regard he has for the law and how he thinks the anti-corruption agency should be used. These attacks on Warsaw city hall and other opponents of the Party are just the start.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #40
Ciemnogrod squad

But it is the opposite constituency, your beloved "Jasnogród", those shining beacons of post-PRL scamsterism, ministerial kids, occupational dynasties and other benificiaries of the commie-KORite cabal that are now up a creek without a paddle. All their pavement-pounding, ranting, hate speech and snitching hasn't amounted to a hill of beans. A group fo them were on Meller's talking heads this weekend venting their spleen on PiS, And is it's no wonder why. Their whole world of perks, privileges, cushy appointments, prestigious awards, lucrative contracts, fatcat pensions and other goodies previously reserved for the Magdalenka clique has fallen through. And all they can do is simmer, seeth. spit and watch the goings on from behind a glass pane. Must be bloody frustrating for them!

Meanwhile, public support for PiS is growing, the good-change government is working apace for the benefit of the Polish nation and has plenty of PO-era scams and iregularities to follow up on. Most likely we will soon learn about Tusk's

links to the Ambergold affair.

back-bench MP being allowed to commandeer a police helicopter

What does that have to do with the irergularities at the PO-domianted City Hall now being inmvestigated by CBA?

MODS: He's taken the thread off-topic again!. Does that merit a month-long suspension or lifetime exclusion?
2 Jul 2016 /  #41
What does that have to do with the irergularities at the PO-domianted City Hall now being inmvestigated by CBA?

The way a back-bench MP was allowed to commandeer state-owned property and use it for his purely personal purposes is an example of corruption an anti-corruption agency should be fighting, if it were to be an agency to fight corruption, rather than an agency used to attack enemies of the Party, such as Warsaw city hall.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #42
agency used to attack enemies

The enemies of the Polish nation you mean. Like TW Oscar (Tusk) and TW Litwin (Komorowski), those stage-directing the Ambergold scandal, motorway tender-fixing, the gambling scam, the tape affair, and many more. The audits have been conducted and little by little all the PO's irregularities and offences will be duly investigated and the guilty brought to justice. The scale of those trasngression is so immense that someone's silly little helicopter ride is but a joke in comparison.
2 Jul 2016 /  #43
The enemies of the Polish nation you mean

No, the Polish nation is no more the Party now that PIS is the Party than it was the Party when PZPR was the Party, a fact reflected by the very similar percentages of Poles who joined the PZPR and who voted for PIS, i.e. percentages in the high teens.

If anything, the people who are being attacked by the supposed anti-corruption agency that is led by a convicted and self-confessed criminal are the defenders of the Polish nation, they are people who stand up for the Polish Constitution and who try to stop one of the finest streets in the nation's capitalbeing spoiled by a monument to the stupidity of Poland's worst president, which is what Warsaw City Hall are trying to do, and why they are being attacked.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #44
convicted and self-confessed criminal

Any evidence of this claim or just more hot air and BS?
Tell us then, has he openyl confessed: "I am a wife-beater or pickpocket or jaywalker" or whatever other offence you claim he's committed.

loyal servants of the other Party acquired formerly state-owned property at knockdown prices

Name some if you can and provide any evidence. Since you've been banging on about this for years, what is your source.

2 Jul 2016 /  #45
Any evidence of this claim or just more hot air and BS?

There is a lot of evidence of that. For a start there are the court verdicts finding him guilty. Then there is the presidential pardon: an innocent man cannot be pardoned. And there is the fact that he himself accepted the pardon: an innocent man cannot accept a pardon, an innocent man has not done anything which he can be pardoned for; only a man who accepts that he is guilty can accept a pardon, because only he has done something for which he can be pardoned.

Face facts, Warsaw City Hall is being attacked by an ' anti-corruption' agency which is led by a convicted and self-confessed criminal.
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2016 /  #46
those shining beacons of post-PRL scamsterism, ministerial kids, occupational dynasties and other benificiaries of the commie-KORite cabal that are now up a creek without a paddl

Your fantasy.

The way a back-bench MP was allowed to commandeer state-owned property and use it for his purely personal purposes is an example of corruption an anti-corruption agency should be fighting

Exactly. As his repellant (albeit less extreme) brother said, "now it's our f*cking turn to be corrupt".

Face facts, Warsaw City Hall is being attacked by an ' anti-corruption' agency which is led by a convicted and self-confessed criminal

Sheer PiS vindictiveness. As obvious as Szydlo's hair dye,
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #47
Your fantasy

If that is untrue, then the dispossessed post-PO clique -- the Michniks (whose govt subscriptions have been slashed), the Jandas now getting a fraction of the subsidies she got under PO, the PRL military OAPs concerend baotu theri fatcat pensions, the pro-PO media types (Lis, Kraśko, Olejnik et al), entertianers and academics shoudl all be in PiS. Everyone knows they're not, They are defending the PO-era status quo -- a time when all doors opened to PRL-rooted schemers, scamsters and assorted wheeler-dealer types.

Today Kaczyski was re-elecetd for another 3-year term. 1008 delegates voted for him all but unanymously (8 opposed and 1 abstention). Kaczyński said PiS is here to change all the bad things that went on since 1989, and support for PiS is growing. So you can badmouth him and PiS all you want, but your are out of sync with the heartbeat of the nation . You only hobnob and empathise with the dispossessed PO/KOD clique whose time has ended.

an innocent man cannot accept a pardon,

Apparently he can because he has. You are putting forth only your convoluted deductions and innuendos, becuase he never admitted wrongdoing.
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2016 /  #48
only a man who accepts that he is guilty can accept a pardon

Yes, more PiS criminals and more vindictiveness against those who invariably thwart their intentions.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
2 Jul 2016 /  #49
becuase he never admitted wrongdoing.

Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. The innocent don't need pardons. If his case was strong he could refuse the pardon and clear his name, but that's a lot of work and PiS are all about the shortcuts...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #50
and PiS are all about

PiS are all about good changes, undoing the wrongs and inequities of the 1989-2015 post-PRL clique including the legislative duds of the PO regime.
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2016 /  #51
If his case was strong he could refuse the pardon and clear his name, but that's a lot of work and PiS are all about the shortcuts

Basically it's another piece of PiS. Just corruption and subverting laws they don't agree with.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
2 Jul 2016 /  #52
PiS are all about good changes,

Buying loyalty by giving low information voters trinkets and wampum

undoing the wrongs and inequities of the 1989-2015 post-PRL clique

By going back to the PRL way of doing things!

including the legislative duds of the PO regime.

By undoing the policies that saw the greatest rise in the standard of living in post PRL Poland. Again they want a PRL redoux and that's what voters will get sooner or later.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #53
Buying loyalty

You and your mates can do all the badmouthing you want, but only the Polsih nation can jduge. And suppprt for PiS is growing. Petru was down to 6% support recently when PiS got 41%. Doesn't that tell you something. By contrast, the loudmouth KODists are being increasingly sidelined and ignored by ordinary Poles who are sick of the boring marches and endless TK blather.
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2016 /  #54

Only the courts can judge, assuming JK and his gang haven't abolished them all in favour of verdicts from clergy.

Oh, and us Polish citizens have a say too. Have you ever thought of becoming a Polish citizen.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
2 Jul 2016 /  #55
Petru was down to 6% support recently when PiS got 41%. Doesn't that tell you something

Yes, that the Polish public hasn't been following events in Greece or Venezuela.... (or doesn't remember Gierek's giveaway policies that lead to the privations of the late 1970s and 1980s).

PiS does not have an economic model, it's just buying the votes of the gullible. The bill will be very high when it comes due.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #56
The bill will be very high when it comes due.

We have heard this all along -- doomsday predictions, wishful thinking, PiS won't last more than a few months, bla bla, etc., etc. Well, they're in their 9th month and going strong. One thing you do not understand. PiS are for the Polsih nation, not a quarter or a fifth who constitute the post-PRL elite, PO's constituency. They have lost a lot and stand to lose more, so their fear and disdain are understandable. But that will not stop the good-change government of Jarosław Kaczyński. Those wishing he would trip up say he should be PM, but he hasn't fallen into that trap again. As PM he would be bombarded by issues and daily events which could easily overwhelm. As a backseat strategist, he has a broad overview of the situation and can easily correct errors or modify policies as required without being bogged down by daily concerns. That arrangement was a stroke of genius. That is why Kaczyński is Poland's most powerful and influential poltical leader.

the privations of the late 1970s and 1980s)

The privations, shops emtpied of goods in the early 1980s were the direct result of Wałęsa's insistence that every worker should get an extra 2000 zł. The regime conceded for the skae of social peace, bute everyone knew that was a catastrophic move. People now had loads of cash but it broke the consumer market as people bought out everything in sight. Thta episode is somehow forgotten nowadays.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
2 Jul 2016 /  #57
I wouldn't say that PiS economic policy goes as far as that of Greece and certainly does not it go as far as in Venezuela. I should remind you that PiS was rather cautious about their economic plans in the years 2005-2007 when in power. Nothing that you would call a reckless economic policy at that time.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Jul 2016 /  #58
PiS does not have an economic mode

Au contraire, PiS' Morawiecki plan is based on re-autonomising or repolonising teh economy, creatign indigenous entrepreneurship, Polish enterprises, designs, brands and retail chains that will hopefully limit foreign investments attracted solely by cheap manpower and foreign retailers siphoning their profits back home. That goes hand in hand with the establishment of vocational schooling which had been largely neglected in recent decades. Admittedly it's a very ambitious programme, but it's about time it has finally been launched. As Kaczyński put it at yesterday's covenntion, the injustices of the Balcerowicz plan must be replaced by the Morawiecki plan serving the entire nation.
3 Jul 2016 /  #59
I wouldn't say that PiS economic policy goes as far as that of Greece

Would you mind not saying it somewhere other than this thread? This thread is for discussing the way that the supposedly anticorruption agency, which is led by a convicted and self-confessed criminal, is attacking the city hall in Warsaw.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
3 Jul 2016 /  #60
being checked as well as reprivatisation activities involving real etsate worth hundreds of millions of złotys where a huge potential for abuse exists.

This thread is for discussing the way that the supposedly anticorruption agency, [...], is attacking the city hall in Warsaw.

Indeed, I may say that the reprivatisation activities of the city hall involving a piece of land in the close vicinity of the Palace of Culture has been gaining great attention of Gazeta Wyborcza recently and the attention hasn't been at all in favour of Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz (Crooked Hanna?), the Mayor of Warsaw. Besides, I have been already noticing it for some time that the GW have been showing rather critical views (to say the least!) of Crooked Hanna's different activities since at least the last electoral campaign for the post of Mayor of Warsaw. I am a little surprised by this really ...

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