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Ania Lisewska, Polish Woman, Wants To Have Sex With 100,000 Men for Guinness World Records.

szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
30 Sep 2013 /  #31
100,000 men for 20 minutes each

Thats 19 more minutes than most men in Scotland would need.................besides the ex did that many and she only went to Maguluf for a weekend.
Nile  1 | 154  
30 Sep 2013 /  #32
OP mochadot18  18 | 245  
10 Jan 2014 /  #33
Just an update

Ania Lisewska is currently in Costa Rica, and will go to America soon. Ania Lisewska finally arrived in Costa Rica. There she will sleep with about 1,500 men who have confirmed their participation in the marathon previously . And she is currently residing in the hotel "Hotel Ave del Paraiso

If you are interested she is also doing a live chat posted from her facebook which has just over 88,000 likes so far: facebook.com/anialisewskasex

Also as of December 29th 2013 she has had sex with 650 men.
McDouche  6 | 282  
10 Jan 2014 /  #34
Poles have another thing to be proud of.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
10 Jan 2014 /  #35
yep, we're always proud of our full of whhores country :-)
OP mochadot18  18 | 245  
10 Jan 2014 /  #36
Come on Pierogi and Douche we all know you would wanna tap that......


yep, we're always proud of our full of whhores country :-)

Wulkan I shall assume you already did tap that
Wulkan  - | 3136  
10 Jan 2014 /  #37
If someone paid me enough I'd do it, I guess it would make a decent vomit gore movie
Paulina  19 | 4484  
11 Jan 2014 /  #38
Poles have another thing to be proud of.

yep, we're always proud of our full of whhores country :-)

Those are a chauvinistic comment and a blanket statement.
If McDouche and Wulkan have the right to make such comments on this forum then I have the right to comment on them and call them what they are - a chauvinistic comment and a blanket statement.

May I know which of the mods has a problem with that and why?
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
11 Jan 2014 /  #39
I thought that it was the Claudia Schiffer looking woman you see on the video before you press play, was getting ready to sign up, then when I realised that was the presenter and saw who was actually doing it. Damn! I don't mean that in a good way either.
Maciek_G  4 | 18  
11 Jan 2014 /  #40
Ewww how is this funny to any Polish ppl? she should be stripped of her citizenship, shes the exact opposite of what real Polish girls are. Good luck to her lol hope she finds someone to date/marry her after, she WILL die alone.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
11 Jan 2014 /  #41
It's almost like it's not real. Those pictures...seems like she would have better ones than those if she is trying for this world record.
McDouche  6 | 282  
11 Jan 2014 /  #42
she should be stripped of her citizenship

Being a bit harsh, aren't you?

shes the exact opposite of what real Polish girls are.

Polish girls are not some uniform sentiment so stop saying Polish girls are the "exact opposite."

It's almost like it's not real.

It very much is real.
OP mochadot18  18 | 245  
11 Jan 2014 /  #43
This is also proof that women have it easier. As a woman, you can be fat and ugly and still be capable of seducing many men.

............ HAHAHAHAAHAHA I do hope that you are kidding, Women have it easier hahaha SMH and as Paulina would say ffs (facepalm)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
11 Jan 2014 /  #44
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
11 Jan 2014 /  #45
She should put some eyebrows on. Too much eyeshadow, not enough penciling in the brows.
jon357  72 | 23517  
11 Jan 2014 /  #46
She could lose a few kilos too.
OP mochadot18  18 | 245  
11 Jan 2014 /  #47
Men most def have it easier they dont have the pressures that women face all day everyday from every direction. And in reply to that video just look at the title Stud vs. Slut like how come women get labeled with such derogatory terms??? Women are called prudes if they dont sleep with guys and yet once they do they are called sluts, while guys can do as they please with no comments other than high fives from the guys after nailing a hot girl. Just one way girls can never win. I seriously hate how women are always labeled in such ugly ways. And that the standards just aren't the same. Women are constantly being put up on pedestals by men. And while yes their are exceptions such as this women but while Wulkan you might be her type for the most part she is not sleeping with any good guys, I'm sure i'm fine with assuming for many guys this is just a way to get either their first notch or just another notch within their belts, because for guys a lay is a lay.

Wulkan:yep, we're always proud of our full of whhores country :-)

Nice statement though Wulkan

Ugly guys can get girls also, they just gotta have some money. So for guys a girl just has to have the right plumbing while girls look more for money. Both sexes use the other sex for different things. Once again this is no sex as a whole just some individuals.
McDouche  6 | 282  
11 Jan 2014 /  #48
Ugly guys can get girls also, they just gotta have some money.

You just said it. Ugly guys need to be rich to get women.

Ugly women just have to be women to get many guys.
OP mochadot18  18 | 245  
11 Jan 2014 /  #49
Would you like me to list every thing that could connect an ugly guy to a hot girl and a hot guy to an ugly girl??? And I also said this only pertains to some people, not everyone is the same DUHHHHH

Dont even start saying that men dont do the same.......... Talk about Cougars.... So it goes both ways guys date women for their money also

Sugar mamas and sugar daddies

  • oldwomanyoungman..jpg
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
11 Jan 2014 /  #50
It very much is real

Yeah but is it though? I mean she has gained a bit of publicity from announcing it and has a twitter account with about 1,500 followers, because of the hype she has built up for herself, but this story is from a few months ago and she has not started it yet. I'm not sure she will go through with it [or have enough takers to be a part of this with her].
Rysavy  10 | 306  
12 Jan 2014 /  #51
The woman in the picture is only 21? 0_o

What a bizarre thing to want to do a that age as well. Yuk!
I guess if it floats her boat...but still yuk.
McDouche  6 | 282  
12 Jan 2014 /  #53
Yeah but is it though?

It is. Stop trying to deny it just because she's Polish.

she has not started it yet.

You haven't read the entire thread. She already started and has had sex with over 600 men thus far. She is currently in Costa Rica.
OP mochadot18  18 | 245  
12 Jan 2014 /  #54
story is from a few months ago and she has not started it yet. I'm not sure she will go through with it [or have enough takers to be a part of this with her].


But according to reports, having sex with that many people for 20 minutes at a time would take Miss Lisewska 3.8 years to complete if she didn't stop for food or sleep.

Seeing as she only plans to partake on Saturdays and Sundays, the task would take 20 years non-stop.
Assuming she lives to the age of 81, to hit 100,000 Miss Lisewska would have to up her quota to around 16 men on both days of the weekend.

  • ania_lisewska.png
bottomsup  - | 4  
9 Jun 2014 /  #55
Ania's up to 5,000, at this rate she shall hit maybe 10,000 by the end of the year. She will never make it.

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