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Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands?

rychlik  41 | 372  
28 May 2010 /  #181
both Polish girls in the office hate Polish men as well

Where do you work? Listen bud, Polish women are no trophy and they are not all beautiful. Some act like b'itches who think they're better cuz they are Polish Women. Screw that! I live in Canada and some date Polish guys and some do not. But then they pay for it. Anyways, I think Polish women are kinda dumb anyways and sometimes give Poles a bad name abroad. STOP PUTTING C'UNTS ON A PEDESTAL.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
28 May 2010 /  #182
I think Polish women are kinda dumb anyways and sometimes give Poles a bad name abroad.

hmm really? and where do you live?
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
28 May 2010 /  #183
little different to the table

Yeah, money and some extra inches.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 May 2010 /  #184
Monopoly notes and flab in your case then? ;)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 May 2010 /  #186
LOL, no projection here.

People will be with who they will be with. Many Polish women really like Polish guys, they speak the same language. Some Poles are not so patient with those that don't speak their language fluently so it's a major factor.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
28 May 2010 /  #187
Some Poles are not so patient with those that don't speak their language fluently so it's a major factor.

But the language of most intercultural relationships is English.

Broken English, that is :D
sevcio  - | 6  
21 Jun 2010 /  #189
Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands? It's quite simple. They are usually richer that's the answer.
That's not women fault, guy who can provide better future is much more attractive for every women.
Second thing, guys in Poland are usually boring, tired of living in this hostile country, all time thinking about earthy things.

Who am I? I'm a regular polish guy living in this insane country and don't have problem with women :)
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
21 Jun 2010 /  #190
They are usually richer that's the answer.

Are you sure? If the third worlders the Polish women so much love are actually richer than Polish men, then I feel sorry for your country's economy...
sevcio  - | 6  
21 Jun 2010 /  #191
Are you sure?

In EVERY case that polish women choose foreigner I touched, it was all about the money.

I feel sorry for your country's economy...

Economy in my country is very stabil...I mean it's f*cked for all the time :)

p.s. Yeah i know, my english is primitive, sorry :)
Matowy  - | 293  
21 Jun 2010 /  #192
Are you sure? If the third worlders the Polish women so much love are actually richer than Polish men, then I feel sorry for your country's economy...

You know even third world countries have rich people in them? My friends from Warszawa seem to spend 500% more than me on frivolous things.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
21 Jun 2010 /  #193
You know even third world countries have rich people in them?

I am well aware of that but I believe the majority of the immigrants Polish women get involved with are as poor as those women are.

It's probably just because they find them exotic.
sevcio  - | 6  
21 Jun 2010 /  #194
I'd like to write that if you think that Poland is third world country you confirm that you know nothing about this country.
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Jun 2010 /  #195
In EVERY case that polish women choose foreigner I touched, it was all about the money.

I agree here.You make one mistake.What matters is not how much money polish guys earn but how much they spend on women.An average Polka needs about 400 euro per month for maintenance.If a Pole does not provide this money she goes for foreigner.
sevcio  - | 6  
21 Jun 2010 /  #196
An average Polka needs about 400 euro per month.

What is the source of it? The truth is that for minimum wage in "old EU" you can pay bills, get fun and save some money. In Poland minimum wage=starvation death. If polish man earn 1000 euro net per month, it is considered that a very good earnings.

Now you understand why polish women prefer foreigners?

Numbers not for Warsaw.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
23 Jun 2010 /  #197
Polki never stop asking for money.Not all of them of course but the kind which usually goes for foreigners does.Where are cheap Polki?Things were not like that 8 years ago.Now many are corrupted to the core.Still slavic though that's why we support them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Jun 2010 /  #198
In Poland minimum wage=starvation death.

Rubbish. You can get a room in the centre of Poznan for 400zl a month. Minimum wage is around the 850zl mark - if you can't survive on 450zl a month, something is really wrong. Think about it - 850zl a month for full time work, plus say 80zl for a day of handing out flyers on a Saturday - so you can easily take home in the region of 1100zl a month. Rent of 400zl, leaves you with around 700zl a month - which is more than enough to live.

Then again, anyone stupid enough to go with a woman who requires "maintenance" deserves to pay lots of money.
beckski  12 | 1609  
24 Jun 2010 /  #199
I've learned my lesson the hard way...try to stay away from most foreigners, especially German guys. Had my heart broken by them toooo many times :(

From now on it's Polish men or nothing, lol :)
A J  4 | 1075  
24 Jun 2010 /  #200
I've learned my lesson the hard way...try to stay away from most foreigners.

Hey, you're a foreigner, and since you're blonde and have blue eyes you could be partly Germanic too!

southern  73 | 7059  
24 Jun 2010 /  #201
Then again, anyone stupid enough to go with a woman who requires "maintenance" deserves to pay lots of money.

This means that we foreigners are completely stupid?We should learn the tricks of slavic men.But then again russian women tell me that their russian boyfriends spend huge on them buying for them cars etc.
Jenny_Irishgree  - | 3  
18 Jul 2010 /  #202
Maybe because polish guys suck xD joking it's not that they prefer, it's just that they exist. You can't control who you fall in love with. What determine what you see, is, if you follow your love or not.
PolishWoman  - | 8  
19 Jul 2010 /  #203
Maybe because polish guys suck

That's true, I totally agree.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
19 Jul 2010 /  #204
Maybe because polish guys suck
That's true, I totally agree.

So good im not into Polish women.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
19 Jul 2010 /  #205
They don't prefer them really (some do and some don't). It largely boils down to contact and a bit of gambling :)
A J  4 | 1075  
19 Jul 2010 /  #206
They don't prefer them really (some do and some don't).

Don't they feel sorry for all those Jarnowa's out there?

nomaderol  5 | 726  
19 Jul 2010 /  #208
Why do women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands?

Foreigners? Who? Green men are attractive, we all know. But, they are turning to Purples, lately.
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Jul 2010 /  #209
They prefer foreigners because they assume foreigners have and will spend more pienadze on them.(which has some base especially if the foreigner stems from the ''classic'' countries).
A J  4 | 1075  
19 Jul 2010 /  #210

Hey, why don't you tell us something we don't know?


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