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All Polish women can't be nutters can they?

OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
11 May 2007 /  #61
I hear you daffy, dont get me wrong I WOULDN"T take her back even if she crawled on her arse cheeks over a field of broken glass!

She wasnt an only child she has a bro & sis but I think shes a daddys girl spoilt, always has to have attention, but like being bored on her own? (I know! she was an odd one!)

I got the same thing if I was talking to her there are time you would like some kind of responce!! nope she just had this blank look on her face! she did this with not just me but to some of her friends

Some where down the line I will look back on this and maybe laugh! but it has been a learning curve I know the signs and what to look for if I get another one turns up!! lol
daffy  22 | 1153  
11 May 2007 /  #62
but it has been a learning curve I know the signs and what to look for

amen - what doesnt kill ya makes a stronger
14 May 2007 /  #63
Look Buddy. there are two kinds of people in this crazy world. Rhinos and cows. Rhinos charge and make it happen. Cows pasture and wait for things to happen. Remember, above all things with women, he who cares the least is in control. think about that buddy!! If you give them an inch, they will take a mile.
beckski  12 | 1609  
19 May 2007 /  #64
Geeze, why don't you just write a novel!
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
19 May 2007 /  #65
Its Polish forum here...so u'll find most people crazy about Poland and its women.
19 May 2007 /  #66
u'll find most people crazy about Poland and its women.

.... even the crazy ones!
21 May 2007 /  #67
People are forgetting the important things like, beer, football, pizza.... women are like buses, nothing then three come along at once, and if you look the other way they'll run you over.

As Easy E from NWA once said rapped, "I got 99 problems but a ***** 'ain't one".
Thats clearly the attitude to maintain.
Sparky359  6 | 46  
22 May 2007 /  #68
No, i don't think all Polish women are nutters.

The one I was seeing in relation to my posting a while ago was a bit of a fruit cake.

"6 months with my girlfriend and I still don't understand her"

But two weeks ago I found myself a new Polish girlfriend, and she is so nice, genuine and treats me like a women would in any normal relationship.

Now I am very happy :-)
OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
23 May 2007 /  #69
Nice one sparky its good to hear that there are some nice ones out there! Hopefully when I start my polish lessons in june at uni it would nice to see if theres any there?

To up date! Spoke to her a couple of days ago and she's having some problems of sorts? What ever! the thing is she knows that music and esp songs have sum kind of meaning to me! Anyway she told me about this song she likes called lips of an angel by Hinder. If you have heard this song you will know its about missing and thinking of someone in the past!

Does anyone else think she's trying to say something??
28 May 2007 /  #70
Yes, not a sane one in the bunch. Been married 15 years to a polish gal I met in the good old USA - all I can say is, be afraid, be very afraid. She is bi-polar, and goes from sad to angry/aggressive. Of her friends, one has killed her husband, the other decided to get a tummy tuck and then left her husband for the doc - who had to get a restraining order to keep her away. Another is a nympho (if you have to be crazy, supose it is not that bad a way to be) - who chases younger guys.

The only reason I stick around is to make sure the cycle gets borken with my kids - that they have someone with a full deck to show them that normal is ok...

Hope all goes well when the life in the twilight zone....

God this is soooo familiar - Bipolar polish girls seem to go from sad to ViciouS...

I feel your pain....
28 May 2007 /  #71
Yes, not a sane one in the bunch. Been married 15 years to a polish gal I met in the good old USA - all I can say is, be afraid, be very afraid. She is bi-polar, and goes from sad to angry/aggressive. Of her friends, one has killed her husband, the other decided to get a tummy tuck

abdul jaroslav
abdul jaroslaw
agony aunt
dagenham dave
king kong
MMMarek kopij
mr marek
pan marek


r u for real?
31 May 2007 /  #72
hey married one and she was a complete nutter too.........beautiful but crazy ....lost 18 grand in an on line casino and it was my fault
OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
16 Jun 2007 /  #73
Just to add, went out with ex a week ago just as friends and as it turns out its wasnt a bad night, she told me about some of the guys shes been seeing and even that she is getting paid for it! (so she says!)

The problem was that while were talking wwe couldnt help but kiss, I it felt good and she felt the same. One thing I cant understand she showed me where she was living now Why? it was a secret before!

Then last weekend I get a phone call at 05.45 sunday morning with her in tears about her leaving a job in the place we both worked! She would tell me what the boss said to her but she told me other things.

I asked her why she rang me, you know what her answer was? I wanted to talk to someone and all I could think of was me!! (what the ell it that suppose to mean!)
beckski  12 | 1609  
16 Jun 2007 /  #74
The problem was that while were talking wwe couldnt help but kiss

It seems like sometimes a kiss happens in the heat of the moment.

I have a very good male friend. We've been friends over 3 years. One day we were talking on my couch. To my surprise, he leaned over and stole a kiss. I was completely shocked. I didn't kiss him back. He apologized for his action.

To this day I still feel a little uncomfortable when I see him. However, I'm not going to let a stupid little thing like a kiss, come between our 3 year friendship.
OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
16 Jun 2007 /  #75
This wasnt a stole kiss in the heat of the moment, this was a kiss in every sence of the word with tongues she leaned over to me while I was talking. We even kissed in the car, she said she wanted to kiss me because she doesn't kiss the other guys (LOL! Yeah right!)
shopgirl  6 | 928  
16 Jun 2007 /  #76
LT. Navy....why are you putting yourself in a vulnerable position again? She has shown you who she is. Believe her. I'm afraid she's gonna take advantage of you.

Wipe off the spider webs man, and run!
OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
16 Jun 2007 /  #77
Even fools fall galdly! She knows that theres no chance we will ever get back togther, she already broke my heart twice she aint gonna get it again! I'm getting stronger. The thing is I dont fall in love that easy and with every woman I meet, even with this one it took a bit of time to fall, but when I did oh ****!!

The funny thing is that she was pretty pissed off when I refused to have sex with her, she was thought that she still had control over me! She hasnt got that much!

I have to kill the part of me that wont let her go, even after all she did!
I know I know! what your thinking! I'm off my head and you would be right! But untill she one else comes along that will wipe out all my thoughts of my ex I'm screwed its just not as painful as before lol!
shopgirl  6 | 928  
16 Jun 2007 /  #78
No, no I'm not criticizing you or thinking that you've lost it.
I just hate to see people suffer.
If you know what you are doing and protecting yourself, that's good.
But in another way, spending time with her could be a way of missing out on someone else who's far superior. Ya know?
OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
16 Jun 2007 /  #79
yeah I know your not criticzing me (you should! :) )
But I've not met anyone to spend time with! I've been waiting for her to show herself to me! and I've even been looking but with no luck!

But I know what you mean!!
shopgirl  6 | 928  
16 Jun 2007 /  #80
Yes, I understand. Its not easy.
Just don't let her drag you around. You were good to her. Spend some of that "goodness" on someone worthy. :)
OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
16 Jun 2007 /  #81
Well the funny thing is I've been told that I was too good to her! maybe if a treated her like sh i t like possibly guys before me did it could have been a different story.

She can't drag me down any more than she did, I loss quite alot when we broke up, I'm sure in the years to come I will look back and **** myself laughing, how can you lose your partner, two jobs, your home, and all your money in aweek! lol lol!!!??
shopgirl  6 | 928  
16 Jun 2007 /  #82
Well the funny thing is I've been told that I was too good to her!

You were too good to her. She did not return your kindnesses. I view her as someone who depends on the kindness of others, making the rounds as needed.

I expect that if she determines that you have "cut her off" she will replace you with someone else. It is disappointing to see someone behave in this way, but don't think all women are like her. They are not.

I hope that you recover all that you lost, and find someone wonderful. All the best. :)
OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
16 Jun 2007 /  #83
Yeah I know she's a selfish *****, and she has replaced me lol!
Poor bastard that end up with her!
Thanks shopgirl, are you a nice person?
shopgirl  6 | 928  
16 Jun 2007 /  #84
I like to think that I am :)
OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
16 Jun 2007 /  #85
Thats good to know, shame your so far away
Angela777  4 | 11  
16 Jun 2007 /  #86
You're ragging on a woman who is not here to defend herself, so go ahead and have your rant, but I have two points.

One, you chose her. Clearly your judgment of character needs improvement.

Two, the only way to resolve stuff is with the person you have the issue with. This takes communication skill and daring. This combined with honing character judgment seems a likely way to find a good person who is worth being with.

Well, worked for me. :)
OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
17 Jun 2007 /  #87
Aint life a b*tch!
Thank you for your insite
What might have worked for you, doesnt mean its works for any one else!
Again thank you
18 Jun 2007 /  #88
but woman ,,well we need them

you are right,,are you from canada,,it was the your picture that made me ask
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Jan 2010 /  #89
That sort of behavior is not untypical with western women who have become spoiled and childlike. "Empowered" with almost total freedom without paying the consequences and this is what western women have become......

Eurola  4 | 1898  
2 Jan 2010 /  #90
That sort of behavior is not untypical with western women who have become spoiled and childlike.

Western women can actually say and behave the way they want. There might be consequences to some who are not connected, but most will win, as they should. It has nothing to be with being childlike. We've come a long way baby.

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