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All Polish women can't be nutters can they?

witek  1 | 587  
9 May 2007 /  #31
This girl needs some spanking

everyone needs a good spanking once in a while

  • i_willl_keep_spankin.jpg
9 May 2007 /  #32
She would blow hot then be as cold as ice,

I know the feeling least you put your foot down.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
10 May 2007 /  #33
Lt Navy, I think you experienced a truely toxic drama queen (and maybe with some bi-polar disorder thrown in there too).

A few years ago there was a woman (American) that worked in my department that "wrapped men around her finger" and then took them on a nut-case roller coaster ride. She lied, played games, got hysterical and very dramatic when things didn't go her way, and sometimes I think she tried to "start something" just because it was "too quiet". If one guys wasn't around, she go looking for the other one, and play them off against each other. (Did I mention that she received child support checks from three separate men in different states for her child?) Despite her looks and cunning ways, eventually she got such a reputation that no one would go near her (she also liked to get restraining orders). And she didn't limit her craziness to personal relationships, she was bizarre at work as well. We all knew we were in for a rough time if she came to work with no make-up on. She couldn't take any type of constuctive criticism on her job performance, it was perceived "as everyone is against me". You couldn't even reason with her, she could not even make a logical point. That girl was a train wreck. Even higher-ups in management didn't want to deal with her. No one would meet with her alone in a room (too afraid of some wild accusation might occur), everything had to be done with a witness present.

You are very lucky to be rid of this person if she was anything like this (and sounds a lot like the woman I knew).

Run as fast as you can and do not look back!
mamma mia  
10 May 2007 /  #34
(and maybe with some bi-polar disorder thrown in there too).

To be more accurate - she sounds more like suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder.....incidentally, do you have qualifications to make such a diagnosis? The reason for my comment is that the general public tends to label others and they pick the most common disorders like bi-polar when they don't really know much about it at all.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
10 May 2007 /  #35
She said she was on meds, and if she wasn't she should have been.

And yeah, I have a background in Psychology :)
10 May 2007 /  #36
To meit looks like histrionic personality disorder.Bipolar means periods of depression alternating with mania,borderline has to do with unstable interpersonal relationships.
Anyway the DSM criteria for histrionic personality disorder are
1.Uncomfortable in situations where she is not the center of attention
2.Interaction with others often characterized by inappropriate seductive or provocative beahavior
3.Displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions
4.Consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to herself
5.Has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail
6.Shows self dramatization theoretically and exaggerated expression of emotion
7.Is suggestible,ie easily influenced by others or circumastances
8.Considers relationships to be more intimate than they really are
It seems to me the person in description displays many of the above patterns.
moire  4 | 40  
10 May 2007 /  #37
She's 22 and I'm 33

if i was you, 33, i wouldnt have a serious relationship with a girl 22 and works in a night club. i dont mean to offence and judge her, but nomorlly these kind of girls are unstable, and havent understood the responsibility of love yet.

i would think it was your own fault to get into this relationship. think about your part in this mess before blame this young girl
sparrow  2 | 243  
10 May 2007 /  #38
do you have qualifications to make such a diagnosis?

I'm a fully qualified plumber. That should give me enough to label them.

if i was you, 33, i wouldnt have a serious relationship with a girl 22 and works in a night club. i dont mean to offence and judge her, but nomorlly these kind of girls are unstable, and havent understood the responsibility of love yet.
i would think it was your own fault to get into this relationship. think about your part in this mess before blame this young girl

On the other hand, he's 33 & there's a young hot 22 year old that wants to have sex with you. Don't forget to think with your penis once in a while if you're trying to place yourself in the position of the guy.
Frank  23 | 1183  
10 May 2007 /  #39
Women..........men.....can't live with them....can't live without them.....
moire  4 | 40  
10 May 2007 /  #40
On the other hand, he's 33 & there's a young hot 22 year old that wants to have sex with you. Don't forget to think with your penis once in a while if you're trying to place yourself in the position of the guy.

so treat it as one night stand, then there is no any trouble at all, no need to feel hurted by a polish girl.
open your eyes to see clearly which girl is for love and which girl is for sex. good to be single anyway :D
peterweg  37 | 2305  
10 May 2007 /  #41
God I hate reading about similar situations, But have faith :)

No don't, it is pretty hopeless. I had the same and think my present relationship is going the same (although not with the sex being turned off)
Hueg  - | 319  
10 May 2007 /  #42
open your eyes to see clearly which girl is for love and which girl is for sex.

To quote you from your 'my bf never says I love you' thread.

i decided to keep the relationship although his attitude was really lack of affection and a kinda of insult for me. i love him so much that i am willing to risk, to make him love me.

Physician, heal thyself. :)
10 May 2007 /  #43
Physician, heal thyself. :)

it is always easier to be objective about somebody else's problem than your own:).
I would even risk saying that we cannot be aobejctive about ourself, only after a long time, privided we spend time to contemplate. At least I cannot:)
moire  4 | 40  
10 May 2007 /  #44
Physician, heal thyself.

dont you know that Physicians cannt heal themselves? Chirurgeons dont make operation for their family?

the world has different moral standards for men and women: a playboy can have a nice wife after he quits his dissipated life, but a prostitute cannt have a normal life anylonger with her bad reputation.
Hueg  - | 319  
10 May 2007 /  #45
dont you know that Physicians cannt heal themselves?

You've never been to Capernaum have you?

I was being biblical.

I don't really think you can take anything biblical literally, even when it is written in print.

Oh Luke I think that there is a pro.. a mor... a reason I said it. :)

Miranda, abolutely. Give me someone else's problems over mine any day.
Decorator  4 | 291  
10 May 2007 /  #46
I can barely type through the tears... at 1st i thought he was talking about Gabriela Cheeky.... ;-(
10 May 2007 /  #47
i will tell you, never do love relation with polish girl , only use them for sex and bye so why you are angrey , if iam you , i will find another polish girl just for **** and engoyment.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
10 May 2007 /  #48
"All polish women can't be nutters can they"?
To answer your question. No. Women anywhere can be nutters....if you've ever been in a relationship you'd know this already. You just have to be selective, and not have your heart stolen with just looks....trouble ;)

i will tell you, never do love relation with polish girl , only use them for sex and bye so why you are angrey , if iam you , i will find another polish girl just for **** and engoyment.

This just proves WHY there are some women out there that aren't so faithful. It's because of men that treat them like this......

It's people like you that cause women to "assume" all men are the same. Go grow up somewhere...just not here.
sparrow  2 | 243  
10 May 2007 /  #49
It's people like you that cause women to "assume" all men are the same.

Well, the opposite is true too.. ;-) But I agree, he's a nutcase. He made a very angry post earlier today but it was removed.. Dec knows what I'm talking 'bout ;-)
FISZ  24 | 2116  
10 May 2007 /  #50
Well, the opposite is true too.. ;-)

Of course it is :)
Decorator  4 | 291  
10 May 2007 /  #51
Dec knows what I'm talking 'bout ;-)

Indeed i do....
OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
10 May 2007 /  #52
In my defence, I did everything that a bf should do! but theres only so much a guy can do to please a woman. It wasn't an angry posting I told my story and waited to see what the feed back was? But I do think that there is some form of Borderline Personality Disorder

One other thing it was her that wanted love it wasnt sex, you have to HAVE Sex for it to be a one night stand

She got 7/8 that aint bad!!!
10 May 2007 /  #53
Basically, as a man, I've been hurt before, and usually its for stupid reason. I understand how a hurt of a relationship can be hard, BUT, and this is not a I want to have sex woth every woman man's point of view, Why are people so possesive and jealous? If the man/woman you are with loves you and you enjoy their company, then give all you devotion to that person. If they come home to you and love you, etc. There, sounds good to me. Anything can happen. I've always been commited and devoted to the Woman I was with, becasue I wanted to be with them. If they wanted sex or other realtionships, well, onnlyy if they are HONEST about it, then I have a choice to make, eh? If they are deceitful, it jsut may be your fault for staying in relation. I could go on....but....

Lt Navy, I think you experienced a truely toxic drama queen (and maybe with some bi-polar disorder thrown in there too).

LOL. Is that the EXCUSE They use now. PLEASEEE dont give them more fodder. I jsut assume, well, that all people are nutters and go from there! ;p
sapphire  22 | 1241  
11 May 2007 /  #54
i have to say I agree with Moire on this one.. a good looking girl of 22 working in a nightclub in a foreign country is much more likely to be out for a good time with as many man as possible and take them for what she can get than to be wanting a serious relationship with a man in his 30s. She was clearly playing you and talking of love in order to get something from you.. sorry mate, but move on and never look back.. and as someone else said, if its a relationship you want, then dont base it only on looks.
Frank  23 | 1183  
11 May 2007 /  #55
only on looks.

But its a hell of a good start.........or if either party is as ugly as sin.....straying is inevitable!!!

When will either party learn.........each one has something the other wants.......it all depends on how you go about getting it....or what you are prepared to sell it for.....effectively.......lol

My 2 cents worth
daffy  22 | 1153  
11 May 2007 /  #56
My GF aint a nutter :) she is more sane than I :D

she is a little pessimistic at times and claims it realism (but you only need to be right once when being pessimsitic to be right all the time :eyesrolling:)
OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
11 May 2007 /  #57
You know what the sad thing about this is, a little part of me still misses her! I know that is with someone else ( have you heard of the saying! What goes around comes around!) I really hope that who ever she see from now on does to her what she did to me!

But I'm not bitter about it!
daffy  22 | 1153  
11 May 2007 /  #58
You know what the sad thing about this is, a little part of me still misses her!

LOL i hear that - was like that with my ex - but whenever id miss her -id remind myself why i left and then im ok :) (psycho!)
OP Lt Navy  3 | 29  
11 May 2007 /  #59
Yeah Yeah I keep tell myself that!, lol Its a damn shame though!!
Do you still talk to your ex?
even though she is a psycho and anything else I would mind her just being a friend!
daffy  22 | 1153  
11 May 2007 /  #60
I didnt at first - then i did (still loved her and wanted to give here (anotherXhundreth) chance

She turned out to the same (if not worse i think :( )

Then I got the odd text etc and that was fine

then one night i got - "did you leave a note on our car?"


" oh its prob nothing, just someone left a note on our car saying 'im watching you xxx'

No, not me.

"well its just, were thinking of going to the police about it"

I would prefere you DID go to the police, I left you remember, Now stop texting me.

and that was that.

You see, she is an only child, centre of the universe drama queen, attention seeking, liar, demon in the sack though (prob why it lasted so long but that doesnt speak well of me lol, i loved her and its why i tried to put up with, change, work with her about it but it had started to effect my health. and either she stopped for good or i had to go.

I could write a paper on here she had WAY too many issues and so forth.she was irish folks and gave women in general a bad name

I cant be her friend - she made it clear she couldnt keep to that lines.
I think for her sex was acceptance. she had a CONSTANT need to be the centre of everyones attention - even when i was ill, seriously ill - it was like "you never said you loved me today"

I looked in amazement at her....dumbfounded....

and thanks Lt Navy - now i know i made the right choice :D :up:

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