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What are Polish Women like? Just started to date one.

Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
31 Mar 2009 /  #91
not when it isnt visible!! lol

if theres no cell development in that area then your history.
31 Mar 2009 /  #92
if theres no cell development in that area then your history.

It could just be that you aren't exciting.
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Mar 2009 /  #93
not when it isnt visible!! lol

Then you need a geisha.Familiar with asian size.
Randal  1 | 577  
31 Mar 2009 /  #94
It could just be that you aren't exciting.

Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
1 Apr 2009 /  #95
It could just be that you aren't exciting.

ha ha,, harry, that was good one but

it could be that when you were born the doctor said.. well theres no hope
Poor fella, hes got nothing to work with.. just sew him up and call his momma!

Then you need a geisha.Familiar with asian size.

southern!! no thanks,, I have my husband.. I am fine and dandy
you and harry need a Geisha, now go and geisha outta here lol!!
joland  4 | 86  
1 Apr 2009 /  #96
oh Patrycja let me guess... you are deifintely not 19 years old;)
Randal  1 | 577  
1 Apr 2009 /  #97
I have my husband

Translation: I no longer have sex.

Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
1 Apr 2009 /  #98
you no longer have sex randal? what a shame.. maybe its the way you
approach women, or maybe its that you might have a great physic but your
face looks like it was dragged behind a car like that russian ass you spoke of ehh?

1 Apr 2009 /  #99
yep and he still had the desire to publish it on PF. LOL.
Randal  1 | 577  
1 Apr 2009 /  #100
I didn't mean me!

Although things have been sparse lately... Lol...
1 Apr 2009 /  #101
I didn't mean me!

she knows that, but there is no way that you can prove that somebody has/doesn't have sex unless you are there in the first place. It is a pretty weak argument on your part.

It is obvious that sex, or the lack of is on your mind.

Randal  1 | 577  
1 Apr 2009 /  #102
It is a pretty weak argument on your part.

Oh, stop. I was only playing.

Besides, everyone knows women stop putting out once they've landed a man and they're married!
1 Apr 2009 /  #103
Oh, stop. I was only playing.

you stop it lol

Besides, everyone knows women stop putting out once they've landed a man and they're married!

some do, some don't:)
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
1 Apr 2009 /  #104
yep and he still had the desire to publish it on PF. LOL.

I know Right!! lol

Besides, everyone knows women stop putting out once they've landed a man and they're married!

Maybe if your 80 years old and you have a aarp card and you need a hip replacement
or something lol

Oh, stop. I was only playing.

what were you playing with randal??


or do we all want to know ? :)

BTW thanks Miranda ;)
Randal  1 | 577  
1 Apr 2009 /  #105
Old joke…

Q: Why does a bride always smile on her wedding day?

A: Because she knows she’s given her last BJ.
1 Apr 2009 /  #106
BTW thanks Miranda ;)


Q: Why does a bride always smile on her wedding day?

A: Because she knows she’s given her last BJ.

if that has been your experience don't blame us for that. There are many reasons why people don't have sex anymore and you should find somebody who will have it after the marriage. Better include it in the prenup;)DDDDDDDDDDDDD just to be sure;)
Randal  1 | 577  
1 Apr 2009 /  #107
you should find somebody who will have it after the marriage

Yeah! So would every guy!... if we could read the future!

Better include it in the prenup

Ah, yes, the BJ Clause!

I've actually heard of cases where this happened.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
1 Apr 2009 /  #108
everyone knows women stop putting out once they've landed a man and they're married!

As he said, he was not serious about this. That's kind if obvious.
Peepops  3 | 45  
1 Apr 2009 /  #109
U people are sumptin. If u want to lnow what Polish girls are like it's easy. Go to myspace and put in browse people go to the countrys and put in Poland. Ta Da there u go look at there profiles some like rap some don't some like religion some don't. There just like everybody else. Except even tho ALOT of them speak English....cuz there profiles are in English they don't all respond when u send them messages.
Randal  1 | 577  
1 Apr 2009 /  #110
If u want to lnow what Polish girls are like it's easy. Go to myspace

Does anyone really represent themselves honestly on MySpace?
still_wisher  7 | 97  
1 Apr 2009 /  #111
Does anyone really represent themselves honestly on internet ?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
1 Apr 2009 /  #112
for many people internet as an advantage cos they can pretend to be someone they are not, sadly

Does anyone really represent themselves honestly on internet ?

dunno about u, but i do! :)
Randal  1 | 577  
1 Apr 2009 /  #113
for many people internet as an advantage cos they can pretend to be someone they are not, sadly

Does anyone really represent themselves honestly on internet ?

dunno about u, but i do! :)

I do too. This is pretty much me. :)

Ain't I cool! B)
osiol  55 | 3921  
1 Apr 2009 /  #114
The more people who really know you who are linked to you on social websites, the harder it is to create a facade. Almost no-one knows me on myspace, so I'm an intergallactic travelling troubadour of space and time and inventor of the multi-galactic banjo, a giant musical instrument constructed out of a cluster of galaxies which have been altered by high-powered beams of energy of their own making, deflected and reflected off eachother to create a harmonic pandimensional twangiverse (TM). On facebook, I have to be content with just being me.
Peepops  3 | 45  
1 Apr 2009 /  #115
Yeah to a degree that u can tell what they are like. If a girl on here profile has tons of tattoos all over her body and guns all over her profile then u can tell she's crazy. U just have to read between the lines. I have a Jag on my profile but I don't have one. LOL
still_wisher  7 | 97  
1 Apr 2009 /  #116
dunno about u, but i do! :)

I do too. This is pretty much me. :)

Ain't I cool! B)

i' m sorry but the idea that the person got used to not believe in what on internet , simply no way to prove that you r what you r , if u know what i mean !
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
1 Apr 2009 /  #117
i'm sorry your every encounter with a person met online ended in disappointment. it's not like we're ever gonna meet so you can think what you want really.
Randal  1 | 577  
1 Apr 2009 /  #118
it's not like we're ever gonna meet so you can think what you want really.

This is exactly why I don't even bother with some fake created persona.

And again, I'm cool enough just being me! B)

But I can be tough too. Look... B( <--how's that for tough?! Huh?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
1 Apr 2009 /  #119
This is exactly why I don't even bother with some fake created persona.

makes you wonder what one's got to hide if they've gone through so much trouble to create a fake persona and pretend to be someone else


>:-( !!!
Peepops  3 | 45  
1 Apr 2009 /  #120
Wow ur missin the point. U want to get to know what Polish girls are like u can talk to them on myspace. That's all I was sayin. Who cares if they act fake ur still get to know them maybe the will open up. Anyway I wish I was in London right now there is some hot girls at that G20 protest. :)

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