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What are Polish Women like? Just started to date one.

edelweiss1  2 | 22  
28 Mar 2009 /  #61
that changed/stopped 1 week later agacia :/ (love > uh)..
sapphire  22 | 1241  
28 Mar 2009 /  #62
It has completely shocked me just how english women spend their time and how plastic they talk, smile and want to be the best..

Well I can see you are making an effort to integrate into the UK! You clearly dont have any English female friends.. guess you are just here for our men and work. You are deluded if you think that Polish people dont divorce or cheat and that its only English women who can do a man's head in.... anyway Im off to the pub now to get trashed cos i dont have anything better to do and after all its my culture. Now go top up your sunbed tan.
osiol  55 | 3921  
28 Mar 2009 /  #63
I like the bit about Polish men not looking at English women. People's personal experiences, along with the stereotypes come into play, but a man not looking at an attractive woman because she's from a country with a high divorce rate! Oh my gosh! Where do we begin? My girlfriend's Polish and she's a divorcee, just as her mother was before her (it's quite complicated and doesn't fit the vision Poles often have of their family units). They still have a strong family though, but I see a lot of strong families in this country, even after things have gone wrong.

Sapphire: remember to dance on the pub table and be sick outside afterwards. You don't want to let the side down.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
28 Mar 2009 /  #64
You clearly dont have any English female friends..

she doesnt want any, she is too good for them
28 Mar 2009 /  #65
they do not have any interesting hobbies except drinking and being a shame to the feminine race and they do not think about the future as a family unit

well Agacia, this is what happens when one is not exposed to other cultures. It takes years sometimes to understand the small differences, values, especially when they are different from your own culture.

You cannot have Poland in the UK, and the other way around.

I think your opinion is a little bit to harsh due to a short exposure to the UK. Good luck with your observations and I am hoping that the next one will be more objective.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
28 Mar 2009 /  #66
Sapphire: remember to dance on the pub table and be sick outside afterwards. You don't want to let the side down.

Absolutely! and whilst waving the Union Jack and downing 10 pints of real ale. I wont take the boyfriend though as I dont want to put him off with my English behavioural traits. He can stay home drinking wodka.
osiol  55 | 3921  
28 Mar 2009 /  #67
post to me a polish girl if I am lickable

This will be a first for me. I don't use internet abbreviations, but there's a first time for everything:

sapphire  22 | 1241  
28 Mar 2009 /  #68
she might be lickable, but definitely not likeable!
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
28 Mar 2009 /  #69
I met only one Polish girl. So, I can't generalize. But, if yours is similar, she'll polish you.
edelweiss1  2 | 22  
29 Mar 2009 /  #70
what does that mean agacia "post to me a polish girl if I am lickable" ??? any help please trying to work that one out ??

doh !!!! got it ;))
Randal  1 | 577  
31 Mar 2009 /  #71
So it is decided then. Polish girls are better than both English and American girls.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
31 Mar 2009 /  #72
Polish girls are all gold diggers, hows that for a sweeping statement, oh, they're dishonest sluts who happily sleep with other English womens partners, even when they know that said partner is 5 months pregnant and already has a 7 year old daughter...POLISH GIRLS SWEET!!! DONT MAKE ME LAUGH!
Randal  1 | 577  
31 Mar 2009 /  #73
Shells sound a weeeee bit bitter. Lol...
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Mar 2009 /  #74
Our Loyalty

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
31 Mar 2009 /  #75
Shells sound a weeeee bit bitter. Lol...

Nah slightly angry that, that stupid biatch had a cheek to slag off English women and make out Polish girls were all sweetness and light...Oh I forgot to mention the whore I was referring to in the above post is actually married to some South African guy who she's dumped! But then again she married him for the dosh....Nice girl :))))
Randal  1 | 577  
31 Mar 2009 /  #76
the whore I was referring to

My bad. It sounded like maybe the tale you were relating was your own of being a victim.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
31 Mar 2009 /  #77
No, one of my best friends.....But Randy, unlike the bint who slagged off English women, Im not going to tar all Polish girls with the same brush!
nunczka  8 | 457  
31 Mar 2009 /  #78
Agacia, You made my day. It is a pleasure to meet a decent woman again. Don'T take any crap from these QUEENS. I suspect they are part of the over the hill group. They are reflecting on day's gone by. HAVE FUN
31 Mar 2009 /  #79
And remember to flash your tits only if they have both the colour and firmness of fresh milk.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
31 Mar 2009 /  #80
That would count most polish girls out since most of them look a bit tangoed with the over use of sunbeds!

Just one more thing, why would Polish women get divorced when they have sending their husbands to an early grave down to a fine art! It's only a matter of time, no fcking wonder Polish men have a permenant worried look on their faces!
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Mar 2009 /  #81
In my experience when you are dating slavic women,you need tons of alcohol to avoid distress.
Randal  1 | 577  
31 Mar 2009 /  #82
you need tons of alcohol

For you or them?
31 Mar 2009 /  #83
That would count most polish girls out since most of them look a bit tangoed with the over use of sunbeds!

That may be true but the sunbed certainly helps keep tits firm. In my experience Polish women have much less saggy tits than English women.

Just one more thing, why would Polish women get divorced when they have sending their husbands to an early grave down to a fine art! It's only a matter of time, no fcking wonder Polish men have a permenant worried look on their faces!

The large amounts of booze and number of trips to brothels might also have an effect.
Randal  1 | 577  
31 Mar 2009 /  #84
In my experience Polish women have much less saggy tits than English women.

I’ve been meaning to conduct such an experiment. Only for scientific interest, of course.
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Mar 2009 /  #85
In my experience Polish women have much less saggy tits than English women.

You greet them this way?
31 Mar 2009 /  #86
Generally not.
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Mar 2009 /  #87
I wouldn't talk about saggy asses.
Randal  1 | 577  
31 Mar 2009 /  #88
Yuck. Why wouldja?
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
31 Mar 2009 /  #89
I wouldn't talk about saggy asses.

In my experience Polish women have much less saggy tits than English women.

yeah, I am sure the saggy balls and penis dont do much for the women in Europe
either.. or the shriveled small penis which couldnt produce or even be productive
since were on the subject of female genitals and I think British women shouldnt
even have to experience this, nor should polish women as its sad sad thing that
nature does this to a man!!

dont you think so ladies??
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Mar 2009 /  #90
small penis

Small penis is better fitted for a special sex practice.

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