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Polish women and foreign men

RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Apr 2012 /  #31
He is not white. Hes a black. Or a jew.

One or the other.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
6 Apr 2012 /  #32
oh boy you know how to kill a joke, who cares what he is, an idiot is an idiot regardless of the hue

not to mention that it is you ( a white guy) who completely misunderstood my play with words: 'Caucasianally challenged' denotes anyone but Caucasian...
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Apr 2012 /  #33
oh boy you know how to kill a joke, who cares what he is, an idiot is an idiot regardless of the hue

Today is the day we remember when the jews killed Jesus.

On this day, I dont believe in jokes!
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
6 Apr 2012 /  #34
lol please tell me it's the 1st of April today
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Apr 2012 /  #35

Remember to eat fish, abstain from alcohol, to go to church and to hand over a nice wad of change to them nice folk collecting for the african babies.

Then there will be a place for you in heaven!

rohit21sa  1 | 8  
6 Apr 2012 /  #36
polish woman don't like polish guys for one reason.

i asked this question couple of polish woman here in UK

polish men don't know how to take care their GF

they spend more time working everyday so no time for his GF

when they are free they spend time with their mate but not GF

they prefer Vodka then their GF

and finally they like to stay at home. polish men don't know how to have fun or enjoy life because i see they don't take their wife/girl friend outside to enjoy during off days
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Apr 2012 /  #37
To me they said polish men drink too much and cannot bang them properly.
Szenk88HTAFC  2 | 47  
6 Apr 2012 /  #38
When my mum and sister were in Poland for the first time, they were gutted by the lack of good looking men.
They were in 3 cities aswel so this is no isolated incident Im afraid.

And when my missus told her family that she was with an English guy, they thought that i must be a black guy.
puffrooster  - | 5  
7 Apr 2012 /  #39
Are you young, smart, extremely beautiful, excessively cultured, and dynamic; if you are, I'm a Canadian born Pollack looking for a wife! If you are none of these but know someone who is, please have her send me an e-mail! Thanks...
2 May 2012 /  #40
Polish women are...... They seem to go after married men with money!!!!
El Gordo  
2 May 2012 /  #41
"Polish women are..." smart.You would probably wish them going after poor third worlders who need to fix their visa/residency issues but that's not happening.Also,if it bothers you,make some money and it won't be bothering you anymore.
Mazsolika  - | 9  
5 May 2012 /  #42
I don't really believe there are any serious reasons why Polish woman would like a foreigner husband. Anyway even this alone "looking for husband" sounds strange a lot for me. You cannot find it like a product in the shop and the love doesn't really matter if the man is Polish, English... or Hungarian! It happens and thats all!

And one more thing to icecube... Polish women as any other in the word want to live well... everyone would like! And if a man doesn't want to work or study to care about the family's finances, it will be always the case of his individual character but not at all of this that he is Polish.
Joao  - | 1  
25 May 2012 /  #43
Im a guy from Lisbon, and about a year ago i met this polish girlfriend two years after my divorce, that is to becoming my second wife. Before she met me she had been married with a non-portuguese also non-polish man. What a i have to say about this girl is that she's the best girl i've ever met, and had some before, fortunately.

She a very joyful, beautiful educated and non-materialistic girl as i read so often, and besides the fact that some may say that a one year relationship may not be enough to know someone, what I think is that if all polish girls are like this one, then hurray for polish women.
southern  73 | 7059  
25 May 2012 /  #44
Before she met me she had been married with a non-portuguese also non-polish man

Non-Christian as well?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
26 May 2012 /  #45
what I think is that if all polish girls are like this one

They are not... Is that suprising you? :)
Voiceofreason  - | 2  
27 May 2012 /  #46
To me they said polish men drink too much and cannot bang them properly.

I was told the same about you arabs, and that you pick donkey's over your own womans.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
27 May 2012 /  #47
why do many Polish women that come to America say they want any man except a Polish man?

Well, I'm not saying it to bash you guys but I've heard it to from quite a few Polish girls before too.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 May 2012 /  #48
I been leaving in England for quite a while and met many English women complaining about English men who according to them only sit infront of the tv, watch football, drink beer and are useless at anything else.

It's a natural for women in all countries to moan about their own men. There is nothing you can do about it...
southern  73 | 7059  
27 May 2012 /  #49
Greek and Serbian women do not tend to complain about the quality of their compatriots.
7 Jun 2012 /  #50
I'll admit, I didn't read the whole post, but I feel like I've got to say that I don't think Polish girls are concerned about nationality. No one really is these days. I'm Canadian and I've been dating my girlfriend for 3 years and we both are as happy as we could be. I guess it helps that we are both fascinated by each others countries, cultures and languages. We've both done our best to integrate each other into our separate heritages, and I can't speak for her, but for me I'm at the point where if I wasn't participating in Polish culture at values at least to some extent I would feel like something is missing in my life. I love the food, the music, the artistry, Poland is just such a connected place and a very uniform country. Niech Bóg błogosławi.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
3 Oct 2012 /  #51
I been leaving in England for quite a while and met many English women complaining about English men who according to them only sit infront of the tv, watch football, drink beer and are useless at anything else.

Then they should get themselves a better class of man if they're fed up of such stereotypical couch potatoes.

I'm too busy with other interests to sit in front of the TV all day, I don't drink, and I work out a lot. I do watch mostly sport though. :D

If I wanted to generalise, I could say that a lot of women (Polish in particular) just want to sit at home in front of the TV, while chain-smoking, drinking whole bottles of wine, and don't like going anywhere because they have anxiety attacks if they do.

But that's just two of my exes :D

Unfortunately, on PF, such an experience with one man or woman tends to equal "all men/women", doesn't it?
brother4u  - | 7  
3 Oct 2012 /  #52
I would love to marry a Polish man. They are on top of my list. I only have difficulty finding one when living in abroad

5 MONTHS on . Have you got a man yet?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
3 Oct 2012 /  #53
If I wanted to generalise, I could say that a lot of women (Polish in particular) just want to sit at home in front of the TV, while chain-smoking, drinking whole bottles of wine, and don't like going anywhere because they have anxiety attacks if they do.

Yes I have come accross many Polish women like that, that's why I chose a woman of diffrent nationality to spend rest of my life with.
ilmc  4 | 136  
3 Oct 2012 /  #54
To me they said polish men drink too much and cannot bang them properly

hmmm how stupid my polish man doesnt drink at all and the sex is the best i have ever had so clearly that isn't the case for all polish men and to think it is just ... prejudice. alcoholics live alllll over the world and so do men who suck in bed. To say someone is better in bed based on their nationality how rediculous besides any man can be taught haha.

As far as polish men being ugly ... um nope not mine some are some arent some americans are some arent some russians are some arent some irish are some arent some french are some arent i suppose i could go on and on with this but you get the point. Physical attractiveness is based on who is seeing you some might see me and think beautiful some might see me and think ugly really who the frig cares what they think i see me and think beautiful so that is all that matters. We are all attracted to something different

I think my polish boyfriend is gorgeous i am generally physially attracted to slavic features so he works for me but i am not so closed minded as to think all women will find him attractive if we all had the same tastes in physical features everyone one iin the world would have to look the same in order to ensure reproduction so thank god we dont that would be boring.
Anil chaudhari  
29 Jan 2013 /  #55
Hi friend
Good Morning
How are you? Are you interested? If you are interested in me you can send mail
My Mail ID Chaudhari_anil18@yahoo
I will give you my detail

Thanks and regards
ukangel  8 | 56  
29 Jan 2013 /  #56
Polish women are marriage breakers.they are after married men who have money.polish women don't care about others,just about themselves.
Ironside  50 | 13034  
29 Jan 2013 /  #57
That is just generalization of the worst kind. How many Polish women do you know, and how many are marriage breakers?What about men it this equation are they stupid sheeplike creatures?
Anil chaudhari  
30 Jan 2013 /  #58

Can you send me Mail?
ilyeshallo  - | 9  
31 Jan 2013 /  #59
Hey everyone.i am an Algerian guy.used to spend my holiday at Tunisia.a lot of polish women are coming there in summer.i dont know why.maybe because of the weather. so i had the chance to chat with some polish girls even i dated a polish teacher .her name is MAGDA. To be honest i was wondering why she dated me?!! i am not handsome man.so i decided to ask Magda about the reason. her answer surprised me. she said she isnt the only one and many polish women are married vto Algerian and Tunisian men. and they find them attractive.

i have asked my best friend if that is right. my best friend know many polish people. he said it's true and some of them know their husbands and botfriends online and came to Tunisia or Algeria to meet them and marry.

  • 378460_4514605315253.jpg
APF  4 | 106  
1 Feb 2013 /  #60
Most Polish women just want to get out of Poland, even if they have to go into poorer countries like Algeria or Tunesia. They need prestige and a husband, who will work for them, while they spending lazy times in the sun.

Polish women mostly need prestige, they want that their friends in the old country say: "Magda lives in Algeria now, she has a husband there .. he is doctor/engeneer/teacher/manager .. even if he only sell fake sunglasses to tourists.

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