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Are Polish Women cold and aloof?

loolee  - | 10  
19 Apr 2009 /  #91
cold and distant, whom did U meat then;)...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
19 Apr 2009 /  #92
Yes, Polish women are cold and aloof, today i went up to Magda "wash my socks woman" and all i got was "**** off", evil selfish creatures.
loolee  - | 10  
19 Apr 2009 /  #93
hmmm, maybe U should start washing YOUR socks by yourself?! ;)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
19 Apr 2009 /  #94
Polish girls are cold and distant, but maybe if you have enough patience... maybe about 3-5 years patience, they can open up... but they usually don't

how do you know that? i heard all you get joland is a day or two of their time and then they move on to someone else. i doubt you have 3-5 years experience of dating a woman. any woman.

hmmm, maybe U should start washing YOUR socks by yourself?! ;)

or just stop making them filthy ;)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
19 Apr 2009 /  #95
hmmm, maybe U should start washing YOUR socks by yourself?! ;)

If men start washing their socks women are going to die out through lack of purpose:(

Now excuse me while i go cook dinner.
loolee  - | 10  
19 Apr 2009 /  #96
I will ask again, what women have U met, probably the wrong ones;)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
19 Apr 2009 /  #97
I say again, some are and some aren't :) Let's keep it simple.
southern  73 | 7059  
20 Apr 2009 /  #98
southern you are misleading the guys here. looks like you are paid and on a roll to promote polish girls as some pure angels with beautiful wings. which is

Are you in order?I have started threads under titles like ''polish girls sucking money'' and ''polish girls obsession with marriage''.One can understand polish girls only by comparing them to other slavic women because the comparison with the west is flawed a priori.
kksunil  1 | 33  
8 May 2009 /  #99
In my opinion polish women are hot and wet.

the conclusion which I am making after this 98th post is that indeed Polish girls are cold and dry... how did you make them hot and wet?
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
8 May 2009 /  #100
Cold until you set them afire
(Now that was a joke)
southern  73 | 7059  
8 May 2009 /  #101
how did you make them hot and wet?

I blew them up.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
8 May 2009 /  #102
Was that after they blew you out!
markcooper  4 | 80  
8 May 2009 /  #103
well, we are not cold we are just afraid and keep a distance for a long time.
good luck, wish you to be more patience

I think youre right with this.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
8 May 2009 /  #104
Kev A:
Sorry, Question is really directed at the Guys, Can't expect an unbiased reply from le femme!

well, that's racist...

No its not, its scientifically proven that women cannot communicate and dont have a soul therefore you cannot have an opinion, also yes Kev Polish women are evil cold hearted lot.

Its the Polish bit that makes them so nasty you see.
Cardno85  31 | 971  
8 May 2009 /  #105
I have found Polish girls to be very warm and friendly. I found that lots of girls, eager to practice their english, were more than happy to talk away. It depends the approach right enough. If you are very forward then most girls round the world are likely to be cold and aloof. If you are laid back, friendly and down to earth then most people (male and female) are likely to respond well.

Oh, sorry, I forgot this was PF...all Polish women are cold, heartless ******* and you are best to stay miles away from them. They all have husbands and only want to bleed your wallet dry, if you don't drive a ferarri then they won't give you the time of day. ;)

Oh yeah, and it's a terrible country, the food is all fatty and unhealthy and it smells...
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
8 May 2009 /  #106
If you are laid back, friendly and down to earth then most people (male and female) are likely to respond well.

well said.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
8 May 2009 /  #107
If you are very forward then most girls round the world are likely to be cold and aloof. If you are laid back, friendly and down to earth then most people (male and female) are likely to respond well.

smessenger  4 | 14  
27 May 2009 /  #108
well, we are not cold we are just afraid and keep a distance for a long time.
good luck, wish you to be more patience

these may be the words that save my sanity.

i came here because i met a Warsaw girl, and stayed 2 weeks, and fell in love with her and the city in equal measures. now after 7 months apart and trying to hold things together, i'm here to study Polish and teach English, and... she is keeping as much distance as she can.

she tells me she does not know how she feels, but knows for sure she cannot lose me, and then wraps herself up so much in school and work and family she has no time for me.

and... i think i'm beginning to understand. in the States, these would all be signs of a girl playing you out so she can sneak around with another man, but i get the sense from what I've learned of Poles and the loyalty you have that this isn't the case here... but rather...

she is afraid. she will keep her distance for a long time. i must be patient if i want this, and let go of my impulsive American habits of i need everything right now!


anyone else care to share their experience with this? i don't think it's aloofness. i think it's caution, and an acute awareness that us men tend to be fools in love and the women end up taking the pain. the polish woman may just be smarter by holding her heart back until she knows for sure a man can love her... because he does not need her.
27 May 2009 /  #109
Doesn't seem to be cold at all ;-D
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
27 May 2009 /  #110
she tells me she does not know how she feels, but knows for sure she cannot lose me, and then wraps herself up so much in school and work and family she has no time for me.

This sounds much like the Polish version of I don't love you, but I don't want to loose you as a friend.
smessenger  4 | 14  
27 May 2009 /  #111
yes, and i feel the same way. no joke, the worst part for me would be if the romance failed and the friendship disappeared as well. i'd rather break off the romance and still be friends.

but then there's this... her entire quote went more like this:

"i don't know what i feel, but one thing i'm sure of is i can't lose you, and i want to make love to you so ****ing much."

so... i'm guessing she feels a little conflicted. :P

as am i. the heat is there, but it's also very dangerous for both of us. i guess it is a good time to be patient as Job, and trust if we found each other once, then if it's meant to be we'll come back around again.
BevK  11 | 248  
27 May 2009 /  #112
anyone else care to share their experience with this? i don't think it's aloofness. i think it's caution, and an acute awareness that us men tend to be fools in love and the women end up taking the pain

Funny, smessenger, you could almost be talking about a man in Chicago who did the same to me (though at least I didn't MOVE out there for him).

However, there are plenty more riby in the sea ... and lots more really lovely warm women in Warsaw waiting with ... oh ok I ran out of alliteration :)
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
27 May 2009 /  #113
"i don't know what i feel, but one thing i'm sure of is i can't lose you, and i want to make love to you so ****ing much."

Maybe "I want to love you - but I do not, and I don't want to loose you as a friend".

Time will show. Good Luck!
smessenger  4 | 14  
27 May 2009 /  #114
However, there are plenty more riby in the sea ... and lots more really lovely warm women in Warsaw waiting with ... oh ok I ran out of alliteration :)

for some reason the next "w" that comes to mind is "wet"...


Maybe "I want to love you - but I do not, and I don't want to loose you as a friend".

You're just flat-out mean!


Yeah, I hear you. And the messed-up wonderful thing about it all is she's more astute about this than I am. She's one of my favorite people in the world, and when I'm with her my blood runs pretty frickin' hot, but for some reason else... that love isn't there.

Maybe it will be. I dunno. But whatever happens, I do feel for maybe the first time in my emotionally-stunted male life that I will get a great friend out of a relationship, and have no regrets about the amazing time we had during the romance.

It's never any fun watching a love fade, but there's comfort in knowing that when it's done burning white-hot, you can still have warm embers for a long, long time... and new fires to start all over the place!


BevK  11 | 248  
27 May 2009 /  #115
That's one very good way of looking at it :)
28 May 2009 /  #116
I noticed this forum and you reminding me of my Polish females cousins who was born in Poland. I was born in Chicago, IL. I met all of females cousins and they are totally different from me and my America cousins. I am Polish America also.

Polish cousins are aloof because they are surprised to see us behaving difference and we America cousins are quick-thinking, move quick and get around all over and we behave like women not wild like my Polish Cousins. Polish females always try to fall in love so quickly and wanted to get married without getting divorcees from their spouses. If Polish cousins don't get marry, they run off to find someone else. Then they get troubles with laws for overstaying too long. Immigrations agents will find you no matter how long it take them to find you.

Sure my Polish cousins are pretty, sexy and very slow in thinking. They are confused with our English and the ways things going in America. In here, we have choice to thinks we wanted without permissions from husbands or wives or boyfriends and girlfriends. We make choices and make plans. It is not cheating on your loved one.

My Polish cousins didn't get their dreams and they failed in America and went back home. They didn't like lifes in America. So that is it.

I think that is my opinions and I don't know if you agree with me.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
28 May 2009 /  #117
very slow in thinking.

maybe they think slowly to avoid many grammatical mistakes...
28 May 2009 /  #118
Maybe it could be reasons and they are shames too. It is nothing to laugh about. Be honest with who you are. Some people are born with speeches defectives or other kinds of illnesses. It is no big deal about not being perfect body. It is how we treats people.
BevK  11 | 248  
28 May 2009 /  #119
Arlene, I am English/Polish and brought up in England. In my time I have been the "voice" of many companies and have a very clear speaking voice. When talking to Americans I very often have to speak slowly and carefully because otherwise they simply can't understand what I am saying. As slow, in fact, as I often have to speak to Polish people who are learning English at a more Basic or Intermediate level - and far far slower and more carefully than I generally have to speak to Advanced level students who are Polish.

Just a thought, there, my dear.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
28 May 2009 /  #120
When talking to Americans I very often have to speak slowly and carefully because otherwise they simply can't understand what I am saying. As slow, in fact, as I often have to speak to Polish people who are learning English at a more Basic or Intermediate level - and far far slower and more carefully than I generally have to speak to Advanced level students who are Polish.

just try to speak fast British English and American English.... it's English but...
think about it a bit and then...

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