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Are Polish Women cold and aloof?

EraAtlantia  2 | 106  
3 Sep 2008 /  #61
a lot of polish women are actually exactly that, cold and aloof...they love to make you look and feel stupid, in turn giving them a sense of superiority. they love to turn conversations in to disputes, they enjoy criticizing you're culture, way of life, education system,seriously , polish women could find a crack in any wall. at first they seem nice and approachable but you will eventually see that they are automated units of hate and contempt.....how could anyone argue this?....a polish woman could...
Eurola  4 | 1898  
3 Sep 2008 /  #62
Hmmm...this would be me. Do you you know me? :)
3 Sep 2008 /  #63
you were one of them who dumped him? ;)
Eurola  4 | 1898  
3 Sep 2008 /  #64
lol. I guess. Darn polish bi&hes.
gopsiaczek  - | 3  
4 Sep 2008 /  #65
I am polish girl and i dont think we are cold,I am over 4 years with a irish guy-nothing wrong with us.lol
4 Sep 2008 /  #66
before poland joined the EU, polish woman sold themselves to western men as mail order brides in order to escape to britian and the west. That to me is cold and aloof.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
4 Sep 2008 /  #67
I think a lot are IMHO. Many are self-centred little princesses.

I agree with EraAtlantia above, they flaunt their education to hide the reality that they make peanuts. They also quickly turn sharp-tongued, I've noticed that. I often feel like telling them to rap up. No wonder Polish language has words like 'zamknij reja or stół pysk'.

Sorry, felt like a rant but there is much truth in what I said
4 Sep 2008 /  #68
there is much truth in what I said

truth? this is only your opinion
Seanus  15 | 19668  
4 Sep 2008 /  #69
Yes, and that's all it'll ever be but I use my eyes and I am a very fair man. NOBODY could begrudge me that. Many are that way and many aren't, that's the truth. I'm not in the habit of generalising. I had certain character types in mind.
anka what  - | 16  
4 Sep 2008 /  #70
That's funny, Shawn......
Seanus  15 | 19668  
4 Sep 2008 /  #71
OK, here we go, some are and some aren't. The best response to most questions of this nature on the forum.
pat23  2 | 20  
5 Sep 2008 /  #72
Never have meet a cold Polish woman yet :) they have all been cool so far ,so dont understand where cold and aloof comes from ? you must be doing something wrong !!!
djf  18 | 166  
5 Sep 2008 /  #73
All the polish girls i have met are cold and aloof except the hot, kind lovely ones.
Oscypek  - | 107  
5 Sep 2008 /  #74
sold themselves to western men

Is that what you do with your time?

All the PL women I've met have been quite nice and refined.
5 Sep 2008 /  #75
well, if somebody makes me angry I am cold and aloof. LOL
pat23  2 | 20  
7 Sep 2008 /  #76
Some times a little aloof till they see your not some D**k head , then they cool
EraAtlantia  2 | 106  
11 Sep 2008 /  #77
i probably know you alright, but the funny thing is is that polish women are so obsessed with being informative, not intelligent, which is often confused....they think that because you know how to turn Celsius into Fahrenheit or know the capital of slovenia that you are intelligent , but since they have come to ireland they realized pretty fast how whit and clever spontaneity is where natural humor and intelligence is and often makes them look dull and kinda lost....when i'm wrong about something i play dumb, when a pole is wrong i hear its a fellony...just sayin....;-)...
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Sep 2008 /  #78
Are Polish Women cold and aloof?

In my opinion polish women are hot and wet.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
11 Sep 2008 /  #79
In my opinion Polish women are Polish
mala  - | 5  
8 Dec 2008 /  #80
well, we are not cold we are just afraid and keep a distance for a long time.
good luck, wish you to be more patience
streamers395  1 | 3  
16 Apr 2009 /  #81
Seems like every woman from every culture can be different and cold. Can polish women really have a monopoly on being cold?
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
17 Apr 2009 /  #82
we are not cold we are just afraid and keep a distance for a long time.

I think this is the closest to the truth we can come in this thread. In all countries there are all kinds of personalities. But I think that the sentence above is pretty common when it comes to Polish girls.
joland  4 | 86  
17 Apr 2009 /  #83
being 6 years in Poland by now, it seems this irrational fear really paralizes polish girls, because they stay cold even after they make love with the guys... still they stay cold through the relationships... and many of the foreigners i know are just asking themselves...

can polish girls even feel something inside? do they have souls? cause they dont seem like they would have...
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Apr 2009 /  #84
Polish women are passive and have no reactions.They seldom say thank you for sth but it does not mean they are not gratefull.
Anyway basically polish girls are like all slavic girls.
panienka  1 | 205  
18 Apr 2009 /  #85
Polish women are passive and have no reactions.

does the character depend on the birthplace?

they seldom say thank you for sth

doesn't it depend on the upbringing?

Anyway basically polish girls are like all slavic girls.

no, we are aliens...
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Apr 2009 /  #86
does the character depend on the birthplace?

In my opinion it depends on the genes and the cultural environment.I guess that polish women in the US are different from average american women although they live in the same environment.

doesn't it depend on the upbringing?

It is the catholic upbringing.In orthodox countries for example if we do sth that a person does not like or we harm a person,we try to compensate by offering sth to the person like presents whatever.Then the person is grateful.Catholics do not have this mind frame.(protestants just keep punishment).

So if you do sth for a polish girl,it is likely that she will not express gratefullness while a russian girl will be affectionate.It does not mean that the polish girl is not grateful,she does not express that due to upbringing.

no, we are aliens...

No really,I find very few differences between polish and czech girls,maybe polish are more passive and czech are more ''zieckig'' but the feeling is the same.
panienka  1 | 205  
18 Apr 2009 /  #87
ok I'm convinced :)
I know that's true, I would add we are also less receptive to people, although generally kind
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Apr 2009 /  #88
although generally kind

Yes,kind and generous.Polish girls always stir up great feelings.If sb gets used to polish girls,he soon becomes addicted and forgets the West.It is a totally different experience.

Slavic girls put you inside them.I wish polish girls never change and remain polish forever.
panienka  1 | 205  
18 Apr 2009 /  #89
it sounds seriously
joland  4 | 86  
19 Apr 2009 /  #90
So if you do sth for a polish girl,it is likely that she will not express gratefullness

No surprise, this is one of the few things that are indeed true from what you wrote:)

Polish girls are cold and distant, but maybe if you have enough patience... maybe about 3-5 years patience, they can open up... but they usually don't

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