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szarlotka  8 | 2205  
1 Sep 2010 /  #61
I'm with pgtx and Amathyst. Daisy was cool. Fact is she talked sense which is more than most on here lately.

edited by mod.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
1 Sep 2010 /  #62
Please consider that some members choose not to post very often. they may or may not be lurking. insulting a member whether he/she is online/posting or not is hardly right.

how would you like it if u left the forum for a period and came back to find a number of insults aimed at you.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Sep 2010 /  #63
At the end we will probably discover that Crow has deflowered half of PF.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
1 Sep 2010 /  #64
insulting a member

Sorry Wroclaw I didn't mean it to read like that, please delete my response which was supposed to be supportive of a member that I had a lot of time and respect for. It just doesn't read like that.

I have edited the post in question..

pgtx  29 | 3094  
1 Sep 2010 /  #65
At the end we will probably discover that Crow has deflowered half of PF.

including you...
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Sep 2010 /  #66
Predictable.I give my credits to Filios for keeping the flag high.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
2 Sep 2010 /  #67
At the end we will probably discover that Crow has deflowered half of PF.

didnt wroclaw just say to not talk about forum members.

filios and daisy rock.. I dont know what you on about Seanus, I thought you were better
then that..
Seanus  15 | 19668  
2 Sep 2010 /  #68
Folie a deux if ever I knew one. Anyway, no cattiness here. Just observations.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
2 Sep 2010 /  #69
yeah, well, did I claim innocent?

but at least when I pick those comments to respond to, I make sure the poster is going
to respond back..

you are just calling names seanus, we are all guilty of the forum fights, but picking on
someone when they are not around its not cool..

and you can observe all you want, truth is truth.

for the record , Im not trying to insult you, just pointing out what others already have said.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
2 Sep 2010 /  #70
There is no sense in giving the Mods grief over petty tittle-tattling that she engaged in. I've said my piece and I will say no more about her. Keyboard warrior stuff is the lowest of the low!
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
2 Sep 2010 /  #71
There is no sense in giving the Mods grief over petty tittle-tattling that she engaged in. I've said my piece and I will say no more about her. Keyboard warrior stuff is the lowest of the low!

cant quote you, so copied and pasted ..

fair enough.. thats cool.

explain the keyboard warrior stuff? R u referring to me? or something else?
ningyou_lv  1 | 27  
18 Oct 2010 /  #72
eeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmm................ I guess we are a bit aggressive at the times (but personally I hv never hit anyone and I don't like violence, it doesn't solve anything, however u hv to stand 4 yourself when someone is trying to bit u); jealous - yeah that's true we r jealous a specially if it's about guy we like.
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Oct 2010 /  #73

Yes,this jealousy is annoying.How much I prefer the Czech comfort.To look at as many girls as I like and the discretion.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
18 Oct 2010 /  #74
I prefer the Czech comfort.To look at as many girls as I like and the discretion.

.. and the crabs you will catch from Czech girls.
5 Sep 2011 /  #75
Polish women are not Catty. Yes, Polish women like all other eastern European women compete with each other. You know why? Beacause there are so many beautiful girls that they have no choice but to compeete. And femine looking wmen are suppose to compete with each other. It is different from the United States or Britain, where most girls are fat and pretty much ugly. With percentage of beautiful women very low in the U.S., these women compete with men for resources. Also anglo culture compared to slavic is very anti-male so women in anglo areas of the world hate men versus in a slavic and latin cultures, women are suppose to compete with other women.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / ARE POLISH WOMEN CATTY...?Archived