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Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ?

stinkybugger  - | 56  
2 Jun 2011 /  #91
relationship between a women 23 years old and a man 47 years old

If they are both happy, why not.

Brad pitt is about 47 and so is johnny depp although saying that they are unique and film stars and not many 40-50 year olds look like them. More bald patches and big ole beer bellies. Well some, not all have beer bellies and bald patches and hair sprouting out of nostrils and ears but let me stop there.

Happiness is key and these are both adults, so go for it!

Nick nolte and Robert mitcham another two that looked good past the age of 50. Not that relationships are based on looks (realising i'm sounding rather shallow, i'm not shallow honest!)
7 Sep 2011 /  #92
Im 26 and seeing a 47 year old man, and his great. i love him with all my heart and his always there for me, it been three lovely years so far and ive never looked back on a moment.,
harogutthecat  2 | 4  
7 Sep 2011 /  #93
I am 47 years old and am married to a 29 year old....its a big gap if you make it a big gap. We have been together three and a half years and have a 19month old baby. We want another next year :-)
pawian  226 | 27539  
7 Sep 2011 /  #94
Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ?

Very exciting.
31 Oct 2011 /  #95
We don't really know..life sometimes can be deceiving..nobody knows..what if she dies before him..no one can tell..life can be so young but anyone can go anytime..age doesn't matter. It is how long you live in this world together..If you love each other then that is all that matters..
10 Jan 2012 /  #96
hey a 23 year old woman can spend my money just as good as a 47 year old woman.
sa11y  5 | 331  
10 Jan 2012 /  #97
relationship between a women 23 years old and a man 47 years old

Same as 47 year old woman and 23 year old man :) or isn't it?
23 Mar 2012 /  #98
pawian  226 | 27539  
23 Mar 2012 /  #99
Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ?

Sometimes it is called sponsoring in Poland.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
23 Mar 2012 /  #100
And a lot of the time it just means two people meet and fall in love, they just happen to have a large age gap...Most women are self-suffient these days and chose who they wish to marry because its for love, not because they found some mug to look after them..but this can happen to men in their 20s who meet women in their 20s who want a man to "sponsor" them...No better than prostitution really.


Men generally took younger wives back in those days because generally women couldnt financially support themselves.
pawian  226 | 27539  
23 Mar 2012 /  #101
Most women are self-suffient these days and chose who they wish to marry because its for love, not because they found some mug to look after them..

Two sayings come to mind:
Women marry for love ...... of money. :):):):)

No woman marries for money; they are all clever enough, before marrying a millionaire, to fall in love with him first.

Just joking. :):):):):)
Natasa  1 | 572  
23 Mar 2012 /  #102
If I were 47 year old man I would be very curious about motives of my 23 year old girlfriend and my own. Both options, Pygmalion or father figure are not good foundation for solid structures.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Mar 2012 /  #103
What about men and women who are just desperate for companionship and dont care who they latch onto..you must have female / male friends who are continuously in relationships and never actually take time to learn about themselves...are they any better? they have their motives for being with a person and it's not always because they love the person, it's because that person just happens to be there...emotional or financial..you are still taking something from someone something you dont really deserve....
24 Mar 2012 /  #104
Sometimes it is called sponsoring in Poland.

Sometimes it's genuine, pawian.

If I were 47 year old man I would be very curious about motives of my 23 year old girlfriend and my own.

Some might prefer older men because they appear more mature, worth of trust, more interesting because of life experience. I would not accuse neither side of such couple for wrong motives, however I agree that such relationship has little future and that

father figure are not good foundation for solid structures.

Someone needs to wake up out of dream and look into reality: there is not so much in common between a person in 20s and in 40s.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
31 Mar 2012 /  #105
Age differences? So what? If two people can meld together spiritually, intellectually, and physically, then why not?
How about height differences? lol
20 Jan 2013 /  #106
All I can tell you is that I'm 65 and the young lady I'm seeing is 23 and it is all about feelings and not about showing off a young girl. I would be embarrassed if I was with her thinking that I was just doing this to show off. The sad part about getting older is that everybody thinks you should act a certain way, it's not what you think it;s what you feel.
pawian  226 | 27539  
20 Jan 2013 /  #107
You shouldn`t brag about it in public. People tend to be awfully envious of someone else`s happiness and they might try to destroy your beautiful love. E.g., they will tell her that you have other female partners on the side. Or even male partners to discourage her more.

Be careful, protect your relationship.

Of course, all members of PF wish you both all the best. May you have many children and grandchildren.
AmerTchr  4 | 201  
20 Jan 2013 /  #108
Hmmmmm, I've seen so many of these in the last 8 or 10 years.

My opinion is that the vast majority are a fantasy for one or both of the participants. It seems clear that the odds are drastically against the relationship having any staying power but as someone upthread commented, "As long as both parties are consenting, who cares?"

Really, if a woman wants to offer herself up for sponsorship and the man knowingly accepts it, then I wish them the best. Even the ones where the girl is so proud of her man's maturity, wallet, passport, power, whatever are no big deal if she isn't trying to show it off all the time. If they are honest with each other, themselves and the world then it's all good.

The ones that elicit a stronger reaction are when someone feels compelled to show their spouse off like a show pony. Then there are the really obnoxious ones who enter into big debates about how they are "different" since they have a ""deep and true love which we will never understand" or carry on how "she is so mature already". They sing a different tune after the younger one leaves and try to shrug it off with little quips like, "Yeah, but it was worth it!" or "Still was great while it lasted!" It's also sadly amusing when the occasional older partner trades in the younger for a still-younger one and watching the dawning realization of the throwaway.
21 Jan 2013 /  #109
why can't they pick a man who is just like their father but 20 yrs younger??? lol...

but...but.. I did ! ^_^

Didn't realize the only way I was going to find that was an import.

..on an aside my mom was 15 and my Dad was 45.. I've myself dated older and younger. Only got involved with my general age or younger.

I got the memo late but the biggest gaps will start chaffing are not so much age/generation interests but ;ethics, morals; religion and base personalities. And ability to communicate for common ground.

My mom got spoiled and he didn't "raise" her right. >_< I was put in charge of household finance at age 7 and wasn't allowed to hand her a checkbook or charge card.

(snoke33: relationship between a women 23 years old and a man 47 years old)Same as 47 year old woman and 23 year old man :) or isn't it?

Sadly no... the tongue and cheek teasing an older-than-mate male gets is not nearly like the ugly and meanmouthed (or if lucky: snarky) view that older women are held under :(

GARNET11: BELIEVED IN TRADITIONAL VALUES WE BE IN 1800'SMen generally took younger wives back in those days because generally women couldnt financially support themselves

Actually that is a myth..except among eccentric, wealthy or nobility. Census records and marriage records have first marriages mostly between same age people between 18-23. With ..bad luck men...widowed thru childbirth of small pox or cholera; the wives got younger and younger to be mother to a brood already hatched as well as have their own.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Jan 2013 /  #110
my mom was 15 and my Dad was 45..

i think that is called 'pedophilia'
Rysavy  10 | 306  
21 Jan 2013 /  #111
In 1963..I think there was slightly looser definitions. Specially when the man is the older person.

Though the first time they got married it was out of country. They remarried in a US both church and civil a year later with parental permission (which I think cost him 3? or 5 million...lol. her parents SOLD her). They didnt divorce until 1991; though they separated in 76.

They had a huge gap... yep..some gaps are uncrossable.. he was unfaithful-she was crazy.

actually to be fair, they were content couple many years.
Ironside  50 | 13034  
21 Jan 2013 /  #112
i think that is called 'pedophilia'

Well you are wrong.
jon357  72 | 23516  
21 Jan 2013 /  #113
i think that is called 'pedophilia'

Not far off. Certainly cradle snatching.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
22 Jan 2013 /  #114
Well you are wrong

No she's partially correct , the age of consent is 16years old in Britain, though there are are different ages of consent for different EU countries presumably.

Most people brought up in Britain would see a 45yr old man with a 15 yr old girl as a case of paedophillia.
Teenage girls and very young women are sometimes 'impressed' by much older men, because the man seems to have an air of 'worldliness' or 'knowledge' about them or is financially successful.

What can the man see in such a young woman though? There is no equality in such a relationship. The man either views the young woman as a 'sex toy' or something he can mould and manipulate to do his absolute bidding. In most cases it's because the man is unable to cope with a woman who can hold her own views or shows any independence. Sometimes the men is a paedophile anyway.

Large age gaps can work but only when the younger party has achieved maturity and success in their own right and cannot be manipulated by the older party.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
22 Jan 2013 /  #115
relationship between a women 23 years old and a man 47 years old

I am thinking how thick is his wallet.
AndrewPilski  - | 8  
23 Jan 2013 /  #116
it's only 15 years... there is a lot of marriages like that relationship
sa11y  5 | 331  
23 Jan 2013 /  #117
15 years is too much, but this is 24 years, not 15...
nasadki  - | 43  
23 Jan 2013 /  #118
As long as it isnt my daughter, I dont care. That's their business, not mine. Frankly, I got respect for the geezer if he can handle a woman half his age.
Ant63  13 | 410  
23 Jan 2013 /  #119
I got respect for the geezer if he can handle a woman half his age.

It's easier. With experience you learn to deflect what would become a childish argument. I wish I hadn't smoked so many cigarettes though.

Sometimes it is called sponsoring in Poland.

:) :) Not far from the truth.
pawian  226 | 27539  
24 Jan 2013 /  #120
As long as it isnt my daughter, I dont care.

And if it is??? What would you do with/to your adult daughter and her partner?

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ?Archived