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Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ?

18 Jul 2009 /  #61
i think she is fool and he is pervert

My dad was 22 years older than my mum and if anyone called him a pervert, I'd beat them up blud, trust me!

That said, I don't think I'd go out with anyone more than 13 years younger, and certainly wouldn't look for it.

My youngest ex was 10 years younger, but my oldest was 13 years older!!! Mind you, I was only 18 back then, LOL.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Jul 2009 /  #62
My dad was 22 years older than my mum and if anyone called him a pervert, I'd beat them up blud trust me

I see it this way if a woman is concenting and she is over 18 then its all good.

By the way, Go the dad!

Was going to ediit and ay GIF..Grandad ..... ....., yer nasty I know!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
18 Jul 2009 /  #63
That guy is too old for you. Go find someone closer to your age.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
18 Jul 2009 /  #64
**** you NP if I was that way I would charge men for talking with me. hey not a bad idea.
Plastic Pole thanks I have dated men my age it never works out I am happy.
pussycatsbear  1 | 42  
21 Jul 2009 /  #65
Don't mind guys talking crap with you, babe. I'm very happy for you though;)muah
LAGirl  9 | 496  
23 Jul 2009 /  #66
Yeah I am happy for you too.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
23 Jul 2009 /  #67
good for you but i feel sorry for her!!!
Amanda  - | 1  
14 Sep 2009 /  #68
UMMM my husband is 47 and I am 24 and we have been together for about 6 no almost 7 yrs in March and we have to very beautiful children 1 is 3 she will be 4 in Jan and we just had a son who just turned 6 months but age don't matter at all my husband and I are very much inlove I could not imagin my life with out him he is a good husband and awesome father
groovyg  3 | 70  
15 Sep 2009 /  #69
age is ********, if the connection is good who cares
pussycatsbear  1 | 42  
29 Sep 2009 /  #70
UMMM my husband is 47 and I am 24 and we have been together for about 6 no almost 7 yrs in March and we have to very beautiful children 1 is 3 she will be 4 in Jan and we just had a son who just turned 6 months but age don't matter at all my husband and I are very much inlove I could not imagin my life with out him he is a good husband and awesome father

im happy for you. wish u all the best!
LAGirl  9 | 496  
30 Sep 2009 /  #71
Age dont mean **** as long as you are happy.
sadieann  2 | 205  
30 Sep 2009 /  #72
Double your age. Hmm. I would feel a little cheated. Good for the guy if he can keep up.
polsky  2 | 84  
27 Oct 2009 /  #73
As men are usually very immature before they reach 40, actually if he is 47 and she is 23, it is a very good marriage.

If he would be 30 and she would be 23, then he would be TOO YOUNG for her.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
27 Oct 2009 /  #74
As men are usually very immature before they reach 40

Am like a one born as a mature and know my old father 80 yo still immature. I educating even 80-90 yo men and fully agree with you. Females are mature after 20-30s. But, they chose immature men to live together with. This strange.
30 Mar 2010 /  #75
what about a 45 year old man with a 27 year ols women does that usually work
Nika  2 | 507  
30 Mar 2010 /  #76
Sure it will - as long as she's like Anna Nicole Smith and he's like J Howard Marshall.

king polkagamon  
30 Mar 2010 /  #77
I guess it is just love for the maturity of man no money involved.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
30 Mar 2010 /  #78
and what do you think about 27yo man and 47 women... mature wine is the best ;)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
30 Mar 2010 /  #79
Hm, again the old joke:

Woman of 50 gets a "toyboy" of 21 - she is showing her attractiveness and femininity;
Man of 50 gets a "toygirl" of 21 - he's just an old pervert.

When a woman says to me that I am too old for her, I usually reply with "ah, so you don't feel mature enough for me?" and then I smile and walk away.

There has to be some age difference imo - preferrably about 5 to 10 years is best. Women are quicker grown up than men: 5 to 10 years senior to the woman you're dating covers that gap perfectly.

I wouldn't date women older than I am as they have too much baggage (I have my own baggage, and cannot use anyone else's extensive baggage as well) and I won't date any girl between 18 and 23 for longer than one night. It doesn't work out anyway as the two stages in life are too different in the long run. But that's just my opinion.


M-G (tiens)
nomaderol  5 | 726  
31 Mar 2010 /  #80
There has to be some age difference imo - preferrably about 5 to 10 years is best

you are married? this is your preference? or, is there a logic behind this that we can generalize and set a rule about age difference? why not a day difference or a month or 1 year or 2 or 5 or 15 or 20? i not understanding this age difference stereotypes. for example, is 5-10 years difference based on assumption of that it will be a long term relation enough you will age together and you will raise kids together? but, we know that people are dying even at young ages, so, small age gap differences are not guarantee either for raising kids together or for aging together.
1 May 2010 /  #81
Iam 22 years old and my boyfriend is 47 i love him and i dont care about his age. you have to live the moment and go for what makes you happy. People are always going to talk wether it is good or bad so just live your life. thats what iam doing.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
2 May 2010 /  #82
I think he was mainly interested in showing off that he was dating a younger woman

...or maybe he'd been a bossy man all his life? ;)

I won't judge people no matter what the age difference and I've given up on guessing which relationships will last and which ones won't.

Some 15 years ago I started training at this new facility and became good friends with many couples there. There was this one couple in particular everyone sort of made fun of, or at least had many opinions about. At the time he was 38 or 39, she'd just turned 19. The age difference wasn't the main reason people (yes, me too) sort of picked on them. It was the size difference.

He was an average hight but really "big boned" and fat I'd say, he loved food. I think at the time he weighed around 280 pounds or so. She was this slender, pure-bones looking girl, with a very light complection, and she was his height so tall for a girl. However he had a great sense of humor and people just loved listening to him, including the Tiny-rella ;)

Fast forward to today, most couples from then had split up, gotten divorced, so did I. The "unusual" couple is still together, now married with two absolutely beautiful daughters... They still look funny as a couple when they're walking next to each other, but each time I visit them I feel like I'm in the most harmonious and loving home a person can ever hope for.

So I'd say go for it if it feels right...
16 May 2010 /  #83
well my girl friend is 20 years old and im 47 and it was good at first but after a year shes cheating and seeing other men behind my back shes also caught 2 or 3 stds in the process we live together and i feel like shes really stressing me out . ive never experienced sex like this shes does sex like a prn star it amazing and shes done alot for me to progress i have a beautiful apt and she learning to cook and clean i couldnt imagine my life with out her but one day i know that i will have to let her go because she doesn't know that im 47 she thinks im 31 so i guess im living a lie anay way well im tryna work out and become more sexual wih her so i can satisfy her but i dont know how long i can last with he i love her so much and i may have to tell het the truth one day she so beautiful perfect in every way her body is flawless i cant sleep and im stressing because of this relationship my advice to a man if you wanta younger woman know that she will leave you one day or you will die tryna control her trust me a young woman needs young man sexing her

if you have some advice for me email me at holmes_harold@yahoo im 27 years older than my gurl friend and she thinks im 10 years older than her shes 20 and im 47 shes so beautiful and we have ben together for a year
11 Feb 2011 /  #84
I am 22, and i am seeing this guy who just turned 49. He is the most beautiful man i have ever seen and its something about how he smells and when i close my eyes i can hear his voice in my head. I love that he is so much older, experienced...i want to grow with him, to please him. But i am also torn because of his age. I know that my mother would really kill me, and my father would hang him up from a tree. But something inside me is saying i dont care. I love laughing with him, things i do, he laughs at me and this spark is just lit in his eyes...i say to follow your heat...
Jos  - | 5  
23 Mar 2011 /  #85
well, if both of you loves each other, age doesn't matter.
1 Jun 2011 /  #86
Im 47 my wife is 30, its great.
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
1 Jun 2011 /  #87
About 10-15 years ago, there was one with 7-8 years difference, younger than me. I pressed on my brakes as I felt she was too young for me. A few years ago, I met another one who was 15 years younger than me. My brakes were about to burn before safely stopping. In one case, I lost job and in other case, business. Then, they safely stopped and stayed away from accident place.
Havok  10 | 902  
1 Jun 2011 /  #88
My friend, age 20, somehow ended up marring a 45 year old stripper. She really looked good for her age, if I had to guess without knowing I would say she look like she was in her early 30s… one hot freaky MIFL... lol

anyway, the really funny part was that she had a son who was 25.
One time my friend asked his “new” step-son to buy us some liquor at the store for a party that night but he firmly refused because we were underage and he was too scared to get in trouble. LOL, really awkward “family” life.

Love doesn’t know boundaries
pawian  226 | 27539  
1 Jun 2011 /  #89
relationship between a women 23 years old and a man 47 years old

i mean live as bf and gf?

That`s normal.

How about vice versa?

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