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Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ?

samsmith  3 | 23  
17 Mar 2009 /  #31
I haven't dated any Polish women since I've lived here but I wouldn't be put off by an age difference, I'm 27 so the age difference probably is only going to be 10 years older or younger anyway

and obviously a preference for 1o years younger !!
18 Mar 2009 /  #32
I just found out about my nex door neighbors, Betty is 62 yrs. old and her husband Bob is 32 yrs. old and they got married. I couldn't believe this. It is like Betty is baby cradle female who prefer much younger male. They seem to be happy. Betty is also grandmother and mother of 3 children. Bob never been married before he married Betty.
Daisy  3 | 1215  
18 Mar 2009 /  #33
Bob never been married before he married Betty.

Bob's probably a paedophile and married Betty to get close to the grandchildren, I think you should warn Betty
19 Mar 2009 /  #34
I did try to talk to Bob and see what kind of man he. Betty holler at me not to speak to her husband and wanted me to leave him alone.

Betty's children do visited them, so far Bob have been working on weekend. I am not really sure if he is paedophile. He do looked at my neighbors (females 25 ) and talked to them and I am sure Betty holler at them too. He do have wandering eyes and stared at young females in my neighborhoods and me.

I think Betty is sick female and need to feel young with her husband.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
19 Mar 2009 /  #35
I think Betty is sick female and need to feel young with her husband.

I think Betty old and desperate, husband is sick one
Randal  1 | 577  
19 Mar 2009 /  #36
relationship between a women 23 years old and a man 47 years old

Nothing wrong with it! Good for him scoring the young stuff!

I think it's great. I'm 45 and my girlfriend is 25. Things are fine between us and marriage may be in the horizon.

Good for the two of you, Scorp. The best of luck. :)
serca  1 | 18  
19 Mar 2009 /  #37
My Polish boyfriend and I are 31 years apart.
Believe me. it works out great.
Relations are about two energies and two entities that are attracted.
And we are also contemplating marriage, as that is legal here in Belgium.

And yes, I have to fight against predjudices.... but so what, I am used to that, being gay.

The main thing is : we are having fun and the sex is great.... and tomorrow is a mistery..

Unless you have known people in a relation of our kind, or you have been part of it, it is indeed hard to imagine that it can work out. But it does. He finds stability, and I find him stimulating in changing.

I am learning Polish and he is learning Dutch.

My misiu, ik zie je graag ...

AnnieRose  - | 11  
20 Mar 2009 /  #38
I think it's great. I'm 45 and my girlfriend is 25. Things are fine between us and marriage may be in the horizon.

So, this is OK, great, and one wishes good luck, but when it is the other way,other posters say it is an old, desperate, or sick female? Old men want to go with young women, you say go ahead. But if old women want to go out with young men, you should also say go ahead.

It happens to be a biological fact that men are in their prime when they are young, women when they are mature - so it makes more sense for a 65 year old woman to be with a 27 year old man than vice versa.

A good husband should not treat his wife as if she were his daughter, but the truth is that a good wife in many ways takes care of her man in a similar way to what his mother did (well, except for that) ;)
serca  1 | 18  
20 Mar 2009 /  #39

Correct and indeed, that is another prejudice that needs to be kicked out of this world.

I know that being older and thus presumably more experienced can be beneficiary to the younger partner on many levels.
One of them is sex of course.
An older partner doesn't want to (and mostly can't..lol) impress his/her younger lover with endurance or looks , but the techniques and experience can give him or her extreme pleasure. Yes, at my age we do know where both female and male g-spots are to be found and we use that knowledge.

I myself never knew about these things when I was young.

So, before anyone disapproves try to take a look at it from another angle and it may widen your horizon.

I am more settled, not in pursuit of a carreer anymore, not looking to conquer the world and able to see things more in perspective. I consider myself well balanced, trustable and self-confident

My lover is young and full of dreams and ideas, eager to learn and being able to go for it.Being in an warm, stable relation it enables him to use my experience and his energy and enthusiasm to the fullest extend.

And thus , this relationship is clearly a win/win situation... should you want to look at it this way.

We just happened to fall in love with each other as two human beings... and as long as we both are happy with it, I don't care about looks and prejudices. Don't we all want to and have the right to be happy?

My misiu... kocham ciÄ™

Castanea  - | 75  
24 Mar 2009 /  #40
I would be careful. The one issue is not maturity level it is age. You can't enjoy each other too much when he is older. You probably would want someone that can keep up with you.
serca  1 | 18  
24 Mar 2009 /  #41
o... well.. I happen to be the older one , and right now my boyfriend tells me I am wearing him out ( he is 22). But then, I have always been very active in snowboarding and windsurfing ....

And my father, at 85, still looks 15 years younger and is very active ....
Let' see... untill the day comes I will enjoy what I can do ....

And then there still will be the tenderness on my side ...

OP snoke33  1 | 4  
13 May 2009 /  #42
maybe she is with him for money
okgirl66  3 | 90  
13 May 2009 /  #43
a good wife in many ways takes care of her man in a similar way to what his mother did

Ahh, cut the top off his boiled egg and make him some toast soldiers !!! If a man needs that from a woman then he should grow up and get a life. I think a man should be a man and take responsibility. What about what his wife needs. (only just noticed this thread).

As for the age difference thing - well what suits some people doesn't suit everyone cos we're all different but it can work. I'd just worry about nursing a sick elderly man before my time - I think I'd resent that (unless he's loaded and you can secretly plan your future with the hot polish guy who just fixed the roof leak!).
13 May 2009 /  #44
As for the age difference thing - well what suits some people doesn't suit everyone cos we're all different but it can work.

I agree.

I'd just worry about nursing a sick elderly man before my time

What if your perfect partner, the man you loved totally, same age as you was in an accident and needed nursing long term, would you give up on him ? What if he got a long term illness and needed long term nursing would you walk away ?

What if the situation was reversed would you want him to walk away from you because you were no longer perfect ?

Interesting point ?

All I am trying to convey here is that there are no guarantees in life as to what the future holds next week never mind next year and really at the end of the day the only thing that is important is finding someone you love and can love back, someone you are happy with and that you share similar interests etc etc.......

szarlotka  8 | 2205  
13 May 2009 /  #45
A year with one person can give more than ten with another... relationships don't depend upon age, race, creed or other social norms. Live life, give life and don't forget the all so important etc.s (thanks to Lir for highlighting this);)
krazy krawiec  4 | 27  
13 May 2009 /  #46
When she is 43 and still in the prime of life, he will be nearly 70... seems strange to me...
serca  1 | 18  
14 May 2009 /  #47
All I am trying to convey here is that there are no guarantees in life as to what the future holds next week never mind next year and really at the end of the day the only thing that is important is finding someone you love and can love back, someone you are happy with and that you share similar interests etc etc.......

Oh so true Lir. Bull's eye.

One of my former lovers, who happened to be 12 years younger , and in perfect health , died of a heart attack at age 32.....
I had to learn the hard way that life never holds any guarantees.. and love does'nt come with a "not happy money back" receipt.

carpe diem... I strongly believe that many people "plan" to live their life to the fullest extend, but remain in the "planning stage" all their lives.

If I live my life and love with S, in honesty, caring and with love...and he does it in return, it is a gift that I and him will forever cherish. It will make us a better person in life...

And even if I go long before he does, which I previously was shown in life to be far from certain, we both will have shared a true love and a caring, forfilling relation .

I can see S is growing , becoming wiser, riper, more stable... and in return he makes me smile when I ***** in rushhour, telling me : "honey, relax, it is only a traffic jam"... "and I want you to stay alive"...if that isn't a proof of love.

"yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift...."

LAGirl  9 | 496  
14 May 2009 /  #48
Agreed here serca you have a good love keep it.
okgirl66  3 | 90  
15 May 2009 /  #49
A year with one person can give more than ten with another

This is so true. I had my best, perfect friend/ partner and it was the best 2 years of my life but it ended in very sad circumstances. I will never forget what we had and will never have that again. Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. I'll have those beautiful memories for ever. So I guess you're right and what ever suits you - go for it and enjoy it while you can.
MarriedPolish  - | 2  
15 May 2009 /  #50
My husband and I have 10 years age difference between us. My husband is of Polish heritage and he married me when he was 37 (almost 38) and now he's 46 (almost 47). He still thinks that he is much younger than he actually is, and I look too young for my age (I'm 36, and will be 37 in December) and people think that I look like a teenager (which I absolutely hate!). Remarks have been made to my husband where people think that he's my father or that I'm his daughter. We've been married almost 10 years and this still goes on. Often times I think that my husband should give Cialis a try. He was never married before but did live with a woman for 15 years who didn't bother to work at all, and just sat back collecting public assistance. She passed away due to kidney failure and refused to take care of her health.

For whatever it's worth, these are my experiences.

My husband is more of a best friend than a lover. At his age he doesn't seemas interested in sex as I have been/was and due to this my drive is diminishing. He is someone that I can easily talk to and share thoughts, hopes, dreams, and fears with. He is my best friend in that sense. He is very thoughtful and caring. A more active sex life would be frosting on the cake, but if things have to continue as they are, that's not that bad either. At least I know that I can easily talk to him and trust him. THose are strong traits/characteristics and may outway the sex part to a degree.
okgirl66  3 | 90  
16 May 2009 /  #51
My husband is more of a best friend than a lover.

I think it's lovely that your husband is your best friend. To have some-one that you can be yourself with and share all your secrets and dreams is really special. That would mean more to me than some-one who focused more on the physical side of the relationship which can be good too but for me it's not so important.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
16 May 2009 /  #52
That would mean more to me than some-one who focused more on the physical side of the relationship which can be good too but for me it's not so important.

it seems that most of the relationships i had eventually ended cos of the lack of this special connection. it's important for the 'chemistry' to be there as well but that's not what it's all about.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
16 May 2009 /  #53
Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ? Add this thread to Favourites

Two or more consenting adults can do what ever they like in privacy.

i have asolutely no problem with this 23-47 situation.
kasia12  - | 1  
28 May 2009 /  #54
I think its great but if the men take care easy on the young women on bed!
Mystery  1 | 3  
7 Jun 2009 /  #55
Love can happen at any age and dont you ever forget to never say never
pussycatsbear  1 | 42  
21 Jun 2009 /  #56
I am filipina, 27 and my polish bf, 45. things are going great between us and large age gap is not a big deal for both us. we love each other. we respect out differences. @ Misty and Scorpio, goodluck i hope things work out for all us. I wish all the best for all of you guys. :)
Arien  2 | 710  
21 Jun 2009 /  #57
Well, best wishes and much happiness to you who truly love eachother. Oh, and when you really love eachother, then whatever someone else might think should be totally irrelevant to the both of you.


..that's what I think.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
17 Jul 2009 /  #58
I am 27 my Polish guy is 49 and we are happy nothing wrong with age.
NPosuniak  8 | 91  
17 Jul 2009 /  #59
Um.....thats 22 years. not two.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
17 Jul 2009 /  #60
Yeah whatever the point is he is older then me and there is no problem with that.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ?Archived