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Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ?

snoke33  1 | 4  
7 Mar 2009 /  #1
relationship between a women 23 years old and a man 47 years old

i mean live as bf and gf?
Banford  1 | 19  
7 Mar 2009 /  #2
She will put him in an early grave ;-)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 Mar 2009 /  #3
What about woman 18, man 78 years old ? Now that's even cooler.
scorpio  20 | 188  
7 Mar 2009 /  #4
I think it's great. I'm 45 and my girlfriend is 25. Things are fine between us and marriage may be in the horizon.
Misty  5 | 144  
7 Mar 2009 /  #5
relationship between a women 23 years old and a man 47 years old

i mean live as bf and gf?

There's nothing wrong with it. Both are adults and if they love each other then good luck to them.

I think it's great. I'm 45 and my girlfriend is 25. Things are fine between us and marriage may be in the horizon.

Good luck to you also. Age doesn't matter at all.
Banford  1 | 19  
7 Mar 2009 /  #6
I haven't dated any Polish women since I've lived here but I wouldn't be put off by an age difference, I'm 27 so the age difference probably is only going to be 10 years older or younger anyway.
sausage  19 | 775  
7 Mar 2009 /  #7
relationship between a women 23 years old and a man 47 years old

if it doesn't work out you could always adopt her.
7 Mar 2009 /  #8
Women at 23 and Men at 47 do not work out because too many years differents. Seem like men haven't grown up and still think he is young. He need younger women to please him. If I were you, I go get educations and think about my futures and find right job for better lifes.

What will you do if he get to 65 and you are still young and need man near your age.

Think about it.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
8 Mar 2009 /  #9
Women at 23 and Men at 47 do not work out because too many years differents.

Nah. It has a good chance to last till his last days. After all if she stops visiting him at an old folks home he may change the beneficiary of his life insurance policy ;)
beckski  12 | 1609  
8 Mar 2009 /  #10
Woman 23, man 47 years old.

I used to date a guy who was 17 years older than me. There was too much of a generation gap. He was very bossy at times; I felt as though I was dating my father.

I think he was mainly interested in showing off that he was dating a younger woman.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
8 Mar 2009 /  #11
Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think

he could be your father, that's what i think. young women are often impressed with an older man who is financially and often emotionally stable. middle aged guys want to impress their mates they have a young bird hanging off their arm. no matter how youthul the guy seems, he's still almost half a century old, possibly on a rebound after a failed long term marriage or something like that, looking to build up his self esteem. there is a certain type of girls who are attracted to older men. was their father missing in their life? do they love their father so much that they wanna have a man who is just like him? why can't they pick a man who is just like their father but 20 yrs younger??? lol...
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
8 Mar 2009 /  #12
relationship between a women 23 years old and a man 47 years old

get in there my son

but as beckski says, youll find young women talk a ridiculous amount of bollox

you could put a sock in it... but im sure you can find something more appropriate
ifybest  - | 1  
8 Mar 2009 /  #13
Age is not a barrier in Relationship, if the two couple love each other they should carry on
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
8 Mar 2009 /  #14
I hope I have a 23 year old girlfriend when I'm 47! Statistically speaking, such relationships do not last long though - I don't think they are meant to.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
9 Mar 2009 /  #15
women 23 years old and a man 47 years old

She's too old for him.
Elssha  - | 123  
9 Mar 2009 /  #16
lets also not forget social stigmas against that sort of thing...
say you really do love each other, and it's not about the above mentioned things
people who see you go out will still either mistaken you for father/daughter or assume she's a gold digger or he's gotten himself a trophy wife, etc.

in PL what others think matters, too, at least to a substantially greater degree than in the states where more often than not you don't even know your neighbor's name let alone car what he says to whom.
asik  2 | 220  
9 Mar 2009 /  #17
relationship between a women 23 years old and a man 47 years old

I don't think it'll work. Sooner or later they will separate. 24 yrs gap between them it's too much , especially when a woman is 23 ( it'll makes difference if she was older ie. 30+ ).

But you never know - maybe she is/will be.. under some kind of "spell" :)
OP snoke33  1 | 4  
12 Mar 2009 /  #18
i think she is fool and he is pervert
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 Mar 2009 /  #19
And you're a judgemental t**t!
nunczka  8 | 457  
12 Mar 2009 /  #20
There could be some good in this. They can save a lot of money when Viagra dont work anymore She can become his primary care giver when his pecker shrivels up.
12 Mar 2009 /  #21
<<when Viagra dont work anymore>>

You are absolutely right about viagra may work. He is over 40 and she is 23. She have more sexual drives than her 47 yrs old partners. He will get tired of sex, sex sex and still sex.

OP snoke33  1 | 4  
12 Mar 2009 /  #22
i think he useing her

or maybe she who use him , who knows but its not normal relatinship at all
Filios1  8 | 1336  
12 Mar 2009 /  #23
What about woman 18, man 78 years old

That is close to being pedophilia. If I found out that my daughter was seeing a 78 year old.. oh God.. I believe I'd break the old man in two over my knee.
12 Mar 2009 /  #24
How about a 26year old and a 68 year old........:))

dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1160127/Why-HAS-26-year-old-beauty-m arried-68-year-old-Peter-Stringfellow-And-did-father-out.html

I don't really think age matters at all. Surely it's just between the two people concerned as to whether it works or not. Life's to short really to be worried about what other people think. However , if the 68 year old was a woman and the 26 year old a man then I can imagine what the headlines would have said, especially if she were as rich as Peter Stringfellow........

LAGirl  9 | 496  
13 Mar 2009 /  #26
Big age difference it will never work out. he will treat you like his daughter I was married my ex was 28 years older then me I was miserable. I will only be with someone 6 years the most older then me. take my advice someone close to your own age is better.
conniey  - | 11  
17 Mar 2009 /  #27
how about a 30 years old and a 48 years old man? What do you think? Are they compatible?
McCoy  27 | 1268  
17 Mar 2009 /  #28
Are they compatible?

is the error 404 or access denied screen doesnt pop up when you try to make love it means that you are compatible
conniey  - | 11  
17 Mar 2009 /  #29
McCoy  27 | 1268  
17 Mar 2009 /  #30

should be if


your welcome. the truth is if everything goes fine between you and him and you are happy together you can forget all questions about racial, cultural or age differences.

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