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Polish woman and black/mixed-race guy......

Ironside  50 | 12333  
31 Dec 2012 /  #31
We don't know whether OP is a black gay, purple dude or a very intelligent chimpanzee - at the end of the day it is only anonymous moniker on computer screen. :)

Most posters here were bashing him not for being black but for being sex tourist or rather for his care free attitude and expectations presented here.
TommyG  1 | 359  
31 Dec 2012 /  #32
Very true. There's that and the fact that despite living in a city of 8million+ people, he couldn't get a shag. And so he's now targeting Polish women.

He obviously has no personal qualities and only has the fact that he's half-cast to offer. That's pretty pathetic. It's not surprising that he got shot down. Here and in RL.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
31 Dec 2012 /  #33
you don't look asian at all if you wanna know my opinion

Doh??? read the caption it's a parody/mickey take on chavs not me personally, most posters don't want personal pictures on a forum!

Thanks for posting that. I almost threw up...That's one thing I don't miss about the UK.. Wayne and Waynetta slob... Is it HH's wife?

Doh again, if you read the caption you'd realise the picture/caption is taking the p-ss out of a PF member who referred to me as a chav just because I pointed out some of his statements were rather silly. That member was you!

Of course I had forgotten that this is the 'Teacher of English' who doesn't actually understand much English!
Infact he understands so little that he doesn't realise that the OP wants to learn Polish not English! Regard the visit to Poland and wanting to talk to Polish women, (he probably wants a bit of fun too but hell Mr G read some of your own posts, you treat Polish women like sex objects yourself!).

This is the 'teacher' who doesn't understand what racist means? You cr-p your nappy if a Black or Asian guy says he fancies a Polish girl (or probably any other white women) but it's okay for the big Mr G to talk about how he'd 'give it good and hard' to some Polish policewoman in another post earlier today! obviously you have difficulties understanding quite a lot of vocabulary e.g the word hypocrite.

Not that he'd want one:P

Just read your own posts, full of stupid racist comments about Asians and Blacks but you're too pig thick to realise what a racist you are!

Your post just justifies my comments!
I'm not not Anglo Saxon by blood but I am very proud of being British, it's still a good place compared to many, however when I see your stupid posts and see how you boast about being a teacher ( when all you are doing is exploiting people) I feel ashamed to be classed as the same nationality as you! Your ignorance about Indian culture is beyond belief and your assumptions about Black women ridiculous! Both have far more class than to have you as a partner!

Don't you realise that the mark of a loser is someone who runs place to place slagging off their mother country! Get a life boy,you make HH look intellectual!
Wulkan  - | 3136  
31 Dec 2012 /  #34
Infact he understands so little that he doesn't realise that the OP wants to learn Polish not English!


looks like someone is butt hurt
TommyG  1 | 359  
31 Dec 2012 /  #35
Just read your own posts, full of stupid racist comments about Asians and Blacks

Ooh, guess I just hit a nerve:) Or, maybe it's that time of the month...?

I'm not not Anglo Saxon by blood

No sh1t! But, if you're not not... does that mean you are? You're obviously confused but I can forgive this as English is not your first language...

I am very proud of being British

No you're not. You're about as English as a half-Indian, half-Greek immigrant is English.

the OP wants to learn Polish not English!

Really? That's not what he said:

I'm trying to improve my conversational English skills with woman.

He probably means women, but he is foreign.... just like you...

I feel ashamed to be classed as the same nationality as you!

But you're not! I'm white and English. Both my parents were English, neither of yours were! I have no hindu or muslim blood in me:P

but it's okay for the big Mr G to talk about how he'd 'give it good and hard' to some Polish policewoman in another post earlier today!

Of course. Did you read the thread title? That's the response that Pawian was looking for... happy to oblige:)
kaz200972  2 | 229  
31 Dec 2012 /  #36
We don't know whether OP is a black gay, purple dude.

I trust that you are commenting more on his attitude to women, it is typically immature, however many of the posters were just plain hypocritical and throwing hissy fits because the guy is mixed race!!!

Intrigued: I'm trying to improve my conversational English skills with woman

Typo or mind slip obviously!!!! The posts are written by some one who is very comfortable with the English language!

looks like someone is butt hurt

No just sick of racist, pig ignorant w--kers who pose as 'teachers' and think they can exploit everyone! It annoys me on a professional basis. He's like one of these pathetic creeps trawling bars in Vietnam/Cambodia/Thailand ugh! some of them pretend to be teachers as well. Also the guy's ignorance about and arrogance towards Indians/Blacks sickens me.

Tommy G
I was born in Birmingham, English is my first language, it was my parent's common language.My father served in World War 2 and recieved several medals, both my parents were given British Nationalty. I have a British passport as do all my children etc... No one in my family has ever taken a penny in benefits from the state other than Child Benefit ( which even the Queen recieved). All my family have contributed to Britain, my parents as Nurses, my brothers as Doctors, my sisters as linguists and myself as a real teacher (working with special needs pupils). My two adult kids are solicitors working for mental health charities! I may not be white but I am BRITISH every bit as British as you are. In order to be British all you need is a British passport! nationality is a matter of legal status not ethnicity!

What have YOU ever contributed towards Britain, other than rude remarks about British women and people who are not white????? Wipe your conscience boy! People like you are creeps who exploit others and target selected races of women then complain when others fancy the same race.

Well Mr 'not a teacher' your posts just how what an ignorant loser you are!

I have no hindu or muslim blood in me:P

Oddly enough i don't have any Muslim or Hindu blood either, both are religions not ethnic groups!

Of course. Did you read the thread title? That's the response that Pawian was looking for... happy to oblige:)

Well you would say that wouldn't you? doesn't explain your other pervy comments about Polish women!
I dare say you will blame all your racist sh-t on trying to oblige me and giving me something to write about???
Get back under your stone T--------! Actually, I should be a little more kind, me and my chav Indian and English mates can't get out tonight our kids need looking after but we've had a hell of a laugh at you. Happy New Year, it's worth coming on PF every now and then just to see what idiots you fake teachers can be!
thecooldude  1 | 3  
1 Jan 2013 /  #37
Larger the numbers of disapproval by Polish men = Polish woman wanting to be with other races because after all woman love attention.

Its all attraction anyways. I just don't give a ****.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
1 Jan 2013 /  #38
tommy you are an uneducated fool and an embarrassment to british people like me and kaz.
you do know that 'muslim' is a religion not a nationality i suppose.
and where does someone with 'hindu' blood come from just out of interest?
you sound like the product of several generations of white trash
TommyG  1 | 359  
1 Jan 2013 /  #39
Well Mr 'not a teacher' your posts just how what an ignorant loser you are!

lol:) That doesn't even make sense. Are you sure that English is your first language and that your're:

a real teacher

I have my doubts. I think that you need some psychological help and some counselling. You seem to have many issues...

me and my chav Indian and English mates can't get out tonight our kids need looking after but we've had a hell of a laugh at you.

That one sentence alone tells me everything that I need to know about you.

Kaz I'd like to say a few things about you, using your own words:)

Thank you, come again:P

you are an uneducated fool and an embarrassment to British people like me

you sound like the product of several generations of white trash

You seem also to be describing yourself.

My criticism towards the OP were on account of his negative attitude. I think Ironside said it best:

Happy New Year! :D :D :D
Paulina  16 | 4403  
1 Jan 2013 /  #40
I agree with kaz200972 on this - it doesn't look good.

She wrote she's "very proud of being British".

Also: /wiki/Nationality

Nationality is the legal relationship between an individual human and a Nation state.[1] Nationality normally confers some protection of the individual by the state, and some obligations on the individual towards the state. What these rights and duties are vary from country to country.[2] It differs technically and legally from citizenship, although in most modern countries all nationals are citizens of the state and all citizens are nationals of the state.

I'm also not irritated by him being "exotic" or whatever. The only thing I don't get is:

Where can I meet Polish woman aged 18-23 in Krakow/Katowice?

Where can you meet British women aged 18-23 in London? In clubs, perhaps? lol ;)

He even was silly enough to ask if Polish girls speak English and if they teach English in schools.

Oh, don't be so harsh, Tommy :) At least he didn't bring rolls of toilet paper to Poland in case there weren't any as some very white two English men from the North of England I've met did ;)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
1 Jan 2013 /  #41
You seem also to be describing yourself.

sweety i am not the one who thinks 'muslim' and 'hindu' are nationalities - i simply have a caps key that doesn't work. - not quite in the same league is it.

and being so rude and racist to kaz when she said she was proud to be british was not called for.
picking out missing capitals and saying 'talking about yourself' is not really valid argument, just silly.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
1 Jan 2013 /  #42
I may not be white

You told me before that you were white.

And then you wonder why we indigenous Europeans are wary of you and your ilk!

and being so rude and racist to kaz when she said she was proud to be british was not called for.

Jesus was born in a stable - didnt make him a horse.
TommyG  1 | 359  
1 Jan 2013 /  #43
i am not the one who thinks 'muslim' and 'hindu' are nationalities

And neither am I. I never said that they were. Are you silly?

i simply have a caps key that doesn't work

I never use the caps lock. I always use the 'shift key'. It's the button just below the caps lock...

and being so rude and racist to kaz when she said she was proud to be british was not called for.

Obviously you didn't read her unprovoked personal attack on me. Both you and her attacked me first and now you cry when I defend myself. Typical...

I'm quite capable of owning a couple of pathetic little trolls.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
1 Jan 2013 /  #44
TommyG: I have no hindu or muslim blood in me:P
it was you that wrote that wasn't it........
i can assure you i am not 'crying' i just find you pathetic.
i bet you went to poland looking for a shag from some girl whose level of language and cultural awareness would not alert to her to what a sad little f.uck you are.

i met plenty of english guys like you in poland, trust me.
TommyG  1 | 359  
1 Jan 2013 /  #45
I have no hindu or muslim blood in me:P

it was you that wrote that wasn't it........

Yes it was. Well done. And what? It's a 100% true fact. I'm sorry if you misinterpreted what I wrote.

i can assure you i am not 'crying' i just find you pathetic.

Yes, you are. And I find you pathetic too:P

i bet you went to poland looking for a shag from some girl whose level of language and cultural awareness

What the hell does that mean? Are you trying to imply that Polish women are somehow inferior? It looks like you're the racist.
I came here to work and I am very satisfied with all aspects of life here:)

i met plenty of english guys like you in poland, trust me.

Your sex life is of no interest to me. And you haven't actually 'met' me have you?

The topic is turning personal. Please try to keep on track. Thank you.
17 Apr 2017 /  #46

what do polish girls thinks about arabs/polish (mix)?

Hi, I am curious to know what do polish girls think about Iraqi/polish guys (mixed)
Veles  - | 197  
17 Apr 2017 /  #47
Certainly women think only about guy's background. Nothing else matters.
17 Apr 2017 /  #48
I think that polish girls will prefer polish guys (even if half) over foreigners, but that's only my opinion.
M07PH  - | 1  
28 Jan 2019 /  #49

UK Black British engaged to a Polish Woman are there others

Hi all new here, I have lived in London. Met and fell in love with a Polish girl. Got engaged. Was wondering if there are other couples on here anf what experiences you could share

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Polish woman and black/mixed-race guy......Archived