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Polish woman and black/mixed-race guy......

Intrigued  3 | 37  
29 Dec 2012 /  #1
Hi, so I'm finally in Poland after 1 year of procrastination. I'm staying with a Polish girl who lives in Katowice. There's no racism, and the woman appear to be staring and smiling at me which is great! I'm just wondering for my next visit in summer 2013 how I can meet some Polish woman for dating? I'm from London, and it has been suggested to try and meet some Polish woman in London and maybe come for holiday over here, this way I can learn the language better? I have no idea, I don't want to come over here and only interact with people I know, it would be nice to even just meet a lady for a coffee or drink as friends!

However I'm having a wonderful time, I've met some great people so far. Tomorrow we are travelling to Krakow so it should be fun. I think I'll use this site to help find some Polish woman in London who I can meet up with to improve my polish and have friendly conversation.

So to summarize..

Where can I meet Polish woman aged 18-23 in Krakow/Katowice? Some people say in the universities, but I don't want to just approach some ladies in the street, it's not going to be respected much.

Anyway, dobranoc!
handsome  - | 3  
30 Dec 2012 /  #2
So, where are you currently?
I can help.
OP Intrigued  3 | 37  
30 Dec 2012 /  #3
I'm currently in Gliwice, however I'm eating some fried dumplings with Z miesem! :) they're so tasty! I don't think I will be able to do much as I'm going to a party later in Katowice and then I'll be drunk on some Tske beer and sprudnik vodka!! :P

But I'll be returning to Poland around august next year! So maybe we can exchange skype?

Kind regards,
jarnowa  4 | 499  
30 Dec 2012 /  #4
Sad to see another black sex tourist hoping to get advice from Polish guys on this forum how to seduce Polish girls.

The fact that you don't go after one of the thousands of Polish girls in London says a lot.
You probably failed to impress them, as you are just one of the thousands of blacks in London.

So this is probably why you are now looking for girls in white territories who may be more easily impressed by a negro.

Let me open your eyes:
Most Polish girls are not naive anymore. They know exactly what the average black male is doing in their country, whatever you will tell them.

And since Simon Mol many girls are aware what can happen when dating guys from 3rd world countries.
So at least in the big cities you won't be more lucky than the average white guy.
And if you're unlucky someone will punish you for being a sex tourist.

From my Polish friends i know that the increasing number of exotic sex tourists is annoying them more and more.
You have been warned.
Lenka  5 | 3543  
31 Dec 2012 /  #5
I think the only annoyed person is you.I'm Polish girl and for me there's simple solution-if some girls are going to like him-that's great,if not-that's great to.Who are you to judge-sex police officer?If he's not going to rape anyone or going after children let him do whatever he wants.And as to your friends...I won't even comment.
TommyG  1 | 359  
31 Dec 2012 /  #6
Where can I meet Polish woman aged 18-23 in Krakow/Katowice?

I'm staying with a Polish girl who lives in Katowice.

Why don't you ask your 'friend' where you can pick up other women in her city?
Or, alternatively just go to any bar and buy a pint.
You can just sit there and look all black/mixed-racial and exotic. I'm sure all the girls will flock to you like flies to sh1t...

From my Polish friends i know that the increasing number of exotic sex tourists is annoying them more and more.
You have been warned.

nice post, well said... :)
Ironside  50 | 13034  
31 Dec 2012 /  #7
From my Polish friends i know that the increasing number of exotic sex tourists

Yep STD s spreading pests.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
31 Dec 2012 /  #8
I'm Polish girl and for me there's simple solution-if some girls are going to like him-that's great.

Probably you don't care because more guys means more choice for girls. ;)

But i really don't understand why Polish men allow so many foreign men coming to their country to f*ck their women, especially men who don't belong in Europe at all!
Lenka  5 | 3543  
31 Dec 2012 /  #9
Don't you think it's a women choice to sleep with whomever they whant to?What typical "Kowalski" has to do with my sex life?


Probably you don't care because more guys means more choice for girls. ;)

As to this:
I don't care about foreign women going after Polish men either.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
31 Dec 2012 /  #10
the guy said he was from London.
and women are not men's possessions.
you obviously have some problem getting laid - is your face as ugly as your mind?
Lenka  5 | 3543  
31 Dec 2012 /  #11
and women are not men's possessions.

Some men still don't get it.
OP Intrigued  3 | 37  
31 Dec 2012 /  #12
Thanks for the posts,

I'm not trying to get laid at all, well I'm a guy so I like sex, but it's not my aim. I'm trying to improve my conversational English skills with woman. You're right, if they like me they... like me, if not... who cares! :P

I'm heading back to London tomorrow so I don't have any opportunity, however I'm coming back in august with better Polish skills :)

And please do not think I am special because I'm black, I was in katowice on my first day and I saw 6 black people, some girls some guys. And even more in Krakow!

Have a good day everyone!
Stereot  - | 3  
31 Dec 2012 /  #13
Im a black male, I started off pretty much as a sex tourist in Europe, Estonia, Amsterdam, Finland..etc. Im now with a polish woman, who ive been with for 6 years, we have a 2 year old child, a cat, a washing machine etc. The point is, her nationality means nothing to me anymore. She's just the person I love. End of.

Oh, and before you ask, we aren't married for 1 reason; as part of my degree course I will spend 6 months in Poland in which time I can learn the language because, even though I can muster the vaguest fragments of a conversation in Polish, I need to know a lot more than vocab if I'm going to ask her Dad for his daughters hand. I would expect the same courtesy if it was my daughter
Bieganski  17 | 888  
31 Dec 2012 /  #14
Stop pretending that you are now some old fashioned gentleman. You're not. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
Stereot  - | 3  
31 Dec 2012 /  #15
I'm not claiming to be. I'm British; famed for booze and debauchery abroad. In that respect, I don't think myself and the travelling polish community differ that greatly.

And are all polish women "ladies"? Lol unfortunately mate we've moved on since Jane Austen, maybe you should too
berni23  7 | 377  
31 Dec 2012 /  #16
Make sure you mention that when doing so. :D
Bieganski  17 | 888  
31 Dec 2012 /  #17
You see the world simply from your own narrow understanding of it.

Saying you are British and therefore are somehow entitled to lead a life of booze and debauchery when traveling abroad is complete nonsense. Such behavior is never admired and encouraged in the rest of British society or in other countries. That's reality. And saying its OK because Poles who travel also have no standards or respect for others is also utter tripe. You speak only as part of a subset of bad actors. You don't represent the norm.

For you to pass off comments that you were a sex tourist as if it is a victimless pursuit shows how self absorbed you still are. There is a big difference between thinking you are "it" and actually being "with it".

Sex tourists aren't men with a sense of adventure merely seeking out foreign adult women for a bit of consenting fun in bed. Sex tourists deliberately exploit the women, young men and children in other countries purely for their own gratification. The countries targeted by sex tourists are often economically poorer and therefore are unable or unwilling to tackle this problem. Even if a country has so-called legalized prostitution there is always many other crimes associated with it particularly human trafficking which is a form of modern day slavery.

And wider society suffers too with increased demands and therefore costs in medical services because of the frequent need to treat STDs, HIV, or to carry out abortions. For children not aborted they are often left to languish in a very difficult life of foster care. Again, this is a social and financial burden born not by the sex tourist but passed onto the societies the sex tourist left behind.

But, since you are "living it large" and "as it is" then tell us how many sex tourists you would like your own daughter or son to have a bit of fun with? We'll assume this takes place when she or he is an adult although the age of consent is not always reached for many who are tricked or forced to go to bed with a sex tourist.

Bear in mind that each person you exploited as a sex tourist - regardless of their age - was still the daughter or son of a father and mother you never met and never had any intention of meeting.

It's not about living like Jane Austin. It's about being mature, responsible and respectful no matter where you go or who you meet. These are timeless values and behaviors that contribute to making communities safe and civilized to live in, work in and visit.

By your own admissions you have demonstrated that you are not a good example for others to follow.
Stereot  - | 3  
31 Dec 2012 /  #18
Wow, first off, I probably am not a sex tourist, didn't realise that you meant brothels etc. just a few strip clubs on bachelor weekends and festivals. I've never actually paid for sex. But that's just me.

If anything, I think it's more of a problem women being trafficked out of Eastern Europe and ending up as exotic dancers in England, but who am I to say; my narrow mind cannot comprehend such things.

1 thing I won't do is apologise for my actions in the confessional booth; I was young and tbh I enjoyed myself. I met some awesome people and some racist douches along the way, but that's just part of the journey.

1 day I will probably be as old and bitter as you, but until then I'm gona enjoy the ride if you don't mind. Every person I meet I try and leave them with a good account of a black British male and, from my experience, I'm doing fine without your self righteous bull.

Ill leave you with one example. The state palace in Warsaw was a gift from the Soviet Union to Poland, was it from Stalin? Anyway, when I heard that there was a club there, I was there immediately. I walked in and to my horror found a rubbish reggae singer there who was from London. He had a harem of women around him and the dude must have been like in his 40s. It's sad really that this is what passes as culture in the cultura
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
31 Dec 2012 /  #19
that's not 'sex tourism' at all.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
31 Dec 2012 /  #20
Wow, first off, I probably am not a sex tourist,

Im a black male, I started off pretty much as a sex tourist in Europe, Estonia, Amsterdam, Finland..etc.

Your words not mine.

just a few strip clubs on bachelor weekends and festivals. I've never actually paid for sex. But that's just me.

that's not 'sex tourism' at all.

Oh so patronizing strip clubs has nothing to do with sex tourism. As if strippers are willing professional dancers from their local communities and are no different than who you would see performing in a musical.

Strippers have often been trafficked and frequently engage in prostitution to pay off their traffickers, feed a drug habit, etc.. And you don't have to patronize one to know any of this. Law enforcement authorities, medical professional and social workers already do.

Strippers/prostitutes are there to meet demand created by sex tourists. Even if you single out strip dancing the fact remains that the acts they are performing are only to draw in sex tourist customers in order to create revenue for bars and clubs which are often the scene if not actually run by criminal elements. You don't have pay to go to a brothel before it is considered sex tourism.

Too bad for you but you can't rationalize the misconduct of a sex tourist by drawing lines and attempting to redefine the bloody obvious.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
31 Dec 2012 /  #21
Every person I meet I try and leave them with a good account of a black British male and, from my experience, I'm doing fine

so why did you fail on this forum?
kaz200972  2 | 229  
31 Dec 2012 /  #22

These lads Stereot and Intrigued are not really sex tourists in the usual sense, they are just two lads out for a good time in a place where they believe it's easy to go a bit mad with the 'wine, women and song'.It's the same as British women in places like Ghana, Turkey and the Carribean, they have a bit of a rep as being 'good time girls', the local lads enjoy having a fling with them. Polish women have a similar rep in many countries too, lads being lads will take advantage! These two are just daft lads enjoying themselves with ladies who are equally up for a bit of fun. Sterot seems to have settled down happily with a Polish lady whom he loves and respects anyway so where is the problem? The problem is that it's two black guys, if they were white, the men would be doing the old 'get in there mate' routine!

There are a fair few w--kers on here who are happy to perve and objectify women (Polish women especially) but that seems to be okay because they are magic colour 'white'. Woe betide any Black,Asian or female forum member who comments on the subject of women,especially Polish women.

Yes, the sex trade is horrendous and not to be supported in any way but Poland is not particularly a victim of the sex trade any more than France, Italy or the UK. There is some explotation but from mainly other Poles and women are often in the trade by their own choice, Poland is not in the same situation as the Far East or some of the poorer Eastern European countries. This post just shows the hypocricy of some of the forum's male members.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
31 Dec 2012 /  #23

no need to throw your toys out of the pram.
agree with kaz your hyprocrisy is astounding.
TommyG  1 | 359  
31 Dec 2012 /  #24
I'm British; famed for booze and debauchery abroad.

Lol. Speak for yourself:)

The OP, originally came to the forum a year ago saying he was still a minor and when he turns 18 he'd like to come here to meet Polish girls aged 17-23. He made a big issue about being Lewis Hamilton skin-toned and talking about racism... He even was silly enough to ask if Polish girls speak English and if they teach English in schools. The only person making a big issue about race is the OP. If he never mentioned that fact it would never have been raised. Most people couldn't care less what colour you are. There are other black and Asian foreigners here, especially in the bigger cities. The OP's mistake was trying to use his ethnicity to draw attention to himself.

I'm trying to improve my conversational English skills with woman.

So, why come to Poland? Why not try talking to some English people?

And please do not think I am special because I'm black, I was in katowice on my first day and I saw 6 black people

Don't worry we won't:P And as you say, you're ten a penny here these days;)
Ironside  50 | 13034  
31 Dec 2012 /  #25
The problem is that it's two black guys, if they were white, the men would be doing the old 'get in there mate' routine!

I don't think so, I would say that you are using them being black as an excuse and reason for a preferential treatment. I think that is very patronizing on your part.

As for motives of male posters here: It is only your guess, not fact.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
31 Dec 2012 /  #26
I would say that you are using them being black as an excuse and reason for a preferential treatment

indeed, seems like she's playing racial card for them lol
kaz200972  2 | 229  
31 Dec 2012 /  #27
I don't think so, I would say that you are using them being black as an excuse and reason for a preferential treatment. I think that is very patronizing on your part.

Sorry mate but that's boll-cks! I didn't exactly excuse their behaviour, I pointed out that they were daft (stupid) for their assumption that one particular race is easier than another. I don't launch into every white guy who makes stupid assumptions or derogatory comments about women. Unless it's excessively sleazey I ignore it, I laugh quietly at these men's idiocy and lack of understanding about women.

What annoys me is that white guys get away with any type of distasteful letching whilst an Asian or Black guy gets verbally hammered! Look at the posts in the relationship section of the forum if you need evidence!

As for the patronising bit 'stuff that' I'm partially Asian myself and look very Asian, I don't need to patronise any Asians or Blacks, my late husband was Indian, my late father was Indian, my kids are Indian, some of my nieces and nephews are part indian part Jamaican and we are all as good as any white person any day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TommyG  1 | 359  
31 Dec 2012 /  #28
indeed, seems like she's playing racial card for them lol

If the guy came to Poland as was victimised for being black I'm positive he would have had a lot of support from the PF members.

However, he's young and naive and his only concern was talking to very young Polish women. That's very shallow. His motives were very clear.

What's wrong with black or Asian girls? There's millions of them in London. Sure, they're not as attractive, but probably easier... He'd only need to learn English to speak to them too...

He'd probably find plenty of them in the:

few strip clubs on bachelor weekends and festivals.

that his mate frequents...
He can even buy an Indian wife if he pays her dad a dowry, even in the UK... :D Not that he'd want one:P
Wulkan  - | 3136  
31 Dec 2012 /  #29
I'm partially Asian myself and look very Asian

you don't look asian at all if you wanna know my opinion
TommyG  1 | 359  
31 Dec 2012 /  #30
Thanks for posting that. I almost threw up...
That's one thing I don't miss about the UK.. Wayne and Waynetta slob... Is it HH's wife?

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