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My Polish wife doesn't want to move to the UK with me - what to do?

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
10 Dec 2007 /  #61
But you are going to have to learn to tell these tourists what a wonderfull place Poland is......that might be a bit tricky

polish tourism is going to boom big time - its inevitable - telling brits what a great country it is isnt a problem - there are a million poles in england doing that already!
wildrover  98 | 4430  
10 Dec 2007 /  #62
there are a million poles in england doing that already!

I hope so , but most of the young ones in Poland keep telling me that Poland has no future , and they want to stay in UK....It would be nice to think that national pride will make them stick up for Poland when they meet English strangers , but you can,t blame Brits for thinking....if Poland is so great , what are all you Poles doing in UK...????
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
10 Dec 2007 /  #63
what are all you Poles doing in UK...????

trying to make money... ;-)

but most of the young ones in Poland keep telling me that Poland has no future

with so many beautiful polish women meeting english men and then taking them home to meet mum and dad the word is going to spread...
Wroclaw Boy  
10 Dec 2007 /  #64
polish tourism is going to boom big time - its inevitable - telling brits what a great country it is isnt a problem - there are a million poles in england doing that already!

Problem is though its not that great
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
10 Dec 2007 /  #65
it is where i hang out - loads of fun
OP Britguyabroad  4 | 26  
10 Dec 2007 /  #66
Sidetracking here, in terms of setting up a business I think getting money from Polish people is tough from what I have seen, bit like asians in the UK. However, if you have a quality product to sell you shouldnt compromise on price if you believe in the product.

Therefore, i would sooner develop a business idea which appealed to the nouveau riche polish person, who doesnt have the time nor inclination to worry about price than a high volume business. As, the examples I have seen of high volume business are not worth the hassle from what i have seen.
rex  - | 37  
10 Dec 2007 /  #67
Problem is though its not that great

could say more is not great at all is just a place full of bad memories
Wroclaw Boy  
10 Dec 2007 /  #68
wildrover  98 | 4430  
10 Dec 2007 /  #69
I think getting money from Polish people is tough

I agree...thats why i intend to get my money from English , German , and other visiting tourists....
the_falkster  1 | 180  
10 Dec 2007 /  #70

you're based in the north-west, right?
quite nice idea as you'd have berlin people as your target (3.5 million)...

i'd love to hear about what you're going to do one day...

i believe you can do some nice tourism in poland. everyone who i spoke to who went there came back smiling... good mix of culture, history and nature... not to forget the people.

maybe i should change my profession... ;)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
10 Dec 2007 /  #71
i believe you can do some nice tourism in poland. everyone who i spoke to who went there came back smiling... good mix of culture, history and nature... not to forget the people.

seems to be something for everyone
wildrover  98 | 4430  
10 Dec 2007 /  #72
I meet a lot of Germans in Polczyn zdroj , mostly older people who come for therapy treatment at the clinics here...Not met so many younger people apart from a nice lady from Berlin who was a biker....
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
10 Dec 2007 /  #73
seems to be something for everyone

I remember seeing a programme on TV about a guy that bought a cheap property in Normandy. It was cheap because it was off the beaten track and half of it was a big lake.

He renovated the house and stocked the lake full of Carp ( or some sort of fish ). He then advertised Fishing holidays - made a mint.

Sitting beside a rod for a fortnight aint my idea of fun but some people will pay top dollar for it.

Can't see why the same idea wouldn't work in Poland.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
10 Dec 2007 /  #74
Can't see why the same idea wouldn't work in Poland.

lol it will, as will countless other ideas
anulka24  1 | 5  
10 Dec 2007 /  #75
I am a Brit living in Poland, I have lived here for about 18 months. I married a Polish girl but want to move back to the UK now. The only thing is she doesnt want to leave Poland. How can I persuade her to come to the UK? Has anyone had this problem before?

hi Britguyabroad , i think first u should take her for holiday week maybe two and show her uk in your company now like a hospand , i think maybe shes scared that , u will be in your country and u will change cos shes polish not english , i don't know .... maybe that is the reason?

I am a Brit living in Poland, I have lived here for about 18 months. I married a Polish girl but want to move back to the UK now. The only thing is she doesnt want to leave Poland. How can I persuade her to come to the UK? Has anyone had this problem before?

whay always on this forum topic is start from that and its always finish about bussines or cash u was ask for something alse and ....... big meessssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucynda  4 | 70  
10 Dec 2007 /  #76
I wonder about her commitment to you. I mean, isn't a wife meant to "leave her father and mother" and "cleave to her husband"? Seems like she doesn't believe in you all that much....that's actually not a good sign.

Perhaps you could plan to live in a Polish area in London....here in Chicago it's like "Little Warsaw" and Poles feel quite at home.

I know family is important, but sooner or later, you are going to have to strike out on your own.

You might also consider simply going back to Blighty on your own, and reevaluate the relationship in about six months. Your absence might speak louder to her than your presence.
the_falkster  1 | 180  
11 Dec 2007 /  #77
"leave her father and mother" and "cleave to her husband"?

very good point actually...
osiol  55 | 3921  
11 Dec 2007 /  #78
Perhaps you could plan to live in a Polish area in London....here in Chicago it's like "Little Warsaw" and Poles feel quite at home.

I don't think Poles are either concentrated enough or permenant enough here yet.

I think the answer to this whole question could be something that neither of you had thought of.
OP Britguyabroad  4 | 26  
11 Dec 2007 /  #79
I will try some of these things you mentioned. I did suggest to my wife that we move to another polish city such as warsaw or krakow, which has another international dimension, but she said she was comfortable in bydgoszcz. Which doesnt seem very fair because i'm not really. But its not like she couldnt move, she doesnt have any work commitments here, only mum/dad + sisters. I think a bluff has to be called at one point.
the_falkster  1 | 180  
11 Dec 2007 /  #80
she said she was comfortable in bydgoszcz

well, that's not really fair then...
seems like a lot of hard work ahead, if she doesn't even want to move within poland...
Zeze  9 | 79  
11 Dec 2007 /  #81
no luck mate there are 20000 Poles living out side and you had to married the only one that does not want to leave oh well what about find another one women are like buses every five minutes another come down the road
the_falkster  1 | 180  
11 Dec 2007 /  #82
women are like buses every five minutes another come down the road

unlucky when you bought your ticket for one bus already... (WIFE = MARRIED)...
Zeze  9 | 79  
11 Dec 2007 /  #83
he he he I guess he will have to get off this bus in the middle of the road .
mm2000  1 | 2  
28 Dec 2007 /  #85
Britguyabroad, I feel your pain. I am married to a Pole and live in the UK. I could never live in Poland for various reasons including racism, career prospects, language and family interference. I come from a background where men are strongly encouraged to stay as far away from the wife's family on marriage to prevent them getting their muddy hands in all your private business... So you can imagine the problems I already face..

I am lucky though. My wife has been willing to move to the UK and live there. In return I hope to try to buy a place in Saska Kempa in Warsaw so we can spend bits of time there. But if my wife was insistant on staying in Poland full time, I would not be able to handle it. As my children as multiracial, there is a serious risk of racist insults and attacks if they live in Poland so for this primary reason, my wife will not pressure me to live in Poland. Whew!

We do visit Poland at least once a year and my wife goes to visit her family on her own at least thrice. Her family are welcome to visit us in UK and several of them show up during the course of the year and we take them on tours to London etc.. But I must admit I find the frequent visits by her parents irritating as we rarely have time to be alone as a family.

Maybe you can compromise with your wife and offer her frequent visits in both directions from UK?
Thronin  - | 3  
28 Dec 2007 /  #86
Dude you made 2 EXACTLY the same posts, please grow up, learn to read books, and perhaps one day you will be as inteligent as you claim to be, i doubt it tho. People like you suck and they deserve to die tbh
Macduff  9 | 69  
28 Dec 2007 /  #87
well i moved to Poland 10 months ago to give Poland a try for my fiancee. But have madeit clear that after 1 year if I cant handle staying here she must move to the UK for at least a year. If she refuses to move then it will be the begining of the end
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
28 Dec 2007 /  #88
please grow up,

People like you suck and they deserve to die tbh

pot kettle black
ernest sht  - | 6  
28 Dec 2007 /  #89
Britguyabroad, I belive that your wife is a strong character and feel very well in her enviroment and she has fear go away from it, Maybe it will be a kind of paradise to live in smoall towns instead of big citys. You must work on convincing her litle by litle !

I live in 1 million habitans city and is a **** , i prefere litle towns instead, big citys just for some weeks
polish wife  
2 Jul 2010 /  #90
i wonder how this story ended,
polish wife, longing to move back to poland

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