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Wedding in Szczecin recommendations. How long before must the documents be provided to the registry office?

KevinUK  2 | 7  
12 Jan 2015 /  #1
I am English and plan to marry my Polish girlfriend. We both live in the UK at present and understand a certificate of no impediment is needed, it will be a registry office wedding. How many weeks before the wedding must the documents be provided to the registry office in Poland? We are hoping to get married in April if we can find venue and get everything sorted.

Generally is it just one trip needed prior the wedding to the registry office or more. Understand the docs will all need translating also.

Can anyone recommend venues in Szczecin and also music bands and photographer, wedding will be approx. 120 people and also we would like to do something the following day like a lunch buffet for all our guests. Any help would be appreciated.

Does anybody have an idea what costs I would be looking at?

Many thanks,
12 Jan 2015 /  #2
a certificate of no impediment is needed

What are you planning to provide as that?
OP KevinUK  2 | 7  
12 Jan 2015 /  #3
Hi Harry,
I plan to visit local registrar in UK and give notice of marriage, after 21 days I should have the certificate of no impediment from them that I need to take to the registry office in Poland where we plan to marry.

Does that answer your question or were you asking something different?
12 Jan 2015 /  #4
Have you checked with the registry office that that (or at least a sworn translation of it) will suffice? They may think that they want something issued from the British embassy in Poland.
OP KevinUK  2 | 7  
12 Jan 2015 /  #5
They have given us the requirements and that this will suffice, although I am going to double check all as we have little time and cannot afford to miss anything. Is there anything else to be aware of or any good sites to look for Szczecin info for weddings?

Roger5  1 | 1432  
13 Jan 2015 /  #6
My register office wanted an official copy of my birth certificate, translated by a sworn translator (i.e. done properly by us and then stamped by a friend), and then they kept it!

...and the banns were on the board at the embassy for, I think, three weeks.
Kowalski  7 | 621  
13 Jan 2015 /  #7
Hi KevinUK,

I am from Szczecin so am inclined to answer yet have not attended any wedding as of recently so kind of am also not familiar with the whole wedding issues. I did check with google "where wedding Szczecin" (in polish :) and the very fist entry would provide the following information:

price per guest is 180 to 300 pln , free red carpet............here you go, it is in English (some 40 km from Szczecin)


and more offers at:
13 Jan 2015 /  #8
They have given us the requirements and that this will suffice

You say that that will suffice because you have in writing a statement from the office in Szczecin that it will be OK? Or because your reading of their information says that? If it's the latter, I really urge you to remove that potential problem. Once you have paid for the reception etc (you'll need to pay at least a good chunk of it up-front), you really are stuffed if the office won't accept your paperwork.

In your position I'd be getting a sample from the office in the UK that issue the certificate, having that translated and sending it to the Szczecin and asking them for written confirmation that that particular certificate will be accepted.

My register office wanted an official copy of my birth certificate, translated by a sworn translator

I once had a residency permit application rejected because the sworn translation of my birth certificate which I provided to them was more than six months old. I tried to point out to them that my birth certificate hadn't changed since I was born and they could easily check that by simply looking at the copies and sworn translations they had in their file from my previous applications, but they insisted I had to get a new translation made.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
13 Jan 2015 /  #9
Yes, the OP should get his fiancee to at least phone the office, if not fly over. When I mentioned them keeping my birth certificate I meant the actual certificate from London, not just a copy! Our office was very pleasant and helpful, but you are right to point out that any deviation from protocol will be met with adamantine inflexibilty.
OP KevinUK  2 | 7  
13 Jan 2015 /  #10
Thanks Kowalski, I will take a look at that site, seems to offer everything all under one roof :)

Thanks Roger and Harry, I will ask the register office for exact detail on what is required. I can't afford to take any chances and I know these places will offer no flexibility.

nbloom  - | 7  
19 Jan 2015 /  #11

I was married in Szczecin last May. It's really important that you allow plenty of time for various documents. I would suggest that you call the UK Embassy in Warsaw or check out their website (which is a little confusing) before you make any other arrangements.

As far as wedding venues are concerned, it really depends on what you are looking for and what you are prepared to spend.

Good luck :-)
OP KevinUK  2 | 7  
19 Jan 2015 /  #12
Hello nbloom, I am informed by the registry office in Szczecin that they need birth certificate, passport and certificate of no impediment all translated, I get my certificate of no impediment from my local registry in UK middle of February and we plan to wed in April, although it is short notice it appears we are ok with timing and all should be ok. Is there anything you feel is missing that will obviously be important for all to proceed?

We really want our guests to start booking travel from UK soon.

For cost it appears it is looking like the following:

Wedding reception: 200 - 230 PLN per person
Poprawiny 60 PLN per person
Wedding Band 4000 PLN
Photographer 3000 PLN

Does the above costs look the expected costs, do you have any recommendations for bands, photographer, venue etc?

Many thanks,
19 Jan 2015 /  #13
all translated

Have you checked to see if they will accept translations done by a UK translator? I'd be thinking that translations done by a Polish sworn translator would be a good idea.

I get my certificate of no impediment from my local registry in UK middle of February

And you're sure the Szczecin office will accept that without a British embassy (in reality consulate) stamp on it?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
19 Jan 2015 /  #14
Wedding Band 4000 PLN
Photographer 3000 PLN

I guess you're not going for a simple gold wedding ring. 4000 sounds very steep.
3000 for a snapper? That's nearly two months' pay for some people.
The other figures look OK.
OP KevinUK  2 | 7  
19 Jan 2015 /  #15
Hi Roger,
4000 is what I am getting quoted for a wedding band for music not jewellery :)
nbloom  - | 7  
20 Jan 2015 /  #16

I agree with Harry regarding acceptance of documents, Best to check with the registry office and Embassy in Warsaw. Also note that as you are not a native Polish speaker you will need a court registered translator when you apply for the marriage at city hall and at the wedding ceremony.

I will send you a link to a photographer that I used in the next 24 hours


Roger5  1 | 1432  
20 Jan 2015 /  #17
4000 is what I am getting quoted for a wedding band for music not jewellery :)

Classic! I thought it was a bit steep! Yes, live bands seem to charge around 4K. By the way, what are you paying for rings? ;-)
OP KevinUK  2 | 7  
21 Jan 2015 /  #18
Looking at rings in UK, no cost yet but I'm guessing a lot more that 4000 PLN :O

Can anybody recommend any court registered translators?

Hi nbloom,
Do you have the link for the photographer you used pleased?

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