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Polish Wedding...namely mine. What is the cost?

Pooledogg  1 | 11  
2 Feb 2013 /  #1
I recently got engaged and am wondering what the cost of a Polish wedding is in and around Warszawa. Say 150 guests 2 day affair.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
2 Feb 2013 /  #2
300 bottles of Vodka * 20pln = 6000pln

A big building or field. Bit of music.

Some food would be nice.

smurf  38 | 1940  
2 Feb 2013 /  #3
300 bottles of Vodka * 20pln = 6000pln

Man you got ripped off, vodka doesn't cost 20zl (^_^)

And it's one bottle per guest :P

Wedding will cost you at least 40-50,000zl
You;ll have to pay for all the grub, the band, the hotel rooms etc etc.
Worth it tho, you'll make a profit on it when people give you wedding envelopes :)
Forfour44  9 | 94  
2 Feb 2013 /  #4
I'm planning my wedding in Lublin at the moment. It should cost about 35k.
Maybe 20% more as you are in Warsaw.

Vodka is 500ml/bottle per person, good ones will cost about 20zl each.
ismellnonsense  - | 118  
2 Feb 2013 /  #5
Worth it tho, you'll make a profit on it when people give you wedding envelopes :)

i dont give money at weddings
never have
never will
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
2 Feb 2013 /  #6
i dont give money at weddings never have never will

careful. delph said exactly the same thing. you wouldn't want us to get confused, would you ?
ismellnonsense  - | 118  
2 Feb 2013 /  #7
i lied actually
i gave money once
hated the person hated the wedding
made sense to cover the cost of my invitation but not to actually give anything
Mazsolika  - | 9  
2 Feb 2013 /  #8
It really depends on what you look for. If you want to organise it in some better restaurant it is near 150zl/person and more because it is Warsaw ;) (so maybe it is worth to look sth more romatic out of the capital), but it is 1 day wedding party. I don't know costs of longer ones. I just guess it is more popular in smaller towns or even country sides. Usually we count 0,5l of vodka per head but for example on our wedding 1/4part was used only. But better always to have more than not enough this day ;)

According to the conversation above: We had foreigners at our wedding and we got totally dissapointed with them. Of course young couple does
the wedding party to have it paid back and to have sth left for the beginning. Maybe older couples, don't mind about it so much, for them counts fun if they have the money, but young for sure do. As we did, but for our luck Polish "behaved" for what i will be gratefull till the end, thanks to them our start wasn't from the totally zero level. I am only sorry that my husband felt very bad cos of it because of his relatives.... he counted on them, wanted to be proud, wasn't! We got from all of them for organising places to sleep and so on only 5% of our wedding presents. This is one sad moment from our wedding for my husband, when he was counting, now we wouldn't do it this way again. So specially from that time when we go for the wedding, we guess how much is per person plus we add sth for just merried. If we cannot afford, we just don't go.
Lenka  5 | 3544  
2 Feb 2013 /  #9
Some food would be nice.

Some?There has to be planty food
peterweg  37 | 2305  
2 Feb 2013 /  #10
made sense to cover the cost of my invitation but not to actually give anything

You miserable sod. I hope you decline all invites to save them having to feed you.

Wedding will cost you at least 40-50,000zl

Mine cost 5K (50+ people), plus 2k for my suit. Every one enjoyed it, it was in a hunting lodge we hired for 500pln. Food was made by several caterers we hired directly.

Most of the guest were poor students, still we were not left out of pocket.
ismellnonsense  - | 118  
2 Feb 2013 /  #11
You miserable sod. I hope you decline all invites to save them having to feed you.

i always give nice presents
last wedding i was at
i gave my friends some beautifully personalised things :)

Every one enjoyed it

most important thing of the lot
i think sometimes
the big lavish weddings are actually boring as hell
best one i was at was small
but absolutely great fun
Forfour44  9 | 94  
2 Feb 2013 /  #12
I had some friends who only got back half of what they spent on the wedding.
They told me, If you invite a family of 6 they don't give as much as 3 x 2 people. So not to invite all the family, Mainly Adults and if they have small children. (I'm not sure if i could leave someone out just for the sake of getting more money)

I have a feeling we will only get 60% back at the most. As people don't have to much money to throw around nowadays. Plus our two day wedding will cost 220zl per person.

we are not paying for rooms, we are putting people up in houses of friends and family around where we will have the wedding.

So think about every little detail on your wedding. It will cost more then you think.

Ask friends a take an avg cost. Someone said a cake cost them 200zl others have spent 1500zl on a cake.
ismellnonsense  - | 118  
2 Feb 2013 /  #13
the money issue i think
is why many people invite only family
because families feel obliged to dig deep as to not be shown up
whereas friends wont feel the same
3 Feb 2013 /  #14
I have a feeling we will only get 60% back at the most. As people don't have to much money to throw around nowadays.

It just seems sad that this is how you view your wedding day, in terms of money.
Surely the point is that family and friends are there to help you celebrate what's supposed to be the happiest day of your life!

You seem more concerned with whether or not you're going to recoup your losses tbh.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
3 Feb 2013 /  #15
You seem more concerned with whether or not you're going to recoup your losses tbh.

that's how it is with Polish weddings.
ismellnonsense  - | 118  
3 Feb 2013 /  #16
and it is sad
people are expected to have big weddings
with unlimited alcohol and food
yet the guests are supposed to cover the cost
3 Feb 2013 /  #17
that's how it is with Polish weddings.

Bit on the mercenary side then!
ismellnonsense  - | 118  
3 Feb 2013 /  #18
im actually reminded of one story i was reading
the couple threw a massive bash
spent a fortune
and expected the guests to cover the costs

except they didnt and the bride went crazy

sorry darling
but just because you want a big fancy wedding doesnt mean your guests want to pay for it
smurf  38 | 1940  
3 Feb 2013 /  #19
i dont give money at weddings

Well, you are totally uninvited from mine so :P

Mine cost 5K (50+ people), plus 2k for my suit.

You're suit was half the price of the wedding?
Man, show me your ways, please! I've got 150+ coming to mine and there's no way it'll be less than 40,000zl

& we're not inviting children, told the people with kids not to bring any so they can have a better time without having to look after them :)
Forfour44  9 | 94  
3 Feb 2013 /  #20
Pam i'm not about the money. I understand i wont get the money back for the wedding.(I know it can come across wrong written)

My partner and I have been together for 6 years. It was both of our families who want this wedding more then us.
We could go Vegas and get married and that would be ok. It's our old fashioned Parents who we are doing this for. As we both love our families we can do it for them. After i'm sure we will be glad we did it there way. (Don't let this come across wrong. I'm not moaning, just saying)

Plus i'm glad it happening in Poland and not the UK. Polish weddings are fantastic(when it's not yours).
3 Feb 2013 /  #21
It's our old fashioned Parents who we are doing this for. As we both love our families we can do it for them. After i'm sure we will be glad we did it there way.

I do hope you're doing the right thing then.
Personally I'd only get married because I wanted to, not because of pressure from family.
That to me is marrying for the wrong reasons, but I hope it goes well and you have a lovely day to remember.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
3 Feb 2013 /  #22
You're suit was half the price of the wedding?
Man, show me your ways, please! I've got 150+ coming to mine and there's no way it'll be less than 40,000zl

Avoid commercial wedding companies, they are rip off everywhere.

We used a hunting lodge via the father-in-law, but two other wedding were in the local schools. You need cooking facilities and people to cook/organise it.

My mother-in-law hired a few women, bought the food and cooked everything. All the traditional Polish recipes plus a wild boar my brother in law shot and various meet cuts from the hunters. Some decorations, 5 liters of Bimber and plenty of vodka and some local musicians. We used buses to transport everyone to the venue.

I wasn't really consulted on this, I could have paid out 50K but nobody wanted me to do that.

Thats the key, if your wife or mother-in-law wants a 'romantic' wedding you will have to pay. Nobody else will care, a party is a party.

Wedding party or house, her choice.

the big lavish weddings are actually boring as hell
best one i was at was small
but absolutely great fun

Totally agree, The fancier the wedding is the less fun and they charge top restaurant prices for canteen food.

You're suit was half the price of the wedding?

Wedding (including dress) just below 5kpln and suit 2kpln (including 100pln shirts). I got ripped off on the suit as it was a wedding shop, but I have a suit for work...
smurf  38 | 1940  
3 Feb 2013 /  #23
mate, that sounds like a pretty awesome wedding :)

I'm gonna ask her auld fella if he can sort out a wild boar, that would be magic...........he;s already got the bimber sorted ;)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
3 Feb 2013 /  #24
Seriously, you going to spend the equivalent of a years wage on a party?
Forfour44  9 | 94  
3 Feb 2013 /  #25
Pam, We do want to get married, as i said. Just the typical Polish wedding is for our families. We would be happy in Vegas, Cook islands or a beach somewhere.
4 Feb 2013 /  #26
Then I take it your parents in law will pay for it let you keep the wedding gifts, because thats tradition too?
smurf  38 | 1940  
4 Feb 2013 /  #27
Seriously, you going to spend the equivalent of a years wage on a party?

It's a good bit less than a year's wage, but yea, f!ck it, it's the only wedding I'm gonna have and sure it's only money, can always get more of it.
4 Feb 2013 /  #28
Well, do if you can afford to blow the money. I simpy did. what the family wanted.
OP Pooledogg  1 | 11  
30 Apr 2013 /  #29
Not going to pay for the rooms. The rooms would cost 10,000 on their own.
28 Feb 2014 /  #30
Sorry to bump an old thread but I am wondering about costs of certain things. I am from the States and my fiancee is from Poland. We are having the wedding in a city north of Warsaw. I already have the venue set and I am looking at around 200-220PLN per person for the wedding and the party the next dat. I'm thinking we are going to have about 70 people, a small affair. Our Tuxes and Wedding dresses will be rented/purchased in the states but I am wondering about other costs. What is the going rate for a photographer, videographer, DJ, flowers and buses for transportation? Im not looking to hire the cheapest but I dont need the most expensive either. We are trying to budget our wedding and its been a long time since she has lived in Poland so we really dont know how expensive things are. If you are kind enough to respond, thanks and if possible please specify if you are talking dollars or zloty.

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