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Turkish girl is going to meet her Polish boyfriend's family - needs tips.

Lyzko  41 | 9563  
29 Mar 2016 /  #31
At least I've found Europeans not to take marriage aka marriage announcements, at all casually, Atch! Perhaps things have changed a might, but in the '90's at any rate, taking someone home to meet the parents was considered by both sides a significant step:-)

Again, perhaps things have changed. Anyway, if Elif's Muslim and her boyfriend's Roman Catholic, then the entire affair will be fraught with significance, don't you think?
Atch  21 | 4149  
30 Mar 2016 /  #32
not to take marriage aka marriage announcements, at all casually,

Well marriage announcements yes, but he's only bringing the girl home for 'tea' as it were. However I agree that bringing a non-Catholic girl/boy home on a solemn religious occasion such as Easter would be a biggish deal for many Polish families (and goodness me what occasion is not invested with solemnity in Polska - they do 'solemn' and 'serious' very well, nearly as well as the Germans, but not as efficiently!).

things have changed a might,

By the way Lyzko I feel obligated to correct your spelling, not out of nastiness, but because I know you're interested in this kind of thing as a lover of languages and won't take offence. In the context you've used it the correct spelling is 'mite'. I'm sure you know that anyway and it was just a slip of the keyboard!
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
30 Mar 2016 /  #33
Not at all! Unlike certain people on PF, I actually appreciate correction of typos:-)
Appreciate your input as well!
OP elif  1 | 6  
1 Apr 2016 /  #34
AdrianK9, it went so good. :) They were so nice to me.

Thanks for your help. If any of you guys need help with Turkish language or Turkey, feel free to send me a message. I can gladly help.
Atch  21 | 4149  
1 Apr 2016 /  #35
Oh that's wonderful. Really pleased for you and thanks so much for taking the time to get back to us :) Keep us updated!
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
1 Apr 2016 /  #36
Well, you're already helping me with THE Turkish language more than you can ever know:-)

You're English however is far, far better than my feeble attempts at Turkish.Just keep practicing and never be afraid of (polite) correction.

Know of one lady from Poland here on PF who claims she "learned" excellent English after living for five years in

So I guess then that your Polish boyfriend can help you with English too. Isn't this a great example of globalization at work?
Crow  154 | 9260  
1 Apr 2016 /  #37
Let me here paraphrase one old song and make suitable for this thread

Turkish maiden picking mushrooms, down by woodland lakes and brooks.
She don't want no Turk loves - all she wants is polski sex, hoi!
Village maiden picking mushrooms, down by woodland lakes and brooks.
She don't want no Turk petting - all she wants is polski sex, hoi!
[repeat forever]
mafketis  38 | 10911  
1 Apr 2016 /  #38
Let me here paraphrase one old song and make suitable for this thread

You're one nasty little guy, you know that? No wonder the words "crazy" and "Serbian" appear together so often. If you really cared about Serbia you wouldn't be shaming it with your unhinged ranting.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
1 Apr 2016 /  #39
Don't mind him, Maf! He's just trolling again, trying to draw attention to himself:-)
Crow  154 | 9260  
1 Apr 2016 /  #40
Song is song. Freedom to song

Its the art people.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
1 Apr 2016 /  #41
...and to troll:-) Crow, try sticking to the subject and not being offensive!

We're pleased we could be of some help. Cross-cultural dating is, as I say, often quite difficult (particularly when the couple in question don't really understand each other's own language and therefore usually resort to English):-)

Best of luck to you both.
Crow  154 | 9260  
1 Apr 2016 /  #42
No wonder the words "crazy" and "Serbian" appear together so often.

well, thank you

..and to troll:-)

i don`t troll. i enjoy

Crow, try sticking to the subject and not being offensive!

why offensive? Girl knows that is she honest and that she don`t seek sex but love. See, song is artistic opposition to reality.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
1 Apr 2016 /  #43
I imagine, what with the stringent Muslim behavior code, single Turkish women to be on average much more chaste than single Polish women, no offense meant! The Catholic faith typically allows for the "out" of merely going to confession and then after the priest mutters some words, being absolved of sin:-)

To my knowledge, the Muslim religion offers no such consulation; if you transgress, that's it!
Crow  154 | 9260  
1 Apr 2016 /  #44
just spot how thread nicely develop after my artistic contribution. We now talk about chastity of single woman in Poland and Turkey.

Anyway, i don`t know. Its in spirit. From the ancient times Slavs are known as free people. Term ``chastity`` generate false dilemma. Its not about chastity but about fact that one person (woman included) have right to freely using its own body. Loyalty don`t include possession of other human being and his/her bodily functions and necessities.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
1 Apr 2016 /  #45
Elif was merely asking for some serious, well-though out advice! As she apparently doesn't even as yet really speak the language, she'll need to learn it while living in Poland at any number of less expensive language schools:-)

Forgive me, Crow, for finally returning to our original thread. We'd gotten so far afield, I needed binoculars in order to find the way back.


Are the Serbs as willing to laugh at themselves or at one another?

Turks have a long and proud history. Their treatment of Jews throughout many centuries should serve as a model to certain European countries, among them, YOURS!!!

And apropos cultural excursions, Crow, there's as old a saying which goes "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
I do believe Elif was practicing just that and I think we should applaud her instead of resorting to smutty humor>

Everyone, please back on topic
istannbullu34  1 | 100  
5 Apr 2016 /  #46
Turks have a long and proud history

I doubt that. If you say this, you do not know their history at all.

Going back to the topic, it is nice that they treated her well, I see most of the Poles are hospitable, was just curious if they would behave different because of these differences we talked about. But, still a long way to go :)
5 Apr 2016 /  #47
"I imagine, what with the stringent Muslim behavior code, single Turkish women to be on average much more chaste than single Polish women"

I had Been to Morocco, another Muslim country and even more conservative than Turkey, and what can i say is that the girls there are everything EXCEPT caste.

Specially if you look like someone that have money.

Anyway, Turkey is not even a Muslim country YET, despite all the tentatives of Erdogan to change the country into a caliphate.

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