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Are Polish and Slavic men perhaps a little bit insecure sometimes?

FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
2 Oct 2010 /  #31
no nonsense is a troll looking for attention.

yep it is Allison infected with Crow's idea about the Slavic superiority:)
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Oct 2010 /  #32
It does sound somewhat familiar...
But, taking it for what it's worth, it's the thread's title that is most revealing to me: "perhaps? "a little bit"? "sometimes"?

Passive aggressive much?
(don't take it the wrong way, I tend to be passive aggressive too, but it helps knowing it)
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
2 Oct 2010 /  #33
yep it is Allison infected with Crow's idea about the Slavic superiority:)

Who is Allison? *confused*

It does sound somewhat familiar...
But, taking it for what it's worth, it's the thread's title that is most revealing to me: "perhaps? "a little bit"? "sometimes"?
Passive aggressive much?
(don't take it the wrong way, I tend to be passive aggressive too, but it helps knowing it)

I just tend to be that way because I have a rare personality that happens to be very very afraid of conflict, it said so on a personality test I took my freshman year. It can't really be helped.
jonni  16 | 2475  
2 Oct 2010 /  #34
Who is Allison?

Guesswho. The poster (usually a reliable one) sugests No Nonsense too. The style and content of posts don't exactly contradict this. :-)
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Oct 2010 /  #35
I don't think it's Allison. She does not have much experience with Russians, plus... hockey?? Not in Carolinas... Disgusting Americans? Not Allison... but, I could be wrong..

Don't mind them, girl, they're just trying to establish who's trolling.
So, no nonsense, what was the question again?
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
2 Oct 2010 /  #36
I understand you don't want loonies coming in and posting irrelevant "nonsense" as I may call it, but this is just preposterous. I respect that you want to keep trolls off the forum but I promise you I have never posted on this forum before and am only here for the sake of my interest in Poland and Polish communities in places other than my location. Btw if she was anything like me, I gurantee she was not a troll because I am nearly the very steryotype of a Polish American except for the Russian/British/Scandinavian blood in me.
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Oct 2010 /  #37
K, so what is the question? What is the reason for your post?
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
2 Oct 2010 /  #38
I just don't understand why men are so self absorbed and de-masculinized these days. It is very frustrating and I feel like Slavic men were the last to be this way because they come from a hostile enironment and they don't turn soft like the western men but even they are becoming that way now and it is very upsetting. Its like everything I grew up knowing and thinking was good seems like its over now because the men are so insecure and aren't the way they should be.
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Oct 2010 /  #39
I don't have an answer for you, because I don't know who are you talking about. Everybody is different. But, I do know that whatever you're looking for, that is what you will find. If you like putting people down, before you know it, you'll be surrounded either by insecurity or anger.
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
2 Oct 2010 /  #40
I'm afraid I don't agree with you. It is not my fault what I attract. I find that my looks seem to attract two kinds of men: jocks and ones who are after my genes. The jocks do not want to handle my strong personality because they've got better things to do and I am too high maintenance for them so they get frustrated and lose interest after they find out I won't let them get in my pants so easily. The ones after my genes are insecure and they just want the girl next door, they don't want commitment and don't have anything to offer me but trouble. The good men seem to be somewhat repelled by my looks I guess, because they don't believe I could be a genuinely nice person.
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Oct 2010 /  #41
You probably need somebody stronger than you. Those, in my experience, only come around when you don't need them, when you've managed to get your sheet together and are happy with your life, then BAM! and the games begin. Life is a roller coaster. Wallow in every phase, because it probably won't last for long. Na zdrowie!
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
2 Oct 2010 /  #42
You probably need somebody stronger than you

I would suggest a centaur with ski boots on...
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
2 Oct 2010 /  #43
You probably need somebody stronger than you.

I figured that out all along lol that was kind of the purpose of this thread. My point was that men are so focused on themselves nowadays and not very in touch with their rough gruff macho sides because life is so prosperous that they have gotten soft and weak.

I would suggest a centaur with ski boots on...

Eww a man that skis (unless his last name ends with ski lol) no thanks that is like the Ukrainian nordic wannabe who was after my genes. People with German ancestry are so insecure and jealous when they aren't made with a nordic phenotype; its really funny but can be quite annoying sometimes.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
2 Oct 2010 /  #44
Eww a man that skis (unless his last name ends with ski lol) no thanks that is like the Ukrainian nordic wannabe who was after my genes.

What, an Ukrainian cross-country skier who's after your jeans?? C'mon I thought you were no nonsense kind of girl...
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
2 Oct 2010 /  #45
It is not what a man buys me; it is the gesture. I don't care if a man takes me out on a fancy date or buys me something expensive, the sincerity of the gesture is what attracts me. If a poor guy goes out of his way to take me on a cheap date and treats me with respect then that is far better than a man who spends a large amount of money

That's what they all say...
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Oct 2010 /  #46
I have a rare personality

Nah, you're a typical spoiled westernized young woman who thinks too highly of herself.

a personality test I took my freshman year. It can't really be helped.

You poor dear; are you ready to file for disability?

I am nearly the very steryotype of a Polish American except for the Russian/British/Scandinavian blood in me.

At least you're not French.

I just don't understand why men are so self absorbed...

...as opposed to the dozens of womens' magazines which sell billions of dollars of women-only commodities like cosmetics, goofy clothes including absurd shoes and products I'd prefer not to know about?

men are so insecure and aren't the way they should be.

Nothing is the way it should be including you.

t is not my fault what I attract

Oh yes it is! Ask yourself why you attract the kind of young men you complain about. (pause) Maybe, just maybe the strong attractive men you seek don't approach you for a reason. They go to the kind of woman that you are not. They see through you.

I am too high maintenance for them

Red Flag

they.....lose interest after they find out I won't let them get in my pants so easily.

Yea, I hate to work that hard too.

they don't want commitment and don't have anything to offer me but trouble.

Interesting that you have not noted what you bring to the table. You seem to be the kind of woman who feels that merely being a female is sufficient.

The good men seem to be somewhat repelled by my looks I guess, because they don't believe I could be a genuinely nice person.

Maybe it's that "high maintenance" projection of yours or your narcissism. The women here know what a sensitive kind of man I am (sic) and I can already imagine the mist in their eyes as they read this. .....but I feel your pain. I too am tired of being a sex object.

Don't consider my advice as harsh; just honest.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Oct 2010 /  #48
My (current) Sicilian girlfriend is virtually begging me to "come to bed" but the longer a man keeps them waiting the more they appreciate it............don't you think?
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
2 Oct 2010 /  #49
The women here know what a sensitive kind of man


I can already imagine the mist in their eyes

yeah, yeah im crying lol

Maybe it's that "high maintenance" projection of

but I do agree.. I think her expectations are too high.. she is certainly not very
independent now , she wants a more old fashioned type of man who will spoil her
while she barks orders.

good luck.
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
2 Oct 2010 /  #50
My (current) Sicilian girlfriend is virtually begging me to "come to bed" but the longer a man keeps them waiting the more they appreciate it............don't you think?

I WISH men would do that with me but usually by the third date they start mentioning something about the bedroom and it hurts my feelings. I do not want to have sex until a commitment has been made because I can't be sure of the man's intentions.

but I do agree.. I think her expectations are too high.. she is certainly not very
independent now , she wants a more old fashioned type of man who will spoil her
while she barks orders.

good luck.

Not exactly, some men these days would kill for a housewife that does their laundry, cooks their food, and manages the household for them. I'm sorry but all I've done with my life is dancing and its totally useless; its the only thing I'm good at though. I've been so wrapped up in that all my life that I don't see myself having much of a career, I just want to get married in the future. I'm so indecisive and unsure sometimes that I'd almost rather have the man bark orders at me. But yes, like nearly all women I love being spoiled but in no way do I demand it. If you met me in person you would realize this is true but its difficult to communicate on a forum. I am a young (not even drinking age yet) graceful woman with a slim body and elegant face and I feel that is worth more than the average joe call me arrogant but I feel its true.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
2 Oct 2010 /  #51
I do not want to have sex until a commitment has been made because I can't be sure of the man's intentions.

your still young, zimmy stop being a perv, keep your business private she is way to
young to be listening to your old man stuff. go take care of your business and stop
advertising.. what kind of man makes news of his bedroom?

if you are a man you keep your shyt in one sock and leave that stuff off the forum.. we
seriously dont care..
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Oct 2010 /  #52

Not quite, it's more like Tic (tongue in cheek). Watch it or I'm going to hit the pause button which I alone control.

the third date they start mentioning something about the bedroom

Maybe they are thinking of buying you curtains for the windows?

I can't be sure of the man's intentions.

They want to sleep with you. Now since that is cleared up you can begin to deal with your other issues. ... but I'm ready to curl Ms Palermo toes as she has been extraordinarily patient. What a wonderful quality in a woman.
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
2 Oct 2010 /  #53
if you are a man you keep your shyt in one sock and leave that stuff off the forum.. we
seriously dont care..

Who are you talking about? I'm a little confused sorry.

They want to sleep with you. Now since that is cleared up you can begin to deal with your other issues. ... but I'm ready to gurl Ms Palermo toes as she has been extraordinarily patient. What a wonderful quality in a woman.

eew old codger sex
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
2 Oct 2010 /  #54
sometimes that I'd almost rather have the man bark orders at me.

no, what your looking for is someone who is interested in the same as you.

not every man plays ps3.. lol but you have to realize, all men and I generalize only
because its true same as we do , need their man time.

even if he is the smartest man on earth, or the most romantic, there is times when they
need to just do things with the guys.. or just to be who they are. it doesnt make them
any less a man.

high maintence isnt what you want to portray yourself as.. thats a definate no no.

just say that you come from a more elaborate background and would like to meet someone
that is appreciative of the same things..
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Oct 2010 /  #55
zimmy stop being a perv,

Let's see now; I'm here and you're here but I'm the perv? You constantly prove how so many women are indeed illogical.

keep your business private she is way to
young to be listening to your old man stuff.

I'd prefer to think I'm more of a guru (wise elder, but not too elder). Perhaps todays young women (and men) need a more mature hand-up. By their actions and deeds they seem to prove this daily.

advertising.. what kind of man makes news of his bedroom?

Didn't mean to turn you on.

keep your shyt in one sock

What do I do with the other sock?

leave that stuff off the forum.

You're right; I've never heard any sexual references in these forums before. I look forward to your future admonitions (to others).

seriously dont care..

Well, but do you care in a humorous way?

NoNonsense: "eew old codger sex"

Please don't talk like that. You know how sensitive Patrycja is.
One of us isn't old and I'm not that old either. Abraham Lincoln once told me I was the nicest little boy he ever met.
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
2 Oct 2010 /  #56
just say that you come from a more elaborate background and would like to meet someone
that is appreciative of the same things..

Well I don't mean to come across as high maintenance but I really feel like I am; every guy has told me that and I try not to be but I just want to be me. I understand a guy's need for time alone, that is not the problem its just that I don't like them doing stupid things. Him going to the bar or watching a sports game doesn't bother me one bit I just don't like things like video game playing or immature habits and decisions. Heck there are times when I've begged guys to stop calling and texting me and I want to be left alone when I am busy with something important and they just won't stop. Its very stressful to be in a relationship with a super clingy person, I do know that.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
2 Oct 2010 /  #57
Let's see now; I'm here and you're here but I'm the perv?

yeah cause your talking about bangin your chick. like we care???

go do it already or something, she should leave cause now your gonna talk your
feme crap again.. blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

You constantly prove how so many women are indeed illogical.

I just proved your a perv talking to a young college student like that
go take a shower!!

I'd prefer to think I'm more of a guru (wise elder, but not too elder).

I like her terminology- codger lol.... lmao

Perhaps todays young women (and men) need a more mature hand-up. By their actions and deeds they seem to prove this daily.

just go to bed already, she doesnt want old codger advice.

Didn't mean to turn you on.

you can wake up from that dream and go dry off now. lol

What do I do with the other sock?

stuff it up your nose.. lol
or in the dirty laundry

You're right; I've never heard any sexual references in these forums before. I look forward to your future admonitions (to others).

your sounding like southern lately.. hes the # 1 chick magnet dont you know..

Well, but do you care in a humorous way?

omg go to bed already, shes prob going to just leave via the window and your going to
have to sleep with your rubber ducky.. lol

its just that I don't like them doing stupid things.

well, if your high maintence, clingy guys like that. maybe thats something you need to
work on.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Oct 2010 /  #58
eah cause your talking about bangin your chick. like we care???

You care enough to constantly mention it. Hmmmmm


Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.

go take a shower!!

ust go to bed already,

go dry off now.

stuff it up your nose..

go to bed already

Vetty vetty interesting. Have you discussed your proclivity to give orders to others with your psychiatrist? .....and what did that lesbian feminist have to say about it?

shes prob going to just leave via the window

The windows are locked down. Alright, I believe I've kept that wanton woman waiting long enough. Oops, sorry.
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Oct 2010 /  #59
after your genes?!? Where did you get this idea? That is such a weird thing to keep on saying. Like it is you who is looking for a breeding mate, and you're projecting.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
2 Oct 2010 /  #60
and what did that lesbian feminist have to say about it?

maybe you should ask her since shes waiting in your bedroom to get zimmified..

but I doubt you can change her.. lol

windows are locked down. Alright, I believe I've kept that wanton woman waiting long enough. Oops, sorry.

go get her poopski.. lol

You care enough to constantly mention it. Hmmmmm

I just want you to be all you can be.. ;)

Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.

Im allergic..but thanks for being so caring, your feelings are showing daily zimm zimm..

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