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Are Polish and Slavic men perhaps a little bit insecure sometimes?

No Nonsense  6 | 68  
1 Oct 2010 /  #1
I have dated a Polish man and a couple of Russian men before and they all seem to be insecure with themselves. What is the reason for this? Is it because they aren't as good at hockey and other sports as they used to be? I am so sick of these wimpy, weak, childish insecure men that only care about themselves. They are getting more and more like the stupid, self absorbed western European men and Americans that I see and it is disgusting. I get a lot of offers from men, and they can't seem to understand why I am so selective. I don't even bother to explain it to them because they are not worth my time. Why can't they understand that women don't want fake masculinity and childishness?
Nathan  18 | 1349  
1 Oct 2010 /  #2
I have dated a Polish woman and a couple of Russian women before and they all seem to be insecure with themselves. What is the reason for this? Is it because they aren't as good in the kitchen and other chores as they used to be? I am so sick of these princesses, whining, ridiculously demanding, insecure women that only care about themselves and their nails and hair and funny wh*ry faces. They are getting more and more like the stupid, self absorbed western European women and Americans that I see and it is disgusting. I get a lot of offers from women, and they can't seem to understand why I am so selective. I don't even bother to explain it to them because they are not worth my time. Why can't they understand that men don't want to fake femininity and childishness?
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
1 Oct 2010 /  #3
Excuse me? Don't you DARE talk about us that way. You're a traiter and you are not Slavic.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
1 Oct 2010 /  #4
Excuse me?

Ok, you are excused.

Don't you DARE talk about us that way.

Read your post and say the same to yourself, princess.

You're a traiter

What is that? If you meant a traitor, then be kind to explain yourself.

you are not Slavic.

I am not, so?
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
1 Oct 2010 /  #5
You are a wimp. You cannot call yourself a Slav if you are an insecure little child who is not a real man. I laugh at men that accuse women of what I am saying about men because no matter what I do I can never find someone who isn't somewhat effeminate and self absorbed. Men these days aren't much different than the male dancers I work with and that is sad. An insecure man blames everything on women instead of taking charge and doing what a man should.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Oct 2010 /  #6
LOL, perhaps this will help.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
1 Oct 2010 /  #7
You are a wimp


You cannot call yourself a Slav if you are an insecure little child who is not a real man.

Interesting :)

I can never find someone who isn't somewhat effeminate and self absorbed.

Because you stand too much in front of the mirror and see an effeminite, whining, self-absorbed entity. Get outside, stop looking at yourself as at a royalty and may be you will find some suicidal guy who would want to spend the rest of his life with you.

Men these days aren't much different than the male dancers I work with and that is sad.

Yes, and women are the treasure of the Universe.

An insecure man blames everything on women instead of taking charge and doing what a man should.

Men around Women are Men, but around Medusas and Poisoning Snakes they become pathetic weaklings or beat the crap out of the chimeras (ending up arrested) - have to agree with you on this one. Women are equal to men, so take a shovel and learn to be responsible, take charge and stop XVII century BS where women were in the kitchen making a stew. Don't expect from others what you can't deliver.
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
1 Oct 2010 /  #8
LOL, perhaps this will help.

Excuse me? I AM a princess and I should get whatever I want but feminism does not help one bit. Those video game playing pee wee boys can kiss my royal hiney. Its honestly hilarious when they ask me if I want to move in with them with their childish habits. What baffles me is that men in their early twenties who are starting up businesses and moving up in their careers STILL PLAY Xbox. I have never ever understood it, I'm sorry.

Men around Women are Men, but around Medusas and Poisoning Snakes they become pathetic weaklings - have to agree with you on this one. Women are equal to men, so take a shovel and learn to be responsible, take charge and stop XVII century BS where women were in the kitchen making a stew. Don't expect from others what you can't deliver.

Pathetic, stupid cheap Ukrainian.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
1 Oct 2010 /  #9
Damn, these guys you used to date are lucky bastards. Are they alive? ;)
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
1 Oct 2010 /  #10
Yes, but they are still going through potty training and kindergarten.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
1 Oct 2010 /  #11

Yes - lucky or yes - alive?

Pathetic, stupid cheap Ukrainian.

Farewell, princess.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
1 Oct 2010 /  #12
You're a traiter

Tell me please, why did you call him a traitor?
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
1 Oct 2010 /  #13
because he is Ukrainian. I guess I should never have messed with a Ukrainian. His attempts to make fun of me REALLY hit a nerve.

Yes - lucky or yes - alive?

Alive but still in kindergarten
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Oct 2010 /  #14
because he is Ukrainian. I guess

Do you prefer Russian or Ukrainian men?

I guess I should never have messed with a Ukrainian

Better learn late than never.
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
1 Oct 2010 /  #15
I prefer russian men but no soviet or ukrainian bastards. Can't you recognize sarcasm when you see it? Nevermind, you seem like a dolt.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Oct 2010 /  #16

You are lucky then that soviet men have eclipsed in the last 20 years.

or ukrainian bastards

I don't think you mean Nathan.On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate
polish,Russian and Ukrainian men?
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
1 Oct 2010 /  #17
Polish- usually 6-8
Russian- 7-10
Ukrainian- Looks are ok but personalities are terrible and I just hate everything they stand for. Every one has that nasty volga German blood in them and you never know about it until later; they do their best to hide it and it is really annoying.
1 Oct 2010 /  #18
taking charge and doing what a man should.

Alright b*tch, shut the f*ck up and give me a blow job, STAT! LOL
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
1 Oct 2010 /  #19
I believe you need to sit in the time out chair. If you wet your pants again there are going to be even worse consequences.

btw that is not what I mean by a good man doing what he should. I mean a man who has good judgement and morals and takes care of me when I slip and fall. I can't trust someone who is self absorbed and childish.
1 Oct 2010 /  #20
With your attitude I can see why you're not getting the real action. You repel the good guys with your nose up so high. Just an observation.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Oct 2010 /  #21
no nonsense is a troll looking for attention.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
1 Oct 2010 /  #22
Polish men tend to be pretty secure. Just destabilised by their women ;) ;) ;)
tow_stalin  - | 57  
1 Oct 2010 /  #23
Its honestly hilarious when they ask me if I want to move in with them with their childish habits. What baffles me is that men in their early twenties who are starting up businesses and moving up in their careers STILL PLAY Xbox

o. i'm still playing my ps3 :)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
1 Oct 2010 /  #24
Ukrainian- Looks are ok but personalities are terrible and I just hate everything they stand for. Every one has that nasty volga German blood in them and you never know about it until later; they do their best to hide it and it is really annoying.


"nasty volga German blood in them"??????

What does that mean?

I didn't know every Ukrainian had German blood in them.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Oct 2010 /  #25
"nasty volga German blood in them"??????

She means the Wehrmacht soldiers who impregnated Ukrainian women.Volga is a bit far from Ukraina.
1 Oct 2010 /  #26
have dated a Polish man and a couple of Russian men

Is it because they aren't as good at hockey and other sports as they used to be? I am so sick of these wimpy, weak, childish insecure men that only care about themselves

Maybe you just like this kind of men and you choose them subconsciously
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Oct 2010 /  #27
Back in the 90's I took a 'princess' to a South African vacation. Of course back then I didn't know better. Never again! This is similar to what we experienced.

OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
2 Oct 2010 /  #28
no nonsense is a troll looking for attention.

I do not need reassurance from anyone I am merely coming on here to socialize with Poles.

Maybe you just like this kind of men and you choose them subconsciously

No, even men I'm not interested in that I see are like this. I can just tell. Its what I've heard about them, the way they act and carry themselelves. I usually go for the better of the lot but they are still not up to snuff. It is not what a man buys me; it is the gesture. I don't care if a man takes me out on a fancy date or buys me something expensive, the sincerity of the gesture is what attracts me. If a poor guy goes out of his way to take me on a cheap date and treats me with respect then that is far better than a man who spends a large amount of money and just seems to want to get in my pants.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
2 Oct 2010 /  #29
I am merely coming on here to socialize with Poles.

Have you found any that want to socialise with you...?
OP No Nonsense  6 | 68  
2 Oct 2010 /  #30
I am one, I live in a Polish neighborhood.


"nasty volga German blood in them"??????

What does that mean?

I didn't know every Ukrainian had German blood in them.

Well the two I'd met both did and seemed rather ashamed of it.

With your attitude I can see why you're not getting the real action. You repel the good guys with your nose up so high. Just an observation.

lol my nose IS upturned literally but not figuratively. If I had chosen to get action from those men it would have been a big mistake.

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