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How to seduce Polish girls: Tips and advice

Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Mar 2010 /  #91
Some don't value it as much as others.
Alx123  - | 180  
25 Mar 2010 /  #92
Judging from what I saw in Poland a foreigner must be completely stupid not to get a hot girl if he lives in Poland.Even I have polish gfs without living in Poland but coming there once a year for some days.Imagine what would happen if I stayed longer.

When you live in Poland your standards become higher. That doesn't mean that you always go for the most attractive girls, it just means that what you become more picky in your jusgement of what is very hot. Sure, foreigners do get good looking girls like I said, but just not the best. I guarantee you will not find it easy.

Some don't value it as much as others.

Yes, obviously a girl can have many qualities apart from looks. My comments were only made to dispel a myth - that foreigners get the hottest girls.
Crow  154 | 9556  
25 Mar 2010 /  #93
How to seduce polish girls:Tips and advice

just try to pretend that you are Serbian
king polkagamon  
25 Mar 2010 /  #94
I think if you pretend you are Serbian you will not be able to unstick the polish girls from you.They will stick like glue.I prefer more conservative methods.
polishmeknob  5 | 154  
25 Mar 2010 /  #95
Say, "I am an American. I've come to give you a green card." Usually works for me.
Crow  154 | 9556  
25 Mar 2010 /  #96
I think if you pretend you are Serbian you will not be able to unstick the polish girls from you.They will stick like glue.I prefer more conservative methods.

oh, don`t you worry.

Be realistic. That particular Serbian who come to Poland for night life would be Serbian who have money and good car. Now, Serbians are regularly compared to Italians regarding moda, clothing and style. Then, average Serbian is robust and tall, very open and agile when start some girl/woman. Faces of Serbians are faces of dominant males, still gently and soft... you are able to feel that Slavic soul that move Serbs... very confusing for females. Also, other males near would notice Serbian as obvious competition. Never underestimate reaction of females when they notice that other males show respect to opponent who coming into the `game`. Girls are very hot when are aware that dominant (most attractive man in a group) male focusing them

Any girl who seek some interesting experience that night, could be easily attracted
25 Mar 2010 /  #97
Face of Serbians are faces of dominant males, still gently and soft... you are able to feel that Slavic soul that move Serbs... very confusing for females

Faces of Serbians are faces
of dominant males Still gently
and soft You are able to feel
that Slavic soul that moves Serbs

Very confusing for females

Slobodan Kruković - PolishForum's best Serbian poet ;)
Crow  154 | 9556  
25 Mar 2010 /  #98
if man believe that he can get what he want, only sky is limitation
king polkagamon  
25 Mar 2010 /  #99
Yes,it is true that Serbian males tend to get respect from the other males since ...there is no way to escape especially when they show their gentle and soft faces.
Vawery  3 | 13  
31 Mar 2010 /  #100
if man believe that he can get what he want, only sky is limitation

I guess you're right, but sometimes some polish girl appears to be another limitation too :(
king polkakamon  - | 542  
31 Mar 2010 /  #101
Advice by a balkan badboy.


Wulkan  - | 3136  
31 Mar 2010 /  #102
Oh Jesus! and I thought that polish accent sux
Wulkan  - | 3136  
31 Mar 2010 /  #104
sounds like shhit it must be very hard to stay confident with such an accent
crusader  1 | 39  
31 Mar 2010 /  #106
I am not sure if this is a serious post or not, but I would suggest that one just treats her as a gentleman should, and count yourself lucky to have a Polish lady, and not a pasty-faced, baggy-arsed, loudmouthed English chav with an unaccountably high opinion of herself and an awful provincial accent.

(written by an Anglo Irishman happily attached to a Warsaw lady)
P.S., lest Englishwomen take offence, I have had Irish girlfriends, and they're just as bad, if not worse. Bunch of heiffers.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
31 Mar 2010 /  #107
and not a pasty-faced, baggy-arsed, loudmouthed English chav with an unaccountably high opinion of herself and an awful provincial accent.

Is this the way you are referring to the english ladies?
George8600  10 | 630  
31 Mar 2010 /  #108
This has to be the most close-minded, stereotypical, generalizing, illogical forum I have ever read......
jonni  16 | 2475  
31 Mar 2010 /  #109
That's half the appeal.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
31 Mar 2010 /  #110
Imagine what a Pole can do.

What's your point? I am Pole and I can do a lot :-)

I am not sure if this is a serious post or not, but I would suggest that one just treats her as a gentleman should, and count yourself lucky to have a Polish lady.

tell it to your mum she will be proud of such a son.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
1 Apr 2010 /  #111
I am Pole and I can do a lot :-)

This is what I mean.If a Croat with this level of accent has such a confidence a Pole should have unlimited confidence.
crusader  1 | 39  
1 Apr 2010 /  #112
tell it to your mum she will be proud of such a son

Yes, she is, she agrees completely, and she approves ;)
Unless of course you know her better than me? BTW, she is Anglo/Scots- so I think my parentage covers all of the British Isles.

Why, what is your problem? Are you in an unhappy relationship/marriage with a horrible British harridan? Maybe you should get out more? I'd love to stop and chat more, but I only just returned home from Yemen and I'm starting a contract in Saudi soon. Travel broadens the mind and all that. Chin chin
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
1 Apr 2010 /  #113
This has to be the most close-minded, stereotypical, generalizing, illogical forum I have ever read......

I think it resembles a train wreck, it is horrid but you have to look, like a kind of morbid curiosity.
It has almost turned me right off democracy, I am not certain if some of the people on this site should have a right to vote or drive a car or even have access to the internet.

Ahhhh and I used to be so liberal...
crusader  1 | 39  
1 Apr 2010 /  #114
Well, there you go- what did Voltaire say? It was something like 'I may abhorr what you say but I shall defend your right to say it until my death'- or something like that.

What I find baffling is the Polish men who are attacking me simply for telling the truth abour the women of the British Isles, really- you'd think they should agree, let's face it British women are an embarrasment (as are many British men, with there beer bellies and slovenly attitude), I can't figure it out.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Apr 2010 /  #115
Wear an expensive cologne and that can suck them in if it is to their taste :)

Then it's all about the lingo :)
king polkacanon  - | 57  
5 Apr 2010 /  #116
I am going now to meet a hot Bulgarian girl.Balkan meets Balkanu.Very nice.Do they smell like feta?Let's see.
But seriously if you want Slavic girls in my opinion you have to be dressed very seriously with dark clothes like Russians.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
5 Apr 2010 /  #117
I usually find a girlfriend of mine (an actual friend), and get her to come out with me to a nice club. I will dance with her, buy her drinks, and even kiss her, and the girls come streaming out. They see that at least one girl can handle an ******* like me, so they get interested. I once made out with my friend, and a complete stranger girl (from Czech)...

ahh, when you are young, anything is possible...
Ed679  - | 1  
14 May 2015 /  #118
Merged: Polish Women

I'm interested in this really nice Polish girl, hence the question how do I charm her or how do the lads in Poland do it?

It also seems the girls take things really slow, which is smart I like that.

Ps: No they are different from the women(western) I've dated ie they are really feminine but rather temperamental.

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