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How to seduce Polish girls: Tips and advice

king polkagamon  
23 Mar 2010 /  #61
I get banned for telling the truth in disturbing manner.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
23 Mar 2010 /  #62
All the forum members consider you just as a bullshhit artist but I think that you acctually belive in the sories you're writing here...
king polkagamon  
23 Mar 2010 /  #63
They are real stories.Why don\'t you try for yourself?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
23 Mar 2010 /  #64
what do you do for a living?
espana  17 | 951  
23 Mar 2010 /  #65
How to seduce polish girls:Tips and advice

take 40 pounds out of your wallet and pay her.
Alx123  - | 180  
24 Mar 2010 /  #66
Imagine Alx what happens when you start playing money.You get a multiplier.

It depends on how highly you rate the girl, her level of class or type of character. Why would you want to splash out on a simple student girl from a small town, for example? Plus, I think money helps when you also have a little charm - I've seen lots of English tourists in Krakow getting used for drinks. OK, the more $$ you have the less charm you probably need, but you will still need some, unless you are super rich and everyone knows it.

What's charming for Polish girls is another point of discussion. Often, a very simple conversation is enough (Do you like X? Do you like Y? etc.). Foreigners in Poland frequently fail to understand the mentality of the girls and try to be too cocky, too clever, too sexual or whatever.
king polkagamon  
24 Mar 2010 /  #67
I don\'t know your experience but in my experience all ask for money after a while.

Here in Greece women want to date only higher status males and when they don\'t get the high status they prefer to remain single.But polish girls put up with the lower status for practical reasons.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
24 Mar 2010 /  #68
.But polish girls put up with the lower status for practical reasons.

Seriously man, when will you ever stop putting down Polish women... we understand, they go for paki's and arabs. What else is new? I've seen some German, Swedish, Danish etc, dating the immigrants too...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2010 /  #69
Besides, I don't think many Polish girls would do that at all. KP, have you ever been to Poland? You have a very misguided and inaccurate view of Polish women.
king polkagamon  
24 Mar 2010 /  #70
I have been in Poland 5 times.Last time I noticed some beautiful polish girls with Arabs who stayed there in Poland.But foreigners are very few in Poland.I also saw polish girls with black men and Arabs here in Greece.

Contrary to that I never saw any beautiful German girl with Turk in Germany although Germany is full of Turks.I mean Turks could not get German girls.The same in Sweden I saw no beautiful Swedish girl with Arab although Arabs are almost half the population in Malmoe.But I saw Swedish men with Muslim women(obviously a cause of embarassment for Arabs to lose their own women and be horny in a sea of beautiful girls without being able to get anyone probably the reason for the high rape rates in Sweden).
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2010 /  #71
And how does that tie in with seducing Polish women? There are many that are just not for seducing, likely attempting the impossible.
king polkagamon  
24 Mar 2010 /  #72
I answered to Filios.From my experience the polish are the easiest around.I mean the obvious is obvious.If you go to a place with polish,Czech,Slovak,Russian,Romanian,Hungarian and Serbian women and you score polish and again polish(and sometimes Czech) you get a clue.

Imagine that you gradually learn to recognize polish accent not to lose time with other nationalities and increase your chances.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2010 /  #73
Easiest? I really can't imagine that being true at all. Maybe abroad they loosen up but they dance for themselves here and tend to do things for themselves.
Nika  2 | 507  
24 Mar 2010 /  #74
Contrary to that I never saw any beautiful German girl with Turk in Germany although Germany is full of Turks.I mean Turks could not get German girls.

southern, I personally know a German girl, married to a Moroccan guy. They have a son, and she's pregnant again. Obviously, their child is muslim - the mother being German, she's got no religion whatsoever. Oh, and she actually finds Turks the most handsome men.

Also, I've been living again in PL for 6 months now, and so far I only saw 1 Polish/Arab couple. Would you explain to me, how is it possible, that you saw so many of them during your short stays in Poland??? I mean, other that you are making this all up!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2010 /  #75
He is full of stories! Nika, the best way to seduce a Polish girl is.....?
king polkagamon  
24 Mar 2010 /  #76
Seanus in Poland they are even worse(for the better of us) because they feel safer than in vaccations.Anyway.
Nika I wish I had not seen what I saw?Do you think I liked to watch that?And as I wrote before:In Germany there are 3 million Turks and relatively few German Turkish pairs and the German women in these pairs are usually ugly.In Poland there are very few foreigners all of them have polish gilfriends and most are beautiful.This is the difference.(yes,I watch what is happening thanks to my hunter instincts).
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2010 /  #77
I really don't pick up on that at all, KP. I used to go out a fair bit and never saw Polish girls doing anything else other than letting go and having a good time. Very little flirting!
Nika  2 | 507  
24 Mar 2010 /  #78
He is full of stories!

that's for sure. I try to ignore him most of the time, but sometimes I can't help myslelf :)

Nika, the best way to seduce a Polish girl is.....?

Charm, sense of humour and good manners are always se3y - prawda Torq ;)
What may be different about Polish women, is that we are more conservative than Western women. We expect a man to be the head of the family, and to take all the responsabilities that it respresents. Therefore, a man should be strong, protective, resourceful (I'm not sure if it's the correct word, I mean "zaradny"), a support for his woman. Of course that's just a general view.
king polkagamon  
24 Mar 2010 /  #79
Sometimes I wonder if I am living in a parallel universe or the rest is blind.But I have noticed that many times what I notice escape the others\' attention.For example I tell them did you see that?There was this and this,he did that he said that and they say what?They have not paid any attention at all.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2010 /  #80
Then when he drinks too much, she becomes a kind of support for him :)

Humour tends to work :)
Nika  2 | 507  
24 Mar 2010 /  #81
I wonder if I am living in a parallel universe

yes, you are!
Anyway, who would believe a Greek nowadays?!
king polkagamon  
24 Mar 2010 /  #82
We should conduct an experiment.We should meet go to a polish club you watch me and if does not happen what I describe then I lose.

I don\'t know.Maybe your eyes are not so exercised.Here I see often drug dealers selling drugs,girls in front of hotels waiting for customers and policemen wearing casual clothes watching certain people.

In Copenhagen for example there were clubs with neonazis and in Berlin there is a park near Fernsehturm in Alexanderplatz where orgies take place.I was in these cities with my parents.My parents noticed nothing abnormal although in Berlin for example there was a guy pulling a goth girl from a collar in her neck or gay men kissing each other and lesbians all over but anyway you need to pay attention to see.
Nika  2 | 507  
24 Mar 2010 /  #83
Then when he drinks too much, she becomes a kind of support for him :)

That is correct Seanus! It's called reciprocity.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2010 /  #84
Pillars of strength :) (or just pillars)

I wonder if there's a vodka equivalent of brewer's droop, LOL
king polkagamon  
24 Mar 2010 /  #85
I have also found the same of what I describe in polish forums written in polish by polish men and women.They say the same like me.

For example polish girls would say:I went to this Greek resort and I was very embarassed to see my girlfriends in the lap of Greek boys who they had just met kissing them with passion.

Or polish men writing:Polki sa to kurwy.Polki na wyspach tragedia.Polki diskriminuja Polakow etc.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2010 /  #86
It simply means you and them are attracting specific types at specific places. In general, Polish girls aren't like that. They aren't simply drawn to the nearest young buck available.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
24 Mar 2010 /  #87
Just ask Joe: Good 'come on/pick up' lines:

"Dziewczyna , czy podobny pieniądze?

Współpracownik ten stary pies, i dostaniesz za swoje niektórzy..."
king polkagamon  
24 Mar 2010 /  #88
I like how Russians and Poles call girls:Dziewczyna,slecna,malenka ha,ha.No ladies.Good.
Alx123  - | 180  
25 Mar 2010 /  #89
In Germany there are 3 million Turks and relatively few German Turkish pairs and the German women in these pairs are usually ugly.In Poland there are very few foreigners all of them have polish gilfriends and most are beautiful.

Actually, I saw a few Turks with half-decent German girlfriends in a club in Berlin a few years ago. I must admit it pissed me off. However, I agree that Polish girls do level the playing field somewhat, meaning that everyone has a chance of getting a hot girl. But you make it sound much easier that it is. I've never been to the Greek resorts where Polish girls are, so I don't know what it's like there. But in Poland, the Polish guys tend to get the hottest (and also the least attractive) girls, probably because very hot women demand more more security (and usually speak worse English). Foreigners do get attractive girls, but not the most attractive.
king polkagamon  
25 Mar 2010 /  #90
Judging from what I saw in Poland a foreigner must be completely stupid not to get a hot girl if he lives in Poland.Even I have polish gfs without living in Poland but coming there once a year for some days.Imagine what would happen if I stayed longer.

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