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Scottish & Polish relationships

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
24 Mar 2009 /  #61
As a Polish American I like the Scots too but I don't know why. Maybe because my middle name is Wallace.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
24 Mar 2009 /  #62
Maybe because my middle name is Wallace

Thats a great name !

Because it will soon be the 263rd anniversary of the Battle of Culloden I have been reading a lot about the link between the Sobieskis and the Stuarts.

I forgot that Bonnie Prince Charlies middle names were Casimir and Silvester.


Charlies Mam
polomintz  2 | 46  
7 Oct 2009 /  #63
im scottish andddd iiiii love the polish accent:D i find in general polish men to be pretty romantic and sweet! :) and in general polish people are so down to earth and lovely:D

im gonna be dating a roley poley soon:D cant wait to meet him:D

scots have always had good relations with poland along with many countries!

what attracts me to polish men is there bad boy looks!!! rrrrrrrrr
gumishu  16 | 6182  
7 Oct 2009 /  #64
im gonna be dating a roley poley soon:D cant wait to meet him:D

no offence meant but - are you gay? - just out of curiousity
time means  5 | 1309  
7 Oct 2009 /  #65
what attracts me to polish men is there bad boy looks

Are you a bloke?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
7 Oct 2009 /  #66
bad boy looks

More neanderthalic looks :)


I think it's a chickadee, you can tell by the way it's written. If not, it's gay indeed :))


M-G (riddles)
polomintz  2 | 46  
7 Oct 2009 /  #67

You can easily change this by going to your profile and changing the gender to female.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
7 Oct 2009 /  #68
ok polomintz :)
I should remember now :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Oct 2009 /  #70
My relationship is working. Us Scots can be headstrong too and this helps when dealing with Polish females. The man should take control and that's what she expects.
polomintz  2 | 46  
7 Oct 2009 /  #71
aye thats the beauty about scotsmen:D
Im like you seanus - headstrong and can be playful and a bit nuts times! I enjoy taking the male part in the relationship! Ive always been that way, had boyfriends from all over and theyve tried to be all head strong,protective,etc. Ive been naah man! get lost! Im a well trained wee guard dog:D let me do all the running around! just sit back! relax!:D

Im gonna be seeing my fella in warsaw soon:D cant wait! He's wanting to move to scotland and start a new life and so on! happy days!!:)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Oct 2009 /  #72
Gotta take the initiative or others will take it for you. To hell with that!
polomintz  2 | 46  
7 Oct 2009 /  #73
depends babe:)
im alright with it! im used to being very independant, standing on my own 2 feet, sticking up for others around me as well as myself, being everyones shoulder to cry on,etc!
theonlydevil  2 | 6  
7 Oct 2009 /  #74
I have been with my Polish guy now for 2 years and we have a lil un on the way. He and his family are very religious where as I am the complete opposite but we so far have not had any troubles. ( That will probably happen when he wants our wee one christened ) His family don't seem to have any problems with me (that I am aware of :) ) & the only issue we have is that my Polish sucks so I cannot communicate properly with his family. I know a lot of Scots who are with Poles and most relationships aint much different to any other relationship
polomintz  2 | 46  
7 Oct 2009 /  #75
join the club hen! :) my polish sucks went pants:D

aaww swwweeeeeetttt hen! is it gonna be a boy or girl? what you gonna call the baby its a male or female?

ive been getting broody recently but im only 24 - im too young:D I do want kids in my late 20s, early 30s:D

my dads side of the family are not so keen on having on me and my little sisters dating guys of another culture - me and my sisters tell them F*CK OFF we will do what we like:D

my mothers side of the family theyre a mix of irish scottish english you name it! theyre all open arms and accepting so we get on pretty well with that side of the family:D

yer right hen! all relationships start the same end the same and are no different than the other!
GARBM1  1 | 6  
8 Oct 2009 /  #76
Im Scottish, I live in Hawaii now but a few years ago, I hooked up with a Polish girl Ewelina via iCQ , I went over to Warsaw couple times & she came to Cornwall, England where I was living at the time. We got on just great, the only girl ever really considered getting hitched to, but the in the end it fizzled out due to my inaction & the logistics( how would i make a living in Poland or she would miss her family if she came to England).... recently she married a Polish guy...... She was great though & best things about her ... down to earth... kind & caring....intelligent... funny..& great in the sack!!!!...........anyways, Id go for another Polish girl anyday................................... aint too many around here in Oahu though :-(

I hve to mention about the wife of a good friend who is an American girl with Polish ancestry..... wow it must be in the genes I thought... & together with ....I must not covet my neighbours wife!
Nika  2 | 507  
8 Oct 2009 /  #77


hey girls, it's really great to hear such nice love stories.
I wish you all the best with your PL boyfriends!!!
polomintz  2 | 46  
9 Oct 2009 /  #78
aaw cheers honey mwah

anymore we can steal off you women?:D lol
Nika  2 | 507  
9 Oct 2009 /  #79
sure, you can have all our men and give us yours!
hahahahahha ;)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
9 Oct 2009 /  #80

Ahem, ladies, do the men have any say in this?


M-G (something tells me they don't)
Nika  2 | 507  
9 Oct 2009 /  #81

and you are not even PL so you are not concerned.
theonlydevil  2 | 6  
10 Oct 2009 /  #82
lol yeah bring us more pl men ive got plenty of mates who wouldnt mind one!
Arien  2 | 710  
10 Oct 2009 /  #83
Go get them yourself?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Oct 2009 /  #84
That's what bars are for. The ones that aren't looking generally stay at home, drink cheaper beer and listen to whatever music they want, i.e me.

As for the thread, rollercoaster springs to mind.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Oct 2009 /  #85
Lies, I go out and end up throwing up all over the Rynek here, just like a typical disgraceful British tourist :(

(three beers was all it took, I've never felt so ashamed...)

But no, Scots and Poles get on quite well, or at least the non-Rangers following part of Scotland does. However, as a proud Aberdonian, I can quite happily agree with Poles that Rangers fans should be kicked in the face and spat upon for good measure :D
polomintz  2 | 46  
11 Oct 2009 /  #86

im gonna open a new thread for all you single poles and scots:D
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Oct 2009 /  #87
I'm not a fan of either Rangers or Celtic so I can't really comment. Scots and Poles tend to be resourceful and that's a strong connection :)
time means  5 | 1309  
11 Oct 2009 /  #88
three beers was all it took, I've never felt so ashamed...)

I would too after only three beers, disgraceful!

Scots and Poles

Lol so the Poles have a rep for being tight as well :-)
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
11 Oct 2009 /  #89
Rangers or Celtic

Both are nothing but an embarrassment to Scotland.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Oct 2009 /  #90
Well, Aberdonians are the only ones with a rep for being stingy in Scotland. You have Kraków AND Poznań here ;) ;) Och, here's a pipe ;)

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