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Why am I so sad about the fact that Polish guys are so good

27 Oct 2019 /  #1
The guys in my country are spoiled, stupid, immature and arrogant. I have never dated in my life because the guys I have seen at school or work were either ugly or had personality flaws (mean, spoiled, guys who had well off parents and had everything as a gift and thought they were better and treated other people bad). Then I meet these Polish people. They're hardworking, polite, not mean or hateful, just normal people minding their owm business. And their guys... they are all married to their childhood sweethearts or first loves. Isn't that romantic? They love their girlfriends/wives and like a quite, normal way of life. They are also good looking, maybe not everyone but you can find some cute Polish guys. I have met a Polish guy at work, but he doesn't work there anymore. He was tall, slim, had spiked up with gel hair, green shiny eyes that had a twinkle in them everytime he looked at me. He was shy and extremely polite and his sweet, innocent, smile was the thing that made my day light up. I am so sad that I won't ever see him again and that I was too shy to talk to him, and even because I have discovered these kind of people only now, that it's too late. I won't ever have a first love story like Polish couples. I won't ever have a romantic, good looking and protective boyfriend like a Polish guy. I am just so sad about this and think that I have wasted all my life living in a country with stupid and useless kind of guys, who were also mean and lacking all the values that poles have.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
27 Oct 2019 /  #2
Well "Felicity" - there is a Nobel prize for literature awaiting you in the future. Are you always bored on a Sunday that you have to post the same old shite?
pawian  226 | 27537  
27 Oct 2019 /  #3
his sweet, innocent, smile was the thing that made my day light up

Some people are lucky to have very friendly facial features. One of my freshman students has it, too: when he grins, and he does it very often, he raises his eyebrows in a peculiar manner which makes his smile twice as funny. I just cannot help laughing whenever I talk to him - so, other students think we are crazy coz we always laugh. :):)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
27 Oct 2019 /  #4
Some people

Don't engage with the twerp Pawian. Unless you like reading Mills and Boon? Maybe - and I am suspicious because of the "wonderful Poland" nonsense - you are "Felicity?"

I claim my 5 zlotys.
pawian  226 | 27537  
27 Oct 2019 /  #5
Of course it is trolling but a nice one so shut up. If it was nasty, you would join in happily, like in the past. Sorry, Doug, but I must reproach you for your double standard - it is not a gentlemanly attitude. :):)

Yes, they are persistent trolls, but they are OUR trolls, not Facebook`s.
That is why knock it off, please.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
27 Oct 2019 /  #6
trolling but a nice one

Nice? Idiotic nationalist nonsense, set to appeal to who?
Ironside  50 | 13034  
27 Oct 2019 /  #7
WTF? Are you for real or are you trolling? How is that nationalistic? I just hope that troll is a women otherwise it sound too creepy to be funny.

set to appeal to who?

To you, to keep you going. You really are dense. Tell me is the part of England you hailing from known particularly for inbreeding?
pawian  226 | 27537  
27 Oct 2019 /  #8
Nice? Idiotic nationalist nonsense, set to appeal to who?

As I said, if it was nasty antiPolish stuff, you would happily join in, like you did many times in the past.
Get lost and let us, native Poles, take care of this cute troll on our own. He/she is so adorable.
pawian  226 | 27537  
27 Oct 2019 /  #9
They are also good looking, maybe not everyone but you can find some cute Polish guys.

Yes, but those cute guys are large minority. Polish men aren`t as handsome as Polish women.

BTW, were you talking about this type of appearance?

  • 11633641.jpg
Sylvio  19 | 154  
27 Oct 2019 /  #10
I agree with you, Felicity. Not only because I am one of those lovely Poles. You must know that there arn't that many of us left, would you belive? Certainly on this forum. And my eyes are blue, so you would get your "twinkles" from me in blue, not green. Even better right? As some have suggested here, we Poles do tend to repeat ourselves. So, whenever you ask me if I love you, you won't just get a 'Yes' for an answer. It will be Yes, Yes Yes, Yes, or even Tak,Tak, Tak,Tak...which may put your mind to the themes of traditional, rural Poland, where they use many 0... tractors, which give similar sounds.
pawian  226 | 27537  
27 Oct 2019 /  #11
BTW, were you talking about this type of appearance?

I received feedback from the viewers who think I posted a photo of Polish gays. Of course not, they are famous guys, hetero, just very good friends: the mayor of Warsaw and a popular actor - both married and with kids.

ou won't just get a 'Yes' for an answer. It will be Yes, Yes Yes, Yes, or even Tak,Tak, Tak,Tak.

In my case it is always No, No, No, No coz I say so when my wife asks me if I ever dump her when she is no longer young and beautiful and has nothing but her aching soul.

Not only because I am one of those lovely Poles.

Such two as three of us will suffice for four!

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