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Theop11  1 | 8  
10 Jun 2017 /  #1
Hi Forum
Am new here in this glorious polish forum and am pleased to be part of this family
Have heard alot about polish girls in the internet how they fall in love with a kinds of people and indulge in different kinds of sexual relationship.

Is it still possible to find a polish girl with strong biblical principles who won't indulge in sex before marriage. Am a Charismatic Catholic who believes in the biblical context of a relationship

Thanks in advance as i await your replies
cms  9 | 1253  
10 Jun 2017 /  #2
Yes they do exist but that would be quite unusual - I don't think more than say 5 percent of Polish girls would think like that.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
10 Jun 2017 /  #3
Is it still possible to find a polish girl with strong biblical principles who won't indulge in sex before marriage

Sex before marriage has probably always been the norm in Poland and Polish people mostly aren't that religious.

Even observant catholics are more into keeping up the right appearance and/or tradition than sincere belief. And they mostly don't really read the bible (never a catholic thing especially anyway).
OP Theop11  1 | 8  
10 Jun 2017 /  #4
Thanks cms
The percent is really small, so sad about this generation way of life
Where can this few one's be found, i presume Bible study classes
OP Theop11  1 | 8  
10 Jun 2017 /  #5
Thanks for your comment
Do the Pentecostal one's behaves in similar manner, because those one's study more of the scripture than Catholic Christians in Africa
Don't know if is the same in Poland
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
10 Jun 2017 /  #6
so sad about this generation way of life

so you are an old man looking for a younger woman are you?
Couldn't find anyone your own age and have taken resort in whining about 'values'? lol
spiritus  69 | 643  
10 Jun 2017 /  #7
No offence but these type of questions are rather juvenile.

How can you expect to stereotype a whole nation ?

Does every Polish girl behave like this ? Does every French man behave like that ?

It's impossible to generalise
OP Theop11  1 | 8  
10 Jun 2017 /  #8
You got it all wrong my friend
Am a 20 years old boy trying to know the spiritual value of polish young generation
I didn't generalized
I was just trying to know if polish girls shares the same spiritual beliefs with me and the rest of the Christian community in regards to no sex before marriage
Wulkan  - | 3136  
10 Jun 2017 /  #9
Forget about it, unless you like land whales.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
10 Jun 2017 /  #10
It's impossible to generalise

Actually it is easy and accurate to generalise about some groups. For example it's quite safe to say that homosexualists are liberal/leftist. It may not be 100% accurate but it is quite close.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
10 Jun 2017 /  #11
Am a 20 years old boy trying to know the spiritual value of polish young generation

Then start learning Polish, you won't learn anything of importance asking in English.
OP Theop11  1 | 8  
10 Jun 2017 /  #12
In thought polish girls are slim and fit
I heard polish language is too difficult to learn
Wulkan  - | 3136  
11 Jun 2017 /  #13
In thought polish girls are slim and fit

Those have sex before marriage.

I heard polish language is too difficult to learn

In this case it definitely is.
Marsupial  - | 871  
11 Jun 2017 /  #14
It's true that polish language is too difficult to learn and in the future we hope to use robots to speak for us to avoud this hardship.
OP Theop11  1 | 8  
11 Jun 2017 /  #15
Are you trying to say that the religious one's are chubby while the one's sexually active are slim. If so that's really strange

But why is it that almost all polish girls who married foreigners always want the husband to relocate to Poland. It supposed to be the other way round

spiritus  69 | 643  
11 Jun 2017 /  #16
I was just trying to know if polish girls shares the same spiritual beliefs with me and the rest of the Christian community in regards to no sex before marriage

And how will you know that ? By asking a bunch of strangers (mostly men) on a Polish forum (many of whom don't live in Poland). Of course, you could ask every single Polish woman in Poland but of course we're not generalising
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
11 Jun 2017 /  #17
I'm really not keen on these types of questions as it does generalise. People are different - why is that so hard to comprehend? Yet every so often you keep finding posts on here 'do Polish girls do this?' or 'Do Polish guys like these types of girls?' Each person has different tastes.

Yes they do exist but that would be quite unusual - I don't think more than say 5 percent of Polish girls would think like that.

This response however is nonsense. Theop11 Poland is one of the most Catholic countries in Europe. It is considered to be over 90% Catholic, although admittedly while some of that 90% might not be practising Catholics, they would say they are Catholic if you asked.

I would definitely say way more than 5% of Polish girls keep to the Catholic moral code though. Anytime you here nonsense about how only the minority in Poland are really Catholic and follow Catholic rules, it's nonsense from leftists who want to try and convince the world that Poland is no longer a Catholic country, when it is. They would like things to be this way, but fortunately they're not. Just look at the government that is in charge right now [PiS] - they are about as Catholic as you can get and very hard on anti-abortion and anti-gay laws, as well as very pro Church. How would they have been democratically voted in if only a tiny minority of the country remains Catholic? Simple - they wouldn't.
DominicB  - | 2706  
11 Jun 2017 /  #18

There is a HUGE difference in level of religiosity and religious practice between young Poles and their parents and grandparents, and this is also reflected in politics, as well. The average PIS voter is substantially older than the average PO voter.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
11 Jun 2017 /  #19
Dominic don't be fooled by this nonsense. I have been to many Polish churches and I see a lot of young Polish people in them, both in churches in Poland and in the UK.

Now if you step in to an English church in the UK you are likely to find not much more than 10 or 12 elderly people and not much else. Polish churches on the other hand are a different matter. They are filled to the brim with young and old, believe me.
cms  9 | 1253  
11 Jun 2017 /  #20
Why do you think I have a leftist agenda just for posting an opinion about Polish girls being normal and wanting to try sex before marriage ? I have been to church today with my family so that makes at least two of th congregation who tried it.

If you walked in to a Polish workplace or school then total abstinence like the OP wants would be seen almost as an extreme view. I doubt more than 1 in 20 girls would willingly follow it. For evidence you can look at the gap in Poland between average age of losing virginity and average age of marriage.

The PIS government was voted for by 20 percent of the population - including plenty who have sex before marriage and even kids. I would say the main reasons for voting PIS were being tired of the old government and the promise of free money if you had children
11 Jun 2017 /  #21
I see a lot of young Polish people in them, both in churches in Poland

Perhaps when you know more about Polish people you'll understand that more than a few of them are there because they want to be rid of the vague nagging bit of guilt they feel about all of the 'bad' things they've been doing that week (and will be doing the next week, and the week after that). And that some of them are simply there because the hour of their time being wasted is a small price to pay for not having granny banging on at them all week about not going.
cms  9 | 1253  
11 Jun 2017 /  #22
Absolutely - like most of my neighbors then I go because its part of the routine, there is normally a decent meal afterwards and it's good to do things together with the rest of a community. 50 percent of what we are told there is nonsense but it does not really offend me.
DominicB  - | 2706  
11 Jun 2017 /  #23
They are filled to the brim with young and old, believe me.

You forget I lived in Poland for twelve years. The generational difference is enormous.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
11 Jun 2017 /  #24
Why do you think I have a leftist agenda just for posting an opinion about Polish girls being normal and wanting to try sex before marriage?

Because it is predominantly the left who want to destroy Christianity and Catholicism in Poland [and everywhere else they can]. Since when is wanting to have sex before marriage normal? That's just your view - please don't attempt to make your feelings the norm.

If you walked in to a Polish workplace or school then total abstinence like the OP wants would be seen almost as an extreme view

It's not total abstinence - we're not talking about Catholic priests here. It's just waiting until you are married.

The PIS government was voted for by 20 percent of the population - including plenty who have sex before marriage and even kids. I would say the main reasons for voting PIS were being tired of the old government

And you know all of this information how? Did you survey a certain amount of voters who voted PiS, asking them why they did it and whether have had sex before marriage?

Perhaps when you know more about Polish people you'll understand that more

You're arrogance knows no bounds sir. Now you are talking down to me telling me 'when I know more about Polish people.' Of course you Harry are the expert on Polish people, aren't you?

We have two experts on Polish people on the forum - cms knows why people voted for PiS and whether they have had sex before marriage, and Harry knows why young Polish people go to church. Why even debate it? They have all the answers apparently.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
11 Jun 2017 /  #25
Since when is wanting to have sex before marriage normal? That's just your view - please don't attempt to make your feelings the norm.

If it's not the norm in Poland then why have there always been so many visibly pregnant brides? I'm not criticizing, just observing that there's not much stigma on pre-marital sex (as long as the couple gets married before the birth if there's a pregnancy).

I have no desire to change the religious status quo in Poland (and think that those that do are reckless fools). But the plain fact is that while declared catholicism is the norm, many are not very stringet in their observance. That's cool. There's a broad sweet spot for societies and religion too much leads to backwardness and repression and too little leads to nihilism and oblivion. Poland is in the sweet spot where enough people are religous enough to keep up some facsimile of social cohesion but not closed minded and backward about it.
cms  9 | 1253  
11 Jun 2017 /  #26
20 percent of kids are born outside wedlock in Poland. I would guess another 10 percent are born after quick weddings like Maf mentions.

Sex outside marriage is absolutely normal because the majority of people do it, and you know what ? It's fun :)
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
11 Jun 2017 /  #27
If it's not the norm in Poland then why have there always been so many visibly pregnant brides?

I'm not suggesting the majority of young Polish people don't have sex before marriage, but I believe the majority of Polish Catholics do agree with Catholic teaching, that this is the best way to go. It's not, as has been suggested above, seen as abnormal if somebody waits until marriage to have sex, like it might be in say, the UK, or other western European countries. Sure many Catholics don't keep to it, but if they do have sex and the woman gets pregnant, they do get married, as you said mafketis, because it's the proper thing to do. One night stands are not seen as something okay to do in Poland. I have spoken to many Polish and Eastern European about this, and they are not for this type of living and have little respect for those who do it. Of course things like this might be more common somewhere like Warsaw, but that doesn't mean we should paint the whole of Poland with the same brush.

Sex outside marriage is absolutely normal because the majority of people do it, and you know what ? It's fun :)
@ cms

Again, proof that most people do it. Do do you have a link to a survey? I know it's fun. Something being fun doesn't make it right. Knocking an ice cream cone in a fat kids face can be fun too.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Jun 2017 /  #28
Typical lol. Typical to a person that is either a foreigner or a Pole totally disconnected from Poland.
Girls not having sex before marriage has NOTHING or ALMOST NOTHING to do with the Church teachings. Girls in Poland in general wait for a guy that seems to be what they need. NOTHING RELIGIOUS about it!
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
11 Jun 2017 /  #29
Previous generations in any number of countries once practiced religion as a ritual of their everyday lives, Poland is/was no exception.
One can be in contact with people from that country in order to keep abreast with what's changed. Although nearly two decades since visiting Poland, I am in touch with Poles on a daily basis, read Polish journals etc. and so, can speak with some degree of knowledge about questions concerning society and culture.

Factor in as well, the differences between country and city. Rural Poles will tend to be more "Catholic" and urban Poles, more atheistic:-)
11 Jun 2017 /  #30
Since when is wanting to have sex before marriage normal?

At least as far as Polish women are concerned, I can tell you from personal experience that it has been completely normal since at least the middle of the 1990s and I would be utterly astounded to learn that it wasn't completely normal for Polish women to want to have sex before marriage (and to actually have sex before marriage) well before that date.

One night stands are not seen as something okay to do in Poland.

Your ignorance of Poland and Poles really is amusing.