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Polish relationships (race and religion)

Maybe  12 | 409  
22 Nov 2010 /  #121
What are you?... are you human?

Nope, Greek
15 Apr 2011 /  #122

This mixing of races is a personal choice I say nothing of what others should do,some are ruled by love or logic,for me ancestry,tradition is supreme

sacred,precious,profound I don't like being fractured/divided so much in my ancestry at all.I am of german/dutch/british/african/asian ancestry.

I have no real source to draw from, though so many dfferent cultural lines has given me a strange character and striking look.

You cant imagine how the mind and character is polarized when you have one ancestor a german man,an english woman,another direct from a remote african tribe,the minds are very different ,the natures too.If you believe our natures to be very much genetic as I do you would be particular about who you lie down with.I do not think it is all bad i have a unique life i would have lost without so many different forces coming togther.

you are a very wise and profound person.
3 May 2011 /  #123

Interesting forum.

Lodz the boat - i just know that you married Asian (to be specific Korean) is your wife having problem adjusting there ? I wish i can ask her myself. :-) How did she able to adapt there? any issue?

Infact is there any other Asian (im not talking about India, Pakistani Asian) girls in this forum who have polish boyfriend?...

Please answer, will be appreciate it.

riki_rwanda  3 | 23  
3 May 2011 /  #124
I reading some threads and guess who I found, my best friend Jarnowa

Normally I don't reply anymore to ridiculous posting from you, but this oppurtunity I could not waste.
You know intelligence is quite difficult to compare I know there are some fancy IQ test and etc, but what is the standard, many dicussion where raised and many highly intelligent people noted that based on some facts intelligence has to do with the genes of the parents off course and the environnment of growth.

Highly intelligent couples (with good life) above 140 - 150 (Mensa kind of folks) attend to have childeren of lower IQ, while lower average 100, has more change to have a more intelligent child as them self but could also be average, proven they attend to be slighty more intelligent as their parents.

Now comes the funny part, while mixed race couples attend to have more procentual intelligent childeren (I know this would be difficult to accept), but fact is that the mixer of genes from other ethnicity called Miscegenation is concedired to have more intelligent children then parents of the same ethnic.
3 May 2011 /  #125
Polish men should marry Polish women, and Polish women should marry Polish men. Every other country does it, why don't we? IF we don't take a stand to preserve our traditions and heritage now our kids will grow up in a much different Poland, and Polish heritage will be lost or weak. I'm a Polish man, I've dated American girls most of my life, never an Asian or black though, and I can say that American girls don't compare to Polish girls, they are not as pretty and their personalities are terrible. They expect you to buy them 10,000 dollar wedding and treat them like Cinderella, while they go to the bar on Friday nights and get drunk and have sex with you friends. Haha. No thanks, i'd rather look at prno for rest of my life than marry a screwed up b*tch like that. To all my fellow Polskie rycerze stay away from American girls, they just want your wallet. You don't know how good you have it with Polish girls, I wish I could meet more Polish girls here in American.
riki_rwanda  3 | 23  
3 May 2011 /  #126
But why are you in America if Polish girls are better?? Contradiction are in search for a better life or, just raised there???

I read so many threads here lately and off course your heritage should be prevailed, nut on the other hand the world is getting smaller, technology and all that stuff, easier access and less board controlling of EU citizens,...

If you love America, then you should know that it's build by foreign hands, even Americans are not native either, they all immigrated from Europe,Asia,Africa (slavery),... America I guess is one of the biggest melt pot in the world, is not of a pure race,...

And I read that Polish people are quite mixed too, don't know if it's true or not, did not cross reference the facts, but seems to me is quite harsh to say people should attend to do something instead of having the freedom to choose, isn't this one of the (many) reason communism failed???
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
3 May 2011 /  #127
To all my fellow Polskie rycerze stay away from American girls, they just want your wallet.

drogi rycerzu, skoroś tak szlachetny, czemu całe życie puszczasz się z dziwkami???

dear knight, if you are so noble, why do you spend you life bedding wh*res???

...oh, and it's Polscy rycerze
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
3 May 2011 /  #128
Every other country does it, why don't we?

Are you crazy or something? Everyone in Poland does it, just some think differently, just like everyone else in the world. We are not confined to petty thoughts or those who have confined and put themselves down as petty primitives.

It is just a course of evolution, and as a citizen of a country which is free and honorable, every respectable and committed couple are to be cheered. The purpose is just to confirm that love and marriages are above everything else, and only true commitment and honest approach matters.

Be it American, Asian, Australian and any -ian or -an! ... true people have the right to be with each other, and they deserve praises, they deserve celebration.

is your wife having problem adjusting there ?

Initially everything was new to her. My mother and my eldest sister have been remarkably helpful to her, and she has found friends among my cousins. This is a very good thing once can get from families.

Right now she is much more comfortable. Her comfort was always my highest priority, however, she understands my obligations aswell. I am very fortunate, and wish this to continue by God's will.

Infact is there any other Asian (im not talking about India, Pakistani Asian) girls in this forum who have polish boyfriend?...

I believe you are East Asian? Are you? Or are you Polish interested in them?

Anyways, whoever you are, there are East Asians in Poland, but not too many from Korea. There are people who frequent Poland for business purposes from South Korea. My own father in law have business interests developing in Poland.

Poland is slowly but surely becoming a more popular destination. It is just not there yet, but it is about there.

I mainly had (and still do) friends from those two communities you mentioned, and also some Iranian and Kashmiri, also knew Egyptians. But among East Asians I have known Japanese and Koreans most closely, ofcourse among the latter I now have relatives :).

All pleasant people ... each of them who I call friend. It is your character and personality to which you remain content, which then shapes your attitude and behavior, which proceeds to shape your choices in such ways that you confront and befriend only those people who align to those standards. Then you have a different set of experiences, and learn how to view the world with a humane eye.

I really do regard every human heart to be a mine filled with rich gems ... only some need to be excavated, some often buried deep with sands and dusts of ignorance of various nature. But ofcourse, the revival is for each to work on individually. We all must look into ourselves.
stinkybugger  - | 56  
3 May 2011 /  #129
Polish men should marry Polish women, and Polish women should marry Polish men. Every other country does it, why don't we?

Do they? and your evidence is where? this is such bull.

People have been mixing for a long time. Not everyone but some people and why shouldn't they.
It's about meeting someone you connect with, who you find attractive, who you want to be with. This can be anyone and if they happen to be a different ethinicity or from a different country so be it.

Stop being so old fashioned and judgemental and recognise there are fantastic people all over the world and its about time we recognised and enjoyed this.

Maybe the reason you meet bad women is because that is all you deserve and any decent woman would not come anywhere near you.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
3 May 2011 /  #130
the mixer of genes from other ethnicity called Miscegenation is concedired to have more intelligent children then parents of the same ethnic.

Where is your evidence?

How was last weekend's attempt to steal another European woman, my African friend?
3 May 2011 /  #131
steal another European woman

Still can't get your head round the idea that women by definition can not be property, eh? That's just one of the reasons why 100% of the women on the planet would prefer to fucck a duck than let you even touch them.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
3 May 2011 /  #132
Different cultural lines and mixed genes can indeed be very interesting. And of course all kind of mixes can produce beautiful and ugly people. But there is no shortage of mixed-race people in the world, so there is no need to promote race-mixing. And it should even be discouraged if it creates problems, for example the problem of non-European men chasing European women.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
3 May 2011 /  #133
You guys are all effed up in the head.

Who gives you the right to say who should marry whom? Jarnowa, I don't know which sh*t hut village you might be coming from, but I think you should go back there, preserve your genetic purity, and f*ck a goat.

As for GK, have you ever thought that maybe it's not whether the girl is Polish, or white, or Asian, it's that only some scheming low life would actually go out with you?
A J  4 | 1075  
3 May 2011 /  #134
And it should even be discouraged if it creates problems, for example the problem of non-European men chasing European women.

It's *your* problem if you believe it's a problem. There are plenty of loving girls out there, and really, who wants to marry a super-model? (We're all going to be ''ugly'' when we're sixty, trust me!)

You guys are all effed up in the head.

I like the way you express yourself. I kinda appreciate having you and Havok around here. (Spirit!)

JonnyM  11 | 2608  
4 May 2011 /  #135
There are plenty of loving girls out there, and really, who wants to marry a super-model?

There's someone out there for everyone. It's just a matter of looking in the right place and not looking so hard that it consumes you.

(We're all going to be ''ugly'' when we're sixty, trust me!)

Hah! I for one intend to age like Silvio Berlusconi or Omar Sharif.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
4 May 2011 /  #136
t's just a matter of looking in the right place and not looking so hard that it consumes you.

Strange that always when you are not looking, the right one comes along.
123z  2 | 29  
4 May 2011 /  #137
Lodz the boat i tried to PM you but unable to cos it said i have to make atleast 4 'useful' message. I have some urging questions to you :-)
A J  4 | 1075  
4 May 2011 /  #138
There's someone out there for everyone.

They keep telling me that!

It's just a matter of looking in the right place and not looking so hard that it consumes you.

Wrong places to meet women? (You're kidding, right?)

Hah! I for one intend to age like Silvio Berlusconi or Omar Sharif.

Well, let's just say aging doesn't really appeal to me.

Strange that always when you are not looking, the right one comes along.

Are there wrong ones then? (I wasn't aware of that!)

OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
4 May 2011 /  #139
4 'useful' message

Ok then, you are always welcome.
yulia  - | 2  
5 Nov 2011 /  #140
Lodz the boat, i agree with u :), i have polish bf, and he is so nice to me, he always tell me about racism in Poland, and teach me so many things about polish culture, we are happy together, even so different :). im happy hearing your happily life. say anyong haseo to your wife ;)

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