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Polish relationships (race and religion)

OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
19 Nov 2010 /  #91

Being aware of ones surrounding and not to take things granted are signs of a mentally healthy person.

additional barriers

My Grandfather (RIP) on one Christmas eve told me "the barrier my son, is in the mind" ...

I think that marriages in same cultures are not safe in Poland or Europe aswell. We are not renowned for successful marriages mind you. Although as said and accepted, you have your right to think your way. To my experiences and all that I have witnessed, my discovery is that a marriage is successful through commitment and will, every relationship faces challenges ... the healthy person faces problems and tries to solve them intelligently ...

I do not wish to behave like an old great grand ma who was ofcourse, unaware - unaccustomed and had no need to pay attention to such new world behavior (not to mention that romances then also were quite breathtakingly forward, breaking barriers as some would say...).

Be well ... live your life as you wish to. But be respectful at all times. =)

was quite hyprocrital in terms of all his imagine/hippy stuff

I had no knowledge ...

Artists are as such ...

Do you know the inventor of Esperanto (a very renowned language that was once a top contender to be a world language)?? =)
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Nov 2010 /  #93
I know that Persians are not Arabs but why should you be interested in that?In my opinion polish women choose men of very low standards who a western woman would never touch.The result is for example that in Germany percentage of mixed mariages is very low compared to the population of immigrants.The german woman fortunately for her well being and proliferation has learned to avoid the Turk like the english woman knows to avoid the paki.Certain senses like smell seldom fail to point to the right direction.
19 Nov 2010 /  #94
Sure. Dr. Ludwig Zamenhoff, a Polish Jew, was the "inventor" of Esperanto. Poles, not merely Jewish Poles, have traditionally been the tops in their respective fields: Manya Skłodowska in chemistry, Ludwig Zamenhof in linguistics, Kopernikus in astronomy, Lobaczewski in mathematics, and the list seems endless.....
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
19 Nov 2010 /  #95
Lennon by the way, although very talented musically, was quite hyprocrital in terms of all his imagine/hippy stuff.

But, he was trying to transform - himself. through. love. You must remember, he lost his mother at a very young age - she died right in front of him. And his father left home and never returned until he needed money from John.

JL was not perfect but he understood compassion and was on the compassionate road. Seeing that, for me, and many others, was enough to command respect and admiration. He wanted to give but had been through a tough journey spiritually. Ironically, he was bitter about hypocrisy but was brave enough to challenge it head on through peaceful means, helping to expand the concept of peaceful resistence.

You can hear in his words that he was trying to find peace... he carried the message of love and was honest about his foibles. He was perhaps a little too intellectual for everyone's taste.

Whatever he was as a man can not be taken away from what he symbolised to the people. And whatever imperfections you see in him as a man can not be taken away from the fact that his legacy of peace still remains today, and his actions contributed something significant to the idealogy of freedom of speech that is still just as relevant today.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
19 Nov 2010 /  #96
and the list seems endless

It is because we know how to think ... think new, think better aswell.

through. love

I know John Lennon the musician ... not much about the person. Did he ever visit Poland?

Sometimes when I used to travel throughout the length and breadth of Poland ... near remote places, isolated locations ... with the most breath taking views and atmosphere ... it would strike me how MUCH potential this land have ... and how much love it contains on its every inch.

People's heart ... they beat with love in Poland. What else is necessary for a true and healthy living? =)
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
19 Nov 2010 /  #97
it would strike me how MUCH potential this land have ... and how much love it contains on its every inch.

Funny, I think the same about Australia. ;)

I guess it's coming from within you brother.

I know John Lennon the musician ... not much about the person. Did he ever visit Poland?

You had John Paul, isn't that enough...;)

I guess he visited on TV screens and through your speakers? But they (The Beatles) stopped touring in 1970.

Soon after, he married a Japanese woman. Possibly the first high profile union between a westerner and an oriental. And just for your information, it stymied a lot of people.

But it broke with taboo and that was John lennon. The racism and misunderstanding was challenged at every corner.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
19 Nov 2010 /  #98
Conflicts are always there ... some in the mind, others on the ground. Those in the mind are the nursery for those on the ground.

Since WW2 ... many gates opened. The world changed. It was like a big painful burst of wound ... as it cleared ... many things changed for the better.

It is true that the world lost its balance in respect and values ... but I see this as the darkest point of night after which there is always the bright dawn of hope and fulfillment.

When you kiss someone you love, knowing that this kiss is not only valuable to you - but infact a gift of God for a new world as it is today ... then you know the feeling of it. A feeling which is not describable by words ...
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
19 Nov 2010 /  #99
No of course not.

That was the only point I was trying to make earlier

...A feeling which is not describable by words ...

You described it pretty well :)
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
19 Nov 2010 /  #100
We needed war for these outcomes...?

I agree ... war is not needed for those outcomes ... but the chaos just got too many people in one basket.

I agree to everything you said ... I hate war and consider it an agreggate crime against every true value for which a human should stand for. Hopefully from here on we will try and recognise it ... and give a chance to love not hate .. peace not war ... and anything good should come out of peace.

The next thing that is bonding nations is the computer ... hopefully it will become better and powerful.

I've heard this device helps relationships aswell ... =)
Paulina  16 | 4403  
19 Nov 2010 /  #101
another one getting personal because he doesn't have arguments.

I see you are a hypocrite and apply double standards. May I remind you that who's dating who is personal and none of your business?

And what arguments have you provided? In favour of what? Of racial purity? LOL

It has been proven that big intelligence differences exist between the 3 main races.

You mean that Asians are more intelligent than white people? :)

Before talking crap again, you better check the facts first.

You claim that "big intelligence differences exist between the 3 main races" so it's you who should prove that what you claim is true.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
21 Nov 2010 /  #102
And what arguments have you provided? In favour of what? Of racial purity? LOL

more than enough arguments, but obviously you didn't read any.

You claim that "big intelligence differences exist between the 3 main races" so it's you who should prove that what you claim is true.

why would i bother finding proof? here you show that you very well know about the conclusions of scientific research:

You mean that Asians are more intelligent than white people? :)

and now please answer me, you are also one of these degenerated Polish girls who dates out of her race?
A J  4 | 1075  
21 Nov 2010 /  #103
Excuse me, but has your mother taught you to insult women all the time? And you're wondering why you can't find a girlfriend? I guess we'll just have to spell it out for you another million times! Oh, and what on earth makes you think a Polish girl wouldn't date outside of her own race if she dated a Belgian?
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
21 Nov 2010 /  #104
Oh, and what on earth makes you think a Polish girl wouldn't date outside of her own race

No ... he actually believes strongly that they can ... thats why he and many others you see are very insecure. They blame their inability to get a girlfriend on the few men from the East who come here and make a family to assimilate into Poland ... and also those Americans or Brazilians or any other country men who come here and find someone! They dont realize that along with being rare and thus scenic, these incidents are very less frequent, thus making their inability their own blame, not the blame on others taking Polish or any other women of this region away!

Although he had a girlfriend (he mentioned someplace I think) who was taken away by some foreigner ... which I do not support myself. But instead of thinking that she was not honest with one man, and so he should look for someone better ... he is out there blaming men like him, just because they are of a different color!

I dont like to argue anymore after I made my point ... but then, sometimes there is a need to elaborate. =)
A J  4 | 1075  
21 Nov 2010 /  #105
No ... he actually believes strongly that they can ...

I know, hence the rest of the sentence. (I think you misunderstood me.) I mean to say he's talking all this crap about 'degenerates' who are dating people from different races, while Slavic and Germanic people are actually slightly different from eachother too. So maybe he should follow his own advice and return to Belgium to find a pure Belgian?

OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
21 Nov 2010 /  #106
In WW2 some people (no need to take the nation's name) went on killing us ... calling us crap, low lifes, stinky, sub humans...

My family had its bitter experiences.

Whoever comes up and claims racial superiority and all the bull **** is nothing but a member of that same sub-human gang who claimed superiority. These people are not of any race or origin, they are as wild hounds looking for violence and victims.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
21 Nov 2010 /  #107
They blame their inability to get a girlfriend on the few men from the East who come here and make a family to assimilate into Poland

although even here in Poland i've had a few bad experiences with coloureds getting lucky with the girl i was after, i've written many times here that i don't see this as the main cause of not having a hot gf. but they sometimes make it more difficult and that's bad enough.

back from the personal to the general. why don't you just admit that coloured males offend single white guys when they come to their area and start chasing white women?
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
21 Nov 2010 /  #108
No they dont ... why should I get offended anyways?

I think everyone has the freedom, its an open world and increasingly more open. May the best man and the best woman have their best suitable pairs. There is nothing wrong in anything that gives joy to a certain couple.

A man is a man and a woman is a woman regardless of color or creed.

Just try and look beyond it, life will be much more fun and lively. Otherwise its a sadistic world out there for you. Today its him, tommorow someone else will surely pose a major thread. In this way nothing can happen.

Be friendly to "good" people of all color and races ... and there are many out there. Be a man, not an enemy to anyone.

Anyways .. its ur life ... I've had some good colored friends, and frankly I dont give so much emphasis on race, and find it quite offending if any unfortunate in today's world ends up doing.
DarrenM  1 | 77  
21 Nov 2010 /  #109
return to Belgium to find a pure Belgian?

Been around Brussels recently?

I'm a White European and I'm definitely in the minority. Antwerp, Mechelen....Two further examples of cities with massive immigrant Belgians.

Pure Belgian is an oxymoron.

Belgium has an identity crisis of its own with the flemish and the francophones busy trying to divide the country.
A J  4 | 1075  
21 Nov 2010 /  #110
why don't you just admit that coloured males offend single white guys when they come to their area and start chasing white women?

Why? Because it doesn't offend him, and it doesn't offend me. (Lodz married to an Asiatic woman himself!) However, it would offend me if immigrants or tourists were trying to keep the local guys from chasing local girls, but that's a different story. It bothers me when local guys are ganging up on the lonely single guys from the same neighbourhood aswell. I mean, there really are enough girls to be found at the bars, the cinemas, the clubs, whatever you wish to do on a Friday night, so be a sport already?


Been around Brussels recently?

Yes, and it pretty much looks the same as Amsterdam if you look at demographics, but that's also because there are a lot of foreign students and business people to be found in every European capital.

I'm a White European and I'm definitely in the minority. Antwerp, Mechelen....Two further examples of cities with massive immigrant Belgians.

Try Rotterdam.

Pure Belgian is an oxymoron.

Yeah, Belgians are Dutch anyway!

Belgium has an identity crisis of its own with the flemish and the francophones busy trying to divide the country.

I know, my uncle lives there and owns a few restaurants. (I disagree with mass-immigration too, just not because of racial reasons.)

Paulina  16 | 4403  
21 Nov 2010 /  #111
more than enough arguments, but obviously you didn't read any.

All I've read were your views that white women shouldn't date men of other races.
So where are those arguments? Can you point them to me? Where are they in this thread?

why would i bother finding proof? here you show that you very well know about the conclusions of scientific research:

I know nothing about any scientific research, I just heard it somewhere, probably in some American film or something :)
So, let's assume for a minute it's true. Asians are more intelligent than other races.
Consider that when people mate they try to choose the best gene "bank". Intelligence would be a major factor. We all want are children to be intelligent. So... women of all races, including white women, should mate only with Asian men in order to get the best genes for their children! White men won't get any. Yup! ASIAN DOMINATION, BWAHAHAHA!!! :D

and now please answer me, you are also one of these degenerated Polish girls who dates out of her race?

You are funny :)
No, but I wouldn't mind dating a man of other race if I liked him and found him attractive :)
And those Polish girls aren't degenerated. They are far better human beings than you are.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
22 Nov 2010 /  #112
there's always been mixing people... you are talking about people with different genetic adaptions THAT IS ALL!

Accept that what you're talking about refers to economics and your threatened manhood and is based on fear and nothing more. Your "fellow" white brothers are just as much a threat if not more - but you'd rather chastise a group on the basis of their appearance.

Just because he speakes a different language to you does not mean he should not be accepted a citizen with rights and respect - it is your government who has permitted immigration - by fair and democratic means.

Why don't you find new methods of attracting women - or just change your attitude which is probably ugly to women anyway. You feel threatened... you should look at why.

And remember, these are people from countries your ancestors felt free to colonise and exploit by unfair and undemocratic means when your nations were building their immense European wealth. Way to let bygones be bygones...
A J  4 | 1075  
22 Nov 2010 /  #113
Which is something this generation can't be held responsible for, so let's stick to reality, shall we?

Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
22 Nov 2010 /  #114
You benefit from AND suffer the legacies of the dead...

Otherwise what's national identity anyway if you're not prepared to accept the chapters in your nation's history as ongoing...?
A J  4 | 1075  
22 Nov 2010 /  #115
You benefit from AND suffer the legacies of the dead...

This may sound odd to you, but I don't benefit from anything. I'm thrown away with the rest of the garbage. So don't even *try* to tell me I somehow need to be happy with people in charge who decided to ruin my life with their mass-immigration bullshit, and the lives of many others people who were working for the very same arrogant motherf*ckers who now sell us out for a few measly Euros. The truth is: YOU benefit from this, and that's the ONLY reason you promote it. Some more truth and reality for you: YOU obviously DON'T give a f*ck about what happens to working-class people, and don't we all know it? So say whatever you want to say, but don't act surprised when I throw all of that wishy-washy BULLSH*T right back in your educated face.

Otherwise what's national identity anyway if you're not prepared to accept the chapters in your nation's history as ongoing...?

I don't have a national identity, because I don't exist.

Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
22 Nov 2010 /  #116
I agree, it's a mess. When life gets tough, we look to people to blame. No-one wants to be dependent on others and it is the worst position to be in for EVERYBODY. There's just too many of us - and that includes you. So there's no need to be reckless with your life cause you still have something to say - and that's vital.

Europe will pull itself out of this mess. And i'm no economist but i'm sure open borders have many benefits to everyone. But the problem is we want our cheap groceries and our bourgoise lifestyle as well! And we tantalise so many around the world with this prospect... we've marketed the dream but the reality is a nightmare. We want it all and it's eating us all up.

And i've seen plenty of people lose everything, my family included. It makes you stronger - and yet more cynical. The system is flawed, our way of thinking even more. I took from my education what I wanted to see the world clearer. I am no educated fool. But I will die with knowledge so I will die smiling. :)

Just try to love, that's all you can do sometimes.
A J  4 | 1075  
22 Nov 2010 /  #117
I agree, it's a mess. When life gets tough, we look to people to blame.

I don't look for someone to blame, I *know* who to blame. Last thing I want to hear are some more sweet f*cking fairytales from sweet *cough* nice *cough* and loving *barf* people which in reality, don't care for as long as they get laid and they get to spend all the money that the rest of us has to work for. So get your story straight, and don't ask me to love parasites who are selling us out behind our backs. And don't expect me to thank Mr. and Ms. immigrant for undermining our labour-market either.

Europe will pull itself out of this mess

Open borders will only benefit the richest and the wealthiest. How I know? Because I live in Holland, and our borders have already been open for a few years now. The rest of Europe didn't even open their borders yet. And now we're looking at a new wave of cheap-labour migrants, and this will ensure that our people in our societies are going to DIE CHILDLESS. But hey, you can fix that by bringing in more immigrants, because more unemployed people will solve this problem, right??

Just try to love, that's all you can do sometimes.

Easiest thing to say for people with a fat wallet, but unfortunately, nobody loves poor people. Of course I'm angry, and I'm sure you're educated enough to understand that. So. Whatever you're going to say, don't tell me any fairytales anymore.

Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
22 Nov 2010 /  #118
Easiest thing to say for people with a fat wallet, but unfortunately, nobody loves poor people.

You've got me wrong and now you are playing the victim. I've been largely unemployed for the past 2 years since I graduated. As a result of this my partner left me. I had to return to Aus because of this. It sux but I ain't no victim. "I got my arms, I got my legs, I got my boobies, I got my HAIR!!!!" (sorry bout that)

You need to listen to some black liberation songs and read some philosophy - it's helped me greatly...

"The important thing about a problem is not its solution, but the strength we gain in finding the solution."

My wallet's not fat but does it really matter? It's not all that we are surely? Unsubscribe from capitalist indoctrination.

It could be worse, you could be a poor man in Bangladesh WITH wife and kids... no fairytale indeed!
A J  4 | 1075  
22 Nov 2010 /  #119
You've got me wrong and now you are playing the victim. I've been largely unemployed for the past 2 years since I graduated.

Two young males are committing suicide here every day, while I see baby-boomers in flashy cars, dating girls who could've been their granddaughter. I'm not playing the victim, it just pisses me off.

My wallet's not fat but does it really matter?

To me it doesn't matter, but unfortunately it matters to the rest of our society, which means you're screwed.

It's not all that we are surely?

No, it isn't, but tell that to the rest of society.

Unsubscribe from capitalist indoctrination.

Right. I will shut up, close the door and forget about the world around me.

Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
22 Nov 2010 /  #120
No, it isn't, but tell that to the rest of society.

Who says they're right? Ethics still matters doesn't it?

I have always said that the problem with our generation is that we have grown up in the shadow of the baby boomers...this generation had the best of everything and created the kind of capital risk that we are paying for whilst trying to emulate their level of consumption.

Half of them are misguided conservative nitwits who do not fit into the new world order. I hate that there is such a residue of them left in politics. Greedy bastards, but who can blame them, they will be long dead soon and the world can right itself.

I think many people contemplete suicide, because when we are angry or upset we do not think straight. Resilience is the only thing we need in these times and a lot of people in their lifetimes or possibly for generations have not experienced the hardships we are experiencing now.

To be alive is no guarantee of anything, and a lot is not even in your hands to control so please don't feel bad. And if you do feel bad about it it doesn't make you a bad person.

And many people are disillusioned with capitalism... join the bandwagon. It has only worked for a few, and now that it doesn't work for white people as well, it might actually be reconsidered...

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