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My recent experience with a Polish girl.

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
14 May 2010 /  #211
simply wanting to understand more about the way Polish girls act as I never saw it in any other girl!

You've been dumped in a universally unpleasant manner and handled the matter clumsily, nothing specifically Polish about the situation.

I have great luck with girls from other nationalities that I've tried!

Downright Casanova you are.

I think that when somebody laughs in your face telling you they will ignore you one day, and suddenly insults you like you're ****, it's human to want to get back at them.

Yeah and if you can do that and keep your face by all means do but you strike me as a rather clumsy and inexpierienced guy which means the best you can do is turn around and walk away.

Also if two girls ignore you that means you smell of armpits or otherwise suck, its time for a mirror-wise reality check buddy.
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
15 May 2010 /  #212
I'll run this past you again. in caps.


So hopefully from that you can see, IT IS NOT ME THAT CAUSED THAT!!

hope so. thanks.

Also i'm experienced rather than inexperienced and I stand by the FACTS. Only the Polish girls I met left me with a particularly gut wrenching feeling and bad experience!!! Coincidence?? Debatable for sure!
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2010 /  #213
Remember where you come from, that's a golden tip. Some Polish girls can be colder than an ice block and they will freeze you in no time. If you are from sensitive stock, start saying your prayers as they'll eat you alive. You don't matter, they do ;)
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
15 May 2010 /  #214
I'm not sensitive, it's the Irish blood in me I think, means i like to fight back ;)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2010 /  #215
Irish? Cool, respect :) I'm 25% Irish too :) You have to be on your guard in relationships. Some women can have flights of fantasy and you have to stay with them somehow. You got unlucky with Polish chicks?
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
15 May 2010 /  #216
yeah but, still, the prettiest girl I've ever had was one of the Polish chicks that did the ignoring shiit in the end, so, rough with the smooth I suppose. I guess trying to get yet another Polish girl, who wasn't even as good looking as the one I did get, was a step too far. Law of averages and all that!
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2010 /  #217
It needs special training to tell yourself to avoid the pretty ones. Trust me, they could burn a hole deeper than you can imagine. Best left untouched!
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
15 May 2010 /  #218
I saw that, she screwed me up mentally, so imagine how bad i felt when another one did similar stuff, but not as bad, just 1 year later! Even after I told her about my experience with the last. Sickening really.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2010 /  #219
Dude, they are abroad and are as free as a bird. That kind of behaviour comes out. You need to watch them like a hawk.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 May 2010 /  #220

Whats wrong with that? You stop being with someone there's no reason to keep in touch anymore, being "friends" doesnt work for everyone.

Only the Polish girls I met left me with a particularly gut wrenching feeling and bad experience!!! Coincidence?? Debatable for sure!

Of course its not coincidence, women tend to run for the hills when confronted with a creepy stalker.

I saw that, she screwed me up mentally

Cut the b*tch up!

Even after I told her about my experience with the last. Sickening really.

You're just an insecure creepy twat, i really hope thats just another provocation, if its true then you're one creepy kid a step away from strangling some girl "cause she wasnt NICE to me, will you be NICE TO ME?!!!!!".

Get a life, get a spine, masturbate to the pictures of evil women that hurt you and move on, generally there's someone for everyone out there so even the biggest losers get their shots so no need to worry.
STFU  - | 39  
15 May 2010 /  #221
Trust me, they could burn a hole deeper than you can imagine. Best left untouched!

They can only sell you what you buy..

Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 May 2010 /  #222
That's why I don't buy much ;)
STFU  - | 39  
15 May 2010 /  #223
Nothing here.

OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
15 May 2010 /  #224

Whats wrong with that? You stop being with someone there's no reason to keep in touch anymore, being "friends" doesnt work for everyone.

It's normal to at least exchange civil words rather than completely stop talking, it is decency.

Also i'm experienced rather than inexperienced and I stand by the FACTS. Only the Polish girls I met left me with a particularly gut wrenching feeling and bad experience!!! Coincidence?? Debatable for sure!

Of course its not coincidence, women tend to run for the hills when confronted with a creepy stalker.

You f*cking prick. You just can't read can you. Both of these women said they stop talking to people after some time. Can't you get that?? You RETARD! haha, just incredible you can't even read English. I'm now simply speaking about why people would act in this way to every guy they are a girlfriend, or just a friend too. Using this stalker word, is just ridiculous and just 'easy' for you, it's an easy insult. And one which shows you are probably someone when confronted would deserve a damn good kicking. If trying to communicate with a girl you are friends with, when she simply stops talking, because she gets a guy. If that puts ms in the wrong, then youre a stupid tw@t really! That puts HER in the wrong, idiot!

I saw that, she screwed me up mentally
Cut the b*tch up!

Maybe that's what you would do, but not me ok, son. Suggesting this, shows it is in your mind, someone should report you.

Even after I told her about my experience with the last. Sickening really.
You're just an insecure creepy twat, i really hope thats just another provocation, if its true then you're one creepy kid a step away from strangling some girl "cause she wasnt NICE to me, will you be NICE TO ME?!!!!!".

Get a life, get a spine, masturbate to the pictures of evil women that hurt you and move on, generally there's someone for everyone out there so even the biggest losers get their shots so no need to worry.[/quote]

You really are some kind of obnoxious prick. If someone acts like shiit and uses you for money, for lifts to places, to pay for everything when that person gives nothing back. Only to stop talking after being seemingly fine friends! then that puts that person in the wrong, not me, you god damn idiot. You sound like a loser, like you are treating every girl you meet like she is crap, with the way you speak, I'm sure you are losing girls all over the place. I've had very serious relationships with some great girls. Only is it with the last year and a half with Polish, coincidence maybe, but that's why i speak of it here, and never befroe did I experience anything going so wrong. Usually I speak with my exes. So if you think it's ok to treat people like shiit and just run off, like a god damn COWARD like those two were. Then probably you're a retarded dipshiit yourself.
Zbyszko  1 | 25  
15 May 2010 /  #226
BARR: Please answer the question that Miguel has asked about your age because I'm really curious. Now my question to you: how much longer here will you be dwindling around until you finally get it in your head to read what the guys had suggested to you and sign off/done/over with this ordeal of yours? And remember: this is not about Polish girls...you can't say it is after your "relationships" with the two.
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
15 May 2010 /  #227
ordeal? haha, simply trying to understand and discuss the way some people acted, it's ridiculous you over dramatise something so small. And relationship with one, the other was unsure, she was just a user
Exiled  2 | 424  
15 May 2010 /  #228
Barr simply a girl who leaves a white man to get a black is seriously fuckked in the head so you should be glad you avoid her.
15 May 2010 /  #229
a girl who leaves a white man to get a black is seriously fuckked in the head

get a grip !!!!! both of you!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 May 2010 /  #230
It's normal to at least exchange civil words rather than completely stop talking, it is decency.

True but if someone wants to stop talking what gives you the right to push them? Personal space and all that, rings the bell?

Using this stalker word, is just ridiculous and just 'easy' for you, it's an easy insult.

I'm simply saying that if she wants to stop talking its her choice and if you push her to talk you've got issues.

You really are some kind of obnoxious prick. If someone acts like shiit and uses you for money, for lifts to places, to pay for everything when that person gives nothing back.

I'm smart enough to recognize if i get milked or not, you apparently were not, your loss her gain :)

you are treating every girl you meet like she is crap, with the way you speak

Absolutely, first i cokslap them then i drag them to my cellar-o-love, one of them liked it so much she decided to become my wife :)))

She's smart, she's smoking hot and she earns almost twice as me so in your face :))))

So if you think it's ok to treat people like shiit and just run off, like a god damn COWARD like those two were. Then probably you're a retarded dipshiit yourself.

No i dont think its ok but i think you pursuing them despite them obviously not wanting anything to do with you makes you a hopeless case and a f*cking stalker.
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
15 May 2010 /  #231
where in the name of pigshiit does it show i pursue said person?? This is an internet forum!

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