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My recent experience with a Polish girl.

time means  5 | 1309  
11 Oct 2009 /  #91
Theres another girl on the scene right now anyway

Forget the other one mate and take poleaxe with a pinch of salt he may come across all tough but he has a heart of gold really.
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
11 Oct 2009 /  #92
This one is interested, who knows what will be with the sweet polish girl, we'll see, and i'm a nice boy i try my best not to argue ;)
Wroclaw Boy  
11 Oct 2009 /  #93
Theres another girl on the scene right now anyway, an english one ;)

Ohh well that explains the whole fcuking scenario plain as day then really. You are an insecure attention seaker. Dont worry there are plenty here, most dont realise it in themselves, many posters dont see it either. But i do and youre one.

Its another me, me and guess what me thread. Grow up son youre gonna have to learn the hard way im afraid.
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
11 Oct 2009 /  #94
Whys that? She wasnt on the scene before. Simply i liked this girl, nothing about attention seeking.
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Oct 2009 /  #95
The best solution to get over a girl is to find another girl.
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
11 Oct 2009 /  #96
Yer damn right there southern.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
11 Oct 2009 /  #97
The best solution to get over a girl is to find another girl.

In your case i bet this includes abduction and a black van:)
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Oct 2009 /  #98
Yes,and a mask aka the scream movie.
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
11 Oct 2009 /  #99
Nah, it was quite easy, no underhand tactics were needed ;)
12 Oct 2009 /  #100
We also get just as irritated with stalkers.

so do some of us guys... iyswim ;) hehe

How can polish girls humiliate you this way?Damn.Give ukr girls a chance.

Some guys pay to be humiliated. Haven't you heard of those nappy-wearing BDSM
businessmen? Yet this guy gets it for free! lol!

Who?The girl who dumped you for the n1gger?

He knows how to pick 'em, doesn't he? :D
George8600  10 | 630  
12 Oct 2009 /  #101
I really don't know why you expect to find a specific answer because she is Polish. This could ahppen with any other girl, she simply doesn't want to be with you but you are good friends. The reason why she is ignoring you is because your making it awkward by demanding an answer as to why and not letting it go. You dated, she wasn't as much interested, but she doesn't dislike you so she wants to remain friends. There, that simple. I'm sure this happens many times to men with women of different nationalities. Go figure...
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
12 Oct 2009 /  #102
Well the thing is she changes her mind all the time about everything

There a lot of such persons. There is only one thing to do, avoid them.

If they change their minds all the time it's their problem, not yours. But if you don't stay away from them it can be your problem as well.
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Oct 2009 /  #103
I got now two polish girls together to avoid jealousness.The problem is that many polish girls want money and some want pienadze.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Oct 2009 /  #104
They only want money if the guy isn't young and attractive ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Oct 2009 /  #105
But if the guy were young and attractive,would they choose him?Hm,hm.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Oct 2009 /  #106
Most likely, yes, if they think the guy is really interested. They find this quite flattering. Every woman wants the good looking hunk to fall in love with her.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 Oct 2009 /  #107
No, that means she wants us to be friends. If she didn't want that, she wouldn't say it

No it means she was too polite to tell you to f*ck off!! The "I want to be friends" is a nice girls way!!! She doesnt know you she probably has plenty of friends...GET THE HINT!! sorry to be so blunt..you are really dim if you are not getting the message!!!!!!!!!! She has not replied...she doesnt want space from a friend, she just doesnt want you as a friend...

You will thank me for this..

so do some of us guys... iyswim ;) hehe

LOL..exactly..why dont people put theirselves in other peoples shoes for a second and think about the situation???

In your case i bet this includes abduction and a black van:)

Marry me now! You make me laugh!! ;0)

They only want money if the guy isn't young and attractive ;)

Good answer sweetie :0)
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Oct 2009 /  #108
They only want money if the guy isn't young and attractive ;)

Fek!Greek girls want both the looks and the money.
beckski  12 | 1609  
13 Oct 2009 /  #109
But if the guy were young and attractive,would they choose him?Hm,hm.

Young and attractive sure as hell works for me, to hell if he's got $ or not!
Arien  2 | 710  
13 Oct 2009 /  #110
Now she goes days ignoring me, right after saying she wants me to be her friend.

''I want to stay friends'' means ''I don't want to be your girlfriend'', which in most of the cases, (Especially when she ignores you!) also means ''please **** off''.


Moonlighting  32 | 234  
13 Oct 2009 /  #111
Yes. Anyway, friendship after love doesn't exist. They are too different. When it's over, it's over. When a contact persists, the dumped partner somehow keeps having expectations, is desperately hoping, and eventually wastes his/her time. Barr_2009, your ex doesn't want you anymore. MOVE ON! Rozumiesz? I know, it hurts. But we've all been through that. So can you.

Why do I have the feeling that most stories ending with full report on PF have to do with people who are just naive or without experience ? :-) Then we have "The" question: Is it normal for a Pole to do this/that ? Grow up, people!
Arien  2 | 710  
13 Oct 2009 /  #112
Why do I have the feeling that most stories ending with full report on PF have to do with people who are just naive or without experience?

Hey, it's the girls fault. (I'm not saying it's a crime though!) The guy's a bit inexperienced, so he asks questions. (Guys usually want to solve things if possible!) The girl could've just said the the exact same thing you've just said? I think most guys can handle the truth, if you give them a decent answer and maybe some kind of explanation. Don't you think that would be a little more honest?

So I don't mind answering the guy's questions, just like I wouldn't mind answering the girl's questions either. (If I think I know what I'm talking about that is!)


..and ofcourse you're always free to disagree with me!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
13 Oct 2009 /  #113
''I want to stay friends'' means ''I don't want to be your girlfriend'', which in most of the cases, (Especially when she ignores you!) also means ''please **** off''.

True. It also means: I don't want to share my bed with you, but I kinda "like" you as you're not a prick. Therefore, I'm gonna torture you for all time by telling you stories about guys who I think are better than you and yet they turn out to be *ssholes. I'm gonna tell you all the excruciating details about them, and you will sit and listen and buy me drinks and not expect anything from me.

Furthermore, it means: I want to have all your benefits without having any obligation towards you. And if you agree to that I think you're a total loser, because why would I want to start something with you when I get all that I want without having to give anything in return?

friendship after love doesn't exist

Also true. You're being relegated from number 1 to one of many with the same rights and you're not allowed to know the things anymore she used to share with you. It doesn't work. If you get dumped or if you dump someone, it's best to move on.

I think most guys can handle the truth, if you give them a decent answer and maybe some kind of explanation. Don't you think that would be a little more honest?

The truth in these kinda scenarios you're never gonna get. Sometimes it's better like that. But if you ask them, they nearly always say "don't ask." Why is that? Because they cannot admit that they just changed their minds or that they have met another guy. It's usually the latter reason.


M-G (is not the best example, and knows that)
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
13 Oct 2009 /  #114
..and ofcourse you're always free to disagree with me!

Considering what you wrote, I don't think I disagree with you ;-)

I just notice that since I registered on PF and read through the Poland Relationships threads, what I see most is stories where people want to use Polish mentality as an explanation for failure, while it is merely caused by a behaviour of retarded teenager.

Come on, when you read stories like "We knew each other for 3 weeks and I gave up my job to move to her city or country to be together, but she dumped me after 1 week. Now I'm lost. Is it normal for a Polish girl to blah blah blah" or "We chatted on MSN but never met in real life. However we had decided to get married. Then suddenly she stopped chatting with me. Is it normal for a Polish girl to blah blah blah". Yeah, right... ;-)
Arien  2 | 710  
13 Oct 2009 /  #115
Why is that? Because they cannot admit that they just changed their minds or that they have met another guy. It's usually the latter reason.

Yeah, that's also true, but then again the girl should know other girls may ask him questions in the future. (They're a nosey bunch aren't they?) Questions like ''Why did you break up?'' or ''What went wrong?''

So it's not really fair the guy has to guess, because he will have no proper answer (Or maybe he thinks he has!) to such questions, and some women are actually mad enough to assume the craziest things about you if you simply tell them you don't know? You could be anything from a liar to a creep and everything inbetween! (Cheater, abuser etc!)


Not fair. I rest my case.

Yeah, right... ;-)

I know what you mean, but you know some younger guys can really lose themselves in their enthousiasm. (Girls too!) Crazy things we do for love right?

Moonlighting  32 | 234  
13 Oct 2009 /  #116
The truth in these kinda scenarios you're never gonna get.

And this is typical female behaviour (although probably they won't admit it). Tough for us but we must accept it.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
13 Oct 2009 /  #117
Come on, when you read stories like "We knew each other for 3 weeks and I gave up my job to move to her city or country to be together, but she dumped me after 1 week.

You shouldn't mix up teenage boys with grown up men :)

the girl should know other girls may ask him questions

Do you really think a girl cares about that? Heck no, they don't! They only care about that great new guy they've met and you have to move off the stage as soon as pssbl. If you're nice, you will get a front row seat, and if you behave like any normal guy would do, you get kicked out of the theatre for good. Why? Because they want to have their way and when they decide it's time for you to move, you will move. And don't complain about it.

So it's not really fair the guy has to guess

No it isn't, but that's the way it works. And since women always get away with this (it's basically an interpersonal crime, only punished in very odd cases and when a girl gets punished for her "crimes" the whole world thinks it's ridiculous, but I don't care, some girl who ***** me over, will get ****** over: I don't do that to anybody that way, nobody will do that to me. It's not sick, it's just fair.), they will keep doing it. And being a man, you're always on the losing side of things, because there will be always idiot men who will take sides with her. Why? Simply, because she is a woman and they are hoping to have a chance with her. It's that simple. With my last chickadee everybody was saying: "how can you do this? She's a girl, frail and all." Yeah, so what? Does it make things less bad then? She wasn't so frail when she ****** me over and since she is a grown up, she will have to learn that her actions can and will have consequences, just like my actions can and will have consequences. Are women little kids who do stuff out of childishness? Heck no, they are grown ups, they know exactly what they're doing. So they don't have to come up with silly and stupid excuses. If they have found somebody else, they should simply say it instead of letting the man wonder for a long time what the hell went wrong.


M-G (doesn't hate women, he just thinks what's fair's fair; simple like that)
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
13 Oct 2009 /  #118
This situation is not so uncommon.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Oct 2009 /  #119
It may be a little difficult to stay friends, with someone you've seen naked before and visa versa.

is that because you're always gonna imagine them naked whatever they do ;D

As for the OP, it looks like you've got some bad experiences with Polish girls which might as well have been English, Irish or anything else. Girls (and guys) dump and ignore others regardless of their nationality and trying to understand this is pointless. Some people are just ass*holes and you have to let them go. Why would you wanna be friends with someone who ignores your messages and calls on purpose? They obviously don't wanna know so just don't bother, i wouldn't! As for the other girl who left you for the black guy, good riddance, better sooner or later! People here are harsh cos we get stories like yours on a regular basis and there really isn't an explanation or solution for this b*tchy behaviour. I mean i met a bunch of lazy, time-wasting, useless British guys but i don't go on about it do i ha ha...
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
13 Oct 2009 /  #120
Thanks justysia, good to someone can recognise how biatch-like that was. Anyhow, the girl that was ignoring me sent an e-mail saying we can't be friends right, then i deleted her number, but two days later she's calling me saying she made a mistake and wants us to be friends, haha, so changeable it's incredible!

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