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My recent experience with a Polish girl.

beckski  12 | 1609  
11 Oct 2009 /  #61
Only if she decides to do so; you can't force someone into wanting to be your friend.
time means  5 | 1309  
11 Oct 2009 /  #62
Irish, huh

I was about say that explains it :-)

I'd like to see her as a friend

I don't think that would work, you have feelings other than friendship.
Wroclaw Boy  
11 Oct 2009 /  #63
it should mean that it's possible to be friends then

Friends!! shut up you puszy, relationships that begin as friends are doomed for failure if you ask me. It has to be attraction from the very beginning each to their own and all that. Be-friend them by all means then seduce them, take them out and make it obvious you dont want to be friends. All friendly friendly relationships that have turned into something more are just so hum --- let me think...... false.
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
11 Oct 2009 /  #64
yeah she knows I want more, so, I'll just try not to push it, see how it goes.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
11 Oct 2009 /  #65
Only if she decides to do so; you can't force someone into wanting to be your friend.

How romantic some situations are... how cruel some people become...

What world we live in!... Why are hearts broken.... Hearts are the Homes of God.... How can anyone break the Home of God... such a person...how can he be considered a human.

anyways....But its true we dont know the exact situatons. The best advice my friend... is to move on. I confess... nothing else.... even if she now turns back... it wil not be the same ... it will not bring the same spring of love...i promise
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
11 Oct 2009 /  #66
I was about say that explains it

Well the initial interest, naturally...
but then the English side comes in to it and she loses interest, quicker than lager turns to pee :)
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
11 Oct 2009 /  #67
Irish, huh
I was about say that explains it :-)


I'd like to see her as a friend
I don't think that would work, you have feelings other than friendship.

well we'll see
beckski  12 | 1609  
11 Oct 2009 /  #68
I'll just try not to push it

That's a good idea...
Wroclaw Boy  
11 Oct 2009 /  #69
but then the English side comes in and she loses interest,

the 25% Irish in me must be the secret to my female success, damn. cheers Irlandski.

What world we live in!... Why are hearts broken.... Hearts are the Homes of God.... How can anyone break the Home of God... such a person...how can he be considered a human.

Thats why god is a man, even he has no power over them. God sort it out for fluffy sake what you doin to us down here man?
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
11 Oct 2009 /  #70
the 25% Irish in me

I never knew you had any Irish in ya.
Are all English people partly Irish at this stage?, seems like our plan of breeding youz out is working.
time means  5 | 1309  
11 Oct 2009 /  #71
Well the initial interest, naturally...
but then the English side comes in to it and she loses interest, quicker than lager turns to pee :)

Not quite how i was going to put it :-)

My great grandfather (on my grandmothers side) was from the R.O.I.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
11 Oct 2009 /  #72
My great grandfather (on my grandmothers side) was from the R.O.I.

I think it is spelled Rio :)
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
11 Oct 2009 /  #73
I have now started ringing a very big bell every time someone in the world is dumped by a Polish girl.....

The bellls, the bells master....
time means  5 | 1309  
11 Oct 2009 /  #74
I think it is spelled Rio :)

That explains where i get my great dancing skills from then :-)
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Oct 2009 /  #75
Because I like her, I'd like to see her as a friend

Who?The girl who dumped you for the n1gger?
Wroclaw Boy  
11 Oct 2009 /  #76
You talking to the mirror there southern? whilst fondling yourself?

The bellls, the bells master....

You gonna be fairly busy over the next few years
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
11 Oct 2009 /  #77
Who?The girl who dumped you for the n1gger?

no, the other one.
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Oct 2009 /  #78
How can polish girls humiliate you this way?Damn.Give ukr girls a chance.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
11 Oct 2009 /  #79
Because I like her, I'd like to see her as a friend. maybe it would work, maybe not.

Why on gods earth would you want to be friends with someone who ignores you????? Its not going to work...she doesnt want any contact with you and all you will do (imagine a girl stalking you after you have ignored her texts and calls?) is really start to irritate her..

I hope you take my advice because I can imagine a couple of burly Polish guys coming round for a chat if you dont...

Oh by the way Im English and trust me we can behave exactly the same as your last Polish girl...We also get just as irritated with stalkers.
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
11 Oct 2009 /  #80
Right, thing is she said, she wants me to be her friend..... that was the last thing she said when she text me last week. Since then she didn't respond. So, it's not quite as you think. Anyhow, I stopped texting her, I guess she just wants some space before we speak again.
Wroclaw Boy  
11 Oct 2009 /  #81
thing is she said, she wants me to be her friend

Well thats it then my friend you are truly fcuked. A message like that is as plain as it will ever come, the message being ive met someone one and get the hell out of my life.

Youre done my man, well done im afraid.

Dont embarrase yourself any further, please. If you want a snip of a chance of getting her interest back dont reply, grab yourself another bird and make sure she sees you with her. If that doesnt work youre done.....
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
11 Oct 2009 /  #82
No, that means she wants us to be friends. If she didn't want that, she wouldn't say it
beckski  12 | 1609  
11 Oct 2009 /  #83
Anyhow, I stopped texting her

I seriously doubt you'll stop there. You sound somewhat obsessed with her.
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
11 Oct 2009 /  #84
Well i'll wait for her to contact me
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
11 Oct 2009 /  #85
No, that means she wants us to be friends. If she didn't want that, she wouldn't say it

Thats the way women say "f*ck you and dont write". Eventually she's going to be straightforward if you dont take the hint.

Well i'll wait for her to contact me

In your cellar plastered wall to wall with her pictures and strangled cats.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
11 Oct 2009 /  #86
Thats the way women say...

I nominate Sokrates to be our resident Agony Aunt, with all the guys that come on here blaming their ex's dumping them on their nationality.
time means  5 | 1309  
11 Oct 2009 /  #87
Well i'll wait for her to contact me

For you, take heed.
Wroclaw Boy  
11 Oct 2009 /  #88
No, that means she wants us to be friends. If she didn't want that, she wouldn't say it

Well i'll wait for her to contact me

Many women like men like that as last resorts if hes happy to be a fall back plan and she comfortable then why the hell not. Problem is he'll always be putty in her hands. A dumping ground for her shite.

A sad scenario indeed but if the shoe fits.....
OP Barr_2009  1 | 252  
11 Oct 2009 /  #89
Theres another girl on the scene right now anyway, an english one ;)
poleaxe  2 | 32  
11 Oct 2009 /  #90
Have fun .. and try not to blub on this forum next time...


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