on your
what behavior? you sterotyping me just because I am a woman and asking questions on the forum so you put me in the
same classification even though have been completely reasonable in my posts. hmmmmmmmm.
he is attacked by feminists,
I dont see any proclaimed in the thread.. just regular women and men posting in a thread..
Both you and f-stop would make good judges in Poland.
I didnt call anyone names, I am trying to make sense of it, and so far you keep posting for him, are you his Polish forum
lawyer now?
Why don't you just answer his original question, if you can? I doubt you could as you seem to be completely blinkered to the reality of life, or you are taking the Polish stance and as it doesn't affect you directly, why should you help.
I have been trying to help, can you let him post for himself? I been asking questions go back and read , and for god sake let
him answer and stop your ranting, your acting like its your life.. no one is asking you the questions !
I tried to explain a situation similar to Angliks and anyone else in a parental abduction case in an earlier post. I tried to show it from a womens perspective so perhaps you and f-stop would maybe understand better how heart wrenching parental abduction can be. And thats only for the parents. What about the children?
how can you explain from a womens perspective on one case? and its not your perspective we want to hear, everyones situation can
be different, if you dont know him how can your situation even be remotely close to his, hes not even married.
and again, he was the OP who should have answered his own posts, his own questions, its not your situation I am interested in
nor is it part of this thread , If I want to know about yours I would have asked.. dont tell me I dont know anything about reality
when you dont even know me and clearly make ass-umptions based on your own experience calling people fems when you dont
know anything about them if they have children.
all of us have children and couldnt imagine one minute without them, life would end, but you seem to know each of us individually
* maybe you have a crystal ball or something* my children are my life .
its unfortunate that you had such a hard time, I love my mother in law , wouldnt trade her for the world,
sometimes you have to compromise to come to a happy ending, because fighting doesnt solve anything,
Patrycja I really appreciate your kind words and your understanding
Thank you for appreciating :)
ok, I just want to ask, because you said that she cant leave now, who is helping her if she is not able to leave and you
were advised to not help/give any money at this time * that is what I read right?
I think you * as a good father* should at least go get some diapers or baby food to help out, its hard to pay for all these
things on your own. I dont think your not a good Father, I dont really know you, but from your posts, its getting more clear
theres alot of confusion, prob lots of answers you need.. sometimes when we have children, we go thru a period of postpartum
where we just dont even know ourselfs.. its weird.. I can say one thing, it takes at least a year to feel good again, to feel like
she is prob feeling like she needs her mothers help at this point, I so love my mother for helping me, i didnt know how
hard it would be, she was so much help, my mother is gone, I miss her dearly, I cry all the time, cause even now i have
situations that require a mothers advice.. and you know how much you love your mother, prob as much, and all i can say is
to me this is what I think it sounds like from the post you explained, because she doesnt have any answers either.. lawyers
or psycologist wont make it better.. she needs rest and her body needs to heal.. and if you helped her *ALOT* then she
should be understanding to your side. you two need to talk, I mean really sit and just tell each other what/and why and or just
tell her you are sorry and you can try again.
see I only say that cause I dont know how far along your break up is, I am used to people pouring their hearts out and
responding to it.. you are very reserved.. thats good and bad.. because you need to open up a little more too.
its ok to love because you will love all your life , it doesnt go away as some think, your always loved by your family, your friends
it just feels like love is gone cause you poured it all into one soul intead of spreading it out.