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Prevention of child abduction by Polish mother.

OP Anglik1  2 | 56  
5 Apr 2012 /  #151
It's taken you that long to come up with that comment.

Your projecting again, broken record!

It didn't know Zimmy when I first posted on here, but I can tell he has your number all the way!

Please come up with something better it's like shooting fish in a barrel honey! x

Stay on topic. Learn how to manage your own threads; read the forum rules.
Barney  19 | 1729  
5 Apr 2012 /  #152
fair enough. Can't argue with that.

It’s a very emotive subject and personal stuff has been posted....quite unnecessarily. I have no axe to grind at all here but it is an area I'm interested in.

Barney: family courts are institutionally biased against fathers.
I wonder why...

That was a bit unnecessary

I really love the way you get them to put their heads in the noose and then skillfully kick the chair away.

I never did that and saying so was unnecessary

You do know what I was getting at. The news is so "politically correct" when it comes to these issues that even a suggestion of blame about women is considered "sexist" and worse.

Totally wrong, it’s more common for a woman to be dragged through the dirt if she fails to live up to standard than a man and the standards are "written" by men
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
5 Apr 2012 /  #153
Totally wrong, it’s more common for a woman to be dragged through the dirt if she fails to live up to standard than a man

true Barney
OP Anglik1  2 | 56  
5 Apr 2012 /  #154
Barney: Totally wrong, it’s more common for a woman to be dragged through the dirt if she fails to live up to standard than a man

If a man were to hit a woman in anger that would be totally unacceptable and rightly so. However, if a woman does it sometimes allowances are made, say in the example of a cheating spouse!

You just can't make generalisations, each case is different. So if we could discuss things without generalisations here that would be a breathe of fresh air!
f stop  24 | 2493  
5 Apr 2012 /  #155
It's taken you that long to come up with that comment

You were waiting?? LOL
You need to step away from the computer, son, and get a life.
OP Anglik1  2 | 56  
5 Apr 2012 /  #156
You were waiting??

No I just have a notification that makes a sound on the laptop when you make a comment I won't tell you what I call it otherwise you might get upset, or in your case a lot! Haha!

So calm down and don't get too upset Honey, it takes practice to be funny, so keep trying! X

Owned! :-)
f stop  24 | 2493  
6 Apr 2012 /  #157
I just have a notification that makes a sound on the laptop when you make a comment

I'm beginning to doubt that anyone actually slept with him. He probably imagined that too.
LOL He complained that it too me too long to reply! That's rich!
OP Anglik1  2 | 56  
6 Apr 2012 /  #158
f stop

I'm not bothering to respond any more on this post and have removed all notifications as I now have all the information that I need on this subject.

Read back to yourself what you have just written, and you will see that you honestly sound like your 12 years old.

I'm beginning to doubt that anyone actually slept with him. He probably imagined that too.
LOL He complained that it too me too long to reply! That's rich!

Good Luck, I think you need it!
f stop  24 | 2493  
6 Apr 2012 /  #159
Forums are fascinating places to hang out, analyzing and deconstructing human behaviour.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
6 Apr 2012 /  #160
t's more common for a woman to be dragged through the dirt if she fails to live up to standard than a man and the standards are "written" by men

I see where you make your errors. You buy into those culturally accepted bromides for some reason. Frankly, women are often anonymous when making charges against men and I dare say, many of those charges are most dubious. Often the man's name is made public but the alleged female victim's is not. - even after the man is proved innocent. I suggest to you that any man falsely accused of sexual misconduct has it much worse when, as you put it; he is "dragged through the dirt".

As to laws written by men; there is something you should have noticed and it's this: laws like VAWA discriminate against men although passed in Congress by men. Affirmative action for women was written by men.

Lower physical standards for women in the military were written by men. There is a government department of womens health but none for men; and Obamacare will fund at least 7 new agencies and departments devoted solely to women and none for men. etc, etc,etc,etc,....

The above are just a few examples of many where laws written by men favor women. You won't hear the NOW gang complain about those and many others.


It is curious that fstop decided to try an old, old female tradition called "shaming language". It's an ancient but popular quiver in womens debate tactics.The link below contains a partial "shaming language" list and I notice that fstop used bullet 6. So the modern "independent" woman still relies on sophomoric debasement instead of her own "empowered" erudite responses? Evidently, some things don't change.

Forums are fascinating places to hang out, analyzing and deconstructing human behaviour.

....and your conclusion is that Anglik doesn't have sex. Is that a feminist deconstruction? lol
f stop  24 | 2493  
6 Apr 2012 /  #161
You, Zimmy are just our for revenge. You just want to spread your hatered for feminists, even if feminists themselves cannot agree what the hell feminism is. The best way to combat sexisim, Zimmy, is not to be one.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
6 Apr 2012 /  #162
You, Zimmy are just our for revenge.

Rational thinking, reason and logic are enough. No other revenge needed.

your hatered for feminists,

Linear thinking has nothing to do with hatred.

The best way to combat sexisim, Zimmy, is not to be one.

That's the standard I apply to feminists. The best way to combat sexism is to challenge feminists on their misandrist ideology.
By the way, you are failing to back up your feminist deconstruction of how you figured out Anglik's sex life or lack of it. Do you have more "shaming language" in your arsenal?

Since Post Partum Depression was covered earlier, perhaps this woman can use it as a defense? ....even if she didn't have a baby.

Feminists will happily suggest; " he must have done something to deserve that."
f stop  24 | 2493  
6 Apr 2012 /  #163
That's the standard I apply to feminists.

You've missed my point. You just punt things right back to feminists, that's why I called you a one trick pony and have such a hard time finding any satisfaction in our exchanges.. But, in the same spirit, have you applied your list to Anglik's posts?

I seriously started doubting everything he said, starting with the 'my solicitor' bit, so I'm sht-testing him. I won't tell you what my real conclusion is, 'cause I know you can't handle it. :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
6 Apr 2012 /  #164
I am not acting in a malicious manner or with anger towards my ex-partner. I simply want my child to have both parents in their life so hopefully despite their parents not being together they have the best childhood possible.

Well I think you should get blood testing done asap.. I dont understand why you would not be named on the birth
cert, unless you dont live in the same home.

But to make sure your doing the right thing, I think you should at least order blood tests to ensure your not stopping her
from leaving with someone else's child.. I didnt get to read thru all the posts only yours as I am on my way to work as always :)

but I would say if you dont live in the same home or even if you do, I dont know why you wouldnt be on the birth cert, that certainly

doesnt sound right.

is there more you can share about this whole situation ? not to be nosey :)

Ant63  13 | 410  
6 Apr 2012 /  #165
I dont understand why you would not be named on the birth
cert, unless you dont live in the same home.

Pretty simple really. Go to the registry office and tell them the fathers unknown.

I don't think Anglik needs to post any more info. He has posted enough to show that he does not want to lose contact with his child. Why should he when all he is acheiving is drawing fire from Polishmomma and f-stop who both have their own agenda.

As far as I can see this man has done nothing more than protect his rights as a father in a country that will allow him to do so without the racial prejudice that would occur in a lot of other countries including Poland. Poland has demonstrated it's racist attitudes on numerous occasions through ridiculous Hague Convention rulings.

If people could see the wood through the trees, they could put themselves in exactly the same situation themselves. It does not matter if you are in an interracial relationship/marriage, or a same nationality relationship, it could happen to you, and DON'T believe for a moment it won't. My partner didn't believe me and put her childrens right to see their father ahead of this risk. The rest is history but 6 months of suffering ensued with only one person happy at the carnage, the father.

A simple example that occurs is a Polish couple living in England quarrel daily and husband has enough, books a flight to Poland or drives taking children with him and leaving momma behind. Under international law, he has abducted his children because he has taken them away from the country of their habitual residence without the permission of the other adult with parental authority. Under Polish law, he has done nothing wrong. This is where Polish law fails Polish people terribly even though Poland has ratified the Hague. Sad but true. Unfortunately for the Polish mother, her life is now in control of the father, completely. Of course she has access to the Hague from England but because Poland is obstructive and takes 3 months to get a Hague to a first hearing with amateur judges. Hague hearings take place in family courts with junior judges with little experience or even understanding of international law. Other countries use their High or Supreme courts for such serious affairs. This court will be fiercely against a Hague process and push for the use of the Polish process.

This women is now in despair. While her husband has the children, he has complete control and she will need court orders to see the children. There is nobody in Poland that can help with this situation. Nobody. If she goes with the Polish process, it could take three years to reunite her with her children if at all. What of her life, and more importantly her childrens life in England. Who is thinking of them. The courts are protecting the father, when they should be protecting the children. She could stick with the Hague and be looking at six months but with a case heavily weighted against her. After all Poland produces perfect blond blue eyed children that Norweigens want to steal. (From the Nicola Norway case where Rambo abducted a Polish child taken into care from alchoholic abusive uncaring parents after long period of help and warnings from the Norweigen authorities. These parents were later proclaimed as model parents that all parents should look up to in Poland. Set your standards low enough and no one can knock you down.).

As you can see this is an unholy mess. It is completely unfair that the children should be put through this.

What Anglik has done is the only solution that will benefit the child. The position he has put himself in is to protect his Parental Authority until the courts decide what is better for the child/children. His partner may not be prevented from leaving the country with the child in the future, but she may if the judge decides she will deny Anglik his parental right. Rights of visitation etc.

If his partner leaves the UK with the child before resolving custody etc, without doubt a Polish court would limit or remove parental authority from Anglik.

So my message to Angliks attackers are, wake up, he has done the right thing by the child and this could happen to you too. The only selfish act I see here is the mothers attempt to deny her child a father. This is not her decision or his, because neither parent owns the child, it is a "child of the state" and it is the states ultimate duty to protect its children. Sometimes parents are so blinded by the situation they are in, that cannot see the damage they are doing and the potential time bomb they are creating which is exactly why we have laws to protect children.

Go take a look at reunite.org and find out as much as you can before its too late for you and your children.
f stop  24 | 2493  
7 Apr 2012 /  #166
That was actually very informative. Thank you.
Are you a lawyer? Do you think some attempt to support the child financially might help his case when he goes before a judge?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
7 Apr 2012 /  #167
Pretty simple really. Go to the registry office and tell them the fathers unknown.

There is more to this story, hopefully the most important thing that will come out of it is the parents getting along
for the babys sake, visitations are calm and that this baby gets all the love they need to grow up happy and healthy.

now if you will excuse me , this mamma hates dramma. :) off to another thread. lol
Ant63  13 | 410  
7 Apr 2012 /  #168
Are you a lawyer?

No but I have personal experience of this, through my partners experience, and through this experience it was imperative I understood both Polish and English child law, The Hague Convention for Abducted and Illegaly Retained Children and The European Rights of a Child intimately. From my experience in Poland it was apparent that few lawyers understood Polish Law properly and that almost no Polish lawyers understood or even knew about the Hague Convention. Most would lie and tell you they did though. :)

There is more to this story

Possibly, but you have been presented facts by Anglik1 and you cannot make your own assumptions by reading between the lines. Thats pure fantasy which of course will have your own swing based on your life experience. I know how hard it is to stand back and take neutral stance on such an emotive subject. The plain truth is, some women are bad to the bone and some men are bad to the bone. Most are OK.

The facts as presented are that Anglik1 has done what he needs to do to protect his rights as a father which he would most likely lose if his former partner leaves England and uses a Polish Court. This is fact. He was simply asking for further advice on protecting his interest in his child and ultimately the childs right to a father.

For Anglik1, I hope this will have a BALANCED ending if not a happy one.

For me, it is important that people have a window into what could happen in their relationship and thay are armed with information to protect their child. I have seen the devastating effects this has on everybody involved and would not wish it on anyone.

I have no connection with REUNITE other than using their services. Reunites website provides details on how to protect your child and how to prevent child abductions. I do know that Reunite tried very hard to put information into the Polish community earlier this year but had zero response. Strange from a country that is near the top for child abductions from the UK. The Spanish community has similiar problems and they had a massive response from them.

Please note that Reunite is a charity, does not take sides and is available to both partners no matter what country you are in. Language may be an issue though.
f stop  24 | 2493  
7 Apr 2012 /  #169
See, everybody has their own agenda. While your scenarions are compelling, one has also to watch out for more ominous ones as well. People do wonder, why an otherwise normal woman, admittedly good mother, all of a suddens runs like a rabit, refuses to have anything to do with you (oops, with "Anglik") including even financial help for her child? There is no downside to remaining on good terms with your ex, unless you know your ex can get out of control.
Ant63  13 | 410  
7 Apr 2012 /  #170
refuses to have anything to do with you (oops, with "Anglik")

There you go again casting aspurtions. Try reading thoroughly and being a little more mature and you won't make so many errors.

You quite obviously have little experience of real life and what dumb ass things people do. Most people are unable to accept that what they thought was a perfect relationship is fatally flawed and do things in revenge or in fear, some attention seeking, and sadly some are just plain nasty. Thats the real world.

Unfortunately women are far better at being nasty, just like yourself, than men. A women can continue her vitriolic behaviour toward another person for life, men generally get bored after a very short period of time.

Play nicely children
7 Apr 2012 /  #171
you won't make so many errors.


ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
7 Apr 2012 /  #172
one has also to watch out for more ominous ones as well. People do wonder, why an otherwise normal woman, admittedly good mother, all of a suddens runs like a rabit, refuses to have anything to do with you (oops, with "Anglik") including even financial help for her child?

There it is gentlemen, one always has to "wonder" when a woman does something bizarre. Of course such introspection is rarely afforded a man. Perhaps 'he made her do it'? ...somehow.

It reminds me of what I call ' societal bias.'. Behavior standards for women committing dastardly acts are lower than they are for men. When a man hits a woman he is immediately judged harshly. When a woman hits a man, the question asked is; "what did he do to her to make her do that". Even on the screen or television you will see many men hit, kicked or slapped by women but it's "politically incorrect" to show the opposite particularly in commercials where the man always seems to be the dummies.

As to why a woman will do something evil; well, sometimes it's because it's the way that particular woman is. No excuses!

From the link: "Samreen was awarded sole custody of the boy when her divorce was concluded this year - It occurred the same weekend Samreen's ex-husband was married to someone else.Yep, he made her do it.
f stop  24 | 2493  
8 Apr 2012 /  #173
When a man hits a woman he is immediately judged harshly. When a woman hits a man, the question asked is; "what did he do to her to make her do that"

see? So predictable.. Punting again. It's ok to say some people do this, or some people do that.. it's when you veer from the situation we're discussing and cast your wide net, that's when you loose credibility.

Ant/Anglik: Changing you name and starting fresh is not that easy in real life. Face it: whether or not you get a second change largely depends on the amount of risk at stake.
8 Apr 2012 /  #174
You know why there's a double standard when judging the actions of men versus women? Because they're two different things.
f stop  24 | 2493  
8 Apr 2012 /  #175
they are 7 billion different things
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
8 Apr 2012 /  #176
you veer from the situation we're discussing and cast your wide net,

Right on sister; that wide net is more representative of the whole cultural situation. It's a larger truth.
Society makes immediate and often erroneous assumptions based on false 'politically correct' premises. Innocent men (and women) are sometimes victims of this predisposition. Ya dun no wat I meen?

ou know why there's a double standard when judging the actions of men versus women? Because they're two different things.

That is so wrong on so many levels. This might be a new forum record.

they are 7 billion different things

On this we agree. There is peace in the valley.
f stop  24 | 2493  
8 Apr 2012 /  #177
On this we agree. There is peace in the valley.

then you'll stop posting links about psychos as evidence of what women are like? It wouln't take much to find some horrible links about what men do, but you must have noticed that most here do not want to play that game.

The OP in question came on here in hope to have his "I'm a good guy" routine validated. When it didn't go his way, he turned to abuse while simultaneously claiming he was being abused. His girlfriend run but he does not want to reveal why. He says he's willing to support his child but does not. Those are the facts we have here, right?

Unfortunately women are far better at being nasty, just like yourself, than men.

Oh, and then he changed his name so he can continue this way.
amcapol  - | 12  
8 Apr 2012 /  #178
This child is gone. Next one do right...get married, take care of it...check DNA
OP Anglik1  2 | 56  
8 Apr 2012 /  #179
Just checked into see if there were any useful suggestions, and I get met with slander!

Ant63: Unfortunately women are far better at being nasty, just like yourself, than men.
Oh, and then he changed his name so he can continue this way.

Two different people who disagree with you!

"I'm a good guy" routine validated.

I never asked for or required validation!

You are so full of sht. Put your money where your mouth is an start supporting your child instead of trying to figure out how to control her

Who started being abusive, it was never you was it?

People do wonder, why an otherwise normal woman, admittedly good mother, all of a suddens runs like a rabit, refuses to have anything to do with you

Also it could be nothing to do with her could it now, but I am just guessing that never entered your head.

Very easy to slander someone when they're not around, just glad I checked back in!

All pretty cheap low shots, but I have come to expect this from you. Get a life and realise that you really have problems in twisting this post to your own twisted ends! I really do think that you think I am your ex or something, but I am not I'm better than that!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
8 Apr 2012 /  #180
hen you'll stop posting links about psychos as evidence of what women are like?

"Women are irrational, that's all there is to that!
There heads are full of cotton, hay, and rags!
They're nothing but exasperating, irritating,
vacillating, calculating, agitating,
Maddening and infuriating hags!

Pickering, why can't a woman be more like a man?
Why can't a woman be more like a man?
Men are so honest, so thoroughly square;
Eternally noble, historic'ly fair;
Who, when you win, will always give your back a pat.
Well, why can't a woman be like that?
Why does ev'ryone do what the others do?
Can't a woman learn to use her head?".........Henry Higgins "My Fair Lady"

Now who could argue with that? lol

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Prevention of child abduction by Polish mother.Archived