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What are the most popular ethnicities for Polish women

rock  - | 428  
9 Dec 2010 /  #61
What is your behavior to them?

Mostly friendly. One example, there are many football players from Africa in almost every team in Turkish league. I never heard that any of them complained from racism. Another example can be my friend from Kongo in university. After university he did not turn back to his country and worked in Turkey.
Murat  - | 4  
9 Dec 2010 /  #62
But 25.5 million tourists visited Turkey in 2009, I am sure there were some Mexicans, Africans, Indians, Chinese and East Asians

İt was 25M in 2008 and i know some Indian and Chinese who lives in turkey but they all work for multinational companies. They stay for 1-2 year at most.
mephias  10 | 296  
9 Dec 2010 /  #63
What is your behavior to them? ... how things work out?

Strange question, not really different than any other people. In touristic places they will be seen as source of income (ripp off is possible if you are not carefull).

In small cities they will be met with curiosity and hospitality.

In general, It is really a small possibility to experience anything unpleasant and most people will try to help you.

You are very open minded person I would suggest you to visit there and let us know what is your impression.

I only saw a few Turks here and they were not known for positive reasons

What they were known for ?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Dec 2010 /  #64
Strange question

No it isnt ... in PF many people talk about racism ... and Turks, Arabs or Indians or Latin or other people come with agendas. Which is all good if you resist racism, but I was curious on how it is dealt in your country.

When a person from my country comes in, maybe you welcome because you want to relate yourselves with Europe. So I wondered what happens with people from Africa or South America or Asia comes to your place ... how you treat them.

What they were known for ?

I dont like to make comments putting people down. Dont worry about it. Just be respectful, good and dont stalk. You will be ok. I believe many of ur country ppl dont hopefully. We just know less of the Turks maybe, and what we know seems to be slanting towards negative.

By the way if I say it, that will make me feel worse than you. So lets not indulge in negativity.

mephias  10 | 296  
9 Dec 2010 /  #65
in PF many people talk about racism

It is the problem of PF. I am living in Poland for last 1.5 years in Poland and never experienced or felt any racist behaviour towards me. I am working with Polish people I can also say my colleagues are very fair and open minded. So the question was strange for me.

When a person from my country comes in, maybe you welcome because you want to relate yourselves with Europe. So I wondered what happens with people from Africa or South America or Asia comes to your place ... how you treat them.

There won't be any difference. We don't want to relate ourselves with anything we will be ok no matter what.

dont like to make comments putting people down. Dont

Yeah, In my opinion best to visit there. For me differences between nations is not that visible. I only care personality and I am glad I have friends from many different nations and each new person (from a different nation) I know so far has proven me my above thesis is correct.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Dec 2010 /  #66
1.5 years in Poland and never experienced or felt any racist behaviour towards me

I know ... we are tolerant. That is what I have been and most people I know have been. Because most people I know are educated and respectful.

So the question was strange for me.

Again, it was out of curiosity ... curiosity can never be strange ... strange sounds different.

Wanted to know the behavior of your country folks with other nations ... nations other than European.
vetala  - | 381  
9 Dec 2010 /  #67
Yes,that you can always dump them is the most important.

My mother has been through two unhappy marriages, don't blame me for being cautious.

I would like to ask vetala which of the tanned nationalities are most popular among Polki.

Depends on personal preference, I think. But any foreigner's a catch.

It may simply show that he is hungry.

He could well be hungry in his own country. Unless he's a refugee, one needs courage and determination to move abroad.
George8600  10 | 630  
10 Dec 2010 /  #68
I've got to admit...all the people from the Balkans on this forum all brag about their countries lol. They can't go an entire thread without somehow embedding their country into the topic. They either start by claiming to have a point of view from their country...or exaggerating Polish relations with that country. The Serbians, Greeks, Turks, Albanians....lol.
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Dec 2010 /  #69
all the people from the Balkans on this forum all brag about their countries lol.

While US never brag as we see.
George8600  10 | 630  
10 Dec 2010 /  #70
Nope...never told anyone I was in America.... Southern, Polkagamon, Natasa, Crow, Rock should make a balkan union.
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Dec 2010 /  #71
You should leave Rock outside.
George8600  10 | 630  
10 Dec 2010 /  #72
Turks are part of the Balkans...do not deny.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
10 Dec 2010 /  #73
Turks are part of the Balkans

Whatever they are, they are humans and they do have a part of their country in Europe and thats just too geographically true.

I dont understand the almost impotent nature of the fear some racists have. It proves that they are dead scared of some "other" people.

You will notice that most of these racists display the lowest abyss of animal characteristics. In any other way of life other than just racism. They are mentally unsettled, ignorant, pervert, irresponsible, uncaring, unkind, useless, insecure bunch of hooligans.

I think southern also acts as a measuring tool on "How stupid have you been". When he is in favor of you or celebrate you, it means you did something wrong, so you should analyze yourself. He is like a PH test ... lolz...
George8600  10 | 630  
10 Dec 2010 /  #74
You will notice that most of these racists display the lowest abyss of animal characteristics. In any other way of life other than just racism. They are mentally unsettled, ignorant, pervert, irresponsible, uncaring, unkind, useless, insecure bunch of hooligans.

Racism exists everywhere for whatever reasons, and it is simply sad to see some people succumbing to the ignorant fools who have spent their worthless lives dedicated to racism and expressing it to influence or go against others. Racism can only be fought with the power of knowledge and logic.
rock  - | 428  
10 Dec 2010 /  #75
I've got to admit...all the people from the Balkans on this forum all brag about their countries lol.

Yes and it is good I think. Patriotism does not mean racism. Patriots have respect for other nations.
I think people in this forum knows that I am not insulting other nations, races, religions etc.

I believe World State idea is utopic. What kind of a state can it be ? Liberals like you wants to show it as an ideal where all human beings will be equal. But in fact you are serving to the richest families of the world.

As a social democrat I am sure that I am more sensitive to the poorness and starvation in Africa than a liberal.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
10 Dec 2010 /  #76
Liberals like you wants to show it as an ideal

By the way ... you can name a new ideology coming up ... Social Liberals! ... Lol...

No ... I believe in the future of the world as a one country ... with regional administrative bodies, all working together for common good.

Be positive in your approach ... good things come out.

Patriotism does not mean racism. Patriots have respect for other nations.

Patriotism often crosses the line into nationalism ... and then many such isms which are not good.

I love my country, but I dont exalt myself over anyone else. We all are humans... as a human I can love my home ... but have equal respect for someone elses home too ... however the peace I find in my home is unique and natural ... however I never think of myself as exalted over anyone else because I have a home too!
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Dec 2010 /  #77
Turks are part of the Balkans...do

By conquest.Fortunately now their territory is a very small percent of the peninsula.

Lodz although you present yourself as a multikulti fan I see you have very low opinion of Germans,Italians,Turks and Blacks.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
10 Dec 2010 /  #78
You are a satan ... and that too in Christmas times ...

I've got nothing against good people ...
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Dec 2010 /  #79
You are a satan ... and

Such a tolerance.Amazing.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
10 Dec 2010 /  #80
Such a tolerance

What do you expect? ... Re-read all that you have been writing, and now coming and saying that I dont tolerate blacks and turks or italians and germans.... why should I be intolerant of them? ... I havent even interacted with them much. They can live their life just like anyone else would ... provided they dont bother peaceful people and live with respect and peace for their surrounding...
rock  - | 428  
10 Dec 2010 /  #81
Fortunately now their territory is a very small percent of the peninsula.

In that very small percent of the peninsula 10.000.000 Turks live which is equal to whole Greece population.

On the other hand, Turkey has got a very positive impact on the folks of a lot of Balkan nation and still a lot of Turks are living in Balkan countries remained from Ottoman times.

Ask Bosniaks, Macedonians, Albanians and Kosovans or Turks living in Greece (150.000), Bulgaria (800.000) if Turkey is in Balkan or not.
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Dec 2010 /  #82
Turkey has got a very positive impact on the folks of a lot of Balkan nation

I guess this is your idea.
George8600  10 | 630  
10 Dec 2010 /  #83
Well I'm Greek and I agree on the ideal of Turkey being Balkan. Even Anatolia can be considered European since so much European history took place there. As for Greece's population which is nearing 15 million, only 11 to 12 millions consider themselves ethnic Greeks. Greece's sh!t-socialist policies have made it a paradise for many immigrants.

While I am not a liberal rock, this does not mean I support nationalism which is distinctly different than patriotism. While the two can go together, patriotism tends to be more just. Nationalism, and especially ultra-nationalism can lead to many degradings. Something the people of the Balkans haven't looked at closely. Such as lessening of the individual, lowing of the value of human life, racism, over-breeding, totalitarianism, and unnecessary wars. As for claiming to be feeding the rich, the vast majority of royalties throughout history if not all somehow or totally incorporated nationalism into their schemes. Even modern century nationalists such as Stalin or Hitler who also were socialists of some sort lived in unportportional luxury compared to their societies or values.

You claim to be a Social democrat, well that is a leftist ideology and towards libertarianism as opposed to conservatism.

I havent even interacted with them much.

Just like the vast majority of Poles...which is why I don't know why people push their countries so much on this forum.
rock  - | 428  
10 Dec 2010 /  #84
While I am not a liberal rock

Do not feel that I am following you but in ''What do Poles think about Turks'' thread post 674 you say '' I am a liberal ''. Now you say the opposite.

You need an explanation I think. Otherwise no need to talk anymore.
George8600  10 | 630  
11 Dec 2010 /  #85
No problem. Basically what I meant is that my ideals tend to be more liberal on a means of political a axis. By no means does that mean I support the American Liberal Party (Obama @_@) here in America which is automatically assumed when you say liberal or conservative. And when you try to explain it to many Americans else wise as I am now, they give me odd looks. My definition of liberalism is more of Jean-Jacques Rousseau or even Hobbesian. When it comes to congressional law, I agree mostly with Rawls. But I read a lot of philosophy, and as dear David Hume and Plato have told us, society will never accord with the mind of a philosopher or those within the subject. Politics have many strings attached and I believe the modern day libbie craze here in America amongst the young preaching gay rights and abortion (things which have nothing to do with the whole running and prospering of society) will just be another dead-beat phase like the hippie phase of the 60's. When you ask a liberal my age (20) what the down-faults of the economy are or what our international policies are they either shrug and claim to not be of expertise or quote an Obama speech. They care too much about labels rather than the intrinsic of the matter. Even though I do not generalize since there are many intellectuals here, it just seems like the politico drift. To sum up, I have many views for many things because I am not close-minded to some issues like others here are. What for many Americans is "more freedom if it benefits me, but more regulation else wise" is rather more philosophy for me.

If you're interested in expanding your political labels, I suggest you take this quiz which places you on the academic axis of political labeling:

Natasa  1 | 572  
13 Dec 2010 /  #86
all the people from the Balkans on this forum all brag about their countries lol.

George you have a problem with Balkan.

Are you orthodox christian? My guess is that your father is Greek, so you should be orthodox then no?

Well I'm Greek

No, you are not. You don't have a feeling that you belong here,and you certainly don't think or behave like one.

Southern, Polkagamon, Natasa, Crow, Rock should make a balkan union.

You should leave Rock outside.

I agree too.George if you would be Greek you would know that. Concept of Balkan ends in front of the Turkish border. It's a very subtle border. Turkish influence ended here (the good part) with two or three cakes that are made only of sugar (fuj!).

Anyway. Thank you for the proposal, we already delegated our tasks here.

I'm responsible for affirmation and promotion of the healthy sexuality here.
I'm in the department of quantity, Southern is I think taking care of the quality.

They are mentally unsettled, ignorant, pervert, irresponsible, uncaring, unkind, useless, insecure bunch of hooligans.

Uh, uh, Lodz.
You see perverts everywhere. (something like when pregnant woman sees only pregnant women around).
southern  73 | 7059  
13 Dec 2010 /  #87
George I suggest you a visit and a permanent stay in Turkey.You will become a different man.
11 Apr 2011 /  #88
I didn't marry a Polish man. I grew up thinking that I will marry one, even my family did too.

I end up marrying a Palestinian-Canadian guy, met him in high school, became best friends & got married almost 2 yrs ago to him :) My family absolutely love him, he came with us to visit Poland. They all adore him :)

Our daughter got baptised last year even though his family is Muslim. He, himself is agnostic. He's very open minded & even can speak Polish. We got married in a Polish church too :) He really put himself out there for me & my family. I guess not many guys are like him, very rare I hear.

Every person that met him, thought he was italian or half something b/c he is very tall 6'3, tan and with almost green eyes. He never have a facial hair lol most people will assume so.

I'd thought I'd share this :) life sure can be funny!
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Apr 2011 /  #89
I have not seen any polish women with cannibals.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
12 Apr 2011 /  #90
Yeah, there's a reason for that...

And it's the same reason why there aren't many ''weighty'' Polish girls. ;)

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