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What are the most popular ethnicities for Polish women

Alx123  - | 180  
23 Mar 2010 /  #31
In the old days, Arabs would pretend to be Italian. Now there is no more need. And some Italians now even pretend to be other nationalities.
OP king polkagamon  
23 Mar 2010 /  #32
I hope they don\'t pretend to be Arabs because this will be a disgrace.Fabio Al Shakhir etc.
9 Dec 2010 /  #33
I have to say that mediteranean women are by far the most difficult to bed

The easiest to bed are Finnish women!
They won't even date just f***!
George8600  10 | 630  
9 Dec 2010 /  #34
**** off Southern... another bullsh!t threads, with other bullsh!t comments and claims of no source. I've never had a problem being half Greek and half Polish, they talk badly about you since you're a fool and a bad womanizer....

bs, that they like arabs the most...you're just trying to propagate another racist thread argument...I know your style... shame on you for pulling all of us Greek to your sh!t for brains level.

For first readers: King Polkagamon = Southern.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Dec 2010 /  #35
King Polkagamon = Southern.

Nice observation ...

Anyways ...

Polish women are usually seen with Polish men, because Polish men dominate Poland =D.

Polish women are also seen with men from USA, UK, France, Egypt (you can call it RELATIVELY higher ... I mean, when it comes to them going for foreign men), Indian (again, relatively at par with Egyptian choices ... they tend to prefer them), Bangladesh, Latin (not many, or I dont know of many), Spanish...

But I dont think Italians and turks are on the list. I knew a girl and heard she went Greece with her Greek boyfriend. So this can be one case.

Otherwise I agree that there are many kinds of Polish women. Some are just trying to go crazy with their freedom, other ones are very interested about a secure marriage and settled life - they prefer guyz who make them feel special and guyz from India or Egypt or Bangladesh do that very well.

There are Polish women who only would prefer Polish men, because they dont like any changes in their life which is fair in their perspectives.

No union is lasting or perfect or lovable if the love is skin deep or based on sexuality of the couple. There needs to be a soulful bond, and understanding and affection which cements commitment beyond language-religion or race, because at the end those three visible aspects really doesnt make any difference to our lives - sheer love does. Some Polish women try their best to get that love, and I will call them smart.

Some women also go for money (like any where else) and these women can go for any men of any age and looks ... it doesnt matter.

So diverse women, diverse choices ... but not such a diverse land called Poland. Hey maybe thats why the more exotic foreigners never end up single (specially if their behaviors are innocent and they try tell describe their affection). This is ofcourse my hypothesis.

There are perverts and drunkards who come from all places, they get the loose ones (my perspective) just like they would get them anywhere in the world.

Clear?... Hope so ... LOL.
southern  73 | 7059  
9 Dec 2010 /  #36
Lodz you have no idea.How can you be so naive?I will come to Lodz take you to a disco and when you see what actually is happening you are in for a big surprise.

Polish women bang everyone regardless of race.Half go for money and half for marriage.That's all.
I as Balkan and knowing all stereotypes use them to my own advantage.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
9 Dec 2010 /  #37
King Polkagamon = Southern.

Right, Polkagamon is his PF name on his laptop when he's in the tent with his Polish women harem.
southern  73 | 7059  
9 Dec 2010 /  #38
Let's say a Polka had to choose between me,a US,a UK,a Black,an Arab and a paki.Who do you think she would prefer?Do you think the Balkan would leave any chances to the rest?

You also do not understand variability.My Polka had about 10 Greek boyfriends in the past while another one had a Finnish,a German,a Nigerian and an Italian old fart.Probably they get it from all over the world I don't know where you get your ideas from.And the other told me that in her village one had German husband,one had Turkish bf and so on.
vetala  - | 381  
9 Dec 2010 /  #39
The fact that the man has left his country and came to another shows that he's curious about the world, active and adventurous. Dating a Pole isn't a thrill, I could pick a random person in the crowd and I know right away that he's Catholic, he likes football, watches "Świat według Kiepskich", and doesn't really go out unless it's to drink beer/vodka with friends.

The next reason is that everybody loves challenges - I've had lots of Polish men show interest in me, so I won't be satisfied with settling with the first random man when I know that I can do better. Foreigners, on the other hand, are so popular with other girls that I'd need to try very hard to win their favour. The satisfation from dating them is bigger and if it doesn't work out, I can always dump them.

I also know people who marry foreigners because it gives them perspectives - they can move to another country, get a citizenship there. If a marriage with a Pole doesn't work out, most of the time she will be stuck in the same city/town as him, they'd have the same friends so she can't hang out with these people anymore without having to look at him, etc. If a marriage with a foreigner doesn't work out she can always go back to Poland and never see him again, or stay in that country and have bigger perspectives.

Plus, tan skin is fvcking hot :)
southern  73 | 7059  
9 Dec 2010 /  #40
Tricky Polki.They prefer a foreigner because it is easier to dump him.I would like to ask vetala which of the tanned nationalities are most popular among Polki.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Dec 2010 /  #41
They prefer a foreigner because it is easier to dump him.

I think she didnt mean that as you are elaborating it. Why do you always have to think from the lowest abyss of morality and affection?

What she would probably meant was dumping a person who turned out to be a monster. That is she has the capability to save her life. A monster can be found even in the family of Christ or the most august of human kind in the world. In any nation, in any dynasty.

I dunno about vetalas curiosity on tanned, but my curiosity and attraction towards the East Asian look was substantial. And its normal ... for people who have a lively heart to think out of the box.

The next reason is that everybody loves challenges

I must tell you that everyday is a new and beautiful experience, a completely strong set of new discoveries. Not a single day goes by as "usual"... and the romance shared is something no usual couple can share. I don't call other couples "boring" but I know I have an interesting life, and that makes so much difference.

The honesty, the assurance to depend on someone ... to be able to rely ... to be loved, to know that she (or he for girls) see you are someone more special, is extraordinary.

There is always the wish to do something special for her ... always a surprise waits... and its all good.

Its always as though living with a special book of love ... and having something more in life than the random person in your town.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
9 Dec 2010 /  #42
Polish women like Polish men best.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
9 Dec 2010 /  #43
And its normal ... for people who have a lively heart to think out of the box.

The honesty, the assurance to depend on someone ... to be able to rely ... to be loved, to know that she (or he for girls) see you are someone more special, is extraordinary.

Its always as though living with a special book of love ... and having something more in life than the random person in your town.

You really are a justification for coming here, and I bet *she* is a lucky woman... ;)

I will visit Sth Korea nxt year. I so far have a guide book, but i'm sure if you've been there you can recommend some unmissables? :)
George8600  10 | 630  
9 Dec 2010 /  #44
My Polka had about 10 Greek boyfriends in the past while another one had a Finnish,a German,a Nigerian and an Italian old fart.

She wasn't your "Polka" that was a street prostitute! Stop kidding yourself fool.

They prefer a foreigner because it is easier to dump him

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
9 Dec 2010 /  #45
Tricky Polki.They prefer a foreigner because it is easier to dump him.I would like to ask vetala which of the tanned nationalities are most popular among Polki.

It might be because so many foreigners fling themselves at the gals. If you got twenty guys on bended knee giving you money and jewelry, begging to be of service, how can women refuse? Everyone likes to be admired and pampered.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Dec 2010 /  #46

They have good temples and places in South Korea. I didnt really venture too much, I had been mostly busy with my girl =D... but yeah, there is Jeju Island I heard is very nice, you might like to visit.

begging to be of service, how can women refuse?

Are you sure? ... I didnt see anyone go that desperate.

Guess what ... being jealous doesnt earn you any objectives ... infact it only burns your self confidence more.

If people like other people, its nothing wrong ... infact it adds to the diversity. Its something special which doesnt work with everybody too. Not everyone can have such relationships as it takes alot more cost and effort initially to strike gold (union - marriage ...). After that its a special and different journey.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
9 Dec 2010 /  #47
Are you sure? ... I didnt see anyone go that desperate.

But you aren't a beautiful woman, so you might not know what it's like. Beautiful women can have dozens of men a day send them stuff, ask for dates or hands in marriage. Some Men want a beautiful woman at home or on their arm. Some will do anything to get one.
southern  73 | 7059  
9 Dec 2010 /  #48
The fact that the man has left his country and came to another shows that he's curious about the world, active and adventurous. Dating

It may simply show that he is hungry.

The satisfation from dating them is bigger and if it doesn't work out, I can always dump them.

Yes,that you can always dump them is the most important.
Murat  - | 4  
9 Dec 2010 /  #49
Its interesting to read all comments also the racist ones. I'm not aggre with the idea of "generalization of races" based on one person. But it can be said "this is typical for this race".

Arabs are really different with their life styles. They are coming from behind, not livin' in this century.(not all of them but most of them). So i'm passing the this Arabic subject =)

Its nearly impossible to find any marriage between polish m and turkish f, Turkish girls like only turks, italians and americans, not polishes,germans,frenchs,cezhs or others. =) But its normal polish f-turk m. But the problem is that how will they find or meet each other? We don't prefer to visit Poland and i don't know any company working with Poland. Even me, i travelled almost every country around there but not poland. At university, we didn't have any exchange student from poland. So the only thing i know about poland(except the historical things) is "Russian girls like Ukranian girls who likes the polish girls." from ukranian friend.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Dec 2010 /  #50
Its nearly impossible to find any marriage between polish m and turkish f, Turkish girls like only turks

Why is it so? ... You have any idea?
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Dec 2010 /  #51
Because a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man. Muslim men can marry non Muslims as long as the children are raised as Muslims. That and the whole social/family stigma that goes with marrying outside your religion.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Dec 2010 /  #52
Then some Polish men must come to the rescue =D ... Turkish women dont look bad.

I think the reason is not exactly as you have put (by saying that I am not discounting all your logic) ... but the fact that their women are alot more guarded and also they dont move alot. They dont travel as much as the men, I didnt see a Turkish women but I've seen Turkish men in my country.

When they move, I am sure they will find love outside.

Plus children should be free to choose their path, and those who take religion in a stubborn way will never find joy - whether polish or turk.
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Dec 2010 /  #53
Take Germany for example. Plenty of Turkish women out and about, but only the men marry outside of their religion. Practicing Muslims that follow the Koran are, by definition, bigots.
Murat  - | 4  
9 Dec 2010 /  #54
I said "Turkish girls like only turks, italians and americans" not only turks =) as you know, this kind of conversations based on the appearance. They like italian type and blondies are not their favourites. But the main fact is you don't come to turkey and we don't go to poland for travel, education or anyting. We don't have almost nothing in common. And also religion thing is true.
mephias  10 | 296  
9 Dec 2010 /  #55
Its nearly impossible to find any marriage between polish m and turkish f,

I met some Turkish girls who are dating with Polish guys here but never met a married couple (good for Polish guys, just joking :) ).

Because a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man.

Religion is not that important for good majority of Turkish people (Especially in western part of Turkey). I know many Turkish girls who will not care religion if they like the guy.

But the main fact is you don't come to turkey and we don't go to poland for travel, education or anyting. We don't have almost nothing in common. And also religion thing is true.

I disagree with that, we have many things in common. As an important example Poles really care about family and it is very similar to Turkish family tradition. And you are right about the Turkish part but more and more Polish tourists visit Turkey each year.

BTW I am Turkish and living in Poland for 1.5 year.
rock  - | 428  
9 Dec 2010 /  #56
Religion is not that important for good majority of Turkish people (Especially in western part of Turkey). I know many Turkish girls who will not care religion if they like the guy.

You are right Mephias and I am sure there are some marriages too.

A Turkish girl can marry a Polish guy. Her parents will not be happy at the beginning. It is not about religion but mostly because of language difference and possibility of their daughter's leaving Turkey.

If the guy stays in Turkey, learns Turkish and can find a good job, there will not be a problem.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Dec 2010 /  #57
Do you have Mexicans, Africans, Indians, Chinese, East Asians ... in Turkey?
mephias  10 | 296  
9 Dec 2010 /  #58
Not many of them permanently.

But 25.5 million tourists visited Turkey in 2009
I am sure there were some Mexicans, Africans, Indians, Chinese and East Asians.
rock  - | 428  
9 Dec 2010 /  #59
Do you have Mexicans, Africans, Indians, Chinese, East Asians ... in Turkey?

I guess not more than 1000-2000 people living in Turkey. Diplomats and tourists excluded :)
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
9 Dec 2010 /  #60
What is your behavior to them? ... how things work out?

Unfortunately I dont know alot about Turkey, I only saw a few Turks here and they were not known for positive reasons ... and also we knew them by face mostly...

Anyways just curious...

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